The Cup

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 51:17, Luke 22:39-46

Text: Isaiah 51:17, Luke 22:39-46

While the image of Jesus hanging on the cross is truly agonizing, it is somehow the account of the Garden of Gethsemane that grieves me deepest. It is here, with Jesus on His hands and knees, weeping and pleading with God, that I feel the fullness of His humanity and the depth of His sacrifice. It is in this garden that I feel the weight of His suffering at my hands.

He made His way into the garden, away from the disciples, and He prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42, NIV)

It’s hard for us to wrap our believing hearts around Jesus asking to be spared the Cross – the very purpose of His incarnation. But He puts an asterisk on His very human request by declaring His obedience at any cost.

Throughout the Old Testament, “the cup” is used as a metaphor for God’s judgment and His wrath, as in Isaiah 51:17: “You have drunk the cup of the Lord’s fury. You have drunk the cup of terror, tipping out its last drops” (NIV). So when Jesus prays about avoiding the cup, He’s fully aware of what He is about to do by going to the cross: He is drinking the cup of God’s wrath. Yes, He’s taking on the physical agony of the cross, but He is also taking on the spiritual agony of separation from His loving father. And that separation is the pain that is breaking Him down in the garden.

But without missing a beat, He prays on.

“Yet not my will, but yours be done.”

And this is where I am convicted for all the times I complain about my own “suffering” in this life.

“Yet not my will, but yours be done.”

And this is where I am made keenly aware of my foolish attempts to build my own plans for my life.

“Yet not my will, but yours be done.”

And this is where I stop rushing through the Lenten season to get to the glorious celebration on Easter morning. The garden is where I pause to hear His sobs and His prayers. It’s where I see that cup we poured so violently spilling over. And it’s where I thank Him for His willingness to drink every last drop of it. For me.

Sarah Matheny is an ever-growing, ever-changing gal, laughing and living in the Pacific Northwest. One-time attorney, food blogger, and author, all-the-time wife and mom to three wild-eyed, spunky girly girls, she’s passionate about her family, her friends and growing in her walk with Christ as He dishes up an always unpredictable, but totally delicious life.


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120 thoughts on "The Cup"

  1. Steph says:

    Ya this passage brought me back to the cross today. Takes me out of my little world I sometimes create. And widened the perspective of what a Great God we serve. Who even after this scene in the garden, says later that he counted it all joy. Where did such love and sorrow meet or thorns compose to rich a crown. Oh the wonderful cross bids me come and die that I may truly live.

  2. Mrs. Daniels says:

    I thank you Jesus for drinking the cup of God’s wrath and sparing me. Not only that adopting and accepting me. Thank you for forgiveness.

  3. Kasey Tuggle says:

    Reread this again this morning and wow did I need it! My life isn’t to fulfill what I want to do. It’s not about me at all. It’s all about making much of Jesus! Furthering God’s kingdom and using me however he wants to do that!

  4. Jyndia says:

    This is an amazing passage that I have read several times in this life. However, this year it really struck me! Thankful for this devotional (I also am a bit behind). Thankful for this community of woman all striving to be stronger in their faith!!!

  5. Cathy says:

    I'm a little behind too but really loved this devotional! As I was reading it. I was listening to a beauty worship song from Keith & Kristen Getty, called Gethsemane…perfectly summing up what I was reading. Check it out if you can…

    To see the King of heaven fall
    In anguish to His knees,
    The Light and Hope of all the world
    Now overwhelmed with grief.
    What nameless horrors must He see,
    To cry out in the garden:
    ‘Oh, take this cup away from me!
    Yet not my will but Yours
    Yet not my will but Yours.’

    To know each friend will fall away,
    And heaven’s voice be still,
    For hell to have its vengeful day
    Upon Golgotha’s hill.
    No words describe the Saviour’s plight
    To be by God forsaken
    Till wrath and love are satisfied,
    And every sin is paid,
    And every sin is paid.

    What took Him to this wretched place,
    What kept Him on this road?
    His love for Adam’s curséd race,
    For every broken soul.
    No sin too slight to overlook,
    No crime too great to carry,
    All mingled in this poisoned cup,
    And yet He drank it all
    The Saviour drank it all,
    The Saviour drank it all.

  6. Kati says:

    A perspective I’ve never really focused on at Easter but one I need to. I’ve never really considered that Jesus truly asked for the cup to pass from Him. Makes me rethink my attitude when a difficult situation is coming my way

  7. Erika says:

    Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing – such a perfect description of the Garden and the Lord’s response to His calling and ultimate obedience through sacrifice. Puts our daily complaints in check for sure.

