I like new beginnings in theory, but in practice they paralyze me. It might be a new calendar, an empty room, a first day, or the start of any unfamiliar, untarnished thing. Like a rookie actor stumbling onto the stage, I’m certain I’ll flub the first take.
But Genesis is another story. It is the story—our story. The beginning of all beginnings, this book is the true history of who we are and where we came from. As the first book of the Bible, it is the debut of God’s character, His creation and compassion, and His covenant with humanity. And though, yes, we humans did dive headlong into sin upon our first entrance onto the stage, our faithful, holy, and steadfast Creator remains true. God is the author and star of this story, and still He has invited us into it.
The book of Genesis presents hard truths about human nature and the fallen world we live in, but it is ultimately a book of hope. God created each one of us to bear His image, and He has not changed His mind. Fear and fallenness plague us here on earth, but God will one day bring us home to the perfect peace of His presence. Even death itself will die, and we will get the fresh start we’ve always longed for—the perfect new beginning, free from fear.
As we read Genesis, we’ll watch as God spoke light into being and made humanity out of dust. We will see how He formed the nation of Israel in the womb of a barren Sarah and promised to make them His people. And we will find ourselves in the stories, children of God whom He has loved and pursued since the beginning.
I pray that this reading plan brings you to a deeper knowledge of the God who made you and a deeper longing for His presence. He alone knows the end from the beginning, and we can rest in Him.
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209 thoughts on "The Creation"
I have always struggled with the beginning, why were still here on earth. My mind overthinks and then doubt creeps in.
Phrase for the year is: Surrender Silently
so excited to dive in!!
Excited to be here!
I absolutely love the book of Genesis and can hardly wait to dive into this study. Happy 2025!
God provided everything we need and more at the beginning of creation ❤️❤️
Found this today while searching for a Poscast to do chores to. I believe God brought me here. I was able to get the Bible before Christmas and found the workbook just now. Both are used but good enough for me. Trying to find the extra funds for this app. Pray for me please and my family.
Coming in late, but excited to see how God works in the study! I love new beginnings…probably too much….i like to know that I can always start over, start fresh, move forward.
Were right on time
My word for 2025 is brave. Surely we all must be brave in this world until we get to Heaven. Brave in presenting a positive kind light in the darkness and in each new day we are given. Looking forward to learning about this brave new world that was created for us. This is my first Bible study group and I’m looking forward to it!
Love this Sue….think BRAVE will be my word for the year too x
Excited to be here! Thankful that the Lord provides ways for us to connect and dive deeper into his word together.
Excited to be on this journey!
Thanking God in this moment for leading me here. Thank you for giving me something I didn’t realize would be so amazing.
Ready for the New Year and to be apart of this read along. May the lord guide me through his word and may I grow closer to him. Amen !
My word for this year is “focus.” May I re-focus my gaze on the only One who is worthy. The One who spoke a word and it all came to be. The One who only works for good. The One who is Holy, steadfast, pure, and merciful.
Lead us onward, Lord God. We are yours and long to do YOUR will!!
My word for the year is surrender
Beginnings, that is exactly what 2025 feels like in my life and in the life of our local church. It’s so beautiful! God works in wondrous ways. It just so happens that our women will be spending this whole year in Genesis as our church embarks on a new journey with a new lead pastor, and I am here for it! I get the honor and privilege of teaching this book to the women and I can’t wait! A book of hope, I love that so much! Because it proves time and again that we can mess things up, and we will, but God, time and again, is there to redeem and restore us and there is hope in the life of Christ and a close fellowship with Him that we see each of these patriarchs
Praying for you as you lead this study this year!
I am so glad to be here. I have bed looking forward to this study. My word for this year is restoration.
My phrase to live by this year is pursue your potential. So if I had to go with a single word I’d choose the word pursuit.
As a 28 year old recovering from a high functioning addictive relationship with alcohol and now 5 months sober I can clearly see that 10 years ago -upon introduction to substances- God was still pursuing me but I chose to stop pursuing Him & this lasted until last year where my NEED to drink crippled me mentally and I finally pulled back the blinders and realized I needed Him so much more.
