God’s will for you today

Open Your Bible

I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Of all the hours we might devote to figuring out God’s will for our lives – here it is so simply spelled out for us.

Be joyful ALWAYS.
For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Whatever you have planned today, wherever you’re headed, this is God’s will for you TODAY. Don’t miss an opportunity to live it out.


{Today’s Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:16-18}

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30 thoughts on "God’s will for you today"

  1. Leah says:

    I want to focus on the words "Pray continually." I love my time in prayer, but there are times in the day I hold back on praying for something in the moment because I tell myself I will pray for it later. When it's quiet. When I'm in my "alone time." I would love to be in a state of keeping prayer in the front of my mind. Can you imagine what better choices we would make? I know some of mine would be different! Whew. That's honesty, huh?

    Have a great Friday girls!

    1. Jade says:

      I do that a lot too. I always think, I will pray for this later, and often, I forget about it when later comes around. My choices would be so much better if I would start praying without ceasing, praying on all occasions and in all situations. I want to make an effort to stop putting my prayers off until I feel is a more opportune time. All moments are opportune in God's kingdom!!

  2. Caitlin says:

    Does anyone have any suggestions for staying joyful even through anxious times? I keep trying. Sometimes I succeed beautifully but I still see myself falling short. I don’t like the angry, resentful or nervous side that keeps popping out! Got to through that side if me out and just trust God! Any suggestions would be so helpful!!

    Thank you sisters! These devos and you ladies have been such a blessing in my life. :)

    1. Leah says:

      Hi Caitlin, I can offer my thoughts. I'm sure there are many perspectives on this. I like what elbriedekock (post above yours) said about joy non necessarily being happy. it's true. In Roman's 12:12, Paul says to be "joyful in hope," but sometimes when you are in need of hope, there's something troubling going on, right?

      Here's my thought. Jesus tells us in Matthew not to worry, Paul talks about not being anxious, but how do we put that into practice? God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit..who dwells in us, and we can call on the help of the Holy Spirit anytime we need to. When I am in a time of anxiety, I ask the Holy Spirit to intervene..to help me let go and lean on God. That's the beauty of the Trinity, three in One. When I do that, I find a sense of peace. I hope that idea helps you..

      1. Caitlin says:

        Thank you for taking the time to help. I really appreciate it! I will definitely try that. Also I really liked how you said and worded “that’s the beauty of the trinity” it’s something I’m going to meditate on. There is one God but three different ways to get a hold of Him. Like 3 different phone numbers or something. :)

        Thanks again.

        1. Casey says:

          Hi Caitlin—I struggle so much with this too! Sometimes I remind myself, much like what Leah said, that I need to "let fo and let God." So simple but so true! I just tell myself he wants me to go out and bless other people—I don't need to worry about my own blessings—He will! Through his power and through those around me. :) So I find that if I truly leave my own life to him and focus my day on giving joy to others (as simple as being extra friendly to the cashier at the grocery store!) that I find more joy and less anxiety in my day. :)

          1. Casey says:

            Let go. Definitely not "fo." haha

          2. Caitlin says:

            Thank you! I'll have to try that: looking beyond myself. It is true when I see the bigger picture and practice gratefulness my heart seems to be so much happier. :)

    2. Andee Flynn says:

      Hi Caitlin,
      This has been an ongoing journey of mine. Ive been in a struggle of trying to get pregnant for over two years And it can be so easy to get down and sad and lose all joy.

      And the Lord spoke to me about this- to count it all joy, even in the various trials we are in…

      Then He led me to Psalm 37-
      Trust in the Lord and do good
      Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness
      -so that's where I try to stay. To Trust Him. And to literally get my sustinence from all the ways He has been faithful to me through the years. I 'feed' on His faithfulness.
      And in that I am able to fully and completely delight myself in Him, and He gives me the desires of my heart- not only through granting wishes, but placing His desires inside my heart so that they become my desires. My prayer for you is that your Heavenly Daddy will hold you close and fill your heart with joy- letting His joy be your strength today.

