The Exiles Who Returned

Open Your Bible

Ezra 2:1-67, Deuteronomy 30:1-20, Zechariah 10:8-9

There’s no place like home. But for many of us, home has been different places throughout our lives—I have lived in three cities and traveled to countless others. That’s why some of my favorite places to visit are small towns where people do life together for generations. Their connectedness to each other and their loyalty to and enthusiasm for their town’s story embody the idea that there’s no place like home.

The Israelites were more like our friends who live in small, tight-knit communities than those of us who move around. For God’s people, returning to Judah was returning to the homeland of their families, where they felt settled and safe before their exile. But it wasn’t just home. It was their God-given home, where He had lived in their midst and they had worshiped Him.

Who were these returners? Often when we read long lists of difficult to pronounce names in Scripture, our eyes glaze over (at least mine do), and we can’t imagine why they’re mentioned. But the records of these families recounted for Jewish readers those “whose spirit[s] God had roused” (Ezra 1:5) to return to Judah and rebuild the temple. They were lay families, priests, Levites, singers, temple servants, and even those who could not prove their lineage (Ezra 2:1–63). This reminds readers like us that these were real people, exhibiting courage as they returned to their land, knowing they would find it vastly different than they had left it. Yahweh’s temple had been destroyed, and nations who did not follow Him had moved in. Would they still find Him there?

The return of these Israelites showed them and shows us that God is faithful. By the edict of a pagan king, He brought back actual people to the land, just as He’d promised (Zecharaiah 10:8–9). In bringing them back, God also continued the fulfillment of His promise to Abraham to make him into a great nation that would bless the world (Genesis 12:2–3). 

Israel had high hopes that their return was the final fulfillment of this promise. They could settle back in their homeland for good, God would raise up the ultimate King from David’s line, and all would be well. Little did they know that God’s kingdom would not be tied to a specific place, and it would not belong solely to them. It would be several centuries before God sent His King, and God’s King would reign far differently than they expected. 

We now know that God’s promise to Abraham extends to us today. Through Christ, we are part of His nation (Galatians 3:29).  But we do not have a homeland on earth. So we are exiles, living in response to God’s faithfulness until He comes again (1Peter 2:9–11). As we trust His promise of redemption fulfilled in Christ, we press on toward the day we will finally rest in our true home with the Lord God and the Lamb (Revelation 21:22).

(52) Comments

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52 thoughts on "The Exiles Who Returned"

  1. Dawn Cansler says:

    Real people longing for their home as I am longing for the time of rest with the Lord

  2. Christen Harry says:

    The Lord our God is our life.

  3. Leslie Casstevens says:

    I love it that we are not of this world. But in the world waiting on Jesus Christ return.

  4. Lindsay Carideo says:


  5. Nathalie Murphy says:

    Reading this 2 months after your post but God is outside of time! Praying for you

  6. Shelby Riane says:

    I loved reading this and learning!

  7. Liz Stagg says:


  8. Teri Specht says:

    Wow all those names.

  9. Chrissy says:

    Prayers sent.

  10. Kaira Helvey says:

    Our home is heaven and we are currently living in exile. That motivates me to try to live more like Christ because this place needs more of Him!

  11. Kelly says:

    Would appreciate prayers. We intentionally moved down the street from our best friends in order to do life together. Now the local school has not been a safe space for their daughter and they may need to move. I am concerned for her mental health at school and also heartbroken at the thought of them moving. Would you pray that God would open up new possibilities?

  12. Ruby Hunter says:


  13. Ashley Adams says:

    Lots to look forward to in our future with Christ!!

  14. Jennifer Lumley says:

    Thankful for this reading and praying for those requests that have been mentioned.