So this year I’m set on reengaging in my Pursuit of my relationship with God and the potential he so graciously gave a broken young lady. ❤️
My word for this year is Joy.
Afternoon, She’s! I hope you all had a great day. I too am in a season of new beginnings. It’s overwhelming and tiring are in the process of moving. But in those tiring moments I feel God meeting me right there. Where I need to be. I love reading Genesis and have always marveled at the idea that the God who created the heavens, the earth, the creatures, Adam and Eve… also created you and I. Thank you Lord for meeting me where I was this week and providing me encouragement of this year to come.
My word is gratitude. I have found that being thankful and having gratitude for the blessings in my life has helped my marriage – and has helped decrease anxiety.
Started my first SRT study by listening to the podcast while i was shoveling some pristine white snow from my driveway as the darkness turned to light this morning. It was absolutely perfect; I even stopped a couple of times to capture notes from the podcast on my phone! Anxious for my study materials to arrive (scheduled for Thursday!)
My word of the year is clarity
Fate I found this today and could start a study today! Excited to be part of this community and praying for God to guide me through his word and reveal things to me I have missed before. Excited to get my book but will follow along on the app until it comes in!
I’m so excited to return to She Reads Truth study! It’s been 6 years and I really have missed it! No other study guide compares! I too have a word for my new year the Lord has blessed me with and it is ‘Talk’. I want to truly learn how to talk to God! Just as if He walked up to me and sat beside me to talk with me! I want that comfort of easy conversations with my God!
I’m excited to be here with all of you
Happy New Year, all ! I neverget tired of reading this book of first things. There’s always something new to learn about God in relation to ourselves.
Excited to read Genesis and praying for a closer walk with my Lord & Savior on this journey!
God saw all that He had made, and it was very good indeed. Genesis 1:31a
Excited to start my first SheReads study!
Glad you’re here, Delaney! ❤
Can’t wait to journey through Genesis!
Happy New Year everyone! I’m excited to delve into Genesis!
Happy New Year everyone ❤️ Tina, loved your comment from yesterday and also from today,,refocus, renew, reset! Bessie H I am going to say for a word of the year, CONSISTENT. Many times I start off with a bang but it ends with a fizzle. Sharon, Jersey Girl praying that God would comfort your heart and give you peace concerning the young couple. Many times it’s about others and their issues and not you.
What’s the scripture to remember this week?
It’s shown on Sunday. You can peek ahead if you like (if you have the book.)
No I do t have the book.
Hello! So excited to start Genesis with yinz and grow in my faith more! 2024 was a tough year for me with the loss of several loved ones… I’m praying 2025 will bring me closer to God as I have really had some doubt this year in my faith and that He is always there for us, in good times and bad ❤️
Welcome, Courtney! I experienced similar feelings years ago, but found my firm foundation again, thankfully. This community has played a big part in that. ❤
Hi ladies! This is my second community study and Im so excited to be here and grow in my faith❤️ Genesis is one of my favorites because God created such a beautiful world and its amazing to read about!
Hi, Kelly! ❤
Thank you! My book still has not arrived.
Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve’et haaretz. ” In the beginning, G-d created the heavens and earth.”
I love saying this in Hebrew. Bara to” created is the only word that takes God as its subject God is the uncaused cause of all things; brought forth everything.
Beautiful, Tanya, thank you.
Hello Shes
My practice is to listen to the SRT podcast on Monday morning as preview to the week ahead. Today with guest pastor, Terry Parkman, getting started in Genesis was stupendous! Far too many nuggets & nudging to mention! “What does this season of a new year expect of me?” … how to contribute to the context God provides. “Be holden to the Sprit of God”…Raechel quoted, “Sometimes I hear right and interpret wrong”. “Step into Genesis with the heart of the first listeners, saying ‘Take me there, Lord”. Additionally, Amanda, Raechel & Terry riffed on establishing “a single word”, largely saying “Open up the whole dictionary, Lord”!
The first book of the Bible. In the beginning…our “once upon a time” to the greatest story ever told.
Bountiful Blessings, my sisters!
I didn’t know about the podcast. This is my first reading plan from She Reads Truth in many years. Thank you for sharing.
