Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.
Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.
Paul uses a metaphor of the human body to describe the relationship between Christ and the Church. As the head of the body, Christ unifies the individual parts that serve distinct purposes.
Discussion Question: In what ways have you seen the beauty of unique gifts and perspectives in your experience with the body of Christ?
Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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134 thoughts on "The Body of Christ"
I was on a university swim team and being on relays where each person has a different stroke really shows the unique abilities God gave each person. I am not able to swim breastroke because of my long legs and torso, however my teammate was made with the perfect body to swim breastroke. Because of my long legs and torso, I am more capable of swimming freestyle (different type of stroke). God designed me like this, and also designed my teammate differently. Not because He loves one more than another, but because He had different roles for us to fulfill that we wouldn’t be able to fulfill if we were in a different body. By comparing ourselves to one another we are ignoring the specific opportunity God made us for.
Lord we thank you you are good!
I see the church as one when our individual stories are used to encourage one another. It is a beautiful gift to have stories of pain redeemed through the comfort one can bring to another part of the church body
I’ve had the blessing of fellowshipping and working with fellow believers in both Africa and around the United States. I continue to be amazed and so grateful for the ways in which God designed His Body, the Church. The beauty in diversity astounds me and the unity in love compels me. What a beautiful picture the Body is of the awesome and beautiful God we serve!
God assigns the parts of the body!
When our vision team came together after the church being in prayer for us for 40 days…it was clear God called the right people. Thinkers, feelers, problem solvers, risk takers, compassionate folks, free spirits….detail oriented….a perfect mix that was able to work together for a year and give up their own agendas to listen to the Holy Spirit for the greater good of the Church. God is amazing!
The church upgrade we all served together in getting the old carpet out as we was outdated and needed to get new in and out with the old
I love that each of us are so important to the Body of Christ. I have friends who love to cook for others that need a meal, some that are in charge of a ministry, some who run crafts for women’s events, and on and on!! All these are done with love and passion for others. I love watching others use their talents and passions to serve others!
I have been gifted with many examples of Godly women in my life who show hospitality, service and kindness to others, and inspire me to do the same.
Not necessarily an observation and what I have seen but something that really stuck out to me in the reading. Since all people are not the same, the church can be a reflection of people individual connection with God. He did not create us all the same so therefore the church can take many shapes and still be valuable.
In my church I attended before I moved out of state I have seen the power of Christ working through the members and building homes for the homeless, feeding those that were hungry, providing for children that were less fortunate, and doing so many more amazing things.
As the secretary at my church I often see how each group is equally as important to the rest.
One part that got me was where it says we weep together and rejoice together. I’m going through a physically hard time right now with some unknown medical issues and I keep telling God how unfair it is that I’m going through this when others done have to. But I came across this verse and was reminded I need to rejoice with others good health, not envy it- just like others will weep with me for my health.
As the secretary at my church I often see how each group is equally as important to the rest.
I recently joined a new church. I made a list of everyone I knew by name and I found music, hospitality, humor, working with children, learning, service, community, fundraising, strength, generosity, fun and respect, friendship, cooking, faith, and peace ♥️
Even though we are all made up of the same parts we are not the same. That is what makes us beautiful in God
I love seeing the many ways the church has their needs met through the body. Whether it’s helping with counting attendees, making coffee, greeting, cleaning up spilled messes, medical team, security, kids ministry. The list goes on. And there are faithful members who consistently show up
This one is beautiful.
I’ve seen the unique gifts of the body of Christ just through small groups with other believers! I always love hearing different perspectives on scripture because it helps me to see things from a different view while learning something new!
When I first had my son, before he was old enough to go to nursery, I really felt the body of Christ come alongside me and allow me to serve by helping me with Wyatt. Someone offered to hold him while I taught Sunday School, someone gave him a bottle so I could sit in the service and hear my husband preach, someone else watched him while I led my girls’ small group. It was beautiful to see “my village” loving on my baby and truly the hands and feet of Christ.
I saw the need for different personalities when we led a small group. No one person can be all things to all people. I was so grateful for the many gifts and insights from others.
God has been teaching me a lot about the Church, and how it has many parts but each is so important for his purpose and glory. This has been a timely study for sure.
God has been teaching me a lot about how the Church, and how it has many parts
My roommate first thought of an ear for me. They provide a lot of balance, understanding, they can hear things of beauty and things of warning and absorb information.
My roommate asked me what part of the body I think I am part of that symbolizes the way God uses me. I think that’s a great question! I’m curious to hear some of your answers!
Amen!! Praying for you!! That sounds amazing and I’m so happy that God is leading you down such a wonderful path!
I love this reading because it shows that we all have different purposes and ways to live out those purposes in Christ. For example, a small business owner may have the opportunity to share her testimony and the Word of God to people she meets and comes into contact with on a daily basis, more than a school teacher would. But that same school teacher may have the ability to show the gospel to some of her coworkers or even students. We all have people around us that we can reach, and we all have the ability to reach others that some other people cannot reach.
I have recently felt a calling to get involved in women’s ministry. To lead a bible study or a round table. I have told God, I’m not the person He wants for this, and start listing all the reasons as to why this couldn’t work. Yet, God keeps laying it back on my heart. I even had confirmation from a trusted friend who knew nothing of what I was thinking that I should go in this direction. Please pray for me as I go about my next steps and follow where God leads me.
This reading was so powerful to me. I love the way that we have the potential to bring out the best in others as “the body”, even in our relationships and understanding of the Gospel. I love that I am part of a small group community that includes people from different denominations, Christian communities, and upbringing. We can truly help each other engage and ask questions and see things a different way. Additionally, as someone who is a teacher in their professional life, I want to work to see my children that I serve as members of the body and use that idea to bring us together as one.
