I’ve never been pregnant. I’ve come to terms with the fact that, like Sarah (or Rachel or Hannah) in the Bible, I have been given the burden of infertility, a weight that I’ve kicked and railed against and sobbed about and finally, dutifully picked up—mostly because I had no other option. I don’t know if I will ever have a child born from my own body, but I know that if I did, I would join right along with Sarah in laughing.
God’s timing is perfect and sometimes pretty funny too. To think, Sarah had waited her whole life to have children, and only once her family was in disarray and spread out across miles did God choose to follow through on His great promise. After everything that happened, why now? Perhaps because when she was at her weakest, He showed His great strength.
The Bible is full of humans, not heroes. We see in Genesis 20 a story of fear, when Abraham tried to hide and protect his wife Sarah by claiming that she was his sister, only to nearly cause a massive tidal wave of destruction for Abimelech. What followed in close succession was Sarah finally giving birth to the child God promised: Isaac.
But even amidst the laughter and celebration, a shadow hovered over this family. After all, they didn’t wait patiently for God to follow through on His promise. Earlier in their marriage, Sarah encouraged her husband to have an affair with Hagar in order to bear a child. So she couldn’t fully enjoy God’s faithfulness because the proof of her unfaithfulness was right there at the party.
Are we any different? When God is good to you, what do you focus on? Are you wholeheartedly clinging to His goodness, or do you still see, out of the corner of your eye, glimpses and reminders of your own sin, lack, and shame? We see the answer in the second half of chapter 21.
Even when Sarah sent Hagar and Ishmael away in a fit of rage, God continued to be good to them. He is loving and saving and kind—because that is who He is. It doesn’t matter if you see yourself as a promised child or a child whose background is questionable. None of this is conditional on who we are or what we’ve done but rather on who He is as a faithful promise-keeper. He has promised to forgive our sins and guide our hearts, leading wherever He pleases (Proverbs 21:1). He promises to give us everything we need for life and godliness (1Peter 1:3). He promises to come for us and not to leave us as orphans (John 14:18). The Lord did for Sarah all that He had promised. The Lord will keep His promises to us as well. That is who He is.
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130 thoughts on "The Birth of Isaac"
I am trying to cling to His goodness instead of remembering my shame.
Children of Promise!! Amen!!!
I have always found it interesting that the Lord, in His mercy, chose to expose Abrahm’s half truth and save Abimelech. God has been kind, even to people went His chosen all along.
Wow so many amazing comments today! The lat few days could not have come at a better time for me. My daughter Chela went back to college today, and while she is sooo much better than last year (year one) she still struggles with a lot of anxiety so there is a lot of stress leading up to her leaving. Her stress = me getting stressed. (I’m working on this) God gave me a clear confirmation 2 years ago that this was the school for her, but when things are as they have been the last few days, I find myself asking myself “did God really say, did I hear him wrong?” And I start worrying and doubting. Today I am reminded to continue to stand on that promise, just like Abraham and Sara. As someone commented yesterday, “a promise is no good unless we BELIEVE it”. Lord, I believe, forgive my unbelief.
These are the lyrics for the song/video
I recommended yesterday.
The God Who Sees
(performed by Nicole C. Mullen)
Hagar was a single mother
She was abandoned by the family she belonged to
And there in the wilderness with her son alone
With very little provision
She was wondering
She was questioning
Does anyone care?