What’s the scripture to remember this week?
Genesis 1:31a. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed.
Genesis always reminds me of revelation. One day all will be perfect again, and we will be in the perfect presence of God! ❤️ I pray I can see myself as God’s treasured creation today!
God created us to relate to Him. We cannot understand why we exist or who we are if we do not seek Him.
This is how you start off a new year I’m so excited to see what God has in store for me cause I’m believing God for some Big things and he is going to come through and blow my mind for this is my Amos 9 13:15 and I will let God ex 14:14 this is my Luke 6 38 this the year where I thrive i will be focused and faithful and fruitful in spite off
Yay, Nicole! So good! You’ve got your “thrive” on!
(absolutely adore alliteration…)
What a great way to start the new year. Praying for you all today.
Excited to join this community ! Just bought my Bible and wasn’t aware of the whole community of women behind it ! How cool
Welcome!! Praying for you as you settle in!
Glad you made the connection! ❤
So excited for this study! Love the book of Genesis and I LOVE MY SPIRAL BOUND STUDY GUIDE!
I was struggling to know what my 2025 word would be, and after much prayer, God has given me the word SURRENDER. Not in a “I give up” kind of way, but in a “I truly surrender to Him all that is His”. My marriage, my adult prodigal children, my time, my goals. All of it. It’s about learning to acknowledge my lack of control, and to get out of God’s way. Something that’s very hard for this type A personality to do!
Love this! Amen.
Amen ❤️
I decided to read chapter 4 of 2 Corinthians. The last phrase of verse 18 jumped out at me:
“we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”
God in His Sovereignty fixed His gaze on things that could not be seen (by anyone but him) – “the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep…” He brought forth things that were unseen. That reminds me to take comfort in knowing that there is a place He has prepared for us – even though we can’t see it yet.
Thankful for this ‘new beginning’ with you SHES – and welcome to all newcomers!
Michelle P – I forgot to comment on your post a couple of days ago, but I am excited for your new beginning at work and pray with you about the Instacart job as well as that worker relationship.
Love, hugs, and prayers, sisters!
Love this thought – God fixed his eyes on things that were unseen. And so should we because there eternal beauty is waiting for us. Thank you CeeGee ❤
Excited to get back in the Word consistently this year ❤️
Can we not get the question/ response page unless buying one of the study guides? I did the app this time to help save money, but it seems like the app is only the readings.
Hi Amanda, I have the book and after the day reading is a blank page for notes. The book does say that page is for reflecting on the themes for this study. They are: New Beginnings, Calling & Covenant, The Importance of Faith, Provision & Deliverance. Each week on the last day it suggests you do the following things. Looking at themes what one stood out from those readings. Write a prayer with the theme you chose in mind. Thank God for ways you have seen this theme in your own story, and ask Him to continue shaping, challenging and guiding you through this specific theme in your faith. Each of the themes has a symbol which I can’t show. Hope this helps with this week at least.❤️
Good morning! This is my first day, doing the She Reads Truth Bible Plan. I am only a year into my faith journey, and this is my first Bible study, I would love insight on what you use the note section for. How can I get the most out of this plan
Stephanie, welcome! So glad you are here. I know you will get some great help from this community.
I use online resources to do deeper dives when led to do that. I use Biblegateway (lots of resources with an account) most days and Got Questions often. May God bless you in your study time as you draw nearer to His heart! ❤
I believe they sell a paper version of this devotional on the website if you’re a note taker. I love to set the mood with a hot drink and a blanket- grab a journal for notes and your physical Bible! Look up how to use the SOAP method with the Bible- I find that very insightful and it helps with studying the scriptures you read. I hope this helps! We are so glad you’re here, sister!
Good morning and welcome Stephanie! We are so glad you’re here! I read through the scriptures, read the Devotional which will be by a different writer every morning, and then I come here to the comments for more insight. Always feel free to comment about what your thoughts are and questions just like you did this morning. We are so glad you joined us!
Hi Stephanie and welcome. If you read what I wrote above might help. Note page sometimes used to respond to questions or to make a note about how you felt about the reading.