This reading was so powerful to me. I love the way that we have the potential to bring out the best in others as “the body”, even in our relationships and understanding of the Gospel. I love that I am part of a small group community that includes people from different denominations, Christian communities, and upbringing. We can truly help each other engage and ask questions and see things a different way.
After reading this day’s verses, I am going to commit 1 Cor 12:22 to memory. “On the contrary, those parts of the body that are weaker are indispensable.” This verse seems to combat the lie that I have no purpose in the church, my contribution is not needed or wanted. Not true! Praise God.
I love that everyone thinks differently. When we serve, several have strengths in prepping coffee, helping pass out special event stuff, and others like me like to seek out those who are new and welcome them. The different strengths come together and we form a unified body of Christ at the local level, but when we unify we are stronger over all and have a more global presence.
I am a long time SRT reader but rarely post in the comments so lately I’ve been challenging myself to post more regularly to be a more active participant in this community. Sometimes I worry that what I post won’t come across the way I intended or that I’ll sound uninformed. What a comfort to be reminded that we are already one body in Christ – I’m not going to get cut out for my comments (or lack of comments in the past!). And for some reason I’ve always been comfortable accepting that as a member of the body I need the other members of the body, but I hadn’t thought about the fact that they also need me. We all need each other but I was only seeing it in one direction where I am the one who needs those with gifts I don’t have. We each have unique gifts and perspectives, including me, so I need to share them with the rest of the body.
Todays reading teaches us why we can’t just come to church, eat and then leave. We have all be given gifts that grow the body. By not being an active part of the body we are withholding from the body something it needs. So many times we come to church focused on being fed, focused on what we GET and what we WANT. That is not how Christ set up the body. He life teaches us what it means to be human. Christ served and laid down His life. We as the body of Christ must lay down our fleshly desires and model Him.
Todays reading teaches us why we can’t just come to church, eat and then leave. We have all be given gifts that grow the body. By not being an active part of the body we are withholding from the body something it needs. So many times we come to church focused on being fed, focused on what we GET and what we WANT. That is not how Christ set up the body. He life teaches us what it ,eans
I loved the metaphor that the church is the body of Christ. So many times we compare ourselves to others and think we’re not important or needed because we’re not like someone else or we don’t fit a “mold”. But just as each body part has different functions and is unique so are we. We are needed in our uniqueness to function together for the goodness of the Church. Today’s reading makes me more confident to want to get involved in my community Church and to not feel scared of what others might think.
Hello She’s! Yes I love what you said Abigail. I have seen so many passionate about unique initiatives or people in the church. Bringing unique people together makes us the church!
I can recognize the gifts and talents of other in my church and friendship, but I struggle to see mine. Today’s reading reminds me that we are all part of one body. God has created me to be part of that body. He sees my unique talents, even though I may not. Also, I find it hard to make friends too! Thankful for this community and these studies!
I love a different way of viewing things-different view points are wonderful opportunities to see things in a different light. It’s amazing God made us all differently.
I’ve seen those with hearts for children use their gifts toward a thriving children’s program in my church. Those with gifts for music lead meaningful and soul-filled worship. The pastoral staff are all wonderful teachers and speakers. All of the gifts and perspectives come together because the church is built on seeking the Christ centered life together. When the body of Christ is unified in the essentials of the faith, differing gifts and perspectives can be utilized to their full potential.
:-) That should be a red heart meaning (I’m sure a black heart means something else, sorry!)
Learning a lot from this study – Thank you SRT ❤
Recognizing that all of God’s children can bring something different to the table and that their gifts are all apart of the greater Church & community. Every members unique gifts collectively make up a welcoming Church.
If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it….do I live like this? I fear the answer is no not really…..when I do not appreciate the gifting of others that is vastly different than myself I can even cause other members to suffer. Lord help me to see and appreciate the diversity of your church, give me your eyes to see that this diversity is a blessing to me rather than something to be fearful of or angry at. Amen
I think often my pride can get in the way of others being able to use their gifts! I’m striving toward letting go of things and allowing others to step up and know that their gifts big or small are needed and valued.
Just this past Sunday we saw this. One preached the message, one came to work with those who came to the altar for salvation, one translated in another language so the ones who came for salvation could understand, and then two prayed to receive Christ! Amen!
Praying for you Suzie! I too feel lonely alot and have a hard time making friends. It is harder to make friends now then it was as a 10 year old. As a single lady I also just feel very defeated that maybe I’m not out going enough to ever find somebody because I am introvert. Praying for you!
Many people in my church have gifts and work together to accomplish many goals in order to bring glory to God. I am blessed to be a member of this church I have attended all my life.
To be honest I have always thought that I really did not have anything offer the Body of Christ. But now I am starting to see that I have a lot to offer and God has plans for me.
There is definitely a diversity in my church of people with different grifts and I think often we tend to get upset with others who don’t think like us but these verses talk about how we need all of the different parts to function if we were without one we would fail
There is beauty in learning to consider the context of both scripture as well as where someone is coming from. Sometimes weakness is a burden when all I want is strength. Christ is the only true strength I can rely on, and growing into Him gives me perspective. The body of Christ begins at the right hand of God. Jesus is our strength and salvation. “Yahweh, your right hand is glorious in power; Yahweh, your right hand destroyed the enemy” (Exodus 15:6) [My enemy is not weak people who disappoint me]. “Now that I know that Yahweh will help his anointed. He will answer him from His holy heaven with the victorious power of His right hand” (Psalm 20:6). Jesus was raised from a humiliating death by crucifixion, to be seated at God’s right hand (Ephesians 1:20). Christ has ultimate dominion over all things, seen and unseen. And where two or three are gathered, He is there in their midst (Matthew 18:20). We become one, “wholer” and holier, as we grow into His body. Assembled together like pieces of a puzzle, together in faith creating a beauty that needs all the pieces. An extension of Christ and strengthened to serve and discover our own vital place in His body (Church). We were not created to be self-sufficient but rather interdependent. My worldly upbringing taught me the opposite. God had to use a wrecking ball to destroy that wall of learned notion. “Sitting in the rubble, I could (finally) see the stars” (Christy Nockels). I learned to sit with God and I saw Jesus, the right hand, lifting and guiding me, grafting me into His body. In darkness I was dead, alone and buried under my self sufficiency. In Christ I was raised to a new life with Him. Self discovery leads to blindness, while Jesus-discovery leads to new eyesight. Clearly seeing how I fit in with the whole of God’s purpose, a perfect body because of Jesus. And this is the most beautiful thing. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
After my divorce when my daughter was 4, the one steady place we had was our church and little school associated with it. It was a safe haven and gratefully she is still involved and serves with me. I cherish our friends, all the Bible studies I attended and fellowship. It’s not perfect but a place where I can try to be more fruitful for the kingdom. Praying for everyone.