      1. Nicki says:

        thank you so much. I am going to try doing this, asking for the Spirit's intervention. I am having a similar issue. I had an argument with my husband earlier today. We have to do something at the bank, and our ride wasn't sure if they could take us. i said that I had an exhausting week. told him this Wednesday and he said if our friend called, he would tell him he would say not this weekend. Well, he called and my husband said we should do it. so then I felt selfish for wanting a day of rest since at church on Sundays, I have to deal with a pastor who is not always organized in getting info to me. i am blind so he needs to send me bulletins, hymns, etc. electronically since I sing on praise team and play the piano. have had a rough week at my job, with anxiety. Suffice it to say it was not pretty, and now guilt is consuming me and I think him too. Need this special intervention Lee talked about.

      2. Caitlin says:

        I know how trying to concieve can be such a struggle and consume all thoughts sometimes. I wish you the best of luck. I admire your positive attitude as well. Trusting in God is something I will seriously have to work on. He hasn't let me down yet.

        Good luck and thank you!

  3. elbriedekock says:

    So simple, yet so powerful!

    My mom once said to me, that joy is not being happy. We can still have joy when things are hard and we are sad. Because joy comes from an inner knowing that we have victory in Christ, that He has paid the price in full, it is a joy that comes from knowing God, walking a journey with Him walking beside you and sometimes in those hard times, carrying you.

    Pray continually – again a lovely encouragement, especially to someone like me, a busy mummy, seldom quiet time on my own, but we can pray whilst walking kids to school, driving, shopping, cooking.

    And thankfulness, this one to me comes naturally when you have the other two at hand. How easy to be thankful when you are joyous and in a good relationship with God. But again, I am reminded today the importance of taking time out to say thank you and be grateful for everything we have and all the promises of God. Be blessed this beautiful day sisters in Christ.

  4. kim says:

    Wow~did i need you women this morning. Getting ready to leave on a long car trip and feeling somewhat apprehensive. Picked up my phone to do this devo before starting out and….you all lifted me up. Thank you sisters i have never met face to face. Jesus be my guide!

  5. rocknitat55 says:

    Claire I am with you. How difficult we make things. God’ will for our lives is so simple. Be happy, seek joy. And believe me in some situations u really really have to. search. But the bible does tell us that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after him. I’ve entered a time n my life where I am older, no companion, and God has allowed me to experience a “thorn in my flesh”. But I purpose in my heart to not be bitter, not be resentful. Oh it is not easy… there are occassions when I find myself window shopping! Notice I said window shopping for through the grace of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit I will not wear bitterness or resentment!
    Today I rejoyce that He lives in me! I rejoyce that I know him and that he lives in me!
    I will be filled with joy today as I share the day with my puppie and friends.
    I rejoyce in my grown son and his love of Christ. I am delighted that I have found this community to share and grown in Christ with.

  6. Holly says:

    My job is very stressful right now, but I know it is just a temporary situation that I'm dealing with. The other day, I thought- I would be SO HAPPY if it weren't for this situation at work, and then I realized how AWFUL and RIDICULOUS that sounds!

    Isn't there a quote- the things that matter the most should never be hindered by the things that matter the least….

    Something like that…?

    Today, I repent of my unnecessary fear and negative attitude.

    Today, I choose to rejoice and be thankful for an upcoming date night, a hot shower this morning, a community of believers here at shereadstruth, and for FRIDAY PAYDAYS! :)

    1. Leah says:

      Holly..awesome! Isn't it great when you have that realization that while we don't have as much control over things as we'd like…we do "own" our perspective, and that's a choice. I'm excited for you in how you approach today. We've all (or many of us) have been in the situtuation you described, but not many people have the awareness to change their attitude before starting the day.

  7. kjshepp says:

    Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks.

    how is rejoice different than giving thanks?
    rejoice: To feel joyful; be delighted
    To fill with joy; gladden

    Rejoice is a feeling, a state of being

    giving thanks is an action. something we do: express gratitude or show appreciation to

    What things can we "be delighted" with today? what things fill us with Joy?
    name those things and give thanks for them:

  8. claire says:

    I read the first sentence of todays devotion and wanted to shout out yedms! It is so true! We make Gods will this large complicated thing called Gods will. A bit like Gods plan for our lives. We pray God if it is your will…then {insert prayer request here} but its not. I love seeing how these 3 strands fit together.

    Living a joyful life alway isn’t easy. Maybe now whilst I’m happy and relaxed it might be but when I’m in pain or facing difficult times then it can be hard to be joyful. I think that’s when the second part comes into play- in these times keep on praying. God will answer allowing us to respond in number 3- be thankful!

    1. claire says:

      Sorry meant to say wanted to shout out yes! Don’t know what yedms is!