  15. Char Hight says:


  16. Robin Bailey says:

    I pray that God guides. your words through this interview and He will give you the desires of your heart. Let His will be done in Jesus name ~Amen

  17. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Father God let the promise of Heaven always inspire and build my faith and be the reason I hope. In Jesus name, Amen

  18. HL says:

    I have a prayer request for a job interview that I have tomorrow.
    It is for a job that will definitely give me that work life balance that I need and sounds very promising. Praying that I will be able to clearly communicate in the interview as well as to why I left my last job without sounding negative to my past employer.

  19. Claire B says:


  20. Jenna Wall says:

    I love the part where God is saying you have a choice, choose life!! This applies to us today. Life or death. Choose life! Every day choose Him who is our life!

  21. Rhonda J. says:

    @Kimberly Z- haha, well if you saw my post on IG I said happy Wednesday! So I am certainly off my days!

  22. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy TUESDAY ladies! I have had to remind myself all day what day it was haha. Praying for all your requests. It’s so wondering to reflect on Gods faithfulness in our all of our lives.

  23. Dawn says:

    Beautiful devotion Ginny, thank you!
    Wow! We are only on day 2 and I am speechless. The curated scriptures are beautiful. Thank you SRT for letting the Word of God, SHINE!

  24. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so glad that we can never be too far away from him. If we are faithful to return to him, he will greet us with open arms and rebuild what has been broken. I pray that God will draw me close to his arms and show me what his plans are for this season of life.

  25. Mercy says:

    Happy Tuesday she’s,
    This verse grabbed my attention fully today, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Be pro-life and make every choices concerning life… because there is the consequence clause in there. Do you see it? The fear of the Lord hit me. No dodging. Glory to God :) “For this commandment that I command you today is NOT TOO HARD for you, neither is it far off (Deuteronomy 30:11). But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it (Deuteronomy 30:14).

    What excuse do we have if we choose wrongly?
    Some verses I found on not understanding God’s things:
    -“But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD, And they do not understand His purpose; For He has gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor”( Micah 4:12)
    -Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God? (Mark 12:24).
    -The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it (John 1:5)
    -The wisdom which NONE of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Corinthians 2:8)

    May God grant us understanding in the choices we make since there is a cunning devil who masks and labels things deceptively, with new layers of “sophistication” and “glamour”, seeking whom he might devour.
    In all your getting, get understanding (Proverbs 4:7). Hallelujah.

    @CEE GEE: thank you for this “life =not just surviving, but thriving”, loved it.
    @ALEIDA: Victor and a new home.
    @CAITLIN: open doors for Michael, new success & joy.
    @ERIN: finance and God’s presence to bring you & family through hard times. May you lean on Him to experience personal intimacy that builds strength, resilience and faithfulness through such valley season.
    @RHONDA J: love you too ❤️! prayers for meaningful times/ tight bonding while you’re visiting your loved ones.
    @GWINETH52: prayers for more grace upon you and those connected to you.
    @DOROTHY: praying for your return to srt, that all is well ❤️.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  26. Traci Gendron says:

    Today I read the devotional first as someone suggested that. Oh my, it helped me understand so much more. I actually paid more attention to all the names. Although I think listening so I can hear the pronunciation would also be helpful.

  27. Alayna P. says:

    The returning exiles were so trusting of God. They felt the call to return and they did despite not knowing what awaited them. It must’ve been scary but they did it. My anxiety doesn’t help, but I pray to be as trusting of God as they were.

  28. Donna Wolcott says:

    Today as I read Ezra, I also listened on BibleGateway audible. Allowed me to take in the reading when it can be hard to focus. It’s also wonderful to hear the pronunciation of each family name. Praying with you and for you all.

  29. Colleen DeVeau says:

    I was talking about my previous home with friends of mine through text messages yesterday, and I stated that I could not bring myself to look at the place when I was in the area as it had changed too much and, most likely, not for the better. The Israelites faced a similar situation of looking back at ruins, but even though it may have hurt, they listened to the LORD and went anyway. Some had never been to their homeland, but they were obedient nevertheless. It brings to mind something that was spoken in our church service on Sunday, “Even when the way is not clear and things do not make sense, may we be obedient and trust God anyway.” LORD, may this be our prayer.