These verses really struck me today:
13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. – Colossians 2:13-14
What a beautiful reminder of what He’s done for us!
As for how I’ve seen the beauty of unique gifts in the body of Christ, I think of our food ministry at my last church which I miss dearly. My brother and I prepared meals, another member made the most amazing bread, several others made desserts, and those who didn’t cook were happy to clean up and wash dishes. My heart aches to find community like that again.
I remember in the series Chosen, our Lord Jesus chose people that were vastly different across the spectrum, and it resulted in big personality clash, social status clash (Matthew a wealthy tax collector/traitor of the nation vs. Peter a blunt self-employed fisherman), but yet the Lord was just silent observing them managing to get along. Why so? Why didn’t God create us to be clones for the sake of Oneness? Surely God’s way are much higher and better. God made us different, just like thousands of species of fishes in the oceans, various types of flowers/plants/shrubs in garden centers if you ever have a look for your landscaping options, same as you and me, human beings but vastly different in choices, thinking, preferences, talents and skills. And HE helped us, gave us wisdom to work through such differences so we could enrich one another, co-exist side by side for better support. May we learn to give honor to the parts of the body that seem weaker/more feeble, and to those we think to be less honourable, let us learn to bestow more care, understanding each of us is so crucial no matter how lowly/less important we appear to be (1 Corinthians 12:22-25).
@Suzie: may God provide for godly friendships, community and support around you.
@Gwineth52: thank you for sharing your journey venturing out of your comfort zone for the obedience to God’s calling. Praying for your greater success, confidence and support in areas which God has put in your heart to fulfil/lead/teach/mentor for His Glory. May you foster and cultivate your unique gifts in yourself and in others.
I love how Paul compares the body of Christ to the human body. Each part is different, but so vital to the body. We would never want to walk around without an eye, but how many of us act like our gifts aren’t important with in the body of Christ?
I’m so grateful for all the different parts of the body of Christ! Everyone has special gifts and talents. I’m reminded that we were made ON PURPOSE for a PURPOSE for HIS BODY. May God use each one of us and strengthen us to do the work. Be blessed ladies!
I think watching the care and compassion of others who try to move forward in a positive way as much as they can, even if it means turning something negative into a teachable moment, is what stands out to me. People who strive to improve their knowledge of the word and who are open to knowing that we as humans view things in all different shades of light – that’s beautiful to me.
Thinking about you sweet sister in Christ. I am very introverted and it isn’t easy for me. I joined some book clubs and that has helped me a lot. Praying for you to find your people. ♥️
I’ve seen the beauty of unique gifts in perspectives within the body of Christ simply through diversity. I love the concept of parts being different, used for different functions, but all belonging. I am so grateful for the brothers and sisters who have lived, made mistakes, repented, and use what they learned to humbly help me in my walk with God. their walks and individual experiences eventually come together in a big Kingdom puzzle! truly you don’t get that anywhere else ♥️
I have always loved these verses; it is so beautiful to think that our God values each and every one of us and that, together, we are one body.
If I am honest, I have really been struggling with loneliness lately, ladies. I live out in the middle of nowhere, and I have to be at home most of the time anyway because I am training a puppy (who, listen, is SO AWESOME, but is a lot of work haha). Growing up I always struggled making friends. I was shy and I still am. I could really use your prayers, sisters. Being young without a friend is very discouraging.
Wishing you a happy day :)
My favorite part about Paul’s body of Christ metaphor is the importance it puts on being different.
I grew up valuing sameness; wanting to be like someone else or others. The more years of life that I have walked through, the more I understand the importance of being individuals who aren’t the same. If we are all the same, how is that useful or purposeful?
God made us different from each other for a reason and Paul acknowledges this well. As a body we have one big purpose- Love God and Love People. We are able to tunnel this purpose through our unique gifts. We have so many individual gifts given to us; singing, leading, teaching, ministry, etc. If we ALL had the gift of teaching, then we would miss a lot of Gods people that needed to be loved by us. If we are all singers, than once again we are missing out on whole populations of people that we can love. Just as the body needs an eye to see and an ear to hear, we all need each other in order to show others our Creator.
Our God is mighty and made each one of us for a reason. How will we use our gift to love God and love people? How will we encourage and support other members of the body to love God and Love people?
