The Downfall of Tyre

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 25:1-17, Ezekiel 26:1-21, Luke 10:13-16

Few things inflame my momma bear instincts faster than someone making fun of my child. You are free to call me any name in the book. Chances are, that water will roll right on off my back. But direct your sneers at one of my four boys and you’re sure to see my scrappy side. 

I see the Father’s heart on full display in the middle of Ezekiel. The pagan nations that surrounded Judah watched God’s judgment unfold on His people—and they laughed, like children cheering during a playground fight. 

The people of Ammon celebrated when God’s sanctuary was desecrated (Ezekiel 25:3). They clapped and stomped and sang when God’s judgment fell hard on the shoulders of His children (v.6). They whooped and hollered when the people of Judah were carted away as slaves. The people of Moab and Seir took God’s judgment as a sign that there was nothing really special about God’s chosen people (v.8). Edom took advantage (v.12). Philistia looked on with a you-got-what-you-deserved glare (v.15). Judah’s enemies clearly thought God, and His judgment, was a joke (v.3). Because God was angry at His people’s sin, we might expect Him to tolerate such shenanigans. That’s not what happened. Like a momma bear defending her cubs, God responded to these taunts in a way that let Judah’s mockers know that His love for His children was unshaken. 

For Judah, God’s judgment was a mercy, a chance to turn their hearts back fully to Him. For the others, it was a reckoning, a harsh reality check that the God of Israel is the only one on the throne and that He will always defend His children. 

Beyond the fall of nations, a greater gospel reality is illustrated in these passages. For those who call upon the name of the Lord, judgment doesn’t last forever. Because He is a devoted Father, sin doesn’t make us any less His. But for those who refused to worship God, in Ezekiel’s day and in ours, His judgment is total and final. 

“I will destroy you” (v.7). 
“They will know my vengeance” (v.14). 
“You will never be rebuilt” (Ezekiel 26:14). 
“I will bring you down to be with those who descend to the Pit” (v.20).

Ezekiel’s book is a profound declaration that for God’s children, His judgment and mercy are always intermingled. Though He temporarily allowed the people of Judah to experience the consequences of their sin, His judgment is never a sign that He has stopped loving us. 

This Lenten season, take heart, child of God! Even as He disciplines us, He defends us. Even when He places us under the heavy hand of His rebuke, He holds us tight. 

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69 thoughts on "The Downfall of Tyre"

  1. Jessica Zantal says:

    I am right there with you! Very powerful and convicting.

  2. Heidi says:

    RHONDA- thank you for being so specific… you’re so generous thank you!! And I pulled the song up immediately- yes, Natalie does it quite well, does she not? Perhaps she should consider a career in music.. ;) ;) ;) Thank you again… worship as a weapon in trials and fear has been a theme God has brought to me consistently lately… that song Raise a Hallelujah seems to be on repeat..! But, from Christian speakers/pastors, quiet time, etc- just seems to keep coming up. Thank you for this reminder, I’ll be listening again ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Mari V says:

    He defends us! Exactly what I wanted to hear this morning!

  4. Kathy says:

    Praying for you, HEIDI. He is your shield, your glory, and the lifter of your head.

  5. Rhonda J. says:

    @Heidi- I was asking the Lord to speak to me for what to give to you and the song came to me to give to you- look on youtube for Brandon Lake w/ Natalie Grant “Grattitude.” It is an amazing song, but with her, she takes it to the next level with her gift! I hope you feel some peace soon!

  6. Heidi says:

    Thank you for the advice of wise counsel to all who suggested- I fully agree and I DO have someone (licensed, certified, & Christian..) I’ve spoken with for some time. While anxiety is something I’ve dealt with for decades, now it seems the enemy holds back his efforts and waits for singular things to occur in my day or perhaps for me to observe in someone else’s day and he jumps full force on that one thing, connecting it to whatever “worse fear in life” he can. Seems he’s realized the whole generalized anxiety isn’t going to work so well anymore but the surprise, out of the blue, all-guns-facing-one-target approach is his new plan of action. I want him to find this plan uneventful and a waste of time… That’s not easy. When your most valued things in life feel threatened, it def puts you against a wall. However- it also reveals what we’ve placed in our hearts as an idol thought too… Uhg, more hard things… Thank you for your advice because, yes- it is good wise advice that I’ll not only take but would give out as well! :)

  7. Heidi says:

    MUDROCK MAMA- you’re definitely not alone.. Praise your Savior He’s with you – on all sides of you. Praying His peace and protection over you and whatever circumstances you are in today.
    He loves you enough to fight for you and with you…❤️
    God lifting up your girl who is feeling attacked. God I ask you to cover her in the blood of her Savior Jesus, and send your angels and hedge of full protection to cover her from all sides. That the enemy be held back and defeated as You fight for her and as You strengthen her to join in the fight as well. May she be covered in prayer and peace and feel your joy today…
    In the holy, matchless, saving name of Jesus I thank you for this- amen!❤️

  8. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Even as He disciplines us, He defends us. Even when He places us under the heavy hand of His rebuke, He holds us tight.” That is so like a father, that is so like our God – He loves us enough to discipline us, yet – He will never let us go, because we are His. Thankful for God’s discipline, although at times its very painful – it gets my attention and gets me back on track. Also a reminder today that we should never be happy over the downfall of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us never think – “you had that one coming” – but lift them in prayer for restoration and for God to do an amazing work in their heart. God’s mercy, God’s grace.

    @Heidi – praying for you today. May you feel God’s hand upon your heart and may He give you the peace that passes all understanding. Also, continuing to pray for your niece.
    @Christina – lifting you and your precious new baby in prayer, and that God would do a miraculous work in your husband’s heart.
    @Angie – praise God for the new discovery that will help Finley feel better! And a praise that you will still be able to take care of her and administer the medication! Continuing to pray for her and her parents and for you.