  30. Cheryl Blow says:

    Thanks for sharing the words to this song! Nice to be reminded!

  31. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love this study! What a reminder of God’s redemption, His faithfulness, His goodness! We are just traveling through this life. I’m thankful that Christ made a way for me to be grafted into His family.

    Praying for the prayer requests listed.

  32. Tia Watkins says:

    Some individuals were destined to spend their entire lives in exile, enduring the pain and longing that comes with being separated from their homeland for 50 to 70 years(for some this is a lifespan) It is truly heartbreaking to consider that there are people who never had the opportunity to return to the place they call home.

  33. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning dear Sisters!
    Going Home! Yep, we are at one old “home” this past week, and some part of it feels good. I don’t know how I would feel coming back to make it my home again, but it is always good to visit with friends and fam. It is my husband’s hometown, and I raised my son here. Then when we leave here we will stop off in Kentucky, my home, for a visit with my daddio. It always brings up those “good ole days” we discussed yesterday, but yet I have no longing to reside there. I know where the Lord has me in my life and the difference I am making, and that is a wonderful joy. To let our Savior lead the way. It’s not always so easy though, and it is a leap of faith. Prayers for you that feel stuck, or in the middle, or on your next journey (@Linda from NC)!(21 homes!! wow)
    @Martha Hix- Did you decide to move?
    @Tina- that was lovely!
    @Michelle Patire-You have such a way with Prayer intercession! I believe that is your gift! I could see you on “alter prayer team” where as I feel not equipped in that position, yet I go to give my feeble prayers, stepping out in faith, because my “feeble” prayers are still reaching out to our faithful God!! He hears our “inadequate” prayers!
    @Searching- heart
    @Blessed Beth- heart
    Caitlin- Prayers for your husband
    Tia Watkins-prayers
    Bari Gold- prayers
    Allie M-prayers
    Kristen-heart, prayers for your friends, for God to intercede in their marriage!
    Traci Kersey- good comment
    Mercy- The message was definitely SPOT ON!! Praise God!! Love ya!

  34. Allison Bentley says:

    62 These searched for their entries in the genealogical records, but they could not be found, so they were disqualified from the priesthood. – Ezra 2:62 this verse stood out to me today and my takeaway is “they went anyway”. These descendants who for the last 70 years “identified” as priest were told “nope can’t find your records – you cannot serve as priests” and they went anyway! How many times does a door slam in my face and I go through anyway? When we don’t make the team, or get the job, get invited to that thing, – how many times do we keep moving forward PRAISING GOD anyway??? Just something to remind me that God is faithful and has a perfect plan where all I need to do is go/follow/love/praise anyway! Happy Tuesday She’s!

  35. Cee Gee says:

    I love the direction of the teachings for these first 2 lessons – yesterday – LIFE – not just surviving, but thriving. That’s what God wanted for His people so that when they returned ‘home’ there would be an impressive population. Today – CHOOSE LIFE – how could we not choose life (God) when we know the alternative. (See the question in the lyrics TINA shared. )

    Sending hugs and prayers across the miles today.
    Agreeing with MICHELLE for you and Jack, LYNNE FROM ALABAMA. How is your friend, Gaynell?

    NANCY S – Caregiver stress

    LINDA IN NC – Safety and peace in the move and that once your belongings are placed back in a formation recognizable to your husband, he will feel less anxious.

    ALEIDA – the perfect new home!


  36. Michelle Patire says:

    @Lynne from Alabama – thankful to hear the surgery was successful. I feel for you and the weight of caregiving. May God continue to give you strength daily, as you rely on Him to carry it with you. May He give you pockets of rest and the joy and comfort of His presence. God bless you and Jack and may you continue to have great love for one another. <3 May you feel seen by God when you feel no one else sees or quite understands the emotional impact this has on you. God bless you, Lynne!! <3

    @Mari V- I loved the story you shared about your daughter asking your mom for prayer at 4AM. I desire to be like your mom! I hope when the Lord blesses me with children, they know they can come to me at any time to ask for prayer. I expect and believe they will. God bless your family :) it is so good to know your daughter seems God at night for comfort, instead of trying to manage in her own strength. Good job in keeping the faith going in your family line :) love your stories!