Hello Shes! You may recall my “fear & trepidation” on initiating a new ministry at my church, a women’s Bible study, beginning with Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. We began the first Sunday in June and will end the third Sunday in July. After two gatherings, I’m feeling more relaxed & confident in my leadership. I believe wholeheartedly this what God is calling me to do, even compelled to do. The hours spent planning, promoting & preparing to be convener & co-learner have been scary, intense, yet ever so satisfying. And being the naive novice, while admittedly the arrogant self-starter, I’m learning to listen & act on sincere input from others. I benefit by relinquishing control, bridling ego, incorporating suggestions, and giving thanks for their patience, perspective & participation. Remembering it’s about HIM & not about Me. Reminding myself should I claim a gift for teaching, I should also recognize & receive the complementary & needful gifts of other women in the church body. There are women who give sermons from the pulpit & women who put away the coffee pot & make sure the doors are locked! Women who step up with technical skills to enable church on line & women who make magic by arranging flowers & crafting banners & posters. We are ALL giving & growing into the Glory of His name. Thanks be to God.
It is such a joy to see the many and varied members of the body of Christ work together, according to their individual strengths and gifts to turn the church into a welcoming place for all. There are so many areas where service is needed, and God seems to always place people exactly where they need to be. There are no areas of service in the church that are more important or less important to the whole. My own mother, in years gone by, set an example by serving as the manager of the food committee. It was a perfect job for her, as she was happiest when serving others. The pastor has his role, as does the maintenance crew and the people who prepare and serve coffee on Sunday mornings. People who lead in worship have a unique musical gift from God, while the teachers in the children’s department are gifted in teaching and leading little ones. Just as the body works best when all its parts are working optimally, the church does its best work when each member is serving in his or her areas of strength. I think is a beautiful metaphor that Paul uses. And I also think it is significant that he spoke to this subject in so many of his letters. It is obviously important.
Ways I have seen the beauty and unique gifts and perspectives in my experience with the Body of Christ is I have seen those who know they have a special talent use it for the glory of God specifically through the church, I have seen people get together to council one another gently toward the Lord, and I have seen people come alongside those who are suffering. Maybe not always knowing what to do, but just being with them and sitting in the grief with them while they fully process, resisting the urge to try and fix their situation. We have a lot of power even as just individual members of the church to influence one another. I have seen some amazing beauty and I have seen some tearing down, all with
My women’s bible study group is attended by all different types of women, with various backgrounds, personalities, and gifts. Yet we all are necessary and learn from each other.
I think we often view how we exercise our unique gifts/strengths from a perspective of within the church, but as some of you have mentioned, it is so vital that we play out these roles outside the church in our daily lives. If we are each going through our days giving and acting in ways that reflect the strengths God has created in us, right where He has placed us, then we are functioning as a whole Church, in our individual spaces. In this way, God can perform what I like to call “dot-to-dot” maneuvers . Things come together in peoples lives simply by each of us playing our roles in life each day. We may never see or know how the simple things we do, as we do them unto the Lord, will trigger other things to happen and stir the work of God. Wherever we are, each day, be The Who that Christ died for us to be.
I am thankful to have found a church that I love where the people there have welcomed me with open arms. Part of the reason I joined the church was for the opportunity to serve. I’m not a great leader, but I’m always willing to help out. I guess my calling was to follow. I’m very happy with that.
I see in my church, many different ways to serve. Some are good at the details and others are good with ideas. Some have a way with reaching out to new visitors. And it is so neat to see so many people see different ways to apply God’s Word to our lives as a church. It’s very encouraging!
I serve on our Women’s Event Team with so many different women. As we plan events to minister to the women in our congregation, each of us uses her gifts and talents to create each event to love on our sisters in Christ and encourage each in her walk. What a joy to see the body of Christ working together for His glory! ♥️
Heidi, celebrating your niece’s over 90 days sobriety and joining you in prayer for her future decisions concerning living situation and employment opportunities. Also remembering and praying for your children during their time at camp. May God provide peace and new friendship’s to help encourage them as they adjust to this new adventure.
So, while I have many examples from almost 4 decades of church going, (like many with the bride of Christ reading and finding joy in watching the groom at a wedding, I always loved watching the people doing the jobs no one else would dare volunteer for and finding so much joy in it), I think what I like most about the local church is how I can spot people when I am out and about around town that HAVE to be believers by how they interact with others, step in to help someone as if it is second nature, how they offer encouragement to someone. Sometimes I try to make an effort in letting them know that I “see their fruit” and the fragrance is such a blessing.
The verses that stood out to me today were 1 Corinthians 12:22-24:
“On the contrary, those parts of the body that are weaker are indispensable. And those parts of the body that we consider less honorable, we clothe these with greater honor, and our unrespectable parts are treated with greater respect, which our respectable parts do not need.”
“Unrespectable parts” get great respect…. what if we did this with intention? Reminds of the Good Samaritan story. Not my first response to give great respect, kindness maybe, but great respect? It’s a humbling thought. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.
Thank you to those who prayed for me! Last night I had a truly miraculous night of sleep! I hadn’t slept that well in couple weeks. It gave me goosebumps when I woke up feeling rested. I love that I asked as almost a Gideon like challenge to God and He showed up! I even had a David like tantrum yesterday morning feeling so exhausted trying to catch up on laundry and house cleaning! Today I feel SO much more rested and on the way back to restoration!
I love this Lori and will remember your top 3 when I return to campus in August :)
Have used our talents for HIS glory & honor!!
Everyone is unique in their talents and giftings! I’ve seen so many blessed when I and many others hav
I’m amazed that God has given some members of the church the ability to steward our tithes and offerings well. I’m so thankful for the people who know how to create and implement a balanced budget for the church, count/record/deposit money, and use it to take care of people’s needs and physical buildings. Though it’s not exciting work, researching which contractors to hire, getting estimates to repair things like church AC units, and being at the buildings when fire alarms go off in the middle of the night, are jobs that go mostly unseen and un-praised, but are part of taking care of the church.
On another note, I’d like to ask for prayers in hearing/trusting where God is leading our family. I feel like I’m being called to let go of responsibilities at my current church (yesterday I let go of leading a card ministry I’ve been serving with for 7 years), but I’m fighting with myself on whether this is just laziness/burnout speaking or truly the Lord (I think it’s God, but am afraid of fellow church members thinking I’m copping out).
