his courts (our lives)

Open Your Bible

Psalm 100:4

As a community, we are currently celebrating 13 days of Thanksgiving!  You can find the You Version plan here.  Each day’s reading is available right here at SheReadsTruth.com or you can Subscribe to #SheReadsTruth by Email.

{Text: Psalm 100:4}

In the Old Testament, the faithful had to visit the temple to be in the presence of the the Lord, to experience His nearness. Because we are children of the new covenant, 1 Corinthians 6:19 says that WE are temples of the Holy Spirit, we are not our own. You know that incredibly awkward feeling when you’ve just arrived at church after having some strife in your car or on your way into the sanctuary? Maybe a nagging issue that you must perceivably push aside to engage in worship?

Before you rose out of bed this morning, you were a temple of the Living God. As kids of the Father, we don’t have to pretend that everything is fine all the time – but we do have the unique and beautiful ability to choose to enter His courts (our lives) with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name before the day starts, in the midst of pain, in traffic, in good, in bad, in everything. Your life was bought with the price of Jesus’ blood so that you’d be set aside as a temple for His indwelling. Walk in it. Hand in hand with your Redeemer, beginning with Praise.

(27) Comments

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27 thoughts on "his courts (our lives)"

  1. SimplyBlessed says:

    What a blessing this devotional and these posts have been to me this day!! Enter into “my life” with praise!! I love it!! Thank you!!

  2. Heidi says:

    You are not alone. I too am struggling today, more with fear for my health. I will pray for you today. I’ll pray that we can be reminded of all the good that God has given us and that we should be thankful for it all, good and bad. He is always with us and loves us dearly. He doesn’t want to see His daughters hurting so try to see the gift in whatever trials you’re facing. I don’t know you but I love you :). Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Lisa says:

    Please pray for me. I am in such an angry, frustrated mood due to circumstances around me. I know I am to be thankful in all things. I am failing miserably right now and don't want to ruin the day or be unglorifying to God. I just want to burst into tears I'm so angry.

  4. rocknitat55 says:

    How amazed I am in the patience of God. I have read this scripture many times but fot the first time I really get it. I am not my own. God lives n me. If I really let that lead and direct me oh my choices my actions would be so much better. I finally reached the level to get it! Thank u Holy Spirit!

  5. kim says:

    How amazing that the Lord POURS grace and mercy into our hearts. It doesn't just trickle – it is poured because there is so much of it. And because of all of that, I can leave behind past hurts, resentments and fear. I can walk in freedom. Because I know that JESUS loves me. How can I not be satisfied with that? If NO ONE else loves me, if NO ONE else cares for me, if NO ONE else has my back ~ JESUS does. How can that not be enough???