The Call of Abram

Open Your Bible

Genesis 11:1-32, Genesis 12:1-9, Psalm 2:1-12

New beginnings are almost always scary. Sure, there’s anticipation and excitement, but there’s also uncertainty and a little bit of fear. Questions like, “Will this really work?” and, “What if I don’t have what it takes?” can arise with any new beginning. It doesn’t matter if it’s a new start to a semester, a new baby, a new marriage, or a new job, fear is a feat to get over in order to move forward. But thankfully, fear and trepidation don’t have to hold us back. We can move forward even in the face of fear because our God goes before us and that makes all the difference. 

Although we don’t know what Abram thought or felt when God called him to establish a new beginning, we do know he was as human as you and me. He likely felt some excitement and anticipation alongside some angst and unease. After all, he was being called to follow God’s lead, and it was new territory for him. Yet something must have made Abram believe that even if he didn’t have what it took to thrive in a foreign land, God did.

When the Lord spoke to Abram, He instructed Abram to leave his land and his people. Those instructions would require Abram to leave his reputation and the protection that accompanied it behind. However, it also required him to leave his unbelief behind as well. Genesis 11:30 tells us that Sarai’s infertility was known, even before he left for Canaan. Yet Abram left believing God would establish a new beginning as he focused more on the faith he had in God more than any fear that might arise.

God showed Himself faithful when Abram allowed his faith to move him, and God chose to do even more than He revealed to Abram through Abram’s line. Psalm 2 says that a King would arrive who would be given the nations as His heritage and the ends of the earth as His possession. The language is reminiscent of Genesis 12, because Jesus ultimately descended from Abram’s line. Abram didn’t allow worry to restrict his choice to follow the Lord, and as a result, the Lord established a new beginning through Abram that would bless others forever.

So what about your new beginning? Will you focus on what you can or can’t do, or will you remember what God is capable of? The Lord has new mercies to help us navigate every new beginning when we choose to trust Him. Let’s invite Him to lead us beyond the boundaries of our fear.

(152) Comments

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152 thoughts on "The Call of Abram"

  1. Jennifer AndersMiller says:

    Oof! That hit home!

  2. betting game says:

    Interesting post… I completely agree with your points.
    Keep up the good work

  3. Hannah Collier says:

    Much needed! Starting a new job soon, and I am feeling a bit of nervousness about it all!

  4. Sam Nauman says:

    “Don’t allow worry to restrict your choices”. Love it. ❤️

  5. Sophie M says:

    Blessed are those who take refugee in Him. AMEN!

  6. Nicole Powell says:

    I’m going to faith like Abram

  7. Wanda Woehlert says:

    The Lord has new mercies to help us navigate every new beginning when we choose to trust him.

  8. Paula Mourin says:


  9. Brenda P says:

    I am so confused by Gen 11:6. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

    This literally described world peace (one goal and all people understanding one another), then God says it is bad and banishes that possibility……..

    1. Darla H says:

      This confused me a little, too. They were after their own glory instead of God’s. Maybe He was trying to set them on a course to rely on Him and act in faith rather than to lean on their own understanding. Not sure, just a thought.

    2. Searching says:

      Good question, Brenda ❤️
      From my understanding of these passages, this situation at Babel goes back to God’s instructions after the flood, in Genesis 9. In verse 1 and again in verse 7:
      1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
      7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.”
      Genesis 11:4 shows their hearts have strayed by disregarding God’s instructions (intending to stay in one place instead of filling the earth) and their intent/desire to boost themselves rather than obey God and worship Him.
      4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

  10. Adrienne says:

    In our current reading and in EVERY reading plan we have done or will do, it is good to remember what was said on the podcast this week…
    “Mankind is figuring things out. God is NOT (emphasis mine) figuring things out.”
    He always has a plan.

    1. Brenda P says:

      Wow, this is what i didn’t understand

  11. Lauren G says:

    Between today’s reading and the comments everyone has shared I am drawn to the theme of stepping out in faith even when we don’t know exactly what/where God is calling us to (like Abram did). Now I have the song Oceans (where feet may fail) playing on repeat in my heart and I think the words match this idea beautifully

    “You call me out upon the waters
    The great unknown where feet may fail
    And there I find You in the mystery
    In oceans deep my faith will stand

    And I will call upon Your Name
    And keep my eyes above the waves
    When oceans rise
    My soul will rest in Your embrace
    For I am Yours and You are mine

    Your grace abounds in deepest waters
    Your sovereign hand will be my guide
    Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
    You’ve never failed and You won’t start now

    Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
    Let me walk upon the waters
    Wherever You would call me
    Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
    And my faith will be made stronger
    In the presence of my Saviour

    I will call upon Your Name
    Keep my eyes above the waves
    My soul will rest in Your embrace
    I am Yours and You are mine”

    1. Lara Castillo says:

      I love that song! So appropriate for the reading today.

  12. Debra says:

    God scattered the people and gave them different dialect because they disobeyed Him. God had commanded the people to spread out over the earth.

    Direct from the Enduring word:
    b. The land of Shinar: Shinar was a term used also of Babylon (Genesis 10:10). The multiplied descendants from the ark came together to build a great city and tower, in rebellion against God’s command to spread out over the earth (Genesis 9:1).


    1. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Thank you, Debra, for sharing this. I love hearing what Enduring word has to say.