  8. Rebekah Adams says:

    Beautiful demonstration of Jesus' brokenness before the Father, love the quote in the Lent study book comparing the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane. So thankful for the humbling truth this Lenten season.

  9. Beki says:

    Maia-praying for your dad, you, and your family.

  10. I recently listened to a talk specifically on the symbolism of the reference to cup through out the last supper narrative, what I learned brought incredible significance to Jesus’s act of dying on the cross. The cup that Jesus is referring to is actually the fourth cup in the Passover celebration it’s known as the cup of consummation. There are only three cups mentioned in the Passover dialogue, the fourth being the greatest and most significant is not mentioned. Until he is in the garden asking that this cup (the cup of consummation) be taken from him. As he mentions during the meal, I will not drink of the fruit of the fruit of the vine until I am entering into the kingdom of God. Then on the cross Christ speaks I thirst, at which time he received sour wine, then utters it is finished, these are the words to be spoken after the drinking of the fourth cup in the Passover celebration. The wine offered to him is on hyssop, which was also what the Israelites used to wipe the door posts with the blood of the lamb. So not only is he the unblemished lamb but his act of dying on the cross but also was symbolic of the fourth cup, the cup of consummation, an act of sacrificial love for his people.

    1. Bekah says:

      Kathleen. Thank you so much for writing these insights!! I’ve never heard this before and it brought me to tears thinking not only of the comprehensive fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy— but also the depth and weight and thoroughness of Jesus’s obedience on the cross.

      1. Kathleen says:

        Thanks you! I found it all so beautiful, I had never understood why the word cup kept being mentioned so much! To find out the underlying significance brought a whole new perspective for me!

    2. Kimberly says:

      Thanks for sharing this. I can’t even graps how awesome this is. I am so thankful for God.

    3. Cheri says:

      I love this. Thank you for sharing what you’ve learned about the significance of the cup. What book is it from? I’d love to read more!

  11. Antimony says:

    Don’t usually think about the fact that for Jesus the separation from His Father was probably more painful than the physical suffering.

  12. Julie says:

    To take it all in: NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE! It's just so unfathomable sometimes that someone loved us that much..pure and true LOVE.

  13. krazykym says:

    I feel the same. Jesus in the garden is so much more painful for me than Jesus suffering on the cross. But our minister recently gave a sermon on Jesus' suffering and the way he described it made it so real for me! We often forget how much suffering Jesus went through and hoe much it did pain Him. And i complain so much…. Thank you for the timely reminder.

  14. Britta says:

    This word touched my heart so much. It took me three tries to complete this devotional today because of drowsiness and work interruptions. And it’s something when Jesus takes you down a road three times. Until all that resonates in me is not my will, Lord. But Yours.

  15. Maia De Bourcier says:

    Prayer request
    My dad was just diagnosed with cancer and I’m only 13 so I need some support (I don’t want pity, I just need help)
    So if you could pray for me and my family I would love that

    1. sarahphillipsmatheny says:

      Praying for you, sweet Maia. May His peace and protection surround you, your dad and your whole family.

    2. Britta says:

      Definitely praying for you all!

    3. Nora says:

      Absolutely. God still heals and I will pray for that.

    4. Beverly says:

      Praying for you and your family, Maia.

    5. Monica says:

      Praying that the Lord gives you and your family the strength and peace thatonly comes from Him! Praying that you make relationships with people who will invest in building your spirit and supporting you through this time! The song “you never let go of me” comes to mind, I hope it brings you some encouragement!

    6. Katie says:

      Praying for you. My dad was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago, and without knowing the details of your situation, can understand how terrifying it is. God bless

    7. Justine Fern Jacobsen says:

      Praying for you and your family sweet Maia.

    8. Sarah Lahoda says:

      Maia, from the other side of the world in Istanbul, Turkey I am praying for you and your family. My mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was 17. My youngest brother was 4 years old. It was terrifying. But, we saw Jesus meet us in the middle of the fear…and even saw him bring complete healing for my mom, who was battling an aggressive kind of bone cancer. I’m praying for you…that you’d cling to Jesus and experience His presence (by His Spirit who lives within you) in a powerful and intimate way.

  16. Heather says:

    Perfect! We all need to stop and think about that moment in the garden. It is very important to understanding the real pain that Jesus struggled with because of our sin. It shows that Jesus was willing to do whatever God called him to do but, like many of us, he asked for another way. It really shows me the enormity of the burden he had to bare on the cross. And for that I’m so thankful. Thank you Jesus!

