The Community’s Favorite Reading from 2019

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 10:14-17, Psalm 145:3-7, Isaiah 40:9-25, John 1:1-5, Revelation 22:13

For Day 5 of our 2019 Wrapped plan, we asked our marketing team to identify the community’s favorite reading from this year. The winner was Day 1 of our Attributes of God reading plan, which explores God’s infinite and extraordinary nature and the gift that His people get to know Him and experience His love. This reading set us up for three incredible weeks studying different attributes of God.

Attributes of God Day 1 | God Is God

Whatever we think of when we think about God is, at the very least, incomplete. He is infinite, but our imaginations are limited. He is unfathomable, so our thoughts cannot plumb the depths. He is the Creator of everything, yet we are constrained by metaphors that come from the created world. The very idea that we might classify or categorize God is laughable. He cannot be tamed or studied. He is beyond our reach and beyond our understanding.

And yet we can know Him. He has graciously entered our world, time and time again, so that we might be His children and His true image-bearers. He was in the garden with Adam and Eve. He spoke to Noah, Abraham, and Moses. His presence filled the tabernacle and, later, the temple. He put on flesh and became one of us. And He has gifted His Spirit to His people, in order that we might know Him more intimately still. “The LORD had his heart set on your fathers and loved them. He chose their descendants after them—he chose you out of all the peoples, as it is today” (Deuteronomy 10:15).

We can know God because He has chosen to be known. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. He is loving and just, merciful and good, and a thousand other things beside. “For the LORD your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awe-inspiring God” (v.17). Theologians have made many a complicated list of God’s attributes, filling thick volumes on shelves that occupy the libraries of this world. But those books amount to what we can know about God. We have been given an opportunity to go much deeper than that. We have been invited to love Him and be loved by Him—to know Him in a way that defies our limited capacity for knowledge and understanding and, in so doing, bring Him glory.

Whatever measure of knowledge we have about God is granted to us so that we might worship Him, not merely as admirers from afar but as dearly loved children.

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66 thoughts on "The Community’s Favorite Reading from 2019"

  1. Mom to Many says:

    I too have been waiting for the Lord to show me “what’s next” and I must admit to getting discouraged and frustrated. I am a “do-er” and I think the Lord is trying to teach me stillness and I am not a good student.

    May I ask what tools you all use for your devotional time besides SRT and your Bible? A favourite journal? I have tried and not been very successful at journalling but wonder if it might bring some freshness to my quiet time.

    1. Kristi L says:

      I also use a journal in the same way as Cathy. It has been so encouraging to look back at my old journals and see God’s faithfulness. I have also been using the Enduring Word Bible Commentary app. It has a lot of good commentary on Bible passages and helps you to understand the meaning.

    2. Amy Weir says:

      Hi! There’s this book calling ‘having a Mary heart in a Martha world’ that I would recommend reading. It explores the balance of being a “do-er” and being still. Using a journal has really helped me too :) God bless xx

  2. Katherine Kramer says:

    “He has graciously entered our world time and time again.” Ive been asking the Lord for over a year now to move and work in specific ways and He hasn’t yet. I know I’m not alone in waiting for the Lord to stretch out His arm and do what only He can do. Sometimes I feel forgotten. I wonder if He will ever do what I plead for. And then this verse (Deut. 10:15) reminds me that it’s about more than just a transactional relationship. God has entered my world over and over and over, with the sole purpose of knowing and loving me, just as I am today ♥️

  3. Verna Miller says:

    I heard a pastor once say, “If God we’re small enough to be understood, He would not be big enough to be worshipped”. I wrote it in my Bible and it has stuck ever since! It’s not about me….it’s all about God!

    1. Kirstie Le Lievre says:

      That’s an amazing thought Verna, thank you!

  4. Shelby Lund says:

    This was really speaking to my heart today. I need reminders that God is the almighty. He is the Lord of lords, King of Kong’s, He is the God of gods. When I question my future and whether I’m on the right path, I pray and remind myself that His ways are higher then my and His ways and thoughts are not mine. they are much higher than that. Thank you, God for loving me despite myself!