Perfect way to start the new year. I’m hopeful and at peace.
Good morning Traci
Good morning Mari!
Thank you God for light. Thank you for creation. Thank you for grace and hope.
I love Genesis ❤️ so thankful to be here and read it again with you all!!!
Thank you SRT staff & writers. ❤️ happy new year and God bless the work of your hands.
Thank You God for answering our prayers! Let Your will be done.
Looking forward to this study of Genesis that was gifted to me by my daughter. I find myself dwelling on the first four words: “In the beginning God.” He is always, forever, our Alpha & Omega. As I let that sink in, I am in awe.
Ladies, I covet your prayers this morning. I am so struggling, I’m “undone”. It’s not something we haven’t had happen before, but this time – when I heard that a young couple is leaving our church and for no other reason except they feel “the church isn’t going anywhere” – it crushed me. My husband discipled this young man. We’ve been there for him as he started dating (his now wife) we spent lots of hours with them for per-marital counseling, married them – shared in their joys, and now, just like that – after only becoming members 6 months ago – they’re gone. We’ve been in ministry for 31 years (first ministry, same church). It has happened so many times before. But this time, my mind and heart are plagued. I’m sad, I’m angry – at God, our church, this couple. I shouldn’t be. God is in control. He has a purpose, a plan. His way is perfect. I know all of that, but at this moment – it is not helping me.
I share this because here, is my “safe place”. I know you won’t judge, I know you’ll pray. I don’t like how I feel. I want things to be different. Sometimes I feel that God has forgotten our church. But I know He hasn’t.
It is a new year, new beginnings – I just didn’t expect it to start this way, and only a day after returning from our vacation. Please pray for me, my husband, our church.
Thank you for listening. Thank you for praying. I love you all. ❤️
Sharon, God bless your faithfulness. It breaks my heart to hear how this weighs on you. I imagine there are feelings of rejection, possibly weariness, and insufficiency. I pray you are able to process all this as you are led at the feet of Jesus. I know He understands and can empathize your heart. I also pray God gives you words to encourage and cling to, in this new year. Words that help you see His perspective of your church and ministry. I pray you are built up and confident in what He says about you, your husband, and your efforts, rather than the voice of others. Though I do pray He uses the faithful that run alongside you to encourage you both. You are so loved and I pray you feel that in the midst of human rejection. Jesus will never turn His face from you both… He loves you… and we love you. So grateful for you, Sharon. Praying for you, today, sis ❤️
I also pray you stay honest with the Lord about how you feel about His hand/heart in this situation & believing He will speak and give you comfort and perspective. ❤️
I will be praying, my friend. There is no hurt like church hurts cause it reaches down into your very soul. I went through something similar about a year ago. Praying that God soothes your soul.
Oh Sharon, I know how this must hurt! I am so sorry! Possibly this couple isn’t going anywhere in their spiritual walk and the best way for them to cope with that realization is to say that the church isn’t going anywhere. I pray that God will work in their hearts and lives and that he will give you and Jeff a peace in your hearts over this hurt. I pray that God will continue to grow your church, dear sister! ❤️
Sharon, I SO agree with what Lynne said here. It’s the first, natural thing to take this as a personal rejection. Only God knows what is in the heart of this couple. I’m thankful they aren’t stirring up drama that involves the whole church.
I always think one other thing- this ‘separation’ of this couple from your church might be the Lord’s way of protecting you and your husband from something down the road that we can’t even imagine. I’m praying for you also, that HE will heal your heart, and help you move forward with the dear people who are choosing to stay. Blessings, dear sister!
Oh, this is crushing. I’m so sorry. Satan is a big bully and he loves to create divisions and distractions in the family of God. I pray that his hand will be stayed and his attempts will fail. And that no matter what, God will provide the grace and strength (and faith!) so that you and your husband will be able to joyfully and fruitfully work heartily as unto the Lord doing the very things He prepared in advance for you to do. ❤️
Sharon, my heart is breaking for you as I read this! I wish I could sit with you with coffee and hugs. Our sisters here have spoken such wisdom I don’t have much to add other than that I love you and will be praying for you and Jeff! I pray God will give you peace to replace the pain of this ‘breakup’ as I know that is what this feels like- rejection of a most intimate kind. Praying you find it in your heart to forgive them and keep your head up. Yes, this is our safe place and I am thankful you trust us and shared this hurt with us! Love you! ❤
Perfectly said. I agree..