She’s crying in the desert
She’s lost in her despair
She thinks nobody loves her
Hagar thinks nobody’s there
But God says
I will be a ring of fire around her
And I will be the glory in her midst
And the power of my presence
Will bring her to her knees
And I will lift her up again
For I’m the God who sees
I’m the God who sees
Then He speaks in gentle whispers
And He softly calls her name
She feels His arms enfold her
As He holds her
And she’ll never be the same
‘Cause I’m the God who never changes
And My promises are true
And when this world deserts you
This is what I’ll do
And there is another woman named Ruth
She was from the land of Moab
And she was met with grief and heartache
She was a widow and she lived with her mother-in-law, who was also a widow
And now it was time to move on
But Ruth had never been to Bethlehem
She had never tasted of the House of Bread
But now she had heard an inner invitation to come and taste and see
And so she vowed herself to her mother-in-law
And she said where you go I will go
Where you lie I will lie
Where you die I will die
And she begins a journey to the Promised Land
She’s traveling through the desert
And she’s leaving her despair
She’s hoping for a future
Praying God will lead her there
And He says
I will put a ring around you finger
And I will bless a child within your womb
And the Savior will be born through you
To free the world from sin
And He’ll make all things new for you
And love you back to life again, again
And then from Ruth who gave birth to a son
Obed who gave birth to a son
Jesse who gave birth to a son
Named David
Now the same, once shepherd boy
Mighty warrior, anointed king is alone
Terrified in the darkness
He’s hiding in the desert
He’s battling despair
David thinks his life is over, it’s over
And God, He doesn’t care
But God says
I will be the Rock of your salvation
I’ll hold you up by the strength of My right hand
And the power of My Spirit
Will free you from all fear
In the hour of your deepest need
You’ll find that I am near
I am here
And I will be a ring of fire around you
And I will be the glory in your midst
And the power of My presence
Will bring you to your knees
Then I will lift you up again
For I’m the God who sees
And then from the line of David
Finally, Jesus the Messiah
The Anointed One, Yeshua, the Christ
Born in the same House of Bread to be the Bread of Life
In the town of Bethlehem
And He would grow
And He would be called the Son of God
He would be called Emmanuel, God With Us
And He would heal, and He would reveal
And then He had an encounter with a woman
Named Mary of Magdalen who was plagued by demons
Tormented by evil spirits, and Jesus set her free
And Mary followed Him, she listened at His feet
She served Him, and she loved Him
Oh how she loved Him
But then she watched as they nailed Him to the cross
And as they placed His body in the tomb
In that moment her hope died, it died
She’s crying in the garden
She’s broken in despair
She’s searching for her Savior
But His body isn’t there
Then He says, Mary
Glory, glory, glory, Hallelujah
I will be the glory in Your midst
And every knee will bow to Me
And every tongue confess
Yes all the world will worship Me
In all My Holiness
I will be a ring of fire around you
And I will be the glory in your midst
And the power of My presence
Will bring you to your knees
And I will lift you up again
For I’m the God who sees, who sees
I’m the God who sees
Oh I’m the God who sees, I see you
I’m the God who sees you in your wilderness
Sees you in your brokenness
When you’re feeling lonely, I’m the God who sees
In the desert places, in your empty spaces
I’m the God who sees
I’m nearer than you dare believe
Here in the very air you breathe
I’m the God who sees You.
Songwriters: Aileen Nicole Coleman Mullen, Kathy L Crosby. For non-commercial use only.
“‘Cause I’m the God who never changes
And My promises are true
And when this world deserts you
This is what I’ll do…” Love that!
I love this song/video to me! A few years ago, one of my mentors sent it to me I think I’ll play it again!
The lyrics are beautiful. Thank you for sharing this, Cee Gee.
I think you shared that it was her singing it at a church? I love the full video made! So powerful!
I will post it on FB page!
Amen! ❤️❤️
Amen ✝️❤
So thankful for God being a faithful promise keeper! I loved all of your comments! Praying for all!
God’s timing is perfect! Boy…. can I testify to that! The Bible is full of humans not heroes. Thank you Jesus I don’t have to be perfect! But I don’t want to stay where I’m at. I need to continue to grow in my faith and many many times ask for forgiveness. I’m still here at the retreat. Last day. Woke up with massive headache. God did a wonderful work in the lives of our students. One that really stands out is a VERY lovely young lady with a HUGE heart for Jesus! Even though things did not go according to plan, her eyes were and are on Jesus!! My mama’s heart (and that of the other leader) is SO proud of her!! Wish people could see what we see. But as we read this morning, the bible is full of humans, nothing has changed. But that’s OK because we have Jesus.
Safe travels home, Mari, and restful sleep tonight! ❤
Hope your headache is over! Praying for a safe journey back home ❤️
Amen! ❤️
No one who takes refuge in him with have condemnations. What a great reminder. God is so faithful and true to his word. May I lean into that this week.
I so appreciate the wisdom in these comments. You ladies are such a blessing to me.
And you to us, Faith ❤️
Man, it is becoming more and more evident how much I am like Sarah and Abraham. I trust God, but WAITING for His word to come to pass and being “still” and not trying to “make it happen” on my own is so hard to do.
