Section 4: Waiting for the Light
I’ve never been a big New Year’s Eve celebrator, at least not in the typical sense. Instead of late night crowds and noise and dancing, I favor something quieter at home. It’s a time for reflection on the past and looking ahead with hope to the future. Still, as the years add up, there’s more to remember. Time blends the months together and lets them flow like a river toward an unknown future.
But who among us can look around at this world of beauty and tragedy without asking, “How long, oh Lord? How long until you make it all beautiful and right?” As we take down our trees and turn down the lights on another Advent season, our longing for the second advent deepens.
This longing is not new. Even though Jesus shared life with them, walking their roads and breathing their air, His disciples wanted to know what was next. When would it all be made right? What is the grand plan? As usual, Jesus answered with stories.
Once upon a time, ten women were preparing for a wedding party. Late in the night, they set out with their lamps to wait for the groom’s arrival. Five of them came prepared with their lamps and extra fuel besides. The other five just brought their lamps because they expected everything to go according to their plan.
But it didn’t. The groom was delayed along the way. By the time he arrived, it was too late to correct their mistake, and so they missed the feast. “Therefore, be alert,” Jesus concludes, “because you don’t know either the day or the hour” (Matthew 25:13).
What would we change if we knew the plan, if the future was as predictable as the turn of the calendar on New Year’s Eve? Would we wait with the same eagerness? Would we procrastinate? Would we stay faithful? Or is the beauty of not knowing in watching the horizon, waiting for the sun to rise?
Here’s what we do know: “now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is nearly over, and the day is near; so let us discard the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:11–12). As we watch and wait, God leads us into hopeful, wakeful, abundant life. God brings darkness to light, “reveals the deep and hidden things,” and will bring everything together “in his own time” (1Corinthians 4:5, Daniel 2:22, 1Timothy 6:15).
We can’t know exactly when and how God will set things right, but we can faithfully seek to follow Jesus in every moment. And though we can’t bring about total restoration in our own strength, we can participate in the healing of the world, one new year at a time. Until that day, may we watch and wait with hope for the dawn of a new morning in a world without end.

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54 thoughts on "The Day Is Near"
The race is not given to the swift not to the strong but to the one who endureth until the end there will be problems and sometimes you may have to walk alone but I know that things will work out yes they will for the good of them who love the lord! I shall wear a crown when it’s all over I shall see his face when it’s all over I’m going to put on my robe and tell the story how I made it over soon as I get home I have the victory and my crown is waiting for me when I get home! No weapon formed against me shall not prosper cause I’m covered by the blood I shall not fight in the flesh but I shall let the lord fight my battles for he is for me Satan you can’t touch me! I declare and decree heaven is my home and my goal blessings is my portion! Hallelujah! I’ve won the victory!
Verse 9 strikes me. Does this verse tell us that at some point in our lives, we don’t have to share what we’ve stocked up in preparation, to cover another’s unpreparedness, to realize that were not responsible for everyone else? I’m not sure om asking this right; I know we need to be generous and forgiving, etc., etc. Thoughts?
I wonder if the oil represents something that can’t necessarily be shared physically? I think about the oil as preparing my heart and life for the Lord’s coming. I am building up my oil as I prepare for the Lord’s coming, but I cannot prepare others for the Lord’s coming. I can try to help guide others but ultimately they have to make the decision to build up their own supply of oil as they spend time with the Lord and prepare for his return. I’m not sure if this is totally accurate or makes sense, but this is how I think of it.
Grateful for all of you, sisters. Thank you, SRT, for a beautiful advent study. Really appreciated these readings in the week between Christmas and New Years Day. Love remembering how many ways Jesus is our everlasting light. Such an encouragement over these challenging months. Trying to continue looking to Jesus as my light as there are still a lot of unknowns for my part time job I am hoping to find (searching 6 months consistently yet over a year since I started the search) and brokenness in some relationships in my family since we moved back to TN 18 months ago. Also a lot of sweetness as it is my 4 year anniversary being part of SRT as I started when I was pregnant with my firstborn. He was due Christmas Day and came a week later on New Years Day so we are excited to celebrate our big 4 year old tomorrow. Happy new year, dear hearts. ✨❤️✨
Today’s scripture/ devotional really hits home – especially with simultaneously reading the biography of Rees Howells by Norman Grubb (“Rees Howells Intercessor”). I highly recommend it if anyone has the time!
Praying for you, Tracy!!
There is beauty in the waiting and in not knowing when. One thing is certain – His coming is nearer now than it was yesterday! Hope and faith sustain us as we wait. Meanwhile, there is work to do!
Let me have oil AND my lamp. I want to be ready!Come, Lord Jesus!