    What stood out to me today was reading Deuteronomy 30:20 NKJV – where it says, "that you may CLING to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days"
    —God is the one who gives us life. I think about how so many people walk around on earth not knowing it is GOD who keeps them breathing. May people taste and see God's goodness and know Him as truth. May the world wake up. So many people surround me who don't see it is Jesus who sustains! Lord, reveal yourself to this distracted and misguided world!

  37. Aleida says:

    Good morning She’s, happy Tuesday! Loving this study of Ezra as we read about the homecoming of so many families back to Jerusalem and how our God is always faithful!
    I’ve been reading through the comments for several days and lifting you up in my prayers
    I still ask that you please continue to pray for our son, Victor who is still in rehab and sober living in CA. Please pray that he can get back on his feet so that he can start to work, even if it’s just part-time for now and move forward in his life of sobriety and healing of his mind and heart. As we read in Deuteronomy this morning, may the Lord cleanse his heart (and also his mind) so he can love the Lord with all his heart and soul so he may live!
    Also, we’re in the process of buying a home (downsizing) and we had to pull out of escrow because of the sellers not wanting to pay for vital repairs for the house we really wanted. There’s still a chance that they may be open to negotiations. Please pray that the Lord’s will and plan will be done and very evident to us whether He’s closing this door or there’s still a chance for us to get this house which we thought would be perfect for my husband and I. Otherwise we will continue on our search and trust that in His perfect time we will find the right house.
    Thank you ladies I will continue to pray for all of you. Have a great week!❤️

  38. Susie says:

    Me too!

  39. Lisa Amrhein says:


  40. Antoinette Burnett says:


  41. Munchkin says:

    When reading the census, I noticed in vs.41, it mentioned Asasph’s descendants. He wrote many of the Psalms! I just thought that was really cool. :)

  42. Leann Marshall says:

    I am reminded of the Faithfulness of God. It is rooted in His very nature to do what he has promised

  43. Caitlin says:

    Would love some prayer for me Husband. We are taking a big leap of faith and he is finishing up his last month with his job to pursue his passion and dream. Please pray for doors to be opened and a peace that passes all understanding during this time. His name is Michael

  44. Linda J says:


  45. Taylor says:

    So good to reflect on God’s faithfulness as I head into a hectic work week. I pray everyone has a great start to their week <3

  46. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Some of the Jews may have remembered life in Judah, but most did not. Most of the Jews in Babylon stayed there, having grown comfortable in the land of their exile. It was God who stired the hearts of those that were willing to leave and believe God’s promise from the time of Moses, that He would restore the land and its blessings to them.

    KRISTEN – prays for reconciliation your friends.

    ERIN – praying the Lord will give you peace and wistom as navigate this stressful season.

    VICTORIA E – praying you have been okay.

    DOROTHY ❤️

  47. Linda in NC says:

    Tina, thank you for the reminder of the song! It will be running through my head today!
    Thank you sweet sisters for all your prayers. I am reminded of Hebrews 11:8-11. Abraham, as are we, was looking for a city whose maker was God. I have lived in 21 different homes in my life. You ask my children where they are from and they will ask “What year” As we make one more move this week, I pray the next either of us makes will be our eternal home with Anna Father and Jesus our Savior. Oh blissful day.

  48. Maria B says:

    I am so glad we did the study on 1 and 2 Chrononicles and the Genealogy of Jesus, because it has truly helped me appreciate genealogies. I still remember what Lisa Harper mentioned one of the Lent (I believe it was during Lent) podcasts— that genealogies are a sermon not a census. And that stuck with me. So it is interesting to read all the people who came back and what they did. Also appreciate having a study Bible that explains in detail what these specific groups did and why. I’m so happy we are doing this study because I have never opened the book of Ezra. Thankful for this beautiful ministry that brings us She’s together!