The Lord has definitely allowed me to see my weakness in waiting in this season. As my mind constantly tries to create a “back up plan” – which reveals I don’t fully trust God to come through.
Lord, I want to believe, help my unbelief! What did doing things in my flesh ever get me?
It is better to wait and see the salvation of the Lord.
How we all just need God more than we are aware. I was struck by Genesis 20:6 that says it was God who prevented Abimelech from sinning. I said in my notes, “God, do that for me, too!” Lol. Just being real.
Hope you ladies are well.
Missing @Kimberly Z and Taylor as well.. saw a comment below by Searching mention them… was thinking about them, too ❤️
“I was struck by Genesis 20:6 that says it was God who prevented Abimelech from sinning. I said in my notes, “God, do that for me, too!”” ❤️ So true! One day He will..! Hugs to you, Michelle ❤️
Hello Shes
The morning devotional struck me two ways. Disagreement on one illustration & Agreement
on another.
“Earlier in their marriage, Sarah encouraged her husband to have an affair with Hagar in order to bear a child.”
The descriptor “affair” did not sit well with me. Hagar, the Egyptian servant, was used & abused by both Sarah & Abraham. Cast off & abandoned & left for certain death, mother & child in the wilderness. But God heard, saw, saved, and as in Psalm 39, was close to the brokenhearted & the woman who took refuge in Him was not condemned.
“When God is good to you, what do you focus on? Are you wholeheartedly clinging to His goodness, or do you still see, out of the corner of your eye, glimpses and reminders of your own sin, lack, and shame?”
I admit guilt. Far too often I am fearful. Questioning my own motives & behaviors. Am I for real, or an empty imposter? Am I acting on faith conceived fiction? I know, intellectually, my Lord Jesus neither judges nor rejects. And I am saved from my worst self. By His grace, and not my works. Be they presented humble or grand. Yet…
God, I am your human “being”.
Help me to accept myself, as You do.
In kindness, without condemnation.
Please free me from my own bondage.
Oh Patient & Loyal One.
I agree with your disagreement :) Thad word “affair” applied to this situation was jarring, and I believe inaccurate. It was a polygamous culture and the text says that Abram took her as his wife. The text is silent as to whether he continued to live with her as a 2nd wife. I think Abram’s greatest unfaithfulness was in failing to believe the promises of God and not leading Sarai well in the waiting.
Agreed. Thank you, Gwineth52 ❤️
Psalm 34:5 Those who look to Him are radiant with joy; their faces will never be ashamed.
Such a beautiful picture. Are our faces radiant with joy? Do I forget God’s promises? He gives us all that we need. He lifts us up. He protects. He forgives. He loves.
Amen and amen ❤️
Gosh, so much goodness this morning. Something that stood out to me this morning was in Genesis 20 when Abraham explained his reasoning to lie to Abimilech. Verse 11: Abraham replied, “I thought, ‘There is absolutely no fear of God in this place. They will kill me because of my wife.’ It made me think of how many times I assume the people I am with are hopeless when it comes to fearing God. Yet, who am I to assume that they are not open to God when He speaks to them? Obviously, Abimilech did have some fear of God, because he quickly returned Sarah and made sure that all was well between him and Abraham. I need to remember this when all seems so hopeless with the people around me. I need to continue to trust God that He is able to move mountains and soften even the darkest, hardest hearts.
Thank you to all the She’s who made comments about God’s promises and to Claire for a beautiful devotional. I am looking forward to diving more into God’s promises in our next study, because I too struggle to know and trust that God is a promise keeper, no matter what.
“He is loving and saving and kind—because that is who He is. It doesn’t matter if you see yourself as a promised child or a child whose background is questionable. None of this is conditional on who we are or what we’ve done but rather on who He is as a faithful promise-keeper. He has promised to forgive our sins and guide our hearts, leading wherever He pleases.”
So thankful for that truth!