Prayers for those of you dealing with the loss of loved ones, those dealing with anxiety and rising panic, and those dealing with broken relationships, disappointment, and betrayal. This earthly life can be so painful at times. May we pray for focus and faith to guide us during these difficult times, to be drawn into truth, love, and the light of Jesus. Thank you, SRT, for a beautiful Advent study, and thank you She’s for all that you share. May God bless you all in the new year.
Praise GOD! What joy there is. What an even GREATER gift the Lord has given rather than Santa. The Lord is the true watcher of his people, the Lord is the true one who knows who is naughty & nice, the Lord has provided us with the greatest gift of all. What a full & better gift giver we have! Praise GOD! ❤️
Praying Jill!
I love that as we wait for Jesus’ second coming, there is work for us to do. We are called to partner with him in pushing back the darkness and walking in the light. I pray that I would partner with him in healing the world. ❤️
Praying for you, Tracy. Discard the darkness and put on the light!
‘…we can participate in the healing of the world, one new year at a time.’ Love that thought!
Happy New Year, sisters.
AMEN and AMEN Jen!!! I will be watching and waiting with great expectation and much HOPE. HOPE for the darkness to turn to a GREAT LIGHT!!! A LIGHT that will shine so BRIGHT ALL darkness will be gone FOREVER and EVER!!!! Lord until the day You bring the LIGHT to SHINE help me to spread the GREAT NEWS of Your Son and let my LIGHT shine for YOU and ONLY YOU!! AMEN and AMEN!!
Be blessed and let your LIGHT shine for the LORD.
I love this section of the devotional, looking forward to the second advent. It seems so long in coming sometimes I need the reminder not to give up hope. I need the “Santa clause level of excitement” that I never actually had as a child bc my parents didn’t do Santa Claus bc it’s not Biblical. (I also wasn’t allowed to dress up for Halloween ). I love the unbridled excitement and enthusiasm children have, it’s one of the many things I am looking forward to experiencing. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us,we are officially in the third trimester today by God’s grace!
This morning’s devotional by Jen Yokel, on not knowing “the grand plan”, followed by comments from Shes on “deliberately seeking” & “excitedly waiting” … took me back to the song written by soul singer Curtis Mayfield & recorded by his group, the Impressions, in 1965. The song is called “People Get Ready”, a gospel tinged hymn of “persistence & deliverance”.
The first verse: “People get ready/there’s a train a-coming/You don’t need no baggage, you just get on board/All you need is faith to hear the diesels humming/Don’t need no ticket, you just thank the Lord.”
I’m sharing the link below to a free song lyrics site & should the link fail, please trying Googling the Impressions or “People Get Ready” where you can find & listen to a live recording.
Beth & Matt Redmond, the singer/songwriting team, who sat with R & A in the most recent SRT podcast, themselves called it “getting down to business; no time to mess around; invite others into the story”.
No matter who sings it or says it. It’s about Preparation. In Present tense. Future Perfect.
Thanks be to God.
JILL, praying for the Lord to protect your family members from.
@Rhonda J. Thank you for sharing that wisdom, I’d never thought of it that way before. I have a two year old and a six month old and so far we have decided to participate in the Santa Clause tradition mostly because I wanted to see what it’s like (my parents didn’t do Santa). When I was reading what you wrote I was thinking about how I kept saying Santa this year and my daughter had no idea what I was talking about. You’re so right! We are the ones who instill that excitement in them. It’s my job (and my husband’s) to show them just how exciting it is to know Jesus and be loved by Him. Thank you for that!
These bible verses offer a great lesson to us.. to always be prepared to meet our bridegroom.. and to put away darkness when day comes. Each day we get blessed to live offers us a new chance on putting away darkness and being prepared for our bridegroom.. lets us to this today
some things that stood out to me from today’s reading. The author mentions that sometimes we looks at this chaotic world and wonder How long Lord? How long until you make it all okay? that sucker punched me and I bawled like a baby. I am in a particularly dark emotional and spiritual space lately and I have found myself praying for God to please come back quickly, begging God to please send his son back now.
I also felt drawn to the command to discard darkness and put on the armor of light. My darkness has been (so much) anxiety, anger, fear, jealousy, gluttony, and sadness all mixed into a horrible mess in my heart. To put on light for me would be to put on peace, joy, calmness, contentedness, self control and comfort.
I will keep praying for God to please heal my heart and get rid of all this ugliness and replace it with the light.
The story of the ten bridesmaids has bothered me greatly even as a small child. I would read it in my big Bible story book and shudder. Even as a child I somehow understood the gravity. Alex Flores did an excellent job of describing those same fears over on HRT. What he had to say really spoke to my heart.
There is a driving tension in my life and it guides me. Know that there is Grace and yet know that there is work to be done.
Amen ❤️ Help me “seek to follow Jesus every moment” in 2022.