Yes, same! And what all the sister’s spoke. Maybe they just need something else, don’t let it be a reflection on you. Maybe evaluate, and let God show you, but some people just want different growth in different ways. Love you and hugs.
Sharon… My 10 minute break is over right now. But I’m walking back to my area and praying for you right now.
Praying for you, Sharon. I cannot imagine the struggles that come from being a pastors wife. It has to be difficult not to internalize these types of things. Praying for you, your husband and your church.
I’m so glad you have this safe place to be transparent and get the support you need. I come from a long line of pastors/wives and I retired from being women’s minister of a large church. Church hurts are so painful! You carry and protect the stories of so many others but don’t often have that safe place to share your own story. I get it!!! Receive all the love and comfort Jesus is giving you through this sweet, safe community. You are loved!
Sharon, I’m so sorry that you have been hurt like this. I agree with the wise words spoken here and I’m joining in the prayers. Especially that God would bring healing to your hurting heart and encouragement for you and Jeff. Sending hugs. God sees all and knows. He will carry you.
Thank you for your honesty. You are loved by all of us!❤️
Praying, Sharon!!!
Good Morning She’s!
What’s better than Genesis- The Beginning, studied at the beginning of a New Year?! Newness, fresh start, clean slate…! We mark time with the gone by years, we mark deaths and new life, graduations, weddings and so on! And if I am being honest, it scares me sometimes, in the sense of what could happen in an instant this year that will change/alter my life course! Will tragedy strike or my ailing dad pass this year. I know- it’s not what I WANT to think, but yet I do.
BUT GOD, I then change my thoughts to know that whatever shall come, I am standing on a firm foundation in Him! My faith has been built layer by layer, He has proven faithful, and I see it in testimonies all the time (especially on this platform!)! SO I KNOW, like someone said, to appreciate the days for the good and the light…that darkness is for a night, and the sun always comes up. It is a sure thing, just like OUR GOD is a sure, real thing! Almighty, Lord and Savior, died for us, here for us, in truth and light!!
I pray this new year will be a wonderful year for us all, yet as we face challenges and altering moments…let us keep our eyes on the Savior, and reach for him, and we will not sink!
Well said, Rhonda! I used ‘firm foundation’ in a reply to another She not knowing you had said something similar. Looks like we are paying attention! :) ❤
Bessie, I don’t know what you are going through but I heard my pastor say recently these words. Faith is in the Present. I have had a real struggle in my life to get past my past. And when I heard him say those words, it was as if God was reminding me He has already forgotten my Past and so should I and move forward. 2025 is my time to put my Faith in the Present. This bible studies is helping me do just that.
So many thoughts this morning! Right from the beginning and within the story of creation I can see so much of the character of God and hints of what is to come.
God the creator
Light that is created first and made greater than the darkness. (Jesus, light of the world).
It was good. It was very good. (God is goodness).
Land that produces vegetation and bears fruit. (God’s desire for and delight in growth, including in us).
Marking sacred times, and days and years. (The importance of memory and God’s holiness).
God blesses (We are granted favour from God for our joy and peace)
‘Let there be… and it was so’ (God ordains)
‘I give you…’ (God is generous)
‘Completed’ (God completes what He wills)
God rested. He made the seventh day holy. (God doesn’t sleep. But He knows we need rest, and a day set aside just for Him in order to refresh us).
‘The breath of life’ (God is the giver of all life)
‘God commanded the man’ (We are subject to God’s authority and boundaries which are set for our good)
Just some thoughts among many that struck me. This year is potentially full of new beginnings for me. Seeing this fills me with confidence that He knows and wills what will be best for me. He is in control. I just need to trust and let Him lead.
Looking forward to digging into Genesis with you all!
Yes, Vicki! Your comment was perfect to read after where my thoughts went this morning! He is in control! And He’s got me!