My husband and I both feel we need to move locally and look for a new church, but don’t know where to start – how do we step out in faith? Look for a house first? A church first? The housing market/inflation make it seem like it’s a bad time. We’re waiting for our young kids to be vaccinated against COVID before we go back to churcj in person, but church “shopping” seems like a huge headache right now. So we’re in limbo land. I’m praying that God would show me how to be useful or to be okay with just being still in this season – that I’d have peace in pleasing God first and not just maintaining my reputation as a “do-er” in the church. Thanks ladies!
I love how in my church the women find ways to serve. There was once a time when the majority of us were all pregnant as we lead in worship. Some women are very outgoing, so they serve to welcome people in the morning. Some women are good at music, so they lead the worship. Some are great with children, so they lead the Sunday school.
A couple months ago I came home from work upset and hurt (it’s definitely a mission field and as write this I guess I may have felt like a wounded soldier). With the strength that ONLY comes from Christ I do my best to be that example. I sometimes fail, but I don’t give up, EVEN when it hurts. And it hurts a lot of times. It can get lonely. BUT GOD, has given me 1 beautiful, sweet, friend. A young married and JW friend and if anything I want to be there for her. WE have become great friends. And as a believer in Jesus Christ, as part of the body of Jesus Christ my prayer is (my hope) that I set a good example for her even when my surroundings are painful. AND that day that I came home upset and hurt my son encouraged me by saying that its OK if I’m not a leader at work because I’m a leader for him and his sister ❤️
Stephanie – I so appreciate your commentary! I actually adopted a baby girl who I cares for in foster care, as a single woman. It wasn’t in my plan to do so, but circumstance and affirmation from God, made it clear it was His plan. I quite promptly met the man that became my husband and God fulfilled beautiful dreams for all of us in our new created family. Nevertheless, I have also experienced hesitation and rejection in the Christian community because of the assumption that my daughter was a product of divorce or unplanned pregnancy. In fact, a family close to us didn’t allow their children to play with my daughter because of that very assumption. All of that changed when they heard “our story” and understood that Christ was first in our lives, but it makes my heart sad that we are so quick to judge another’s journey without knowing what God is up to in their life. I hope you continue to encourage other single moms out there – your example of God’s love and practical support is so needed, particularly in the church.
I notice there are some ladies in my church that have a major gift for truth telling but gently. Another is super hospitable and makes strangers feel right at home. My own mum is very bold in welcoming in outcasts and sharing the gospel. I don’t know yet how I fit in, but I loved how it referred to the different parts of the body, and how each one IS needed. And how some do not feel needed or others perceive them as unnecessary. But God said everyone with our diverse perspectives and talents is welcome.
I notice there are some ladies in my church that have a major gift for truth telling but gently. Another is super hospitable and makes strangers feel right at home. My own mum is very bold in welcoming in outcasts and sharing the gospel. I don’t know yet how I fit in.
I am a superintendent at a public charter school As I read todays scripture I was struck at how [even in a secular setting], this is how we should live. With close to 100 staff members, we have so many different personalities. Regardless of background or experiences, we can not function without everyone . As a leader, I need to remember to 1. Speak the truth with love (Eph. 4:15), 2. Give honor to the less honorable (this can mean some of our ornerier kiddos or parents, or staff-depends on the day), 3. Have the same concern for each other, in suffering and in rejoicing.
Catherine, I appreciate your thoughts on Vacation Bible School… I think it is so important, especially at this time when the world is telling our kids many things that are far from Biblical, and forcing them to learn things that are so against what is God-loving, that we teach them that God is love and music, and fun, and accessible…
These two verses stuck out to me today. Jesus is the head and then that the head would not disregard a part of the body: 18 And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. – Colossians 1:18
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” – 1 Corinthians 12:21. I was a teen mom. My son and I survived domestic violence. Then I was a single mom who worked and finished my undergraduate degree. Now I’m married and he adopted our son and we had two more children together. If you do the math you would know I was a teen when I had our son and that our marriage and relationship is younger than our son. Some people (including Christians) have been very dismissive of me because of that. Some people including (Jesus) have honored my journey. I say including Jesus because he has given me many single moms and young moms to love. I’ll come home and tell me husband the Lord has given me another one. It was just really sweet to see scripture say even though I don’t present well on paper that God does not turn me away from the body. He has a purpose for me and I have important work to submit to do. This is my biggest hurdle in faith. Do I belong in the church with my background and this was my hug from Jesus that yes I do.
Everyone has unique gifts to bring to the Body of Christ. We all need each other and we all must work together for the Body of Christ to function properly/as the Lord intends. Just as the head of the body calls on different body parts to function, Christ is the head of the Church and He informs us and builds us up to who He calls us to be.
Such beautiful and profound imagery the Lord uses to describe his church through Paul here.
Thanks be to God! You are Lord of All. Amen.
@Andrea Hazel, isn’t it great that it’s God’s job to bestow the gifts, because He holds no judgment or discrimination against others, like we often tend to do! He will use anyone and everyone for His glory, no matter their past! At my previous church, we had a ‘Bridge House,’ that housed men coming out of prison. Those men were the hardest working, most joy filled, most dedicated men you would ever want to meet! They did everything in the church with the same gracious attitude, and it was very encouraging!
I see that we all have different gifts and are called to use our gifts to help each other out. I love to serve others and give a helping hand to those who need it.
I see this through my weekly women’s Bible study. How the various perspectives and experiences shared help others in their walk with Christ.
