his love endures forever

Open Your Bible

Psalm 118:1-16

His love endures forever. Can we count how many times that phrase is used in this passage? Four times. It’s clear that this is a promise we need to cling to and remember!

That promise provides comfort in the best and worst times, and I love that this Psalm covers the full spectrum of joy and sorrow.

Read through Psalm 118 and write down the verses that capture your current state. Are you in distress? Fearful? Looking for refuge? Dancing joyfully? Sisters, His love–for you–endures forever.

Never forget that promise.

{Today’s Scripture: Psalm 118:1-16}


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21 thoughts on "his love endures forever"

  1. Amy says:

    This post is exactly what I needed. I have been going through a really rough patch, but I find hope in the fact that His love endures forever, and that He will never, ever leave me. Each day of this Thanksgiving reading plan, I have found something new to encourage me and help me to hold on, keep praying, and keep being thankful. God has shown me his love in ways that I can't even imagine. I have realized over the past few months that I am NOT in control of the actions of others, of the events that happen in my life, of the ups and downs that I face, but God IS in control. That is so much better than anything that I could even hope to do. Even in my worst times, I find that He hasn't left me. I know the Bible says it, but I find joy in the fact that He is allowing me to feel it.

    1. claire says:

      Know exactly what you mean about new things to be thankful for each day! So true!

    2. Anna says:

      May God bless and comfort you in this season of your life. God has also opened to me that I am not in control of other people's actions. What we do have control over is how we react to those actions and the circumstances surrounding us. We can choose to react in a destructive way or choose to react in a way that is hopeful and will pave way for healing. God truly does comfort us in ways we wouldn't dream of. I am just in awe at how He's been healing me from various things. God is good!

  2. Cathy says:

    Don't you just love how easy it is to compare translations on YouVersion? Here's how The Message translates verses 15-16:

    Hear the shouts, hear the triumph songs in the camp of the saved? "The hand of God has turned the tide! The hand of God is raised in victory! The hand of God has turned the tide!"

    Praise God for our victory in Christ!!!

  3. Beckey says:

    v.6 – The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

    v. 14 – The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.

    And last, but certainly not least!

    v. 24 – This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!!

  4. Leah says:

    In my distress I prayed to the L ord , and the L ord answered me and set me free. (Psalms 118:5 NLT)

    This verse really spoke to me..not because (Thank God) I am in distress in the moment, but because I have been at times. In those moments, God never fails..He is always there to bring comfort, hope, and peace..even if it's in ways that we didn't predict.

    At church one time, my pastor said that there are two kinds of people in this world..those who are suffering and those who are going to be suffering. I appreciate that perspective as it relates to this verse in particular. I know that I can call on The Lord, and that his love/mercy endure forever.

  5. Ashleigh says:

    Thank you! I definitely needed this today!

  6. Madeleine says:

    I love the passage today very much, a great reminder to praise God and plug into that life changing presence no matter the circumstances. The verse about the Lord becoming my salvation – powerful! I have tried to live by my own strength and ideas too long ladies! If I accept His love and salvation, I will be with Him always. This does give me new hope and gratitude today.

  7. claire says:

    My heart leapt for joy when I read this psalm today as I could have written it word for word it sums up exactly how I am feeling right now! I read a blog post/comment recently about how easy it is to only show one side of yourself through social media/blogging and that therefore you often look at others lives in envy. But maybe they only post the good, what they want you to read. I realised I was probably guilty of that. With this psalm however there was no getting away from the good and the bad hence my blog post today is called honesty! (http://livelaughandlovegod.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/honesty.html?m=1)
    I am so thankful to #shereadstruth for being part of the reason I am set on fire for God right now! Can’t wait to see what he has planned for me today…if I can find the strength to get up it would be a start!

    1. Leah says:

      Claire, what a great thought and blog post that followed. Your honesty is so open, but I think many people can relate to that feeling of needing to step back. However, so many times it's our egos that don't allow us to. I also really appreciate your comments above about the one sided perspective of blogging/social media. I do think we all need to be careful of that..while it's meant to be uplifting and inspiring, if we are not trying to be real with each other in that world, we are/can be creating images of lives that are so good, so beautiful, that it can seem unattainable. Interesting thing to reflect on…Thanks for your post this morning. PS> The link on your post didn't work..I had to edit out the ()'s.

    2. Amarachi says:

      Hey Claire,
      Please could you re-post the URL of your blog? The one you posted isn't opening. Thanks.

  8. Annette says:

    The version I’m reading nkjv says his ‘mercy’ endures forever, i am grateful for Gods mercy.
    I’m reminded of a song ‘millions didn’t make it, I was one of the ones who did!’ I thank Gos for his Mercy when I should have had a harsh punishment His love for me overtook His anger.