Love, hugs, and prayers, sisters! ❤
Sisters, I meant to say that quote came from the devo! I pasted and forgot to tab down so I could preface with that. Apologies to Claire! ❤
While today’s devotion is about Isaac, it is also about provision and protection, and I hope that you allow me to digress a bit. For us in the U.S., it is a momentous day— regardless of political parties, today we swear in a new President and VP. And regardless of personal feelings, we are called to pray for our leaders. So, I’d like to share a prayer for our new leadership, rooted in provision and protection—
Heavenly Father, we come before You to lift up President Trump and Vice President JD Vance as they steps into their role as leaders of our nation. We ask for Your divine protection over them during the inauguration and throughout their time in office. Guard them, their families, and all those in attendance from harm, and grant peace to this nation.
Lord, we pray that You bless them with wisdom, discernment, and humility. Guide their decisions and actions so that they may lead with a servant’s heart, putting the needs of the people above all else. Help them to govern with compassion and integrity.
Father, we ask that You strengthen them to navigate challenges with courage and to pursue what is good and righteous in Your sight. May Your hand be upon them as they serve our country for the next four years, and may Your blessings be upon the United States of America. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Yes, praying in agreement. I pray as well that President Trump and his cabinet would heed the voice of the Lord and help aid the spiritual revival in this country. I pray they would see the harvest is plenty and would help this nation wake up to see Jesus is real and loves them. God forgive us for our sins and help us to walk in integrity. Amen.
Dear Maria
Your thoughtful & heartfelt prayer takes me to these words from the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., whose legacy we, as a nation, honor today. Dr. King always revealed his basic philosophical & theological orientation, which was to love like Jesus.
“In Christ there is no East or West. In Him no North or South, but one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide world. This is the only way.“
The Way of Love.
May this be our touchstone & talking point, on this day, both an inauguration & a commemoration, and the days to come.
So help us God.
Amen to a most appropriate prayet! Thanks for sharing that, Maria! Similar thoughts on my heart. ❤
Thank you Maria and Gwyneth for your beautiful prayers, praying along with and sharing your words with family and friends. ❤️
A lovely prayer.
Yes and Amen!
Amen. Pray without ceasing.
Joining you all in prayer ❤️
Doubt verses belief. Fear verse trust.
Oh we want to Trust! We WANT to obey! We want to believe with all our hearts..God said it, he will do it! We want to surrender our unbelief to keep looking to the One, our Maker and Father. But we too, are stiff-necked Israelites. Always focusing on How to arrange the situation. Just like Sarah, trying to manipulate to help Him out! Oh, it’s funny, not funny.
Easy when things are well, but will I/we hold up when a diagnosis comes, when our businesses fail, when we don’t find a spouse or get pregnant, when we lose someone precious to us…
These are the trials YOU, our sisters have gone through…and proven to us YOU have survived by your faith, and God beside you, holding you. It was hard, there was fear, there was a whole lotta “stuff” swarming…but trust remained.
I’m thankful we have the scripture and their testimonies, but they sometimes can seem so far removed to our life here and now- But God, he gives us testimonies all around us through others, and that is why we need to share, share, share! Especially with our non-believing friends. It will stick with them. They may not read the Bible, but they can see God through us! What a gift we must share!! A life we MUST live and radiate the light!! Amen and Amen. I will testify of your great Love, it will be on my lips day and night!! You are Mighty and Swift to ACTION! I will be steadfast in my hope and trust–not in myself! I Surrender Lord, I Surrender.
@Searching, thank you for pointing this out… “what do you focus on?” “Whether life is good, fair or not so good, I need to focus on what God has done or is doing, on being thankful, on being patient while His perfect plan is revealed, in His timing … not taking matters in my own hands, as did Sarah…not telling a half-truth rather than trusting the Lord for protection, as did Abraham”… a reminder I definitely needed!
Happy Monday! ❤️
Thank you, Father for the countless reminders of the ways that you keep your promises. In all the ways we call out to you, in the longings, desires and needs, may our hope, faith and trust always be in you.
‘Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’ Rom 15:13
Amen ❤️
I’m not sure if you usually look at comments on Saturday’s but I left you one there.
