The Ascension: Where Is Jesus Now?

Open Your Bible

Luke 24:36-53, John 16:4-33, Hebrews 10:11-14

Text: Luke 24:36-53, John 16:4-33, Hebrews 10:11-14

As a kid growing up in Michigan—all blonde braids and denim overalls—I was sure that heaven must be a wonderful place, and equally certain that I was bound to see all the animals I loved there. I was less sure how I felt about worshipping and bowing around a big throne for all of eternity. And I was skeptical about angels and beasts saying, “Holy, holy, holy” (Revelation 4:8). Why so repetitive, anyway? And when would we get to eat clove-flavored gumdrops and jump on clouds?

The world has a lot to say about heaven, but much like my childhood vision, it’s often far more informed by wistful thinking than by Scripture. But wherever and whatever heaven is, we do know this to be true: when Christ left His disciples, He ascended to heaven (Luke 24:51), and “after offering one sacrifice for sins forever,” He “sat down at the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12).

God is in heaven, and Jesus sits at His right hand.

I love having firm answers to biblical questions. Because honestly, my kids ask me stuff like this all the time, and I want to be a good and accurate teacher for them. The concept of Christ ascended to heaven could make us feel like Christ has disappeared from earth, but His ascension to His place at God’s right hand actually changes everything.

The Bible tells us that God the Father is Spirit, and He does not have a body like we do (John 4:24; Colossians 1:15). Jesus, on the other hand, does have a body, and He ascended in that body to His Father in heaven (Luke 24:39). Scripture also gives a glimpse, however limited, of the future awaiting us when our own bodies are raised even as Jesus was (I Corinthians 15:52; Romans 6:4).

We don’t know all the details of what heaven looks like, or how it will feel to be in the presence of God (though I reckon it’s going to be good!). We do, however, know that Christ is seated, signifying that His work is complete, and this changes not only our future, but the here and now.

Why? Because only by His ascension do we receive His Spirit (John 16:7). And our ascended Christ is, even now, interceding for us at the throne of God (1 Timothy 2:5; Romans 8:34). Jesus, right this instant, is serving as our High Priest! He has gone on to heaven to prepare a place for us (John 14:2), and He’s guaranteed to return for us, when He will judge both the living and the dead (John 14:3; 1 Peter 4:5).

What difference does this knowledge make to us now? It turns our sorrows into joy (John 16:20)!

Because Christ’s work is complete, our salvation is secure. His ascension and enthronement mean that our hope is sure, and we can have confidence as we approach the throne of grace, and joy as we serve Him here (Ephesians 3:12).

Heaven will be beyond our wildest dreams. I don’t know if there will be old dogs, or gumdrops, or cloud-jumping—though I wouldn’t put any of that past our God in His never-ending goodness to His children. Nevertheless, what great comfort it is to know that the Christ who died for us has ascended to heaven and waits for us there. We can be confident, not only of the good things to come, but of His loving, mediating work on our behalf this very day. Thanks be to God.

(57) Comments

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57 thoughts on "The Ascension: Where Is Jesus Now?"

  1. Kylee says:

    Really blessed by this study — I’m doing it in conjunction with the Bible in a Year plan, & I’m loving the real life devotionals of this one! Thank you SRT, for providing scripture & sound application — exactly what my heart needs to read in every study on this wonderful app.

  2. Christ’s work is completed and our salvation secure. Resting in this tonight.

  3. Dara Perreira Balmores says:

    Jesus waiting for me reminds me of when my babies learned how to walk. I would put some space between us and encourage my angels to take one step, then two. Sometimes they would fall, sometimes they would get frustrated and cry. But I would never stop calling for them and asking them to continue trying and moving forward. The big reward was the them reaching my arms and i would give them the tightest hug while everyone watching would yell “yay!!” With the warmest sense of achievement and pride.

    I imagine the same, with Jesus waiting for me with open arms and the most loving encouragement for me to put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes I want to quit, sometimes I’m ashamed of my stumbles and sometimes it hurts to fall. But the thought of being embraced by Him while all the angels in heaven celebrate is just too much for me to pass up.

    Thank you Lord Jesus, by your cross and resurrection,for preparing a place for me.

    1. jessenia sanchez says:

      I love your comment. I couldn’t have said anything better than you just did.

    2. Lina Velazquez says:

      This is an awesome comparison! Thank you for this Dara!

    3. Chelsea says:

      Thank you so much for sharing this analogy!

    4. Penelope says:

      What a lovely comment :D

    5. Libby says:

      Oh how I need this picture in my mind daily!