I copied all this in my notes!
Lots of good thoughts to let percolate, Vicki! So glad you shared this!❤
New beginnings… starting from the beginning. Looking forward to starting Genesis with all you sweeties… I struggled to get a good nights sleep. I think I was just excited and also dreading the “getting-up-VERY-early-morning” BUT looking forward to meeting with all you here as we dig into Genesis (from the start “together”) I think I’m rambling a bit here as its dark outside and wanting to go back to bed (haha). TONIGHT, I will be more intentional about going to bed earlier. Happy MONDAY sweet She’s. I will be praying for all those (all-of-us) who will be going back to school/work this morning.
GM Amiga!
Praying you have a great first day back with your kiddos! So excited to read this Genesis study together. Mary is reading it, too!
I feel like I could heart/like each of your comments this morning as they are similar to my reactions and feelings. The story is so familiar to me growing up in church, but today I could see and understand God’s love for us in creating the world and us!
Yes Searching, I’ve had thoughts recently that nothing surprises God and He created us anyway. Jesus knew our sins and came to earth to die for them. If that isn’t love I don’t know what is!
Created man in His image and brought light into darkness. These stand out o me. May I shine the light of God’s love into a dark world and remember since I am an image bearer to bring glory to Him always. Love those around me who are also created in God’s image. May I have an eternal perspective
Praying for all’
I appreciate the additional passages this morning reminding me that just as the LORD brought light in the beginning, He continues to bring light in the face of Jesus. Even in the darkness of January (literal or metaphorical, external or internal), our God is always from the beginning the Giver of Light! Hallelujah!
Thank you Catherine, for elaborating more on 2 Corinthians 4:6. That spoke to me this morning too. The Giver of Light! May God shine His light in all the dark places of my heart and in the world.
I am reading the Bible Recap with friends and we didn’t finish Genesis but read this. I’m excited to read both and see different things, learn from both and grow deeper in the Word. Not for knowledge’s sake but to draw closer to Jesus. To know Him and the power of His resurrection. To be who He has made me to be. We see the Power of life on God’s tongue and that same power lives in us!!!
I am a Bible Recaper too:)
Me, three! :)
Erica, me too!
I love new beginnings, and I am so excited that we get to read about the ultimate new beginning at the start of 2025!
Genesis is such a familiar book that honestly, sometimes I gloss over it or read through it quickly. But today I was reading the Scriptures aloud, and I just realized for the first time that in Genesis 2:5-7, the land was barren when God created Adam. We’re so accustomed to thinking of the Garden that I never noticed this detail before. But as we step into a new year, what a powerful reminder this is of God’s faithfulness and perfect timing. There was no vegetation yet, but God had already prepared everything for growth and fruitfulness.
As we begin this new year, may we remember to trust that even in barren seasons, God has a plan. His provision is already in motion, ready to bring new beginnings in His perfect time.
I love this perspective from this verse, it never stood out to me before! It can be so hard for me to remember that God a plan when I’m in the middle of what feels like a barren season. So good
‘His provision is already in motion’ ❤ Amen!
Your last sentence perfectly states something my son is experiencing right now… what he believes is God’s work on his behalf for a new thing. ❤
I noticed this for the first time today too- thank you for your beautiful prayer!!!
Perfect way to start my year, repairing my relationship with God. I forget how loved we were, and that each day he is walking right beside us.
May the Lord meet you each day in powerful way as you look to Him
Love that this book is the start of the year. Being reminded that we are who we are because of God and everything we have is because of him!
I am ready to begin a new year. And pray that I draw nearer and nearer to God everyday; in His Word and through prayer.
After this morning’s reading I felt excited to be reminded of just how precious I am to my creator! To dive into the beginning of life and the absolute miracle of all God has done and will do! Buckled up and ready!!
Starting this new plan today feels like the real New Year celebration. The repetition of “And it was so” struck me today. It was true when God was creating the universe and it is still true today. When God speaks, it will be so! I look forgot all that God will speak into my life in 2025. Amen!
