his steadfast love endures forever

Open Your Bible

Psalm 136

{Text: Psalm 136}

Good morning, sisters! Today is a day for thankfulness to the living God!

Even when the turkey isn’t thawed completely.

Even when your floors are filthy.

Even when you ache deeply for a loved one who is not with you this year.

Even then, we can be thankful. Because we know. We know that his love is steadfast. Firm and secure. Not going anywhere. Unchanging. Even when you ache or tire or are pushed to your limit. Even when everything looks different from how it used to, His steadfast love is just the same.

Not only is the same God there with you now that is with each of your sisters in Christ where they are today. He’s the same God that was with you in your proudest moment and your deepest shame. Loving you with a steadfast love.

And THAT is reason for thanks.

Every year on Thanksgiving my family chooses a Psalm of praise for our table. Psalm 136 is a favorite. We print either the entire Psalm or small sections of it and distribute them to each person. Then we go around the table before or after the meal, taking turns reading our assigned portions. With Psalm 136 it’s especially cool for everyone to respond “His steadfast love endures forever” together, verse after verse.

Whether you are alone, surrounded by loved ones, or somewhere in between today – take a moment. Reflect on the Lord and His steadfast love. It endures, sister. And it’s not going anywhere.


(20) Comments

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20 thoughts on "his steadfast love endures forever"

  1. Allie says:

    What a comforting devotional today. Right now as I struggle with my husband deciding to leave.. this is such a comfort to be reminded that God's love is here to stay and will not leave me. Isn't it amazing how He gives us these reminders just when we need it the most?

  2. Sueso says:

    His faithful love endures FOREVER! God never quits! We're on the winning team and that feels so good. Love the book mentioned here….CRAZY LOVE….Francis Chan has a way of making these truths come alive so that you marvel at our Great God once again like you did when you were first learning about Him or perhaps it would be the first time. Our God is faithful, His love endures FOREVER.

  3. Ngozi says:

    Looks like everone is ahead of me
    as far as this devotion is concerned.
    However all l can think of, after reading
    today’s devotion is ; If the Lord had not
    been on our side…..the rest is left to be
    imagined ! Thank you Lord because of a
    truth your mercy endures forever !!

  4. Brenda says:

    Isn’t it comforting to know our God is in control! Because if we were in control, things would surely get messed up. To know He loves us no matter what we’ve done or haven’t done & that “His Love Endures Forever!” What a Mighty God we serve!!

  5. elbriedekock says:

    Life is a funny thing, I usually start my day reading shereadstruth devotional, but not this morning and now it is nearly bedtime and I'm only being blessed by the scripture and comments now. Not being in the US meant we didn't actually celebrate Thanksgiving today, but I am VERY thankful to God for His love that endures forever and that is unchanging in good times and difficult times. Thanks for all the sharing ladies, it is a real encouragement to be part of this community.

  6. Bianca says:

    Before ready today's devotional, I gave thanks to God for his unconditional (steadfast) love. It was amazing that today's scripture is Psalm 136. Verse 26 of the Message states "Thank God, who did it all! His love never quits!" Ladies, how awesome is that?! From birth to now a 28 yo woman, HIS LOVE NEVER QUITS! Through the joys and pains, ups and downs, God's love for his children never quits. This is something to shout about! To get up and dance about! The same wonderful love God gives to me, he gives to others. He doesn't pick and choose which one of us to give love to. We don't have to be perfect to receive the love of God. And during those times that we've experienced despair and was heartbroken, God's love is the same as when we've experienced triumph and glory. I thank God for his love because through this love, he has blessed me! Happy Thanksgiving SRT family!

  7. wilma says:

    Wow StephanieR, thank u for putting it so nice. U are so right. We don’t always understand with our human minds But God is in control. He is so powerful that no one could see Him and live. So Almighty.