Hello SRT community! Would like to ask for prayers for family members of mine who were exposed to COVID over the holidays, that their vaccines will be effective in fighting the virus off and Jesus will uphold them in health.
Thank you for your prayers and your love ladies.
LAURA, today I will start praying for your daughter also. (My computer doesn’t do emoji’s, but if it did I would put a heart here.)
VICTORIA, interestingly…our niece had a really sweet Christmas card with pictures of her little family. It arrived with a 3 page letter attached that gave the whole story. She explained how it has been a very difficult year, that she has gotten some counseling and that they are working on some things as a family. She gave God all glory and honor while admitting that sometimes we need help. It showed a ton a wisdom for her age. I was really proud of her. Your post reminded me of it.
I go through all the posts from the previous day and pray/praise for each one. There are so many of you that when I see your name, my heart smiles, and I thank God for you (your names are flashing through my brain even as I type them).
Yesterday after I posted, was to be our Christmas with our son, at our home. However, towards the end of opening gifts, my mom went to the hospital with a possible heart attack. (She is receiving the care she needs, and taking tests today.) I left and went to the hospital, as I am the closest at about an hour away. (Churchmouse, my grandchildren are 6, 5, and 2- I get the joy and excited little bodies exude. They did not understand why Mika had to leave our Christmas, but at least Papa got to stay with them and play.)
Ladies, those hospital workers need our prayers. Those patients need our prayers. Wow. There were people everywhere. (We are in red for Covid and so there are lots of restrictions.) As I walked to her room, every wall in the hallway had people waiting in beds to be seen. The same people were there, in the hallway, before I got there, and after I left. The emergency waiting room was packed. One lady’s skin was the color of ash, and she looked little more than a rail in size. Today, as I return, I need to be that light for Jesus. I need to shine gently His love. I tried yesterday with making eye contact, a gentle smile, and silent prayers as I walked by. What more can I do Lord?
It is so like my Father to not leave me where I am, but to pick me up and gently lead me to greener pastures. We have so much to be thankful for, starting with God sent His Son to redeem us so that one day we can live forever with Him, either as a result of our earthly passing or His return. So many are lost and hopeless, I saw so many yesterday – most alone. The harvest is absolutely plentiful, please Lord, help me have your heart, hands, and wisdom in each moment.
I’m a procrastinator and I don’t usually prepare well. These are outcomes of my heart and I need the Holy Spirit to change me. My prayer life hasn’t been as rich as before. It could be the pandemic, but it’s also my own laziness and lack of prioritizing and keeping it in a daily rhythm. But I believe in the power of prayer, so I’m starting to rebuild my prayer life by praying for more prayer.
What do I need to discard…
MARIA BAER, I have Psalm 27:4 on my refrigerator door!
CHURCHMOUSE, YES! What a perfect comparison/example of preparation!
SARAH D, praying you feel God’s Presence with you in a mighty way knowing that you are not truly alone. So sorry your parents can’t be with you and praying that your mom is well soon!
Another beautifully blended and challenging read today, SRT!
Churchmouse, thank you for your wonderful story of your granddaughters. Your point really hit home for me. I honestly don’t think about the second coming, or if I do, I think of it in terms of the book of Revelation, or I think of the media depiction of the rapture and have been afraid I’ll be “left behind.”
I think of all things biblical, the second coming is probably what I have the least understanding of. I wish I could be excited instead of apathetic, filled with anticipation instead of rarely even thinking of it. And if I do think of it, I wish I could be filled with a Santa-arrival level of joy.
Lord, help me to understand, to feel the thrill of waiting for this second coming.
Amen. Me too.
“Until that day, I will worship your Holy name…” It was fitting for the song “10,000 reasons” by Matt Redmon to play as I’m pondering on Churchmouse’s comment and others! “Sing like never before, Oh my soul!”
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could stir up as much excitement in our kids for Jesus as they have for Santa? As I think about it, we actually ARE the ones that create the excitement for santa. From when they are toddlers we start with trying to engage them with the santa picturess and telling Santa what they want! They usually want no part of it! But then we tell them santa brought all these great presents on Christmas morning and they learn how good santa is, and we build upon it every year. Oh to go back and do it again. Just like the bridegrooms, afterthought is everything. Having grandkids now, and great-nieces just born, I want them to be excited for Jesus, not a pretend santa that prepares them for a “getting” world. You only GET with Jesus something more precious than those things that are tossed aside quickly. Jesus gives us eternal life and that is something to get excited and joyous about! May I remember that every day as I strive to share that good news!
Sarah D. – My plans for New Years are also up in the air, so I empathize. May we just realize God has a plan for our New Years. :)
Sometimes I feel as if I am living life as if I am walking through a room in the dark. But all I have to do is look to Jesus to turn on the light and he reveals what reality actually is. Oh my thoughts get so muddled with anxiety and depression. Yet, God is always there to provide the light if I just reach out and ask for it.