Jesus equips the believer with gifts but the Holy Spirit prompts us to use those gifts as we obey when He calls us to serve. We must be willing to go when He calls and serve with a joyful heart. If He calls us to it, He has already fully posted us for it. When people are willing serve, it is a beautiful symphony of Christ ❤️
As I look at my local church, after reading these pages, I see that we have really learned how to care for others. We all have different gifts and use these gifts to uplift our brothers and sisters. We aren’t perfect, but our pastor has been preaching this message of gifts and one body for a long time and I see the fruit of his words about what God wants for us, a local branch of His eternal church.
I have seen people cleaning bathrooms in church, and they are the most content, most joy filled people you would ever want to meet!! I have also seen people in prominent roles at church, who are completely burnt out, and have no joy! It is so important to find a balance of filling ourselves up with the Holy Spirit, so that we can fulfill the gifts God has given us! Every role in the body of Christ is equally important! God gives us a gift or gifts, and we are called to do them to the best of our ability, to the glory of God!
I am so thankful our God has given us different gifts to use. I am more of a behind the scenes type of person, and wouldn’t handle leading a group or being front and center. I am also thankful for those who are encouragers, who recognize the work done by all. While we shouldn’t be doing it for recognition, it is still motivating to hear “Good job. I appreciate what you do.” I also need to remember to look outside my little world and be that encourager for others.
THERESE – I love your quote!
In my over forty years of nursing I’ve seen so many different talents being put to use. I remember in my training, we did an operating room rotation and I got to stand a the head of an open heart surgery — this was in 1978 when open heart wasn’t that common in Kansas City — and I stood by anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist explained everything to me and the other doctors would “chime” in. At the time I was 19 years old and it was sooooo amazing to the skill and knowledge in the hands of each of these individuals hands. None of my other patients or assignments from nursing school stand out to me. I think though I have individuals — whether co-workers, patients, family members of patients or doctors — that stand out and I could probably write a book. God gives us a “special calling” — no matter what it is — we need to listen and do what He is calling us to do.
Sisters be blessed and listen closely to hear what God is calling you to.
Amen Rhonda! ❤️
I love reading all the comments on how we view and see all the different parts of the body working together in unity to make up the larger one body! We here, the readers of SRT, are so varied and different and add our own unique understanding of what we can do as the body of Christ. Some of us have been Christians for a long time, and have attended many churches over that time period, or have been in one church watching and seeing the changes within that body over time. Some of us are new believers, weary of attending church for the first time, maybe don’t feel comfortable going, or the only person in our family that has the desire to go. Others of us have been hurt by the church, or see too many corrupt churches or prosperity teachings that turn us off, or don’t “like” the way churches do things so stop going. My point is that the church should seem like an easy place for Christians to attend and praise and worship God, but often times it is not. But today, I love to see us focusing on ALL The Good of our churches! Hallelujah!
The capital C Church, Jesus the head, us that believe, the body. We must stand firm in the foundation of the Bible, and help the churches become a place for ALL believers to have a place at the table. I don’t want to focus on past disappointments, although they are important for growth and understanding, I want to be a Christian and my number one priority is to listen and follow the Holy Spirits’ guidance to serve in whatever capacity that is. And if that is going to church and sitting in the auditorium to soak in what the preacher says, that is fine, and what the church is for! At other points in your walk, God wants you to get involved in small groups and fellowship on a more personal level, which will be invaluable for you! Then He might be leading you to step in to help a need! Pray on these things, and don’t ever feel pressure to appease people, but to nourish your relationship with the Lord.
Have a blessed day, and let your “part” shine in your daily life to the unchurched! Oh, and thank you for praying for my dad and his wife right now as she has covid, and I’m praying my dad does not get it and that she recovers quickly!
@Kenya Rafferty, I understand this all too well! I serve in church, but oftentimes, I am standoffish, not interacting fully with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I hold myself back from experiencing true community with believers. I would rather deal with ‘my stuff’ on my own, with God. Lately, the importance of community has been everywhere – here, reading about the body of Christ, at sermons at church, opportunities that are coming up that will get me more involved with others in church – it is obvious God does not want us to go it alone!! I am working hard to allow myself to open up and gather with others, even though my flesh is telling me I’m fine…we are made to fellowship with other believers! It is definitely a work in progress, which involves breaking some very old and very ingrained habits! I pray you allow yourself to open up to other believers and feel a sense of belonging and longing to be around fellow members of the body. I’m lifting you up now! ❤️
Growing up in the church I have seen so many different parts that have used their gifts for the glory of God. However, when I stop and reflect on the different people I’ve known through the years I’m struck with those that quietly and faithfully serve the Lord in what He has called them to do, without accolades, human praises or fanfare!
Grateful for all of our God-given skills and abilities today. How our uniqueness in seeing the universe He created and our individual perspectives from where He’s intentionally placed each of us can (when brought together in love and truth) actually bring unity. Reminded that the goal has never been uniformity- we have a God who celebrates the diverse and creative differences we all share. And only through Him can a whole group of “differences” create unity :) :)
RHONDA J.- praying for your dad and his wife and for healing and protection over them!
RENEE K- praying the interview goes well and that God will open your hearts to His perfect plans for your son’s education and that wherever that education comes from, yours/your son’s faith will continue to be strengthened knowing His plans and ways are the absolute most trustworthy! :)
TAYLOR- Love it :) SRT conference would be so great… idk, but I feel like they have something close to it, or maybe did pre-Covid..? When I looked I found something called “Influencer” conference through SRT but back in 2013… anyway- if they had one, I’d buy my ticket tmr! ❤️
RHONDA- did your grandkids ever come? You may have posted, I haven’t had time to read comments each day.. curious if there was opportunity to share more with your grandson, Braydon.
Happy day, She’s! ❤️❤️❤️
In 2017 right after Hurricane Harvey hit, I watched people come together helping each other out. My dad used a kayak because there was so much water. I saw it on the news. I was about to start my freshman year of high school. I went half a day sharing a school with another because the building I was going to start/end in flooded.