  17. ASB says:

    Timely words for me to hear, on this day.

  18. Deearn says:
    Above is a link to needtobeathes song The Garden. I thought of it as I read this and concluded my time with God this morning singing it. This devotional so so touched my heart, I actually couldn’t stop the tears. Jesus you are so graces to me! Xx

    1. Deearn, I love this song! Thanks so much for reminding me of it! We love having you here!


    2. Donna says:

      Thank you for sharing this song Deearn. I downloaded the album. What a blessing.

  19. Sarah Martin says:

    Sarah, the part "The garden is where I pause to hear His sobs and His prayers" is on point. Wow. Yes. Thank you for that reminder. As I was reading today's Scripture I asked God to help me not forget the enormity of the cross. Today, I will circle back to the garden and pause and listen and pray–thanking God that we don't have to bear the burden of the cross. But, though we don't have to bear the burden (oh thank you, Jesus!) I need to remember…

    Such a good word. Hugs!!!

  20. Juliet says:

    I never noticed verse 43 that says “an angel appeared from heaven strengthening him”. God knows how much our flesh wants to rail against His will. He knows submission is not our strong suit! Yet he is patient with us and gives us strength to do what He asks. (Which pales in comparison to what he asked of Jesus!) Humbling…

    1. Monica says:

      I love this point you bring up!! So true. I definitely find myself constantly battling the flesh and getting caught up in what i want or think is best instead of submitting to His will. Its so humbling and makes me realize that the only way I can do this is with strength from God and placing my hope in Jesus.

  21. Cindy says:

    Here is a worshipful song about Jesus in Gethsemane:

    Gethsemane Hymn – Keith & Kristyn Getty

    1. Kelly says:


  22. Brooke says:

    I had been struggling with doors closing, and feeling like none will ever open. But reading this and taking a step back to think of all the blessings that are overflowing, just like that cup of wrath and sin once was… I am close to being brought to tears over the pure joy. Thank you for this amazing reminder of not only His sacrifice and love but of the fact that we are all so carefully handled and spoken for.

  23. Elizabeth says:

    The words of Jesus in this passage convicted me in a new way this morning. "Yet not my will, but yours be done." Sarah, you worded it so beautifully. I, too, was convicted by these words that made me so keenly aware of my foolish attempts to build my own plans for my life (which I do way too often). Never before have I really paused in this passage to hear the sobs and prayers of Jesus, or to feel the pain and weight of His suffering as I did this morning, and I am so glad I did. It awoke in my heart a new understanding, and a deeper love of my Savior. How beautiful He is, and how he loves us so… Enough to drink every last bit of God's cup of wrath to rescue us from an eternity without Him. I am overwhelmed and grateful in a new way this morning. Not my will, but you're be done, Lord.

  24. Alli says:

    Yes, not my will, but yours be done that I may also say, “It is well with my soul!” Come, Lord Jesus. Only you in your Spirit can perform that miracle in my heart.

  25. Bethany says:

    I can’t imagine how he was feeling at this point. He was in such a personal bind yet still encouraged others by telling them to pray.

  26. Sarah says:

    This passage is proof that “we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” (‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭15‬ ESV) And although I’ve never faced a cross of this magnitude, I can draw strength and encouragement knowing that this world is so brutal and broken, the pain of sin and separation from God so great that Jesus too needed to be strengthened. He too needed communion with the Father just to make it through. He too desired to be delivered from pain and suffering. How thankful I am that He allowed us to see the depth of His humanity, yet the beauty of His diety in His obedience to the Father.

  27. meetthedawn says:

    Thank you for your sweet words this morning, Sarah. I find that during times of temptation, I earnestly turn to the Lord and pray that He will essentially remove me from that situation/those thoughts. In Luke 22, we see that the Lord repeatedly reminded His disciples to "pray that you may not enter into temptation." Pray BEFORE entering into temptation in hopes that we will be able to stand strong in avoidance of it. Instead of praying in the midst of temptation, I need to start praying that I will not enter into temptation.

    1. sarahphillipsmatheny says:

      Thank you for this! I am not a very good "preemptive pray-er" but you are right…that is when we need prayer the most. I so appreciate your reminder.