(Long, possibly convoluted but…I hope my care, hope, empathy, “can totally relate”, etc…will shine through:/
Your comments blessed me… while not officially diagnosed, pretty sure ADHD is part of my DNA… I laughed out loud at the part about “talking on the phone, listening to podcasts, etc., while working “! My sisters, daughters and I have perfected this trait!! My husband of 59 years has told me that “he finally understands that I don’t purposely try to be frustrating”… and now he finally gets me! And in turn, I am more aware of trying NOT to frustrate him! It definitely is a journey! ♥️
❤️ A journey indeed!! God help each of us!! I think the self compassion piece is also huge… reminding oneself that “I don’t purposely try to be frustrating” :D Bless you, Sister
Such a beautiful devotional this morning. I went back to my notes from our study on Hebrews 11 and wanted to share some of the notes I took on Hebrews 11:8-12.
God keeps His promises. We may not know when, we may not know how, but He keeps His promises. God‘s timing is perfect. He can always be trusted and depended on. God puts us in positions where we must trust Him. He only gives us enough light for the step we are on. He doesn’t lay out every detail of what lays ahead. One of you ladies shared an analogy too that I still cannot stop thinking about. Scripture says God is the lamp at our feet. He is at our feet for one step at a time He does not provide a flashlight. God is intentional, everything He does has a purpose and He always has a plan. We might not understand it. We might not even agree with it, but we see time and time again that scripture testifies that God’s plan is good and always the best, it doesn’t pay to go our own way.
This morning I have a second round interview for a position I believe God has been preparing me for over a year and a half since He first set it on my heart. Thank you to everyone who lifted me up in prayer last week during my first interview, would you please pray for me as I continue to walk in faith one step at a time through this process.
Lord, thank you that through this season you have refined me and taught me to be really good at waiting. I pray I would believe everything you promised me even if I have to wait a really long time Lord I pray for faith like Abraham that when you call me I would march forth without looking back or looking around that I would look ahead with hope and go forward with endurance. God thank you for the reminder of your plans for me. Jeremiah 29:11 is a promise I can trust. Lord I am so grateful that you do not answer according to my will, give me courage to wait. Amen.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts that have been a great encouragement.
Have prayed for you this morning ❤️
Thank you so much, Wendy B!
I just prayed for you, Christy, and you will remain in my prayers as you go for the second interview! Great post; thanks for sharing! ❤
Thank you Cee Gee for your continued prayers! I so appreciate you!
Thank you for your notes on our Hebrews study. (How quickly we can forget what we learned… but you didn’t!)
Prayers for your second interview, sister.
Adrienne, I promise I’m no different, haha. Reading those notes this morning felt like I was reading them for the first time, but God is so good to remind us. Thank you so much for lifting me up in prayer.
Praying, Christy ❤️
Thank you so much, Searching ❤️
Just prayed, Christy. Keep us posted ❤️
Thank you so much, Julia! I’m overjoyed to share a BIG praise report! The interview couldn’t have gone better, and all of the team members I’ve met have been so kind. God is moving, and He is SO good. I have two more rounds of interviews, so taking it one step of faith at a time. ❤️
I wonder what the difference was between Abimelech and Pharaoh that God would come to Abimelech in a dream but to Pharaoh he just sent plagues. He also made Abimelech’s wife and female servants unfertile and threatened to kill Abimelech. But again, only sent plagues to Pharaoh and his household. It makes me wonder as to why Abimelech’s (king of a Philistine city) punishment was so much more severe.
El-Roi saw Hagar and Ishmael once again and again provided for Hagar and took care of her.
I think it may be because God had already given the promise that Sarah would have a son within this year and God wanted to protect the line of the promise. He protected her by afflicting the whole household and kept her from intimate relations with Abimelech.
God’s love is inclusive and not exclusive
I sometimes notice on how God deals with people outside the covenant. Abimelech and Hagar. It is not his will that anyone perishes. Instead of punitive action God engages in a conversation with Abimelech and gives him some instructions. Abimelech follows God’s instruction. The deception of Abraham brought barreness to the king’s household. Abimelech s obedience brought prayer and healing to his household.
Even though Hagar is sent away God honors his promises to her.
Reminds me of Way Maker by Leeland
You are
Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are
That is Who He is!!! Hallelujah!
Reminds me of Way Maker by Leeland
You are
Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are
That is Who He is!!!
I liked the way God protects His Abraham in today’s passage. When the King took Sara,God warned him and shut the wombs of the women in his household. I like this possessive love He has for Abraham…’You touch my child, you touch me ‘ kind of love…. and even if Abraham isn’t complaining about what the King has done, God is still annoyed.Annoyed enough to act.