Thank you for your encouragement. My husband started a company 2019 and shortly after he along with other members purchased a building he renovated so our small group would have a home Church for God to bless us during times for weddings and sadly funerals and all the other activities that could come. Our desire is to bless God’s Church with what we have been blessed with. We do not seek a special seat or place, we are servants. However sometimes we are treated as though we are below the law as if what we have given was a bad thing. I see it as jealous people being jealous but it still hurts. Please pray for us to see many become Disciples because of the fruit and as protection against the flames and arrows. Today I choose to bee kind! Psalm 1:3
Love all the thoughts and examples mentioned in the comments! There is strength in diversity within the church!
@Heidi praying for your niece and your kids at camp that they feel included and have an absolute blast and grow closer to Jesus!
Thankful for all the different perspectives and thought brought here to SRT! It makes our community better <3
We have Vacation Bible School at church this week; what an example of the body of Christ! Those who sing well leading the worship time, those who teach leading Bible, those who love on little children leading each age group around…it is such a beauty to see everyone’s gifts, skills, and talents on display to lead the children to the Lord.
Kenya – when you are living your life Christ-centered you are living an example for others…and that counts even if you feel you can’t “speak” your faith. You are showing your faith <3
I love this! So true.
I have experienced different members of the church having different talents and roles to play as some minister to children, women ministering to other women, friends encouraging friends, and others pointing out where others can improve.
Haven’t read yet, am about to, but to those who have prayed before I wanted to send a couple of prayer requests-
Y’all know my niece has been through a lot these last months with addiction and sobriety… she’s more than 90 days sober now and we’re so proud of her. :) She is wanting to be out of sober living and in her own place and not really taking the wise advice and counsel to stick it out a little longer. She needs a job and a car and we would like her to stay in the same area of town she’s been having her meetings in. Praying for her to have wisdom above instant gratification, especially while knowing that gratifying feeling will be gone quickly when she finally sees she has no money or way to get a job or get TO a job.
Second- my two elementary aged kids are at a big Christ-centered camp this week. They’re missing me and struggling a little more than I thought they would. My daughter definitely has anxiety so we knew the transition would be hard but once she experiences the good in something it helps. But I don’t know- she’s kind of back and forth. And my son is “that kid” who’s never known a stranger, is excited about everything, and loves any adventure. And even he called yesterday feeling down and not engaging. Please please pray for Christs love to be felt so deeply today. That my two will feel seen and celebrated and wanted and included. That today will be a much better day than yesterday and that it will keep getting better.
Y’all are an amazing community. Thank you for coming along side me/each other in the day to day that is our lives… I’m so grateful for y’all!!!!❤️
I think I do a better job acting as an individual in the church and fulfilling my role in my life rather than as a part of the body. The roles I have been given are still fulfilled, but maybe on the surface. I tend to keep my faith a very private thing and I think in this I am not acting entirely in the body.
Todays scripture reminded me of this quote:
“I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in God’s thought, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking.” Georg Macdonald.
His ways and thoughts are higher than our. Many people, including me, often tend to look at the higher posititions in the body of Christ, longing for applause or being seen by others. But blessed are the ones we don’t see. I pray that God will put us where we are meant to be in the body of Christ.
It’s like we are each getting a different view of the same picture
I love the workings behind a church of watching people’s God given gifts and all of them combining them to spread the great news of Christ. It’s just so good!
I love the workings behind a church of watching people
This is so easy to forget! We were made to have differing opinions and life experiences. I think too often we dismiss or disprove others when they present us with an idea we are it accustomed to, but the body of Christ is purposefully different and intentionally made! Let us learn to not only tolerate each others differences, but celebrate them for the function and beauty they add to the body of Christ!
The church I attend has different outreaches. One of the unique ones is a free medical clinic for the uninsured. There are real doctors and nurses. Of course, others volunteer to check them in and do other necessary jobs to keep the clinic going. What a blessing! Also, they have people that go out late at night to minister to the homeless. They have fed the homeless. My daughter participated and as she and her friend were giving out the food. One man asked if they needed prayer! (Sometimes you think you are helping others, but you end up being blessed! They have a food bank. They don’t associate with the local food bank, because they were told that they couldn’t speak about God if they received food from them. Our former pastor brought this to everyone one’s attention and now people donate food for this. There are also others that go out door to door and give groceries or cut grass to help and also tell the people about Jesus. There are other things to, but the point is there are many ways to show the love of God!
We, the individual, have gifts and skills to share but collectively I wonder if each physical church is the same. Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal, Adventist. The list goes on. Each, not perfect but, with unique gifts. We cannot discount one because we are all part of Christ. All part of one body!! This was an eye opening reading for me.
I have barely been to physical church since the pandemic began, but reflecting upon this passage, I am reminded of just how blessed I am to be part of a congregation that recognizes and celebrates a variety gifts and perspectives. I remember the first year we were attending there, after leaving a church that did NOT recognize different gifts and perspectives (especially if a woman held them), when the list of new small groups came out. There were so many, including an artists’ small group and a writers’ group. I couldn’t believe it. The ARTS were being celebrated and promoted! My master’s degree is in creative writing, and until this moment, I never felt SEEN or valued in church — except as a Sunday School teacher for kids or a nursery worker. Sure, sure. I can do that. I mean, that’s what women DO, right? BUT HERE, finally, a place where I could join others who were passionate about the arts, in a church that valued the arts.
Thanks for this reminder. I need to remember why it’s important to be part of a local congregation.
We all have something to do. From nursery, prayer team, clean up and encouraging, we all can be part of making the CHURCH work like a masterpiece. It’s hard to serve at times but it I leave knowing that I did my part to make it work
I see it among family. We all have different gifts and that is what makes it beautiful. Christ centered news is what makes the gifts come together Luke an orchestra playing beautiful music.