I am always blown away by the sheer creative genius of God that we see in the Creation story. So much variety splashed with humor in the animal world. The beauty of sunsets and sunrises. The incredible genius of the seed – A tiny information packet that produces a complete plant. The incredible intricacies of our bodies and how they work. The way our bodies heal when they are broken. What an amazing God!
I love that this plan is coming at the beginning of the year. Feels like the perfect time to refresh my mind and spirit about God’s beginning for us.
Every year I look for a word from God for the coming year. For the last few years I haven’t received one.
I’ve just been given a very unexpected word. “Relieved”.
After so many years of thinking ‘if I just try a little harder….’ God has shown me that I can lay down that burden that I’ve carried and rest in His arms.
It is still hard for me, but I’m going to use this word to remind me.
Does anyone else have a word?
Hi Betsy – sometimes I have a couple words. This year I believe my word is “Yet.” In the middle of trials and unwanted tribulations, God is there and He is not done with me Yet!
Bessie I have two words I have impressed on my heart for 2025. ENOUGH and REST. Pressing into God for His understanding and unfolding of these in my life this year.
Bessie, I have done this for 5 or more years. This year my word seemed so silly…slow. I thought I wasn’t understanding God and then two day ago i listened to Holly Furtik’s latest sermon. She kept saying slow down. Then I turned on the radio and the song Pass You By started playing. God is so good! He knows I need to slow down…see his beauty, enjoy life. So this year I’m slowing down.
Good morning Bessie, I started this about just a few years ago. I remember Churchmouse always had “a word” and thought it was so inspiring that I started to do the same. This year my word is “grace” I feel like I need to extend “grace” more often to those around me.
I love this! I’ve never heard of having a word of the year. I think I’ll adopt this, too. Grace is perfect. I’m always telling my kids to give each other grace. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve done a word for the year for the past 15 years – this year it is LOVE from the fruit of the Spirit. My verse is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and my song is Love Me Still by Seph Schlueter. Some years my word is always front and center and other times it lingers in the background. But I believe they are always from God – helping to guide me to His path for me. May you experience relieved this year and rest in His comfort that He’s in control. ❤️
I have just started having a word of the year. I did it last year and now this year. This year my word is faith.
A few days ago the word that came to me was hope. Today I may now have another. Both light and rest spoke to me.
I normally do not choose a word, but one that keeps revealing to me is “Nevertheless.” Things may be chaotic, nevertheless, God gives me peace. The storms keep coming, nevertheless, God is my shelter. So I’m making this my 2025 word.
I have two this year, listen and HEAR! ️
I had never heard of a “word” of the year until a couple of years ago! A chose JOY the first year…and the word seemed to show up everywhere and I truly felt Joyous in the Lord more so than ever! Last year I had “presence” so I could be more aware that Holy SPIRIT WAS in me!! It really kept bringing my focus back to that realization and charged me forward in areas of fear!! So I thing words can be very powerful! This year I kept hearing INSPIRE, so that is what I’m going with!
Rhonda, I did the same thing starting last year and my word was AWARE. It came from Genesis when Jacob dreamed about the ladder. After he awoke he said “Surely God was in this place and I wasn’t even aware.” My prayer last year was to be more aware of His presence! Exactly like your word! How cool!
On this beautiful snowy morning in PA, I am reminded again of God’s beautiful creation. A fresh blanket of snow always makes everything look fresh and clean. Until people start shoveling it and kids and dogs play in it, before cars run dirty tires over it, it is a blank palette. So gorgeous. We live on a mountain and everything stays unmarred until it melts. I love it (as long as I don’t have to drive in it – haha). I am praying for some new things this year, some fresh starts, new beginnings. Today’s snowfall reminds me that God is here. He made everything new, from nothing. In Genesis: “then God said”…”and it was so.” I love that! Praying for God to say some powerful words to my children this year as they continue on their journey of faith. And if God says it, it will be so!
❤ Praying along with you for your children, Laura, and for all the other prodigals.
Dear Laura
I echo your observations & opinion about freshly fallen snow. Unmarred by man. With the beauty of new beginnings.
Thank you Lord, for all that you have created and you saw it as good. This day Lord, help me be intentional and observing your creating throughout the day.