  28. Jennifer says:

    Sarah, this is going to sound odd and hopefully not creepy but I used to be a big fan of your food blog. Last week I was digging through my ginormous cookbook collection and when I saw yours I stopped. I thought about your story and then I began to pray for you – just that you were happy and healing, that your family was doing well. You've been on my heart since then. When I saw your name at the end of today's devotion, I was so happy to see that you're "laughing and living." Today's devotion was great and I hope you return to writing soon!

    1. sarahphillipsmatheny says:

      Not odd, Jennifer, so flattering and humbling, to think that you are praying for me and my family! Bless you!

  29. kitkat_13 says:

    God woke me up this morning in time for our time together, even though my phone alarm failed to go off. I admit that I was really grouchy and came reluctantly to spend this time with Him and then I read the passage and it turned my head around so that my mind was focused once more on what it should be. Here I was sitting focusing on my own mental and physical exhaustion when God was entreating me to wake up and pray lest I fall into temptation.This morning I was tempted to skip everything in favor of more sleep and am so glad I didn't. The reading this morning grieved my heart as I think of the emotional trauma Jesus suffered on taking on our sin. I think of every filthy, disgusting thought I have ever felt toward myself or others. I think of how defiled, filthy, devastated, and anguished he must have felt a thousand times over in that moment when he took our sin into himself and how in that moment when He took it all and felt his worst he was more isolated than he had ever experienced in his existence. How knowing he would be alone and abused mentally, physically, and spiritually beyond comprehension he took on that moment freely so that I am spared the same fate. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude and called deeply to repent for my feelings this morning and for all my sins that put Him on that cross. Words will never be enough to thank him, I owe him my life, my soul, my mind, everything… Thank you so much for your words this morning and this life changing reminder of what He did for us!

  30. Valanne says:

    Wow, oh wow, oh wow. It was here in the garden when I first understood that the Lord Jesus took on the sins of the world and the weight of His agony. It was no longer just, "oh he hung on a cross for a few hours, that's nothing to the agony my mother suffered for months with cancer." Yes, it was here that I understood the crushing agony of the sins of the world and the separation from His Father, and then I stopped judging His death. Here as He prayed this prayer for the cup to be removed — He brought me in and showed me that He drank this wrath for ME!

    That was over 25 years ago, and can I ever be thankful enough that my precious Jesus was obedient at any cost.

    I pray today that others (for the first time) see that Jesus drank this wrath for their sins. He went through this agony for THEM, and I pray they would see that their sins put Him there and that they would repent and believe.

  31. mamalacroix says:

    Randomly (or so I thought) chose Kari Jobe's album "The Acoustic Sessions" to listen to while reading today, and at the exact same time I am reading "Wake up, wake up, O Jerusalem!" her song "We Are" is playing the words "So wake up, sleeper, lift your head. We were meant for more than this…"

  32. Beverly says:

    At 2am this morning, I woke up convinced I was going to have a heart attack. I’ve been overly stressed lately (read: not fully trusting God with my current circumstances) and really not breathing well, unconsciously. My ribs will become tight and when I do breathe deeply it hurts because my body is not used to it. And this morning God woke me up to say, “Listen. Trust me. Breathe.” Yet I, with honest intention, woke my Husband to ask if I could have a hard attack by not breathing well… In this woken, half unconscious state I was convinced I could die. And my mortality flashed through my fearful mind. So, per usual, I started planning. To do deep breathing exercises and go to a yoga class this weekend.
    But in the midst of all my half-asleep planning and terror, God was gently, ever so gently, revealing to me my sin. I have been a slave to my anxiety. My whole life. And I needed to repent. Because in my anxiety I did not seek God first, I did not see life – I saw death, particularly this morning – and He wanted to show me life, abundant life through His Son.
    In this Lenten season as I return, repent, and now remember – I found Truth and peace in Sarah’s words today. Surprisingly not only for the surrender of my will in spite of my circumstances, but for this:
    “The garden is where I pause to hear His sobs and His prayers. It’s where I see that cup we poured so violently spilling over. And it’s where I thank Him for His willingness to drink every last drop of it. For me.”
    For me, Beverly. He willingly suffered separation from our Heavenly Father. When I feel God is far off and grow anxious, it is nothing, nothing (!) compared to the separation Jesus suffered. He chose to bear God’s wrath and judgement. For me, for us. And that is Love. So, why should I grow anxious and fear? He has bore it all and I am free.
    Forgive me, Lord, for not resting in Your promises, in Your sacrifice. For thinking I need to anxiously control so much that is not mine. Because You are my trust, my hope, my anchor, my Redeemer.