I know it’s a simplistic view but I equate it to jobs. We weren’t all created to have jobs people view as important or flashy. Each job/person is important and valuable. I always think of a trip to Italy when the garbage men were on strike and how their job holds value and importance. At my church there is one lady she has been created to greet. She doesn’t let you slide by without a hug and she notices when you’ve missed a few. She makes you feel seen.
It has been said that Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in America. Believers in Christ need to unify across the dividing lines of race, socioeconomics, and denominations to come together as One Body in Christ Jesus. Walk in love! Ask your church leaders what can be done to unify the Body.
Even in the smallest churches I’ve attended, someone steps up to fill a need even when it may not be what they are “best” at. Same with the larger churches (which we attended pre covid and are still “attending” albeit virtually) although there are times when it seems that some are overly impressed with their own gifts and abilities. Lord I pray that I remember that any gifts I have come from you and to focus on keeping myself in line with you and let others do the same.
Today’s reading reminds me that Christ is the center and we should draw closer to Him, focusing on the things we have in common with other believers and not so much on the differences. Also, to not distort God’s Truth, as it cannot be changed.
Praying for your family and your grandma, MICHELLE PATIRE.
And praying through the other requests, DOROTHY, RHONDA J and others.
MOLLY R – praying for your health. Wondering if the “cold” could be covid? Several people I know, neighbors and family, cold symptoms were the covid symptoms they had – some bounced back quickly and others still struggling to recover. Praying you are 100% soon.
TAYLOR – love the idea of an SRT conference. And yet the thought is a little scary as it would remove us from the level playing field that our online community provides and into a place where visual and other differences could surface and taint this special place.
LYNNE FROM AL – thank you for checking in, continuing to pray for you and Jack.
KELLY (NEO) – yes, the behind the scenes workers are what keeps things going. ❤️
The beauty of unique gifts, is that all the “holes” have the potential to be filled. For example: if we all had the gift of singing who would play the music, if all had the gift of musical ability – who would do the singing. If all were gifted in teaching – who would be the ones to hear…etc. etc.
These scriptures are a good reminder for me – who always wishing I had someone else’s gift, rather than taking the time to ponder and be thankful for the gifts God has already given me.
God had a purpose and a plan for all of us, right from the very beginning. He thought of everything! He is the most amazing God!!
May we – the church- stop fighting God and take our rightful place in the body – the place He has already arranged and put them just as He wanted them to be. (1 Corinthians 12:18)
Praying for your requests as I read them…A blessed Tuesday to you all!
As an educator at a Christian school, I have seen this concept lived out in a number of ways. First, I have seen it in the school staff, as I see individuals with different backgrounds connecting with the students in various ways and by teaching biblical truths, life lessons, as well as their different content areas. Additionally, I have seen it in my students as each of them has unique gifts to offer (some are athletes, some are on the worship team, some write poetry, some are amazing artists, yet they all use these gifts to serve the Lord!) This also includes our students who struggle with learning disabilities or mental health disorders. Sharing their testimonies of perseverance and struggle can be such a blessing to the people around them.
I’m grateful for those from the congregation who start, organize and implement new ministries that deal directly with community needs. It’s such a blessing to don the t-shirt that says THE CHURCH and go out with the group to be the church beyond the building. Because of the diversity of skill, age and connections, the community projects range from cleaning a park to painting a house to shoveling sidewalks to having a book drive for a local school. The ideas and implementation are as varied as the group itself. Their impact has eternal rewards.
People often forget some of the gifts displayed in their church and how God uses them for His glory. We have the teachers that our children and our saints learn from. We have the organizers and administrators that keep all the things working for the church. We have the servers that constantly give to others their gift of service. Oh where would we be without them! And the list goes on and on. All the gifts have equal value in God’s church. When they all come together there is peace and unity and love that is so amazing it fills my heart with joy! This is how it is at my church. We are a family that loves Jesus and each other and welcomes all who want to join us.
These verses always remind me how important it is to be different – if we were all the same nothing would get done. My skill is working with children and I am thankful I have the opportunity to teach them about the Lord.
Love this – I can completely understand and have to grow in this as well. I’ve just learned not to have an opinion and bless and honor her in any opportunity I’m able! Praying for you!
I have worked with the youth group at my church for years and have been blessed by seeing the growth individually, the way the group comes together as its own community of support and love and increased respect from the adults. We all have our own gifts; it is a blessing to see these in others.
The beauty of unique gifts and diversity in the Church is evident in the variety of ways we worship the Lord.
As Christians we trust the Lord with everything and anything. This reading today helped me to reflect on the uniqueness of his kingdom. With my resilience he brought me to jail against all reasons for me being there, and I was able to speak the name of Jesus over many other women who were there.
I’m so thankful for the members of the body who joyfully do the “behind the scenes” work, those who clean and cook and organize. Also those who are known only to God for their generosity in not only treasure but giving of their time and talent to bring God glory.
If every member would participate the local church could thrive.
DOROTHY – may the time spent at VBS bring you renewed energy
RHONDA J – praying for your dad and his wife.
RENEE K – praying your son finds favor with the school admissions dept
MOLLY R – praying for restored health
Christ, the Head, fills His body. He fills it completely as He fills all things in every way. He has put the body together and from Him comes its growth. Through Him all the parts hold together even though their functions may be different. That’s what unites us as believers, no matter or background or differences. We are One because we all come forth from the same Head.
I’ve seen organisation skills in planning events for the church, to build up and encourage and unify. I’ve seen the use of musical gifts to build up the church. And I’ve seen hospitality and service that encourages and unifies the body, and is a perfect environment for brotherly love to grow.
We can all have a role to play in the family of God.