May we someday understand the full extent of the possessive love God has for us, His girls, and find ways to make Him smile every day.
This stood out for me in the devo:
“Perhaps because when she was at her weakest, He showed His great strength.”
It’s been pointed out before in numerous examples and moving testimonies that many people turn to, or turn back to, the Lord when they’re weak, or at the bottom and can only look up.
Which reminds me of a song I still sing when I need a reminder,
Jesus loves me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong,
they are weak but He is strong.
(Anna Bartlett Warner, 1859)
We are all ‘little ones’ when compared to His strength.
Another point in the devo – “what do you focus on?” Whether life is good, fair or not so good, I need to focus on what God has done or is doing, on being thankful, on being patient while His perfect plan is revealed, in His timing … not taking matters in my own hands, as did Sarah…not telling a half-truth rather than trusting the Lord for protection, as did Abraham.
BG verse today:
James 1:2-3 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
MERCY – praying ❤
Missing ERB, LANIE H,
little sisters TAYLOR, SARAH D, KIMBERLY Z
many more that aren’t coming to mind this cold morning.
songs mentioned by SHARON JERSEY GIRL & CEE GEE yesterday – so good, thank you ❤
That part also stood out to me in the devo and reminded me of 2 Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.” And thank you for sharing that hymn. What a sweet reminder. ❤️
Searching recently Jesus loves me came to mind when I was encouraged to sing worship songs to counter anxious thoughts. Still so good. The part on where I focus caught my attention as well. As I have begun to focus on His goodness lately I have experienced a shift in my season of storms.
❤ love your points!
“Perhaps because when she was at her weakest, He showed His great strength.”
First sentence I wrote in my note.
Yes, Searching…
I remember singing this song as a child in Sunday School!!
“Jesus loves me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong,
they are weak but He is strong.”
(Anna Bartlett Warner, 1859)
Love this old song too! I believe as my parents were in the last years of their lives, they would sing in at night before they went to sleep. ❤️
“The Lord did for Sarah all that He had promised. The Lord will keep His promises to us as well. That is who He is.”
Lord, show me which of the promises that You have given in Your Word are for me. Teach me Your ways that ate revealed in the promises that were made for specific people and places in time.
Praying for safety for those in super cold weather today, especially the homeless. (A High of 8° without windchill here today).
Praying for peaceful inauguration events as well.
Amen, Kelly, amen.❤
Thinking about the homeless here too in our cold province…feels like -50F today!!
Amen to your prayers, dear Kelly ❤️
I know of no one who in my lifetime keep their promises.. every time.
My daddy wasn’t a promise keeper, nor my mum. My siblings have not always been able to keep their promises, and nor have my children.. The biggest non promise keeper is me!
The excuse would be that life got in the way.. and that’s as may be, but promises were not kept..
He has not missed a promise to protect, provide, comfort, love, forgive, be kind, make a way.. If He has said it.. Then He will do it!!
Father God is a promise keeper, always has been, always will be..!
I am feeling to pray for sisters here that will be affected, reminded or just feel a pull towards a remembrance that has not healed as yet.. whilst reading this devotional.. I hold you close as I pray dear hearts, But God.. He holds you even closer..
Father God, I lift my sisters here who are feeling the sting of hopes and dreams dashed, I pray your loving arms wrap tighter around them, comforting them and giving them the peace, Your peace that makes no sense but is a beautiful sign of who You are.. Ever present and ever loving.
Lord, I pray grace over them, and I pray when their hearts feel heavy, and their minds are confused that you will lighten the load and cover them with the hope that is found in you..
Lord, I pray that in the loving comfort of your embrace, please remove the have nots, the can nots, and the idea that they are not enough, but that my dears, are reminded of Who you are, One who never let’s go, One who is ever present, and One who IS a promise keeper..
Thank you for each here, and thank you for for the Grace and love you pour on and over us every day..
Thank you, Father God.