    1. Ramsey says:

      Like you, Beverly, I “suffer” from anxiety. More so now after my ex-boyfriend of 3 years committed suicide January 29th. Your comment really hit home with me. You shined a light on the fact that I, too, need to repent for my anxiety, along with some other things that are weighing me down. I could keep going on and on, however I won’t. :-) I thank you for your testimony and I thank God for using you to shine His light and love on me this morning. <3

      And thank you, sweet Sarah, for this beautifully written devotional! I don't know a single thing about you, but I feel God telling me to tell you to "rest easy in Him. Give your burdens to Him and receive His peace." :-) I hope that makes some sort of sense. It just came to me. Blessings, super girl!

      1. Sarah Matheny says:

        Ramsey, thank you for your obedience in giving me His words for me! I have been burdened with intense back pain the last six weeks and am struggling through physical therapy to try to avoid surgery. Your word came right as I waited at my PT appointment this morning and gave me hope, perspective and a reminder of His promise. Bless you! I will be diligent in handing this all to Him!

      2. Beverly says:

        Your comment encouraged me, Ramsey.
        I am sorry for your loss and pray that God would give you peace as you trust in Him during this season.

    2. Monica says:

      Reading your story I could relate to so much! Last night I also woke up in the middle of the night panicking with severe abdominal cramps related to stress. The first thing I did was turn on my phone and look up all different kinds of natural remedies for IBS and stress instead of turning to prayer. Giving up that control is really hard for me, and it’s definitely something I struggle with. Its hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea that God is always there for me and always cares for me and that everything I go through is always for the best and part of his plan. Saying a prayer for you! Thank you for sharing your story.

      1. Beverly says:

        I understand completely! Saying a prayer for you as well. Thankful this community reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. But we do have a great God who does care for us even when we feel far away. Hugs to you, Monica!

    3. Laurel says:

      Beverly, that was a beautiful response you made and I have claimed your last two paragraphs as my own. "For me Laurel" ! I just am so touched by the prayer and what God has done for me. thank you for wording it in such a beautiful way

  33. Caroline says:

    Great article on the cup throughout the Bible:

    1. debbates says:

      Wow. Great article. Weeping out loud.!

    2. Carrie says:

      Thank you for the reference. It was excellent and provided much needed further insight to me regarding our Lord's great love!

  34. Ruth says:

    ” You plead my cause
    You right my wrongs
    You brake my chains
    You overcome
    You gave Your life
    To give me mine
    You say that I am free
    How can it be”
    Read more: Lauren Daigle – How Can It Be Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

    1. ~ B ~ says:

      Ruth, I absolutely love this song. It makes me emotional everytime and although I'm a tad offkey, it makes me want to sing to the high heavens! ~ B

    2. Julie says:

      These beautiful lyrics tell the whole story so well. Thanks for posting..

  35. Melody says:

    There are so many things ripping me apart right now. I'm getting ready to teach Elie Weisel's NIGHT and am just broken over the background context of the Holocaust that I need to share with my students so they understand the book. I am ripped apart by the story on the news in our city of a mother who suffered postpartum psychosis and whose infant daughter's life ended as a result. As I trimmed my baby's fingernails last night and then drove my older two kids to swim lessons, I was broken for the kids who don't have anyone to care about whether or not they swim, whether or not their fingernails are trimmed. And yet, God's will be done. This broken world is a messed up place. But Jesus came to redeem it. And one day all the yucky terrible things that break my heart and break His heart will be redeemed because He willingly drank that cup. Amen.

  36. Rubys N Purls says:

    Thank you for this teaching this morning! I didn't know that about the cup, but I find the analogy fascinating. So many times in my life the choice of obedience has come up and I’m afraid I chose my will over God’s because it was more comfortable, safer, because I had control over it (HA!). Here we see Jesus “declaring His obedience at any cost”! This is what I want for my life; “yet not my will, but yours be done”. Obedience, submission – these are the areas God has been working to change in my life throughout this Lenten season.

  37. michelle says:

    Wow that was a beautiful way of seeing the garden , thank you .
    I will carry this message today in my heart . It was profound to me …………. thank you

  38. MNmomma (heather) says:

    Hi all! I am officially a few days "behind" with the study, but wanted to thank you all for the prayers. We had a great little mini vacay – and the flights were virtually pain free! God is GOOD!!! I missed my SRT morning time…..hopefully I can be back on track after this weekend…..get this….while waiting in line for an elevator, a lady was unlocking her phone and BOOM! SRT screen! Needless to say, we visited about how much we love SRT <3

    1. ~ B ~ says:

      Yay! Welcom back Heather! Glad to hear the trip was enjoyable and flights were good. What a joy to have Mom and Dad time sans the little people! Glad you're here! And that's awesome you met a fellow SRTer live! ~ B

    2. Love that so much, Heather! Happy to hear your flights went well and glad to have you back!!


  39. I know how undeserving of Christ’s sacrifices I am and seems unreal to me at times that he would drink that on my behalf.