  4. Beverly says:

    Jesus goes ahead of me. He leaves me with His Spirit.
    Praying these words, these truths sink deep into my soul today. God went ahead of His people in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 31:8, Exodus 13:21). Jesus went ahead of us to heaven in the New Testament (John 14). These truths of the Lord’s promises, faithful love, and steadfast character fill my weary heart with peace and hope.
    Have you ever found yourself in a place you didn’t want to be in? A place you chose to come to, then realized was most certainly not for you… only a bit too late. The fight or flight kicks in, alternating between digging in your heels to make it work or checking plane schedules for the next flight out… This is the kind of place where I find myself today. Sadly, this has been my reality for more than a year. I have been trying (fighting myself) to accept the current realities of where I am, where I live. I fight because I feel alone. My husband works long days. I haven’t been able to find anything to stick, to occupy my time. And I really just want to wipe my hands of this place and walk away. But that is not a possibility for me, for us at this moment. I know this is probably for the better – to grow me, to teach me, to refine me – however, in the midst of this challenging time these good, growth opportunities are hard to accept with open-hands.
    Yet the thought of God going ahead, of Jesus going ahead always gives my heart a reassuring sense of comfort and hope. Because no matter how daunting or debilitating my current realities feel, I know that where I am is no surprise to the Lord. I know that He has gone ahead of me, He does go ahead of me – both to heaven and in every day of my life. And He has given me His Spirit, His Helper to guide me through these days. I know these truths, but I can all too easily forget Who lives in me, Who calls me worthy, and Who loves me with an everlasting love. But right now, remembering that Jesus goes ahead of me and has left me with His Spirit, I know that He is with me and can work through me. I may feel alone, but – in Truth – I am not alone. He is with me. Ready. Waiting. To work. To do the hard work of acceptance and movement WITH me, here. In the midst of this uncomfortable place. To shine for Him. Praying for strength and courage to fight the good fight with His help, by His Spirit and through His love. Grateful He never leaves or forsakes those who love Him, ever.

    1. ~ B ~ says:

      Oh friend, do I hurt reading this for you. I have been there. It’s such a “middle” place to be and so hard. I miss catching up with you. Going to be amping up my prayers over you. I know you know God has great plans for you, I’ll just be prayerful He begins to bring those out and that, in the meantime, He provide an unimaginable and sustainable peace over your place! Love to you!

      1. Heather (MNmomma) says:

        Joining in prayer <3

        1. Beverly says:

          Thank you for your prayers, Heather!❤️

      2. Beverly says:

        Sweet Betsy, I am so grateful for your continued prayers! I was so encouraged and blessed to see your words this morning. So very grateful for you, friend! Praying all is well down your way.

    2. Amanda says:

      Your story hits home for me, as I’m going through the exact same situation. I thought moving back home would be actually good, but it did not go as planned. Everyday I feel so stressed that I just feel like digging myself in a hole and not coming out for a very long time! I like what you said about where you are is no surprise to the Lord; that gives me confidence that He knows what He is doing and I need to trust in Him a lot more then I have been.

      1. Beverly says:

        Thank you for your words and the reminder to trust Him, Amanda. Looking back, I feel I have lived this last year merely surviving, living in that self-dug hole. Your words encouraged me once again to trust Him because He wants me to thrive, to embrace a fuller life WITH Him. Keeping my eyes fixed on Him, on the bigger picture He has planned rather than the ‘little’ annoyances of my situation. I will pray over you and your situation too.❤️

  5. Halee says:

    I have a question… What does it mean when I read “he will judge the living and the dead”? Through Jesus no one is dead, right?

    I’m pretty new to the Bible so I am often confused. Though I will say that SRT has helped a ton!!

    1. Amanda says:

      Hey Halee! It means that when Jesus returns he will judge those of us whose are still living on earth in our physical bodies at the time of his return, and also those whose physical bodies have already died. When the Lord returns those who have been buried will actually rise from their graves and we will all be judged together.

      For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 ESV)

      1. Halee says:


        Thank you!!!

  6. Lilia Quintero says:

    I feel so much peace when through the scripture i am reminded that my citizenship is in heavens… that Jesus rules above everything and no matter my pains and my fights in earth, it is nothing compare to that final destination… soon to come!!!! Blessing

    This is my first comment… Blessing to those hands and minds that are being used by God to make more disciples–>Me.

  7. Lesley says:

    Jesus indeed paid it all. We were created to worship but do you ever “exchange the truth of God for a lie?” Join the discussion on The Great Exchange and have a laugh at my expense? I’m so thankful for you, my SRT sisters.

  8. Valerie says:

    Thank you so much for your encouraging post. I am reading a lot about Heaven these days. Randy Alcorn’s book on the subject is really good. Also, if you are interested, John Wesley’s sermon entitled “The General Deliverance” is a great sermon re: God’s redemption of his entire creation (including animals). Thanks again!

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thanks for joining us today, Valerie! So grateful to have you in the SRT community!

      Grace and Peace,