Territories & Kings

Open Your Bible

Joshua 12:1-24, Nehemiah 9:22, Psalm 136:16-21, Daniel 2:19-22

A spunky child may disagree with me, but I appreciate a good time-out. Offer me a chance to pause, catch my breath, and regroup, and I’ll take it every time. Today, we’re offered a pause as we reach the midpoint of the book of Joshua. There’s been a lot of action already. So far, we’ve tracked Israel’s turbulent entrance into Canaan. And now we slow down for a retelling of Moses’s earlier victories on the east side of the Jordan River, as well as Joshua’s victories in the west. This clear summary gives us a chance to understand what was happening in the land. 

Here’s another recap: The nation of Israel consisted of twelve tribes that descended from the families of Jacob’s twelve children. This confederation of tribes was called “Israel” because that was the new name God gave to Jacob, a Hebrew patriarch (Genesis 32:28). After hundreds of years enslaved in Egypt and forty more years wandering in the desert, Israel finally got to enter the abundant land that God had promised to Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham. 

In Canaan under Joshua’s leadership, Israel was a nation on the move. We read of each king who was overthrown and each city that was conquered (Joshua 12). The conquered eastern land was divided and distributed to some of the tribes, “and Moses the LORD’s servant gave their land as an inheritance to the Reubenites, Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh” (v.6). The conquered western land was divided among the remaining tribes, including the other half of the Manasseh tribe (Joshua 13–17).

Here we have a bird’s-eye view of Israel in the land, but now we need a close-up perspective. What about each man, woman, and child? What were their hopes and dreams? This nomadic nation had been enslaved and homeless for hundreds of years. They dreamed of settling down in freedom, safety, and peace; they longed for a place to call home. 

Sadly, it wouldn’t come easily. The unfolding of the Old Testament describes the challenges that God’s people encountered in their search for home. Abundant land wasn’t enough. Conquered cities weren’t enough. The people’s struggle with unbelief, disobedience, forgetfulness, and fear wrecked them again and again. The Israelites needed more than a place to call home; they needed a Person to be their home. And, so do we.  

What are you running to for security and peace? Or are you weary and wrecked and barely managing to crawl? What are you trying to conquer in hopes that it will define you or protect you? As God remained faithful to the Israelites, He remains faithful to us. God not only promises an eternal place to call home; He also gives us Himself. This is what we have been looking for all along. 

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66 thoughts on "Territories & Kings"

  1. Jennifer Corkern says:

    Manasseh’s inheritance was divided into “east” and “west” Manasseh. See Joshua 13:29-30 and Joshua 17:1-18. Eastern Manasseh received their portion when it was distributed to them by Moses before the Jordan river crossing (See Joshua 12:6 & Joshua 13:8 & Joshua 13:29-30). Then after the Jordan river crossing (with Joshua-after Moses’ death), the other half tribe of Manasseh (West Manasseh) received their portion (Joshua 17:1-18). Interesting that the daughters of Zelophehad were also remember by God and He instructed Moses to give them a portion with their father’s brothers’ sons. God is certainly faithful in all thing! All praise be to Him forever!

  2. Kelly says:

    It is so easy to get dragged into this world and wanting a physical home or relationships or a job/career to give security and help us feel safe when in all truth nothing here lasts. God continues to give us Himself as our peace, security, and home if only we accept and run to Him for it above all else. I need to remember this truth daily.

  3. Nancy Hoffman says:

    Jesus is my home and security! Thank you Lord

  4. Melody Bates says:

    Let “a Person” be your home. Absolutely beautiful words.

  5. Taylor says:

    The last 3 weekends in a row I have been working as a field hockey ref and boy am I EXHAUSTED. Last night, I also began dog sitting/house sitting for this whole week. Today my body, mind, and soul truly needed a rest. Outside of caring for the dog, caring for my own basic needs, and this devotion, I have slept on and off all day. So important to rest our bodies, and rest in the Lord.

    Also I love little God-winks: my young adult group began studying Nehemiah yesterday and I felt like I had so much to contribute about the history of the Isrealites from my SRT studies in Esther and now Joshua. Also todays’ devotion included a verse from Nehemiah. I’m excited to see what the Lord has to teach me through these studies!

    Lastly, I feel like I find a large part of my security is found in my ability to make money. I’m so thankful that God has provided many opportunities to ref throughout the last months so I feel financially secure as I search for a job, but after this week I won’t have any opportunities to ref for an entire month. I am claiming the Lord’s faithfulness over my job search situation. I trust He will provide in His timing. Long comment but happy Monday sisters!

  6. Mercy says:

    Amen. Let “a Person” be your home. I will let this soak in day after day. This One Person is everlasting, this One Person can provide all things that I need for He knows me better than I know myself, who can heal all of my wounds and sickness, who can cleanse me of all guilt and wrongs. This One Person covers me with His tender mercies and loving kindness daily and makes me complete. This One Person loves me and shows it by dying for me. To Him I belong. Let Him be my home. Let Him be where my heart is. He is my keeper, forever my keeper for He is so good to me. Glory be to this One Person from whom all blessings flow.

    I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From where does my help come?
    2 My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.

    3 He will not let your foot be moved;
    he who keeps you will not slumber.
    4 Behold, he who keeps Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.

    5 The Lord is your keeper;
    the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
    6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
    nor the moon by night.

    7 The Lord will keep you from all evil;
    he will keep your life.
    8 The Lord will keep
    your going out and your coming in
    from this time forth and forevermore. (Psalm 121)

  7. Susan says:

    I am thankful for the Faithfulness of G-d! I do have a technical call out on the devotion. The half tribe of Manasseh didn’t have another half. There were two half tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim. These were the son’s of Joseph. Their two clans together were considered one tribe. This doesn’t change anything, but it is important we understand the history.

  8. Lori Haubrick says:

    Praying for a good report and for you to see God’s hand and generous love in whatever the report may be. God bless you sister ♥️