    I can understand His sacrifice for my other believers but I become astonished when the realization sets in that his sacrifice, his shed blood was for me as well.

    In reality I am aware that it was ultimately his obedience to the Father that sent Him to the cross. And that I, somehow, someway, got the” bonus” part of the deal by having my sins forgiven.

    God so loved the world….
    He sent His one and only Son….
    To die, one a cross….

    What ago new that must have been for the son to left there in all his humanness to die for world full, FULL of people who did not know or even like Him.

    Praise you Father for saving me.
    Praise you Father for the cross.
    Praise you Father for this time of remembrance.

  40. Kelly_Smith says:

    This moment is the point of obedience. The journey He faces is too hard to take on minute-by-minute. Jesus had to predetermine that He would obey all the way to the cross. He experiences the struggle between flesh and Spirit. He gets raw and honest with the Father. And He submits Himself to the will of the Father. Yes to the pain. Yes to the separation. Yes to redemption.

    I am shamed by my prayers, uttered quickly and thoughtlessly on the edge of a decision. "Lord, bless it." "Go with me." "Be near." Rarely do I bow low and cry out, "Not my will but Yours be done." I don't allow the struggle between flesh and Spirit to play out to the point of a predetermined yes. Yes to pain. Yes to suffering. Yes in the hard places.

    Lord Jesus, I am humbled by Your obedience. By Your love. Thank you seems to be too shallow. Worship feels like a foolish whisper. I am awakened in the garden, ready to stand with You in obedience. I offer this in response: Not my will but Yours be done.

    1. Crystal says:

      Oh Kelly, your words touched me as much as the devotion did. Thank you.

    2. JanG says:

      Love this Kelly. He had predetermined that He would obey all the way to the cross. I'm reminded to take up my cross and do the same each day, deciding before I'm in the thick of things to be obedient, especially in areas where I've historically struggled. Thanks Sarah and thanks Kelly :)

    3. sharijune says:

      Good morning Kelly,
      Your words guided my heart this morning, and I thank you so very much. I need to make some predetermined “yes” responses. Yes to pain. Yes to suffering. Yes to hard places.

      My heart hurts right now. I’m in a painful place. Sometimes the very people who are the closest to us cause a lot of pain. I want my Lord to take the pain away. Before I read your words, the prayer I wrote down in my Near the Cross journal referred to Luke 22:43. I prayed, “Father God, would You send an angel to strengthen and encourage me today?” Of course, I need and want God’s strength, encouragement, and wisdom. However, I realize that I need to predetermine ahead of time to say “yes” to God no matter what the outcome may be.

      Today, I choose to stand with my Jesus in obedience and say, “Not my will but Yours be done.” But, oh how I need Him.

      1. Kelly_Smith says:

        Praying that you to receive the strength and encouragement you need in this hard place, sweet friend!

        1. sharijune says:

          Thank you, Kelly, so very much.

    4. Mindy says:

      This needs to be in a book somewhere!! This is truly a word to my heart! I copied it into my journal so I can remember to bring my agony before God and struggle for that predetermined yes. Thank you!

    5. Brandi says:

      Praying in unity with my sisters Father, not my will but Yours be done.

  41. Nancy says:

    I agree with Sarah, this passage is one of the saddest in the Bible. It’s where my heart breaks for Jesus, and I truly begin to understand the price He paid for me. I feel like every Lenten season deepens my faith and brings me closer to Jesus. How many times I have asked for God to remove this cup from me? “Yet not my will, but yours be done” Amen

  42. Abby says:

    Passed this verse hanging up in our hallway, and it really encourages me. Not sure which translation it is. Hebrews 2:18-

    “Since Jesus himself has now been through suffering and temptation, he knows what it is like when we suffer or are tempted and he is wonderfully able to help us!

  43. joanne says:

    Not my will, but His. I created the contents of that cup – and He drank every last drop of the poison of my sin. Wow.

  44. Jessica says:

    “Yet not my will, but yours be done.”

    And this is where I am convicted for all the times I complain about my own “suffering” in this life.