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7: 7-8
Thank you for your prayers and advice everyone!!
Rhonda J, thank you for the song suggestion, I listened to that and the podcast, so so good!! This is definitely a weird time, as I’ve been feeling the most anxious I feel like I’ve ever felt. The enemy is definitely trying to get at me in this way. I feel like I’m almost on the verge of tears and it’s only the morning!! Unfortunately my parents were supposed to come down today for New Years weekend, but my mom got sick with a fever yesterday. So I may just be spending New Years alone since my roomies are home on school break. I think it’ll be okay, but it’s definitely been an adjustment to being alone at our house. I’ll probably try to journal and maybe do a watch party of a Christmas movie with my parents. Feeling like an actual adult haha. It’s a weird time after graduating college, with adjusting to work and no school schedule. Praying I would stay close to Jesus and that I would find a good counselor soon too!! Whoever trusts in the Lord is safe. Ps 29:25 Praying that I would trust in Jesus, because he is my rock and stronghold, an ever present help in trouble!
13 Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. – Matthew 25:13 Never, until this past year, did I take this message to heart so deeply. For many reasons, 2021 has been a year of deep introspection and preparation. And while I was always afraid of the second advent because of the imagery of Revelation and truly not understanding it, this year it has been a source of comfort that one day we will see God in all its glory. And it brings me back to what has always been my favorite verse in Scripture—“One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.” Psalm 27:4. We may we continue to be prepared for the day when Jesus will come again. Be blessed, sisters.
Father, thank you for giving me all that I need to go into the feast when your son Jesus comes, if I believe in you and cling to you instead of my own plans and understanding.
Jesus is coming again – hallelujah! May He find each one of us watching and waiting – looking with expectation, for the blessed hope! (Titus 2:13)
Praying that I will be a light that shines brightly this year, for Jesus – unafraid, boldly proclaiming the gospel to all those who need to hear!
Blessings to my SRT sisters today!
Thank you for this lovely Advent series. I really enjoyed following it each day and will continue to do so in the time to come. Praying for a happy and healthy new year for you all.
Father God let my waiting and active participation in the healing of the world be a light that draws others to your gift of salvation. Come, Lord Jesus come. Amen
Amén Alice! ty
Sharing in your prayer, Dawn.
“Our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” How beautiful. As I think back over all the years and all the ways God has led me and shown His faithfulness, every day brings me one step closer to seeing Him face to face. Don’t give up, friends. The day is coming for all things to be set right and we will live with Jesus forever!
The insight that the five unwise virgins had “their” plan (that didn’t include waiting through the night) really spoke to me. How many times have I entered a season unprepared because I focused only on my plans. May I surrender my plans for today— living focused on the LORD’s plans. Come, Lord Jesus!
Lord help me to “participate in the healing of the world” until Your ultimate healing comes.
Thank You, Lord, for actively trimming my wick so that Your Light shines forth into the darkness.
Come Lord Jesus, come. May we be alert and focused on Your plans for our lives and not our own. May we prepare ourselves and others for Your coming and shine Your light and love into the darkness. May we be awakened to Your presence in our lives and see You all around, and seek to follow You. Amen…
Julia and Jenna are 7 and 4. The anticipation of Christmas morning was clearly evident in their hyper – activity. Their gift wish lists were fine tuned, the cookies, carrots and milk set out and sleep was elusive. While Julia has a good grasp of time, Jenna does not. “How many more days, Mimi?” was a frequent question. Their unbridled excitement for December 25 was comical and also enviable.
We as Christians are to have far more enthusiasm for the Second Coming of Christ than our grandaughters had for the arrival of Santa. We should be as prepared for Jesus as Julia and Jenna were with their offerings for Santa and his reindeer. We don’t have a grasp on when He’s returning but we know that He is. That is how He wants it. We aren’t to know the day or the hour. The excitement builds in the waiting. Because we don’t know the “when,” we ready ourselves every day, telling as many as possible that He is coming. His glorious arrival will be more magnificent than a pile of brightly wrapped gifts under a tree. He Himself is the gift! All will be made right. Let us be ready to rejoice!
Amen, Amen! We are here for Him awaiting His return we are to prepare ourselves and be an example to others.
The day is near. Ech day is a day closer to the return of Jesus. The night is nearly over, only a little while longer. Until that day, we need to stay awake. To fight the good fight, put of the deeds of darkness, and no longer satisfy the desires of the flesh. Instead, clothe ourselves with the armor of light, with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In His time, He will come again. Then all darkness will be revealed. And we will be forever with the only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Then we will see Him, live in His light, and give Him all honor and praise.