he will never leave, nor forsake you

Open Your Bible

Lamentations 3:22-26

As a community, we are currently celebrating 13 days of Thanksgiving!  You can find the You Version plan here.  Each day’s reading is available right here at SheReadsTruth.com or you can Subscribe to #SheReadsTruth by Email.

{Text: Lamentations 3:22-26}

He will never leave, nor forsake you

The holiday season tends to be a mixed bag of emotions, right? Families come together, which for many means that all the yuck comes together. Some years you may anticipate a terrible time, only to be pleasantly surprised. And other years, it might be everything you are looking forward to — only to be disappointed and hurt. Ugh. Expectations can sometimes ruin things, eh?

We are broken people, but there is a God who will never let you down. So before we get even further into this season–this busy season–take time to get focused. Focus on Him. Focus on His mercies, His great love for you, and His grace. Set your expectations on Him alone.

Take time to thank Him for each of these things –and ask that He may fill you up, so that you might overflow love, mercy and grace to everyone you come in contact with this season.

Think of family members and close friends. Write down qualities and characteristics about each of them that you are thankful for! And save that list. Read it again and again. And thank God for these people in your life.

(58) Comments

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58 thoughts on "he will never leave, nor forsake you"

  1. Sue so says:

    I found a sweet little journal app for my iPad and phone! So now I can journal along with the study. Thank you for this very needed topic especially this time of year! I've juststarted and feel that The Lord led me here as I was just getting into my last month of reading through the Bible on YouVersion. What a blessing! Sueso

  2. Ngozi says:

    Annette l really felt a connection to you
    because l found myself feeling
    the way you feel but then thank God
    for a friend of mine who noticed my withdrawal.
    You see in my part of the world,Africa,thanksgiving
    dinner sounds more like a fairy tale. People
    are so burden with the issues of life that just having
    a smile on one’s face is like climbing a mountain.
    Parents are bothered on how to put three square meal
    a day. Thanksgiving dinner ? !! That is a luxury.
    However, l have discovered that having a family to
    care for and who in turn care for you is all the thanksgiving
    dinner we need. May the difficulties of this endtime not drain
    the Love of God in our Hearts in Jesus Name !!

  3. Angela says:

    I like the last verse of the reading…and wait quietly for the salvation (safety and ease) of the Lord…This is so true. God’s way is the easy way and when you are in His will he will keep you safe. You don’t have to look for it. It finds you. I LOVE that about Father God! He works with who you are, and what you like…and by design you are in His Will. The trick is to lay down the ‘thing’ I am holding onto…so His will can find me…simple yet profound on so many levels! Love It!

  4. Dana says:

    Annette, I have been there sister feelings and all! Rather than using distance as a vengeance use it as heeling, for me it was easier to teach my children to Love these people with out biting my tongue. Instead of asking God why ask Him how. For me it was through kindness….the old saying kill them with kindness rang true in my situation and still does to this day.
    Years ago I hosted Thanksgiving at my home, like we did every year for several years (up until 3 years ago). Much like the suggestion here about writing down characteristics to be thankful for, I suggested we all sit down and share these things with each other and for 15 minutes there was nothing but LOVE. Though it lasted for only 15 minutes I have been able to hold on to that short moment in time for the last 10 years.
    Annette concentrate on your relationship with God instead of those around you because much like the triangle symbol for marriage the closer you grow to Him the closer you grow to loving them and know that some times distance may be best for you but if its nit He will tell you. You just have to listen
    I’ll be praying for you!!

  5. Jordan English says:

    God is so good! I am so thankful for my huge, Godly, amazing family! They mean so much to me and God has really blessed us. I number one thank God for his love, mercy, & patience with me. I only want to serve him, and some days I fail miserably but he still picks me up and loves on me!!

  6. Alesha says:

    This scripture really really stood out to me! Praise the Lord for the hope we have in Him! I encourage you all to go read the 21 verses leading up to this section….or go read my thoughts on my blog. =) http://tobless.blogspot.com/2012/11/what-i-wore-a

  7. Mary Beth says:

    So many times I leave family get togethers down hearted because of hurtful things said that really shouldn’t have been said or may have been taken the wrong way. thank you for this devotion! as I go into thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, I’m going to remember my list of reasons for each family member. God is my portion and I
    Will put my hope and expectations in Him.

  8. Tita says:

    God is just so amazing! So blessed for the SRT community. Although I am not as faithful with keeping up with.a journal, I have been reading it daily. Life has not been easy and yet it seems everyday I fail my husband in some way or the other. But one thing is for sure… Gods grace enables me and his mercies are new to me each morning. So I pray that todays message will help release the same.mercy towards him….. And not.bitterness!!! Blessings to all of you and keep seeking, keep loving and stay in our Loving Gods presence!!!!