    “Yet not my will, but yours be done.”

    And this is where I am made keenly aware of my foolish attempts to build my own plans for my life."

    I can resonate with this, especially today. I am struggling with building my own plans for my life because life didn't happen in the way and time I thought it would. I had a total honesty sesh with God this morning. The promotion didn't come when and how I thought it would. And unfortunately, serving in the church has become burdensome. I am afraid of the looming burnout of life in work and church.

    I complain constantly yet silently about what I "suffer" and the foolishness of building my own plans. Sisters, please pray for me, that I may relax into the trustworthy will of God, no matter how hard that might be. That I would not be snuffed out and this sifting won't be the end of me. That I would be strengthened and encouraged. I know people go through worse things then this. But it is all too real to me and it is affecting the way I serve.

    God bless you all!

    1. mem02hu says:

      Praying for you, Jessica. May you feel the peace and joy of yielding to and following Jesus, even though it looks differently than the way you planned!

    2. Malon Williamson says:

      Jessica after reading knowing I just finished one reply before I saw yours this out pour reallly touch my heart I was once where you are at now and the one thing I had to do is get to myself and really pour out to God how I felt and what was bother me on how to balance work and church still being able to stay focus with the ministry.My advice is to lay postrate before him letting go he will give you All the desires of your heart plaese don't give up keep your head up and Let go and Let God continue to direct your path and watch how your life began to change for you my prayers will coninue to be with you much Blessing!!!

  45. Debbie says:

    “Yet not my will, but yours be done.” I pray God will bring this verse to my mind every minute of every day.

    1. Christina D. says:


  46. Gramma Cin says:

    We often forget what we have been "saved" from …….the Wrath of God! We deserved His wrath and death…..but Christ took it all. He endured that wrath, our sin… bridge the gap of separation to our Father God! Thank you once again Jesus for drinking that "cup". Thank you for this reminder today!

  47. Chrisob says:


  48. Waking up this morning after a long night and I am reminded that God gave His son the strength to go on. So He can also give me strength. I am scared and stressed about the future but I hold on to the fact that His will is always good, better than I can imagine or ask for. So I pray His will be done even when I am afraid.

    1. Nancy says:

      Anna, when we give it "all" to Him, He will give us peace. Praying for your strength!

    2. Abby says:

      Praying for you too! Teacher to teacher!

    3. SusieT says:

      "So I pray His will be done even when I am afraid."

      I think the Lord is so pleased by your honesty, Anna! And I think we all (if we, too, are honest) can relate. I remember a time when I feared I'd develop ulcers, I was so worried and scared over a job search … and whether it would require a move to another state. During my devotional readings, I'd find myself repeatedly chiding myself for my fears, my worrying, my apparent lack of faith — in short, for my all too human emotions…none of which did any good.

      Then, though, God in His mercy led me to 1 John 4:18, part of which says "perfect love drives out fear", and He showed me that the more I focused on His love and the way, historically, He has shown his love (in the Bible, in the lives of Godly people I know, and even in my own life), the more I realized and really came to believe and KNOW that I could rest, confidently, in that love. I could "cast my fears on the Lord, for He cares for me"! (1 Peter 5:7) The brilliance of our Heavenly Father's love overshadowed the dark fears that had enveloped me!

      ….And here's some more good news: God indeed worked everything out in that situation that initially had caused me so much worry, sleeplessness & an upset stomach. Additionally, that experience would later serve as a powerful reminder to me of God's loving faithfulness. Oh, how thankful I continue to be for His love and faithfulness: through the ensuing years, he has held me as he led my family through moves to six different states, time in the military, as well as through a bout with a serious illness. It's beautiful…and I certainly don't 'deserve' it –, but facing "unknowns" no longer holds me as it did in the icy claws of fear — and that's NOT my doing, but God's perfect love in motion! It will be the same for you, too, Anna! …"I don't know what the future holds, but I know WHO holds the future!"

      Anna, I'm praying for you during this exciting and difficult time! I look forward to learning, perhaps but a few weeks from now, how our Lord works out everything for you! :)

      1. Tiff A says:

        Tears are streaming down as I read this. Anna, thank you for sharing and thank you, SusieT, for these words of encouragement. A close relative is going through a painful, fear-based experience (mentally) right now and this powerful scripture is exactly what we needed to meditate on.