Ready to dig into Genesis here at the start of a new year to learn more about our God.
Lord thank you for your creation ❤️
Excited to be a part of this group!
“God created each one of us to bear His image, and He has not changed His mind.” Wow, Amanda, thank you so much for this thought on the first Monday of the new year! If reading the creation account and knowing God is still actively choosing us doesn’t get our feet to dancing, I don’t know what else will! Thank you, Lord, for sharing Your creation with us—knowing we would only bring death and decay—but also creating the greatest story of hope through Jesus that we might once again come home to the New Heaven and New Earth one day. ❤️
Beautiful way to start this year, diving into the story of God’s beginning with us! I’m excited to be here!
Praying for all of us to be diligent Women in the Word, making the time to let the Lord speak to our hearts and teach us about Him!
I am so excited to be starting Genesis! In reading Amanda’s words, it hit me that just like Sara, the Earth was barren as well. God can bring forth life where there is absolutely nothing! Have a blessed week ladies!
Wow. That is so encouraging! Thank you!
Yes, indeed! Great take away, Tami! ❤
Agreeing with AMANDA’s prayer for “a deeper knowledge of the God who made you and a deeper longing for His presence” as we study this book of Beginnings.
Prayers being lifted to God for you, Shes. May His presence and peace be with you today.
Amen! Me too!
Amen…agree! ❤
Overwhelmed this morning as I read these familiar verses and words: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth …
Knowing ahead of time the disobedience, disregard and disrespect that would be shown to Him, the magnitude of the sins that would be committed, the pain His only son would suffer – He KNEW these things would happen (no guessing, no “what if’s”) and the Almighty God of everything chose to create me, you, us anyway. wow.
I’m reminded of KELLY (NEO)’s questions and encouragement yesterday.
“ Are we looking for Him? How did you see Him appear in your life yesterday? How will He show up today?
Give Him the honor and praise for His presence in our lives.”
Thank you, Kelly.
Update on friend’s family member – doing well after Friday’s procedure, thank you for your prayers.
❤ Thank you Searching. I had a similar thought about God’s creation of us. And thank you Kelly for yesterday’s questions.
Very humbling indeed! We are studying Exodus in SS (ch. 16-18 yesterday). As Tina says, BUT, God…!
Thanks for that prayer update and ykur faithfulness in prayer! ❤
On this dreary back-to-school Monday in England with my to-do list stretching out in front of me, I really notice that God, the Awesome Creator of everything, took his time. He created a little every day and then took time to see that it was good. He didn’t rush to get the entire world up and running in one day, but set a pattern than I am taking into my day and week to come. Pacing, appreciating the world around me, resting, accomplishing His work. A good way to start my 2025!
Great point!
Yes! Really great point And I start back to school today too in NY, struggling with the darkness and the cold. Have a great day back Helen!
Love this!
Wow…this IS a a great point! I too, go back to school/work this morning (I’m a para) and though I LOVE my job and can’t wait to see the kiddos, I struggled to get a good night sleep. Pacing…..one-day-at-a-time…love this Thank you Helen.
Amen ❤️
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, Helen!
A pattern.
A pacing.
Affords peace.
Excited to do this reading plan with you all❤️
“Let there be light…”
You said Lord God in the beginning..
Lord, I pray your light shine over us as we study and re-live Genesis through our readings. That our eyes will re-focus, our hearts be re-newed, and our minds re-set, so that By faith we re-align our thoughts and understand of who YOU are, our LOVING Father God in whose image we are created, and to whom we have always, always belonged..
Let it be so..
Happy Monday my dears.
Much, much love this chilly morning!❤️
Forgot to say, Looking forward to our time together in Genesis…❤
Amen and amen!
Amen, Tina! ❤️
Sweet Tina….I was UP and could not sleep late, late evening and came here and read your comment. But didn’t comment as I was trying to go back to sleep. LOVE you sweet lady. I too, am Looking forward to our time together in Genesis.
‘To whom we have always always belonged!’ ❤ This fills my heart.
Tina I always look forward to your comments. They are so beautifully written! Looking forward to a new year and new study with you all.
Amen!!! Happy Monday She’s!