  49. Searching says:

    As I read through the census in today’s Scriptures, I thought of all that these families and tribes (and at least 1 generation before them in the 70 years of exile/captivity) may have gone through as they tried to settle into a country that was not their home – leaving the home & land they knew, the travel to get there, figuring out how to establish themselves & provide for their families in a different culture, recommitting themselves to the Lord, complying with different laws & rules without breaking God’s laws, the travel to get back, the dust, the counting process, the tiredness, the wrangling of the animals – yet determined to survive their time there and make it back “home.”

    Are we determined to follow Christ as we journey through our lives?

    TINA ❤️ thank you for the reminder of that song. That one and several others (that are just beyond what I can recall right this minute) – when I hear them, I am reminded how temporary our time is on earth.

    ERIN – welcome to the comments! Honored to pray for you, for the Lord’s wisdom in your life, financial provision and guidance in this area, stress relief!

    PAULA – the video is on Bible Project website. You can google Ezra Bible Project and it should lead you straight there.

    KRISTIN – praying for friends contemplating divorce, that the Lord would guide them through reconciliation

    AZ WALKER – ❤️
    CEE GEE ❤️


    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – so true, going back is never the same … ❤️

  50. Blessed Beth says:

    Sometimes we have to be reminded of what we have, how we have grown through so much in our lives. People who have touched us and whom we have touched. Wisdom we have acquired and can share. We need to listen and follow our Lord’s direction as we are led. We are all part of His plan and sometimes we are sent back to a former place to repair and develop for our God. Going back doesn’t mean we are be coming the old person. We are all new creations in Christ and even as one can do mighty things for Him.

  51. Tina says:

    When a loved one dies, it is often said, they were called home… how lovely is that, and actually so true for this devotional today… (I think).

    I love the word home. It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. And there nothing better than that last stretch of road, after a long trip, or even a great holiday, that stretch that is leading you straight to that cosy bed, those loved ones you’ve missed, or just this safe place you have made with your creature comforts…

    Today though, after reading the devotional and the readings, there is a shift in my thinking of home! Yes, I have a home here on earth, from where I do life, from where love grows into the next generation and the generation after that, and in my case, yet another generation sooooooooooooon to come… this God given place, where I get to ‘live my best life’, with the height chart in the laundry room of all the younger generations at various ages and stages, over the last 25 years.. home, here on earth, for my time here, til I am called Home..

    BUT GOD..

    In the words of His son Jesus, who gave His life for me, for us, “..I go to prepare a place for you.. ( John 14:2b).
    I love this!
    And this was said knowing full well what was to come at our hands…
    Whst amazing grace, what abounding love, indeed what abounding love!

    I have probably gone off script, but I will leave you with the words of a much loved childhood Jim Reeves..
    This world is not my home..

    This world is not my home I’m just passing through
    my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue
    the angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door
    and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore
    O Lord you know I have no friend like you
    if Heaven’s not my home then Lord what will I do?
    the angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door
    and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore

    They’re all expecting me and that’s one thing I know
    my savior pardoned me and now I onward go
    I know He’ll take me through though I am weak and poor
    and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore
    O Lord you know I have no friend like you
    if Heaven’s not my home then Lord what will I do?
    the angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door
    and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore

    Just up in Glory Land we’ll live eternally
    the Saints on every hand are shouting victory
    their song of sweetest praise drifts back from Heaven’s shore
    and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore
    O Lord you know I have no friend like you
    if Heaven’s not my home then Lord what will I do?
    the angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door
    and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore..

    Absolutely Gratefully for the ‘best life’ here on earth, but the BEST, BEST, BEST, for sure, is yet to come..


    Sisters, prayerful over you to have ‘best life’ moments, covered in love ,hugs and prayers..❤️