The Bride of Christ

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 5:15-32, Revelation 19:6-9, Revelation 21:2-11, Revelation 22:17, Revelation 22:20

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

Scripture illustrates the relationship between Christ and His Church through the imagery of a wedding. As the bridegroom, Christ loves, provides for, and sacrifices Himself for His bride, who responds to His love in preparation and submission.

Today, along with responding to the reading, share with the community in the comments why you wanted to engage with this reading plan. What are you hoping to learn more about? 

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177 thoughts on "The Bride of Christ"

  1. Munchkin says:

    I started this plan, because I’m currently in between churches. I’m having a hard time with church right now. Many churches have become political, and it’s made it hard to worship when I fill my political beliefs are getting bashed every five seconds. It had become so bad, I started to question if I was even made for the Church. But then God showed me that my relationship is with Him, and He would guide me and love on me. I’m trying a new church this weekend that some friends of mine go to. They have been a great help during this time.

  2. Jacquelyn Karel says:

    Honestly my reasons are twofold, I have a girlfriend who wants to learn about Jesus, says she believes in the Bible, but not “the church.” I wanted to be better educated so I could educate her in the importance of the body, and community. My other reason is I just had my first child two weeks ago, and I need a way to stay in The Word, where I can use one hand, and it doesn’t take any extra brainpower to plan what I’m going to read…

  3. Sinead B says:

    I love going to church every Sunday- worshiping with other believers, receiving teaching and encouragement, and serving. I joined this study because I wanted to develop my understanding of the capital “C” Church. When so many conversations bring up “hurt by the church” or “I don’t need church to know God,” I want my faith foundations to be rooted in what God says about Church.

  4. Kayla A says:

    I’m doing this study to further explore God’s intended purpose and identity for the “big C” Church. It feels like we as Christians (particularly in America) have corporately lost the plot so-to-speak, and I want to reorient myself to the essentials of the church. Not what I want it to be or what others expect it to be, but how God intends it to be.

  5. Amy EB says:

    Regarding wives submitting to their husbands, one of the guest speakers on the SRT podcast said: “Jesus js WORTHY of our submission.” If we marry men who love us unconditionally, who sacrifice for us, who are servant leaders, and who put our interests above their own, what is stopping us from submitting to them? Maybe it’s negative experiences in past relationships. Or experiences with men who thought all women should submit to every man, not just a wife to her husband. Or fear that submitting means letting someone else take advantage of us or fear that we’ll be perceived as weak. But in a healthy relationship, we should be able to trust our husbands to make the right decisions for our families.

  6. April Goralski says:

    I have subscribed to SRT, but I’m glad that this meeting plan came up because I was to be more involved in my community church and find my church that feels like home in my community. It’s so great to be able to connect with others through the SRT community as well!

  7. Chloe Valleroy says:

    time posting & i am really encouraged reading all of these post. i am just really hoping to see the bigger picture of the church and not just the churches that i have been too. church hurt is real and it’s deep, but seening thr

  8. Chloe Valleroy says:

    this is my first time