  13. Traci Gendron says:

    I have had many new beginnings. Some my own doing. Married young only to divorce 8 years later. Had a child with a rare, rare illness and became a single mom. Worked at several different salons to end up opening my own. Moved a 1,000 miles away from the only town I had ever lived in. Retired. Now it’s just my husband and I. I miss my son so much, but I no longer worry about him. I know God is taking better care of him than I ever could. And now I have more time than I could have ever imagined. God will direct me where I should go.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤❤❤ I understand the retirement hours prayer!

  14. R says:


  15. Melanie says:

    The past few days have reminded me over and over that I cannot do anything without God/Christ. Today’s reading was such a great reminder again.

    I have a full day ahead—as I work in Pasadena and many of my colleagues and our students have lost their homes, are displaced, etc. I have felt so overwhelmed. But God… but God is here in the midst of all this. So I need to continually call on Him.

    1. AG says:

      Praying for you Melanie and all who were affected by the fires

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Praying here, too! ❤

  16. Margaret W. says:

    What impressed me today was that Abram was not shown everything he needed/wanted to know all at once. He made his journey in many stages, and he was 75 with a barren wife when he was called to be the father of many nations who would bless the whole earth. The moral of this to me is that maybe I should stop complaining and have more faith. I’m only 58, and I already have 5 kids.

    1. Allison Bentley says:

      Stages stood out to me too today- beautiful reminder that everything is not going to happen at once and I should find my “settled” security in Christ- not what’s happening around me!

  17. Cheryl Blow says:

    Lord, lead us beyond our boundaries into your supernatural! Trusting you with our lived.

  18. Julia C says:

    “We can move forward even in the face of fear because our God goes before us and that makes all the difference.” Thank you, LIV DOOLEY ❤️

    “Faith is the organ by which God’s special revelation can, and must be received. We know God because God chooses to be known, and what God chooses to be known must be believed in order to truly understand.” (Kevin DeYoung, Daily Doctrine)

    Give us the faith, Father, that You are with us always, in every new beginning. May we remember what You are capable of. Lead us beyond the bounderies of our fear, AMEN.

    1. Danielle B says:

      Good to see your name again in the comments!

  19. Cee Gee says:

    I have read this chapter in Genesis several times for various reasons since the first of the year. Finally, today something clicked so I hope it sticks!

    Genesis 11:26 “After Terah was 70 years old, he became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.”
    I honestly don’t remember noticing that (Terah’s age) before! That should have had an impact on Abram when God told him he would father a son in his old age, but it should also have an impact on me as a 70 year old when it comes to a call from God. Even though our lifespan isn’t what it was in those days, I know God can use any of us to do his bidding. I will trust in Him to guide me through any new thing He requires or me. “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”!
    Psalm 2:11- “Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling.”
    Warren Wiersbe – “True believers know what it means to have both fear and joy in their hearts. Love for the Lord casts out sinful fear (1 John 4:18) but perfects godly fear. We love our Father but still respect His authority.”
    Let’s remember:
    2 Timothy 1:7
    For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
    Love hugs, and prayers to each of you with much appreciation for all you share! :) <3

    1. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Thank you for sharing this Cee Gee.

  20. Barb D says:

    My new beginning looks more like reconciliation with one of my two estranged daughters and preparing for her September wedding. Talk about fear! I’m at the “walking on eggshells” phase of reuniting. God continues to grow me in trusting Him!

    As an aside, did anyone else find themselves curious about the Tower of Babel part of today’s reading? I hope they talk about it on the podcast.

    1. Adrienne says:

      They did, Barb… It was a good listen too! (It always is.) I had never made the connection between the Tower of Babel and Babylon (duh!) and also Pentecost.

    2. Adrienne says:

      P.S. But the CSB is the only translation that uses Babylon. I looked at my ESV, NIV, KJV, and RSV, so…

      1. Searching says:

        I found this, Adrienne, at got questions:
        The Chaldeans were people who lived in southern Babylonia which would be the southern part of Iraq today. Sometimes the term Chaldeans is used to refer to Babylonians in general, but normally it refers to a specific semi-nomadic tribe that lived in the southern part of Babylon.

        1. Adrienne says:

          Thank you! I looked in different Bible versions and also got questions, but I didn’t see that. There was a note in my NIV study Bible that did make note of Babylon. It said… “The Hebrew word here (balal) sounds like ‘Babel,’ the Hebrew word for Babylon and the origin of the English word ‘babel’.” In all Sunday school lessons and on the headings of my Bibles, it is always called “The Tower of Babel”. It makes sense… the connection to Babylon, doesn’t it?

  21. Leanna Thompson says:

    So good! Focusing on what God can and will do.
    Dear SRT ladies please pray for my mom she is in ICU and has been since Saturday morning. Low blood pressure and found a hematoma in her abdominal wall. She has had 5 units of blood so far to get her hemoglobin up. It will go up after transfusion then after a few hours go down again. She has dementia so I’m with her during visiting hours.
    Thank you ladies.

    1. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Prayers for your sweet mother and peace for you and your family! ❤️

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Amen, joining.

    2. Dee Dee says:

      Praying for you and your mom!❤️

    3. Melanie says:

      Praying for your mom!

    4. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Praying for you and your mom, Leanna.

  22. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    To Know Him is to trust Him.

    Thank you Liv for the reminder that God is always there, His mercies are new every day and I must remember what God is capable of.

    “By faith Abraham obeyed and went…even though he did not know where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8

    Oh that I would have this same faith that Abraham had. To trust God, even though I don’t know where He’s taking me. It is not a “blind faith”, but a trusting faith. May I always choose like Abraham did – and leave my unbelief behind.
    This lesson reminds me of two older hymns – Trust and Obey and Faith Is The Victory. Here are a verse and chorus from each….
    Trust and Obey

    When we walk with the Lord
    in the light of his word,
    what a glory he sheds on our way!
    While we do his good will,
    he abides with us still,
    and with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
    Faith Is The Victory

    Encamped along the hills of light,
    Ye Christian soldiers rise,
    And press the battle ere the night
    Shall veil the glowing skies;
    Against the foe in vales below
    Let all our strength be hurled;
    Faith is the victory, we know,
    That overcomes the world.

    Faith is the victory!
    Faith is the victory!
    O glorious victory,
    That overcomes the world.

    Happy Monday dear sisters! Praying for your requests. ❤️

    1. Wendy B says:

      Appreciate your thoughts. Thank you for bringing these songs to mind.❤️

    2. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Love these old hymns! The messsge is so rich! ❤️

  23. Elise Leonard says:

    My new beginning has been being a mom full-time at home. While it certainly isn’t as big of a task as Abram had it still requires faith as I teach a new generation. There are many times I tell myself I’m not good enough, I don’t do enough for her or my fiancé, etc., but that’s fear and doubt. Just like Noah did with the building of the ark, I must show up every day in obedience to complete the mundane. for those of you that have been in my shoes, did you ever feel like you weren’t doing enough for your family if you stayed home? What were some things that helped you negate that? And did you do your devos in front of your kids or when they were asleep?

    1. Emily B. says:

      Hi, Elise! Staying home with your babies is such a blessing! I’ve been a SAHM for seven years now, and I love the opportunity I have to spend so much time with my kids. I set the habit with my first of getting up before her in the mornings to do my Bible reading/devotion. I like having at least 20-30 minutes to myself before the chaos of the day. Two of my kids are old enough that they’ll come downstairs sometimes when I’m still reading, but I like them seeing Mommy spending time with God. You’ll figure out the rhythm that works best for you and your family! And please don’t feel like you aren’t doing “enough” by staying home. I’d argue that you’re doing everything by being there with your kid(s).

    2. Leanna Thompson says:

      I stayed at home from the time before I got pregnant with my first until my second (I have 2 boys) was in 10th grade. I only worked and continue to work part time and they are now 25 and 21. What you are doing is more than enough. You contribute so much to your family. Be sure there is balance as Emily said have your quiet time with your Bible and the Lord. Meet up with other mom’s for play dates. Attend church and Bible study with ladies your age or the age of your children. Have your children help you with the day to day tasks of laundry, cooking, dishes, cleaning. Even small children can help by folding. Be patient with yourself and with them. Some things will take longer to do but will be worth it as you are training your children in the way they should go.
      Proverbs 22:6

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Elise, somehow I missed your comment yesterday. Like Leanna, I was SAH before my first pregnancy- a mutual decision between my husband and me since we were hoping to have children soon.
      I read lots of Bible based Golden Books to our kids and usually did serious Bible study when they were sleeping, or later, at school. I started a Bible study at our church for young moms. We just put toys out for the kids and had our discussion with them playing nearby. You grow and adapt along with your kids. You are doing enough if you are sharing prayer time and Bible stories with them. Our kids also LOVED kid focused music (tapes for us! Lol) Dottie Rambo did one of their favorite tapes. Veggie Tales is another great option for today’s kids. God bless you; you will not regret being at home! ❤

  24. Michelle P says:

    “Will you focus on what you can or can’t do, or will you remember what God is capable of?”
    Need to remember this! God bless you and happy Monday, Shes!

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    2. Wendy B says:

      Me too❤️

  25. Karen Breaux says:


  26. Rebekah Richmond says:

    Wow! Thank you God for your Word that reveals all the ways you are with us. I pray for Vicki to be very aware of your presence, keep her safe and protect her. Give her new experiences that rewrite her story and redeem what was once lost

  27. Rhonda J. says:

    I love to see the pinpoints to Jesus in the old testament! It’s imperative for us to know that He was always the plan. God has the plan- the way, the truth, the life. Abraham was to be the father of many nations, and he trusted God in faith. He trusted the way- because He had the leader going in front of him, beside him, and behind him. Yet, it wasn’t easy. we will soon get to the biggest test of faith with him in sacrificing his son! Yet he keeps trusting and honoring, revering his God!

    God HAS to be the center of our life. When we make the commitment through Jesus we say he is the WAY. He is the way we point our life to, he is the way to follow after, he is our faith and trust. He leads us through valleys and up the mountains, to dance on top of the mountains, and down again. The path is hard and we can’t see ahead. God does not shine a flashlight ahead, he is a lamp at our feet. One step at a time. We can’t not even fathom it all if we tried, we would be scared and intimidated. So we take one step of faith at a time- yet knowing He has the future, our future.. already in his hands.

    The bottom line, we have to trust and obey. For it’s the only Way. I trust in God. We seek, we find. We call on, he answers. We ask, we receive. We pray, he provides. Lord increase our faith, no matter what we and my She’s face today! The unknown of a diagnosis, the fear for a loved one, a discord and growing separation with a spouse, a lonely walk after a loss, a longing and hope for a husband or children. Lord, you know all, see all of our situations, nothing surprises you, and you know the perfect WAY that we need to go, one foot at a time. You love and guidance is our strength. For you know the plans you have for us, not to harm us, but for good, a hope and future, Lord we hold on to that promise today- In Jesus’ name- Amen, and Amen!!

    1. GramsieSue says:

      This is wonderful!
      Thanks for sharing your wisdom and excitement!
      Hugs to you, Rhonda J ❤️

    2. Christy says:

      Love this! Thank you for sharing ❤️

    3. Kristy says:

      Love this! Sending now to my senior!

    4. Mercy says:

      ❤️ I love the dancing on the mountaintop. Praise God for your wonderful enthusiasm and strength.

  28. Maria B says:

    “Let’s invite Him to lead us beyond the boundaries of our fear” feels so timely as I step into the new year with new projects and two unfamiliar areas I’ve been asked to take on. I’ve bee afraid—wondering if I’ll fail or if I’m equipped—but I keep reminding myself that this is a role I prayed for, trusting God would place me where He wants me.

    Lord, help me step boldly into where You’ve called me, without fear and trusting in Your guidance and strength over my own.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! Amen..YOU are equipped Maria! That’s exciting! Prayers for your new adventure!

      1. Maria B says:

        Thank you, friend!

    2. Adrienne says:

      I think I remember that you took on something new last year that you though you couldn’t do. ❤️
      He doesn’t call the equipped but equips those He calls.
      You’ve got this.

      1. Adrienne says:


  29. Wendy B says:

    The story of Abraham is one of the countless reminders in scripture that tells us God is in it all. He is on the throne. He is there. He makes the way. He leads. He guides. He keeps His promises. He is faithful.

    I found these words from both SRT & HRT in particular very encouraging for me today:

    “Whether we’re reading it for the first or the hundredth time, the pages that follow reveal how God delivers on His promises to Abraham. And if we’re honestly looking at the evidence in our own lives, we can rest assured that the same God who was faithful to Abraham is equally trustworthy today.” (SRT)

    “Will you focus on what you can or can’t do, or will you remember what God is capable of? The Lord has new mercies to help us navigate every new beginning when we choose to trust Him. Let’s invite Him to lead us beyond the boundaries of our fear.” (HRT)

    For me, my often weary, fragile thinking and fear of the unknown needs a constant reeling in and reminders that God is who He says He is. I need to remember and recount what the Lord has done in my life, what He is capable of; to look at the evidence, at the miracles. Our great God is the same God that leads, that made the way then as He makes the way now.

    The passage in Psalm 2, although more directed at leaders and kings also stands out to me as how to posture our hearts in serving regardless of our stature:

    ‘Serve the Lord with reverential awe and rejoice with trembling.” Psalm 2:11

    Because of our Almighty God, who is in it all, and because He walks with me and He has done miracles in my life, I can trust and know that continues. Each day I can be in awe and praise as I serve no matter what comes because He is faithful. Thank you Lord. Help me to rest in you and the promises of your Word.

    Rhonda J, not sure if you saw my response yesterday, but thank you so much for your encouragement. I was(am)deeply touched by that❤️

    Blessings on your day SRT sisters. The sharing, insights, questions, wisdom, reflections and responses add to the richness of this community as we spur one another on. Although not always by name, I pray for you all❤️

    1. GramsieSue says:


    2. Rhonda J. says:

      So good, thank you Wendy for this reflection and wisdom!! Remember and know! Amen!
      I did not see! your welcome. Your testimony really affects me, again why it’s so important to share with our sisters and others!! Imagine the seeds it plants in some, and the water it grows in others!! Amazing our hardships and trials are for His glory!! And for our faith!

  30. Lori Lackey says:

    I ca move forward in the face of fear, because God goes before me.

  31. Kayla Hamby says:

    Let’s invite Him to lead us beyond the boundaries of our fear!

  32. Mari V says:

    I will remember what God is capable of!! I feel as we get older in age and mature in the Lord, we know this to be TRUE! And of course there are those who mature much quicker and get this much sooner. BUT God… I know that I know our JESUS has us! I trust Him! New beginnings…today is my daughter Alyssa’s second semester in College, and is nervous and also dreading it yet she also knows she’ll be going to school for a LONG time. THANK you all for her beautiful birthday wishes. She ended up getting depressed in the later afternoon to the point of unstoppable tears as we headed to childcare. Even got mad at one point. At that point all I could do is pray silently. But God…..oh our precious JESUS. My son had texted me during our work time to try to stall her as much as possible before coming home. We were going to celebrate with cake and gifts and food. We went to Trader Joe’s to pick up snacks for the movie at home. She was still crying and felt embarrassed of her tears which were legit. (stay with me) The sweet girl at the checkout had John 3:16 tatooed on her arm along with 2 other scriptures. I made a comment and was EXCITED to tell us about them! Meanwhile she could she Alyssa’s red face from crying, I told her it was her birthday and in her excitement told us to wait there at the checkout stand. She went and came with the MOST beautiful bouquet of flowers and hugged Alyssa and prayed over her! Right there in Trader Joes’!! It was beautiful. It was ALL God! We were at the right place at the right time! When we got home Caleb had Alyssa wait in the garage while he had me help him set up the table! Candle light, table cloth and plates. He had pink streamers hanging down as she entered the kitchen! It was beautiful! She cried again, but this time “happy tears” She felt celebrated! There is more to this story and would take longer, but the main thing is she was SO down, and rightfully so, and ended well. I’m out of time.
    Happy Monday She’s!

    1. GramsieSue says:

      That is the sweetest story!! I’m so happy God was with you all through her sadness and into her happiness!
      Thank you for sharing ❤️

    2. Michelle P says:

      Aww God is so sweet!! How beautiful. ❤️❤️❤️ Your family is precious, Mari!

      1. Tami says:

        Wow the boldness of the woman in Trader Joe’s. If she had not stepped out ion faith, you and your daughter would not have received the blessing. Makes me wonder how many times someone loses a blessing because I ignore the prompting of God to pray for them/encourage/ etc

    3. Lynne from Alabama says:

      I just love the divine appointments that God sets up for us! I had a one in Cracker Barrel a few weeks ago. A girl that worked there gave me a huge hug and prayed over me when I started sharing about what Jack and I are going through. She even paid for our dinner that I was there to pick up. God is so good!!! ❤️

      1. Nicky Winterton says:

        LYNNE that’s amazing! God is Good!

    4. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh I LOVE this!! Wow..the lady at Trader Joe’s prayed for her!!! And gave her flowers, how beautiful to remind us to be aware of those around us, and where the Holy Spirit guides and uses us!! I also love how your son is SO thoughtful- that is a rarity to do that for a sister!! You have raised them good!! Love you friend! Glad she had a wonderful birthday in the end! YOUR day as well!!

    5. Mari V says:

      Thank you, beautiful She’s!! I’m at work now and on my first 10 minute break. I read through your comments. They mean do much to me! And just to clarify. When I mentioned we went to childcare I meant that we went to “work” In childcare. Thankfully, there was only one little girl who is the sweetest and the cutest. And Alyssa did enjoy that part. Funny thing is the mom of this little girl went to the school where I work at and where Alyssa went as well. Time does really go by so fast

    6. Mercy says:

      Just the sweetest story. Praying over Alyssa that she be strengthened and nurtured each day by God’s love and kindness over her and your family.

    7. Adrienne says:

      That is a lovely story and a beautiful encounter.

  33. Tonya Woodruff says:

    Thank you Lord this passage, that you are always going before me. My fear is great in my new job activities, yet I know you are there with me. Praise be to God!! ❤️

  34. Sarah M says:

    I see this as a message not to question my decisions when things become difficult. When things do I often second guess myself. I need to trust that this is the path the Lord has chosen for me. And He only wants good for me.

  35. Tara B says:

    What a blessing to read the Word and then all of your comments, thoughts, stories and prayers. Such insight and wisdom I receive from you ladies, daily. Lifting you all in prayer today, as I read through prayer requests. Have a wonderful day in the Lord, ladies! Stay safe. Lord, help me look at what you have done and not grow weary and fearful of the unknowns. I need You, each and every day. I want to follow Your lead and trust Your ways. Lead me, Lord. Help me to rest in You. In Jesus Name, Amen

  36. Caroline Bridges says:

    I see it more as a calling to start over.

  37. Ashley Banks says:


  38. Danielle B says:

    What comfort knowing God goes before us and prepares the way. I recently read Zachariah 2:5 that says He is a wall of fire all around me. It brought such peace knowing He is a wall of fire around me and to be reminded today He goes before is further encouragement in my anxious moments. Help me faithfully follow you Lord!

  39. R says:

    Thank you Liv Dooley! After the diagnosis I recieved of a
    pulmonary embolism(my second one)
    I found myself retreating into
    fear;why do they keep coming back ,what does this mean for the future? This devotional helped me to realize that the Lord has already gone before me into my future,I have to go past the boundaries of my fear! As I was
    pondering all of this the lyrics to “Oceans” came to mind :
    ” Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders,let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior” Oh for grace She’s to trust Him more!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, great song for today! You have been in my prayers!

    2. Tami says:

      I love that song! I pray you get answers R!

    3. Dee Dee says:

      Love that song, R! Thanks for sharing your insights and prayers for healing and wisdom for all those involved in your medical care!❤️

      1. R says:


  40. Mari G says:

    Love this “we can move forward in fear because God goes before us.” Amen and praise God!

  41. Jillian L says:

    I’m struggling with knowing God is capable and not seeing it come.
    I have strong desire to be married and have babies but Im still very single. And it’s extremely painful to see all my friends have incredible families and get what I’ve been desperately praying for. I definitely relate to Sarai in the story.

    1. Emily B. says:

      I was in your shoes 10 years ago! It can feel like things will never change for you, and yet everyone else is getting the (good!) things you so desire. My encouragement is to not let your disappointment keep you from continuing to pray and seek God for the desires of your heart. It IS hard to keep praying for things and not get them, but don’t let it harden your heart or draw you away from Him. I think the enemy uses situations like this to tempt us to question God’s goodness. We need to be able to say and believe that God IS good, even if things aren’t going the way we want them to or thought they would.

    2. Michelle says:

      God knows the desires of your heart! You have to fully give them to Him and trust. Get on those knees and pray

    3. Kelsey Choi says:

      Oh Jillian!

      Hang in there! I know what that is like! It’s not easy and when you have doubts, it’s ok to ask God to “help my unbelief” (mark 9:23-25). God put those desires in your heart for a reason! Trust Him! But also, what can you do for God in His kingdom while you wait?

    4. Carol J Mylin says:

      Lifting you to Jesus, Jillian… May your ♥️be filled with love, your life be full of purpose, and your soul be comforted with the peace that can only come from the Presence of the Holy Spirit.
      I can’t promise that your present heart’s desire will be met as you dream, but I do know that as He becomes your ♥️’s Desire, your life Will change! Tenderly lifting your ♥️ to Jesus now…!

    5. Jane K says:

      Jillian, I am praying for you that God would give you the desires of your heart. It’s hard to wait on the Lord,but His way is worth waiting for. I remember my friend saying it was better to be single than be married to the wrong person. I will keep praying for you, that God will bless you with a Godly partner and that the Lord would pour out His favor on you. My daughter’s name is Jillian too and she waited many years before she met her husband. They have been married alittle over a year now. God is good, all the time, even in the waiting.

  42. Hayley Brightwell says:

    New Beginnings…an exciting yet also a scary and sometimes restless time as you are exploring what this new beginning is. Just as Abram explored his own new home. But he also had faith to pitch his tent right in the middle of it. Do I have faith to pitch my tent in my own new beginnings and to allow God the time He wants to develop this new land in front of my eyes? I have worked a corporate job for almost 13 years but I feel a tremendous sense of a calling to do something that could take away the security that a corporate job can bring. Liv’s words today struck me: “God showed Himself faithful when Abram allows his faith to move him, and God chose to do even more than he revealed to Abram through Abram’s wife.

    If I move in faith, God is faithful to go before me. And maybe my move in faith will also be a new beginning and a move in faith for someone else that God is calling to greater things.

    Deuteronomy 31:8
    The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you not forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

    1. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

      Hayley, I love the question you posed “do I have faith to pitch my tent,” this was something I hadn’t even considered when reading the verse. Thank you for sharing! A few years ago, I stepped out of my corporate job to work for a small business with my husband. It was scary thinking we had all of our eggs in one basket, but it has honestly been the biggest blessing to both of us—

    2. Mercy says:

      Praying over your courage Hayley that you can rest and trust in God to pursue a new beginning.

  43. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Help me to remember Who You are and that nothing is impossible for You! You are my strength in my weaknesses!

  44. Jennifer Jackson says:


  45. Aimee D-R says:

    Father guide me, make my paths straight. Holy Spirit fill me to move in faith, not fear. Open my spiritual eyes to Your plan. In Jesus name, Amen

  46. Vicki M says:

    “So what about your new beginning? Will you focus on what you can or can’t do, or will you remember what God is capable of?”
    These questions are so timely for me right now!
    And the call of Abram always takes me back to my own life changing move. Only it wasn’t a call with a blessed promise attached. It was an enforced, unwanted move. Two months after my mother died I was sent from Canada to boarding school in England. My two brothers and I were split up and sent to different schools. We had originally come over for what we thought was a 2 week stay with my grandparents in Scotland. I had one suitcase with me. I never went back to my home in Canada and to this day I don’t know what happened to all my childhood things. The trauma of that sudden, total separation from everything I knew was huge. And I didn’t know God.

    But crucially God knew me. Even more, when I look back I am convinced He had already chosen me as His own because I see His footprints throughout my life. But it took me another ten years to answer His call!

    Many, many years later I am again confronted with a move. Most of my life in England has been in the same area. With a new little granddaughter, we want to be closer to her and my son and his partner to help with childcare. But the fears of a new beginning in an unfamiliar place bubble up unreasonably. Moving to somewhere new is associated not with excitement or a sense of adventure but of traumatic loss. Even though I try to keep in mind my granddaughter who is just the most adorable bundle of joy you can imagine!

    I am challenged now by what I have so often said – just trust in God. He is faithful and good and never ever fails us. And that has absolutely been my experience.

    But now I sit here with this: “Let’s invite Him to lead us beyond the boundaries of our fear.”
    Father, lead me to lean into that trust in you that I have so often leaned into before, sure of your love, your goodness, your protection and provision. You have walked with me through deep valleys and over mountains. Help me now to see beyond the boundary of my fear. Amen.
    Perhaps I could ask you to pray for me, sisters?

    1. MM Dent says:

      Prayers for your new beginnings and peace that comes from leaning into our heavenly Father and the plans He has for you and your family. ❤️

    2. Darby Byrd says:

      Prayed for you Vicki❤️

    3. GramsieSue says:

      What a precious testimony…God was drawing you to HIm before you even knew HIM!
      It is hard to overcome our fears, but you are already on the right path…Let God lead and trust Him once again.
      Hugs for you and that sweet grandbaby ❤️

    4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Vicki thank you for sharing your story. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for you as a child – to have to go through all you did. As if losing your mom wasn’t hard enough, but then to be sent away and separated from your brothers, wow.

      But God! Praise Him that He had you all along, and that you now know him!

      I will be praying for your move, and your new beginnings. It can be very scary and sad to leave all that you know behind. But always remember -just as God was with you long ago, He will be with you now as you embark on this new move and new adventure.

      Happy Monday. ❤️

    5. Tami says:

      Vicki thi is an amazing story and one I want to hear more of! WOW! Like Sharon said, that must have been so though and also traumatic. Im sorry you had to go through that. I’m praying for God’s peace as you plan for this new beginning.

    6. Mercy says:

      Praying that you consider the cost and the preparation process for this big transition. There is a steep cost to trust in God, but also a big reward. I love your story. And if I had a grandma like you, to hear that she would overcome fear to be part of my life, that she trusts in God, it would be a huge blessing. Prayers for strength and courage over you.

  47. Searching says:

    Thinking this morning on the faith of Abram, doing as he was told in following the Lord’s guidance into the unknown.

    I love, love, love being in charge, but always behind the scenes. It can be a problem …
    Lord, help me follow You and also to stay out of Your way, having faith to trust You and Your perfect plan and wisdom.

    Reminded of Deuteronomy 31:8,
    And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.

    Which reminds me of The Blessing (Kari Jobe/Elevation Worship, written by Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, Chris Brown, and Steven Furtick)
    Especially a couple of the bridges:
    May His presence go before you
    And behind you, and beside you
    All around you, and within you
    He is with you, He is with you
    In the morning, in the evening
    In your coming, and your going
    In your weeping, and rejoicing
    He is for you, He is for you.

    One of the BG verses for today:
    2 Corinthians 5:20, Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ ahem… “I love, love, love being in charge, but always behind the scenes. It can be a problem.” Recognition there!!!
      Another favorite verse to share is Numbers 6:24-26
      ‘May the Lord bless you
      and protect you.
      25 May the Lord smile on you
      and be gracious to you.
      26 May the Lord show you his favor
      and give you his peace.’

    2. Adrienne says:

      Same… (being in charge).
      I need to let that go.

  48. Crystal Pitzer says:


  49. Laura says:

    I love reading the account of Abram and Sarai because it so clearly shows how God is with us, going before us, even when we can’t see anything happening. And once again, like Noah, the trust is there. God said to do this, and they obeyed, even though they didn’t understand. The trust in God was there.

    HRT is worth a read this morning. The author talks about how even though our own earthly people (in this case, his father) do not keep promises, God CAN be trusted to keep HIS promises. We must overcome the broken promises of the humans we live with here on Earth, but we do not have to ever doubt the promises of God. I love that!

    Our holiday celebrating is finally over! Today, I feel like I can settle into the new beginning of 2025. I want to set goals for myself today and reflect on God’s promises to me. I decided to chose some words to pray over those in my life who I pray for regularly. For two of my children: conviction and direction. For my other child and a good friend: trust and rest. I want to focus more on prayer this year, not just to pray, but to be focused, intentional in what I pray. To pray boldly before the Lord in accordance to His promises and His Word.

    1. Jillian L says:

      I love how you pointed out how we see God going along side us even when we don’t see anything happening! I need that reminder today ❤️

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      I love the idea of a word for your kids to pray and be intentional on! I think I will do that!

  50. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Frim HRT this morning
    “The Bible doesn’t appear to affirm that Abraham earned God’s favor as a pillar of the community, nor does it put him forth as paragon of piety to make him the obvious choice to receive this world-shaping, history-changing promise from God. Abraham’s introduction to the story illustrates the lavish love and unremitting mercy of God, not the talent or worthiness of Abraham.”
    Lovish love!

    1. Searching says:

      Thank you, Kelly – it’s not us, it’s Him!

    2. Lena Sorensen says:

      Same as it is for us today. It is always Jesus.

    3. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

      Thank you for sharing this!

  51. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Morning Shes
    A foreshadowing of the coming Savior…
    A foretaste of upcoming SRT community read…
    Faith over fear.
    “For every one of God’s promises
    is “Yes” in Him.
    Therefore, through Him
    we also say ‘Amen’
    to the glory of God.” (CSB)
    Have a wonderful week, my Sisters in Christ.
    Wherever life takes you, He’s already there!

  52. Sally B. says:

    This thought caught my attention this morning – despite any fears or angst Abram felt, ‘something must have made him believe that even if he did not have what it took to thrive in a foreign land, God did.’
    How may of us feel like we are living in a foreign land these days!!??
    Father, give us faith and courage to follow Your direction, even when we are afraid!
    Blessings on your Monday, Ladies!

  53. Nicky Winterton says:


  54. Nicky Winterton says:

    Gosh, the first post this morning! Good morning friends ☺️

    This morning’s reading has prompted me to think about my own fear. I turn 58 this year, and never used to be very much afraid of life. But over the past few years (possibly since the pandemic and lockdown) I realise I have become so much more anxious and risk-averse about the smallest things.

    Reading about Abram’s huge task of leaving his homeland – in faith – makes me want to pray for courage and confidence in today’s world. Psalm 2 verses 4 and 5 gave me great cheer and reminded me that it is THE LORD our God who truly rules this world, and everything else is just “noise”. I take great hope and courage that The Lord has already gone before me and prepared the way, so I need not fear.

    I think I’m not the only one who finds living in today’s world not easy, and sometimes so hard, but I pray we can all put our trust in The Lord, like Anram and step out in Faith.

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:


    2. Sally B. says:

      Amen Nicky!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Well said, Nicky! Our pastor preached that very message yesterday! ❤

  55. Tina says:

    I feel like I have had more ‘new beginnings’ than allowed, since my childhood!
    I had to adjust to living without my mum aged 3, in a new and very hot country, where I went to A boarding school, until
    my step mother arrived aged 6. Some backwards and forwarding between Ghana and England from 7-16 years of age. At 16, I met my mum again, who had by then remarried and had 4 other children. I became a mum at 17 and married the father at 18, only to be an abused and battered wife who would flee with her child for safety at 19.
    I could go on, as I am now 65.. Many ‘new beginnings’ all with their fears and scares, heart breaks, memories and questions of how did I get here..!
    BUT GOD..
    Through each new beginning, whether I’ve known it or not(early days), His mercies and grace, His love and protection have been my stay, the shield of my life!
    In more recent years, I have known, without a doubt where my help came from, where my hope lay and for sure, that If God is for me, who could be against me..
    It is well, absolutely, it is well with my soul, because I have known, and continue to know that my tomorrow, no matter ‘the new beginning’, My Father God, will lead me beyond the boundaries of my fears, bringing me to where I need to be, for His Glory..
    This year, I will see another ‘new beginning’, I retire these worn old bones from working full time.. There is a bit of scariness involved but, I think for and in a very long time I have a HOPE that goes beyond the fear and instead, a looking forward.. Maybe even.. dare I say it.. The book, I smile my dears, I smile..
    For today, I am thankful, so very thankful for this unique life, I call mine, for the free and unmerited favour of God I receive each day, for the protection of His wings, and for the love so freely given on the cross for me. I am thankful!
    My dears, Happy Monday, oooo so absolutely covered in warming hugs and to and wrapped in prayers. ❤
    Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, because He lives, all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives!’

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Tina!
      You prompted another hymn…
      “What a fellowship, what a joy divine
      Leaning on the everlasting arms
      What a blessedness, what a peace is mine
      Leaning on the everlasting arms.”
      Fellowship is follower-ship!
      Everlasting is what it says!

      1. Searching says:

        Another hymn I love!

    2. Searching says:

      Book, you say??? As one of the littles in my family used to say while dancing around, Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah! Not that my feet are moving now, or are they? :) Put me on your list please as your first volunteer proofreader, editor, errand girl … ❤️

      Thank you, Tina, for sharing the long view of God’s guidance and protection throughout your life thus far. It is truly because He lives that each of us is where we are today, and because He lives that we gather here to learn more about Him, and to pray for and support our dear sisters here. ❤️❤️❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Hey, TINA and SEARCHING, I was going to mention being a first reader or proofreader, etc.!!! Lol
        Tina, as usual you get us started on the right foot! You shared my mom’s favorite hymn, which was sung-at my request- at her funeral. Once I was old enough, I understood why the lyrics were so meaningful to her. She endured many years in an abusive marriage. Like you, I look back now and realize how God protected/provided for us all – mentally and physically.
        Congratulations and prayers for you as you enter retirement! Hugs back to you from a cloudy and still a bit icy Southeast USA. ❤

      2. Adrienne says:

        Sign me up with Searching and CeeGee! (Winky, kissy emoji)

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, dear Tina, bring it! I actually encourage those I minister to that we all need to be writing our stories, our stories are so important for our own faith journey! To remember, and to see the thread of God that runs through every facet of our lives! It is something so important to know that we know that God’s hand has been there through it all, in every part of our lives, and we usually can’t see it until we are down the road! So then, we can then pinpoint and share the goodness of our God to ourselves and others (our family that will be able to cherish the words we give them!). It is our testimonies, many many little ones and the whole of it!! It’s TOO Good not to believe! I was able to write some of my story for a chapter in a book and it was so amazing to see again and again how God worked in my life!
      How exciting to retire!! I would be dancing for that dear friend! Time is passing fast and it keeps speeding up!

    4. Carol J Mylin says:

      YES!! Perhaps the title will be “BUT GOD” !!
      From “One of your biggest cheerleaders”…
      With God’s Grace, You Go, Tina!

    5. Meme Faye says:

      I, too, will be retiring this year and looking forward, with anticipation, and a bit of anxiety, to what God has planned for our (husband & i) next new beginning. we’ve lived and worked and served in this community longer than any other in our lives, but we are feeling lead to move closer to family. Thanking God for the new beginnings He has planned for us!

      1. Adrienne says:

        Same…( retirement). A new chapter, indeed!

    6. Meme Faye says:

      I, too, will be retiring this year and looking forward, with anticipation, and a bit of anxiety, to what God has planned for our (husband & i) next new beginning. we’ve lived and worked and served in this community longer than any other in our lives, but we are feeling lead to move closer to family. Thanking God for the new beginnings He has planned for us!

    7. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thank you Tina once again for your always inspiring and very honest words!
      Blessings to you on this Monday! ❤️

    8. GramsieSue says:

      Oh my goodness YES!
      Write the Book!!!
      Share with the world!!

      I’m so excited you get to retire!!
      I’m also 65 but have had to go back to working at our Dental Lab…trying to keep it afloat after trusting others to run it during Steve’s health issues. We have a lot of fear during this…
      But God…
      He is with us, providing, protecting, holding us close.
      Because He lives I can face tomorrow!!
      Thank you dear sister!! ❤️

    9. Tami says:

      Tina as I was rewarding yest another amazing post of yours, I thought to myself “Sher needs to write a book”. And voilá – you mentioned it. Clearly all of your SRT fans would be the first to purchase. Congrats on retiring! Xo

    10. Jane K says:

      Tina, YES to a book written by you! I would buy that book. Praying for you this year that God would continue to lead all your steps and bring some exciting new beginnings. I’m asking our Lord to grant you the deep down longings of your heart. You bless all of us every day with your warm spirit and powerful messages.

    11. Audren Phalen says:

      Tina, I pray for a hope like yours!

    12. Dee Dee says:

      Thanks for sharing your sweet words of love and encouragement with us so regularly, Tina. God has surely used your pain and difficulties to enlighten many and brighten other’s lives as your share His Faithfulness! God bless you as you look forward to retirement and that book possibly! No pressure, girl but I know I would be happy to read it!! Time flies, I can’t believe I have been retired 7 years in August of this year!! Peace and love from across the pond !❤️

    13. Mercy says:

      Oh precious and gracious Tina. You are my hero!