    4. Eunice C says:

      Anna, I recently went through the scariest time of my life. I am still not out of it, the circumstances are scary but my focus is on God and what He is doing in my life. I am comforted by the fact that it's all for my good and His glory. And Isaiah 41:10 gets me through the long nights. "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

    5. Malon Williamson says:

      Not my will But your will be done in my life Lord I jusst wnt to take the time to say Thank you for drinking from that cup .We seldom realize How great your suffering was and how you had to endure if we take the time to see your Glory through your Son then we wouln't mumble a word Be Bless my sisters in Christ and always know God has our back through any situation that may arise!

  49. ~ B ~ says:

    Last night I had a conversation with my teen that involved tears, lots ot them and further pointing to Jesus. A formidable teenage problem has occurred and she is left asking so many questions, including "What is it about me Mom?". And when she explained what had happened, prior to our convo, I desperately felt the need to fix it. I felt all "Mama Bear" and just ran through ideas in my head, but I quickly heard God say, "You can't fix this Bets". Of course, our creator is right, I can't and I shouldn't. Suffering, pain, enduring…all essential. But hearing Jesus weap in the Garden does the same sort of thing. It makes me hurt so terribly for Him. It makes me realize the pain God suffered in seeing His will through, and for such unworthy folk. And all I want to do is make it all better, but I can't. I can't fix it. I don't want my daughter to brave what she is at the moment, but God HAD to send His own son to the cross. The gravity of that insane. Feeling that, knowing Jesus wept, knowing He ached and suffered a horrible fate, that the "sweat poured from Him", for me leaves me ever prayerful, ever mindful that I don't find myself sleeping, "drugged by grief", spoiled by the world or *working* for Grace and forgiveness. I want to actively seek God's will for me as well. I want to have the strength and wits to say "But please, not what I want, But what *you* want?" Beyond words for Jesus' sacrifice, for His endurance, His patience, His humanness, His love. That even in His pain, His suffering (at my hands), He accepted His Cup. He took on my burdens. Prayerful that in my sufferings, my pains, when I feel overcome by my fate that I remember, not only the cross, but Jesus in Gethsemane, weeping, suffering, praying, accepting, honoring. ~ B

    1. Kelly_Smith says:

      Praying that, too, B. No sleeping, no working. Remembering, accepting, and thanking may be the only appropriate response to such love. Thank you!

    2. rachel says:

      Thank you for sharing this! I love the way you said "drugged by grief." Sometimes if my circumstances aren't going as I palanned, I can feel numb or drugged by the weight of things. But today I am reminded " not my will but YOURSELF be done"

  50. Libby says:

    Beautiful Jesus! How can I express/show my gratitude? My mumbling “thank you” prayers sound so weak.

  51. Pingback: » The Cup
  52. tina says:

    The garden is where I pause to hear His sobs and His prayers…and as I pause, my tears flow… It’s where I see that cup we poured so violently spilling over. And it’s where I thank Him for His willingness to drink every last drop of it. For me..For my children..For my family..For my friends..For us…
    What can I say …but , Thank you Jesus…Thank you Lord God.. Thank you…for your willingness to drink every last drop of the cup ….what a LOVE, What a sacrifice…x

    Sister's, sending prayers of blessings and love across the pond, and around the world to you all….big HUGS…X

  53. Ginger says:

    The best one yet! Loved this reminder of our Jesus’ sacrifice.

  54. Jasmine says:

    Sometimes in our lives, it is so easy to forget that Jesus was human too. To feel indignant when we are treated poorly is such a common occurrence for us, yet Jesus still chose to take that cup. It overwhelms me that He loves us so much. Let not my will, but thy will be done.

  55. Macie says:

    His struggle was real. Surrending to the life you are called to is not always an easy feat. Of course, this Scripture Is beautiful in its entirety but what I loved the most here is that at the moment Christ reveals His weakness God strengthens Him. “Let not my will, but thy will be done.” Let this always be the time my heart sings!

    1. Stacey says:

      I love what you said, the moment when Christ reveals His weakness is the moment when God strengthens Him!

      Sometimes I wonder what it actually looks like to completely allow God to act on His will, and this completely explains it! We have to reveal our weaknesses, we have to actually TELL him that we are dreading what lies ahead, and then…He can strengthen us and give us the power to move forward. The same way He did for Christ in the garden that night.

      Thank you for the beautiful reminder!

    2. Kim says:

      Thank you for this. Jesus was praying with God ministered to him. So often I am stewing or talking to a friend or stomping around when something goes wrong in my life. I am reminded that I should turn to My Father and allow Him to minister to me. I know that so much more trouble is avoided this way. When will I learn?