  5. Debbie says:

    Churchmouse and Tina, I just want to say how thankful I am for each of you. Each morning I look forward to spending time in Gods word with SRT and my beautiful sisters in Christ. Thank you both for sharing the wisdom, love and understanding of Gods word. May God Bless.

    1. Rachel Pickens says:

      I second this!

    2. Elaine . says:

      Yes, thank you!☺️

  6. Maura says:

    Good words my sister’s. What a God we have that draws us to Himself with unfathomable love. Love that embraces, strengthens, grows and heals us. So thankful for you Jesus. Be with us this day. Help us to know your depths, wrap us in your light and lift our voices to proclaim your love and glory. Hallelujah to the King.

  7. Churchmouse says:

    John 1:14 (The Message): “God became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.” Our one true God is not distant nor disengaged. All His interactions are truthfully and well recorded. We need only read His Word to get to know His character, His thoughts, His desires, His plans. He chose to walk this earth as one of us. Because He came to our neighborhood then and still comes today, in us and through us, we can know God incredibly intimately (This is not something to take lightly. He is after all God. And He pursues relationship with us. So amazing!). We can know Him as well as we know our next door neighbor-even more so as a best friend and better yet as a constant companion. The more time we spend with Him, the more we know and the more we want to know. Knowledge of Him is limitless because He is a limitless God. I pray that each of us discovers more about Him this year than we did last. And I pray we fall more in love with Him Who first loved us. Not just head knowledge but heart knowledge.

    1. Verna Miller says:

      My prayer, also!

    2. Karen Lockwood says:


  8. Tina says:

    I had my daughter when I was 17 years old. Though I was the mother, barely a child myself, we grew to be the very best of friends. We talked about everything and anything as she got older. We shared my bed when she visited, holding hands if we fell asleep! We shopped, we laughed. We cried. We loved. We lived.
    My beautiful girl was called home in 2004, leaving me a grieving mother and one who had lost her best friend and champion.
    In the months and years that have followed, I still hear stories and things about her that I didn’t know. Things that, not so much shock me as stop me in my tracks to say… “What, I’ve not heard that before,” or “I didnt know that.. ”
    We talked about everything, I mean everything…! I make no judgement on the things I hear,,1)She was my girl..and 2)I love to hear the stories of my beloved one no longer here..

    Here’s the thing.. i thought i knew my daughter, i thought i knew her way of thinking, i thought i knew her pretty well, we spent so much time together.. and yet..

    How much more God..
    How much more God..

    In my journeying with Him, I have learnt not to box Him in, not to limit his power to my ‘mustard seed’ size power, I love, oh how I love, But God… He loves with an everlasting love, a love so pure, so unconditional..
    I have learnt that though I dream and hanker after things, Gods plans for my life far out weighs my thinking and dreaming..
    What is it Paul said..
    ..So that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. This life that I live now, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me.
    Galatians 2:20 GNB

    I will never truly understand Our God, but I know Him. Here’s the thing, do I need to understand Him? Do I need to figure Him out?

    Absolutely not!

    He lives in me. He gave His life for me. He loves me. He watches over me. He is present for me, in all things.. Oh my goodness, He sings over me..! Zephaniah 3:17 tells me..

    The LORD your God is with you; his power gives you victory. The LORD will take delight in you, and in his love he will give you new life. He will sing and be joyful over you,

    What else do I need to know?


    Thank you lord God. With all I am Thank you, that you chose me.. Thank you..

    Love wrapped hugs Sisters, for a fabulously God blessed Friday.

    1. Taylor Hite says:

      Tina, although I’m sorry to hear she has passed, what a beautiful story. I lost my mom when I was 11 and have regrets of not knowing her the way you and your daughter knew one another. You’re right, how much more the Lord! Much love to you ❤️

    2. Verna Miller says:

      Much love and many prayers coming across the pond to you, Tina! ❤️

    3. Mari V says:

      Thank you Tina for sharing your beautiful story of this beautiful relationship with you and your daughter. With God by my side I am striving for this relationship between my daughter and I. I am an older mom but I love my daughter dearly. Many times I just stay silent and listen.

    4. Karen Lockwood says:


    5. Lisa Daniel says:
