The Bright and Morning Star

Open Your Bible

Revelation 22:16, Numbers 24:17, 2 Samuel 7:8-17, 2 Chronicles 21:7, Matthew 1:1-17, 2 Peter 1:19

Section 1: The Light of the World

Little did I know that my high school literature class called Modern Thought would be such a timely gift. As we read and analyzed Joseph Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness, I recognized that this writer was exposing the brokenness of the world. Conrad’s main character, the ivory trader Mr. Kurtz, epitomized human depravity. In his lust for wealth and power, he plunged himself into unspeakable depths of evil and violence. On his deathbed, as he faced his own twisted, dark heart, Kurtz cried, “The horror! The horror!” Conrad’s message was clear: the horror exists not only around us but also inside us. There is a darkness that creeps and sometimes rages in the heart of every human. 

How could such a grim message be a gift? First of all, it is honest. Even my 16-year-old self sensed the world’s pain and, at times, my own. From impoverished nations to fractured families, from global hunger to high school hurts…brokenness is everywhere. Second, the novel sounds an alarm: we are a people in desperate need of rescue. We need a light that can pierce and conquer the thick darkness of sin and death.

There is a hope that overcomes horror: “I am the Root and descendant of David, the bright morning star,” declared Jesus (Revelation 22:16). The bright morning star refers to light reflecting off of planet Venus. If you’re up early at certain times of the year, you’ll see this first bright light rise above the horizon, breaking through the darkness of night. How appropriate for Jesus to refer to Himself as the light that signals the dawning of a new day! His life, death, and resurrection secured deliverance from the depths of darkness.

Jesus calls us forward to new life in Him, and, by calling Himself “the Root and descendant of David,” He also points us back to God’s plan for restoring this broken world. As was predicted long before Jesus was born, “A star will come from Jacob, and a scepter will arise from Israel” (Numbers 24:17). 

Our unbelief and sin never take God by surprise. Nor is He wringing His hands in anxiety wondering how to handle the horror. From the beginning, God promised, planned, and provided rescue through Himself, through Jesus. But sometimes we are surprised and even overwhelmed by the dark. Sometimes I wring sweaty hands with a heart full of anxiety as I encounter pain, sin, and suffering. Sometimes the horror seems close and the hope seems distant. And yet, the morning star rises in our own hearts (2 Peter 1:19). In Christ, our hearts of darkness are illuminated. May every Christmas light remind us that even the deepest hurting and twisted parts of ourselves can be touched and restored by the light and life of Jesus.

This message is a gift to us still. Let’s receive it together as we walk through this Advent season reading about Jesus, our bright morning star who conquers the dark.

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95 thoughts on "The Bright and Morning Star"

  1. Claire Zelasko says:

    I broke down in tears. My daughter and I stood outside tonight looking at the houses on our street covered in lights. She’s one and her awe and wonder was so beautiful. We said thank you Jesus while pointing at the lights. This advent correlated so beautifully he is the light he is the reason for the season!

  2. MARTHA HIX says:

    Praying for you Teresa. I too am having so much difficulty with this holiday season and decorating. Love to you all and your encouraging comments. I am praising God and thanking Him for his presence and holding us close.

  3. Michelle Hiebert says:

    Needed this today. Dealing with anxiety as news comes in (even when I avoid it) about new variants and government restrictions and I try not to borrow trouble about what that means about my wedding planned for 2022. God does have it… His love is faithful… and He knows and He cares. I can rest and trust in Him, even when it looks dark and murky.

  4. Victoria E says:

    Teresa Donley I am praying for you right now.

  5. Katie Jorgensen says:

    The Lord will restore our sin and bring us into the light for he is the way, the truth, and the life. Lord set me free today and relieve me from the darkness!

  6. Truth Seeker says:

    December 7, 2021 at 3:39 pm
    I’m currently in a dark depression. So dark that I really don’t want to do any Christmas decorations. This study is showing me that Jesus is the light. And your comments about the Christmas lights having more significance this year has me thinking that some Christmas lights in my home might just illuminate some of the dark depression. Thank you for this study. It is truly making a difference.

    Teresa – deep dark depression is definitely extremely difficult to pull oneself out of. Please take hold of and run with this devotion showing that JESUS IS the LIGHT! Yes, when you realize this it brings a spark of hope into the deep dark depression. You are resonating this idea and I fully encourage you to get out all the sparkly, twinkly bright and pretty Christmas things you may have and set them out where you can see them and know that God is with you – He holds you in His righteous right hand. Jesus Christ Himself IS the BRIGHT and MORNING star ! The way to make it through the deep darkness of depression is to know that morning is coming and JESUS is with you and will help you through the dark night so that you may see the Bright and Morning Star in Him. He loves you and knows you and cares for you. Praying for you my dear sister in Christ <3

  7. Kati Muha says:

    Praise to the bright morning star!

  8. Karen Ballinger says:

    Praying for you, Teresa.