Lord in your mercy, hear my prayer..❤
Blessed Monday, dear hearts, covered in much, much love.. And prayers..
thank you, dear Tina, for recognizing that some passages are more difficult/painful to study than others. Today wasn’t an easy day. Love you, sister ❤
Amen ❤️
So beautifully said, Tina. Thank you for sharing your prayer. Praying alongside you for our sisters here. ❤️
Tina, what a beautifully written prayer, straight from the heart. I hope you don’t mind but I copied and shared it with my Wednesday Bible study ladies in an email. We have not been able to begin our new study this year because of the cold temperatures. I sure do miss our time together, hoping for better conditions next week.
But your prayer will warm their hearts! Blessings to you from this side of the pond.
Thank you Tina for your much needed, beautiful prayer. ❤️
Thank you Tina! This morning is hard for me and your prayers helped.
Thank you! Praying this prayer alongside you!
Thank you Tina. Such depth of soul.
Dear Tina… Thank you, tender hearted Sister.
“Lord, I pray that in the loving comfort of your embrace, please remove the have nots, the can nots, and the idea that they are not enough, but that my dears, are reminded of Who you are, One who never let’s go, One who is ever present, and One who IS a promise keeper.”
Thank you dear TINA! I needed this prayer today ❤️
I am already looking forward to our next study… I do struggle with God’s promises. I want to know if they are for me, or that they were said to a specific person at a specific time under certain circumstances. I struggle to hear God’s voice. When I am not the one talking, we usually sit in silence, enjoying each other’s company. I wouldn’t mind God saying to me, ‘go this way, do this next…’ But after reading today’s devotional, I think, would it really make a difference? Wouldn’t I still try to ‘help’ God, just like Abraham and Sarah did?
And wouldn’t God still execute His plan and guide me in His perfect ways?
Sorry for rambling on this “Blue Monday”… Holding on tight to these words and promises of God today:
— Psalm 34:22
The Lord redeems the life of his servants, and all who take refuge in him will not be punished.
—Romans 8:1
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
— Genesis 5:22b
“God is with you in everything you do”.
— Matthew 28:20b
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
You make a great point. We think we would be obedient if we audibly heard God’s instructions, but would we?
I’ve often said that I wish He would talk to me audibly, but you girls hit the nail on the head… would we listen or obey… likely not!
Holding tight with you, Julia ❤
I love what you said about God’s promises. I can definitely relate. I have such a distinct memory of God revealing Himself as a Promise-Keeper to me four-ish years ago. Not even a year after that, we suddenly lost my father-in-law, and I remember thinking, “How is God still a Promise-Keeper in this?” I was sad and grieving and angry, honestly. BUT GOD, as Tina would say—He was so good to remind me that His character is not shaped or changed by my circumstances. His promises are true and come true, no matter what. And I was comforted by knowing that because my FIL was a believer and because God has promised eternity for those who believe, I can be completely confident that my FIL is with Him right now. We can claim God’s promises over us because He is for us. We belong to Him! What a joy + privilege that is.
“His character is not shaped or changed by my circumstances.” Amen, Emily ❤️
Good questions Julia – although I do not claim to have all the answers, I do know that sometimes we confuse God’s promises with God’s principles.
Not everything is a promise, and not every promise is for us – some were specifically for God’s chosen people, the Israelites.
For example – a verse that is so often misused or misunderstood is Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”
This verse is not a promise, it’s a principle. So many times it’s quoted concerning prodigals, with the explanation that “they will come back to the Lord because God promises it right here in this verse”, except He doesn’t. It is a principle – a principle is a general guideline, while a promise is a concrete commitment to action.
Sorry for rambling, don’t know if this was helpful or not…
Have a blessed day! ❤️
Sharon this is very helpful to me. I remember questioning God when Tanner wasn’t allowed in the stem cell transplant study. I had prayed and believed a cure would be in our lifetime only to have it pulled away. I didn’t understand why God would do that. We had helped make that study come to fruition. Tanner knew it was a death sentence not being allowed in. Not sure that this falls under promises vs principles, but it does under maybe not every promise is for us.
Thank you for sharing, Sharon & Traci ❤️
Thank you for this distinction between the two. I have believed that to be a promise myself…hmmm
Dear Julia C
I love it when the prophet Isaiah writes in 30:21.
“Your ears will hear
a word behind you,
saying ‘This is the way,
Walk in it.’
Whenever you turn to
the right or to the left”.
Dear Gwineth, thank you for this reminder ❤️