Swing Wide Open the Doors

Open Your Bible

Luke 14:7-24

Text: Luke 14:7-24

But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.
– Luke 14:13-14a, ESV

“You become like the people you hang around.”

Oh man, I cannot tell you how many times I heard my parents caution me as a kid: Make wise choices. Be a leader. You will become like the people you hang around.

Y’all, I have spent the better part of my life being very purposeful about hanging around the right people. I have literally stepped back and asked myself, “Who do I want to become like?” and then positioned myself as closely to them as possible. Seriously, for better or worse, I chose smart, disciplined friends in high school and college. When my husband and I moved to Nashville, we picked a church congregation that we saw loved God and each other well. And, I have intentionally made friends with women who are great wives and mothers because I want to be those things, too.

It’s not a bad plan. It’s kind of a great plan—and I bet I’m not the only one whose parents trained her to live life with intention. If we’re honest, it’s likely saved us a ton of heartache along the way, right? But are we missing out on something if we only ever try to protect and improve ourselves? If we are constantly endeavoring to become something good, are we making our lives about us and missing out on something great?

You know who didn’t take my parents’ advice? Jesus.

Take a look at Christ’s social game plan in His own words from Luke 14:

“But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place.”

“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.”

“When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid.”

“Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame.”

“Go out to the highways and hedges and compel the people to come in, that my house may be filled.”

Jesus spent a good bit of time with the people we tend to avoid. He hung out with Judgy McJudgerson, Cheatsy McStealsyoursilver and Glutton McGlutterpants. (Yep, Glutterpants.) He sat down with the people who weren’t like Him and with those who had little to offer. In short, He broke all the rules. It’s not that He wasn’t intentional, it’s just that He had different intentions.

There’s a bigger picture here. Bigger than our “plan your days” and “organize your life” selves remember to consider sometimes. We can get very caught up in “who should I invite to my fall party?” because “I hope they invite me to their Christmas party!” and we fail to remember the enormous opportunity—and calling!—we have been given to look up from our contact lists and reciprocal relationships and simply ask: Who can I love today who may have nothing to offer me in return?

If all my friends are just like me, then when I look at them I’m only seeing a reflection myself. But when I find company in people who are not like me—those outside my inner circle (a circle I love and need)—I may see less of myself in them, but I’ll also have clearer eyes for spotting Christ.

If Jesus threw a dinner party, those with nothing to repay Him would be at the top of His guest list. He would not only invite Mrs. McGlutterpants, she would be the first to receive an invitation! We know this because He does the same for us—poor, needy sinners that we are—when He welcomes us to the Great Banquet and exalts us to the seat of honor.

Isn’t it just like Jesus to make us squirm? Isn’t it just like the Kingdom of Heaven to flip-flop our paradigms—changing the game while giving us new eyes for the heart of God Himself?

Girls, let’s go to the Father now and ask Him to soften our hearts to Christ’s teaching. Then let’s model the Great Inviter, match our intentions with His, and swing wide open the doors of our hearts and homes to those who are like us and those who aren’t. This is the way of the Kingdom. This is hospitality.



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143 thoughts on "Swing Wide Open the Doors"

  1. Emily says:

    I also encourage us in doing this to also keep a proper perspective that these people are people and not projects..

  2. Katie Carl says:

    I always wrestle with the balance of life-giving relationships vs reaching out to the needy. While I think this is so important, I have to check my heart for what I can handle. When God gives me the energy, I reach out. Otherwise I maintain boundaries with people that are toxic or drain me. I trust that God can use someone other than me and will bring along a person that has a better capacity to love that individual. Just some of my thoughts.

    I love the idea of reaching out and especially surrounding yourselves with people that are different than you. This is so important for numerous reasons. I’m just also reminded of the boundaries necessary and that any pressure/guilt I put on myself is not from the Lord.

  3. Lea says:

    Really makes me think about my actions…

  4. Nikki says:

    Judgy McJudgerson, Cheatsy Mcstealyoursilver, and Glutton McGlutterson. Haha that gave me a laugh!

  5. Momwife says:

    These scriptures really challenge us to get out our comfort zones! This is what being a disciple for the Kingdom is all about- teaching and showing love to those who are deemed undeserving, and / or who are different from us.

  6. Tiah says:

    Wow. So I was really struck by verses beginning at 16. I’ve read them before but never with the meaning I took today. Jesus has prepared this beautiful bountiful amazing feast for us! But how many times have I said, sorry can’t spend time with you today, I’m busy with the kids, with the house, with my own plans. Too busy to spend time with today, Lord, sorry. In the meantime he’s inviting all these others to feast with Him and I could very easily be one of the ones saying, excuse me, I just bought a new house I need to tend to. He has invited us to feast with him everyday, through His word, through prayer, through fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I need to make Him the first priority above all others…yes to Jesus…everything else, I’ll get to you right after I’ve had my cup of coffee with the king.

  7. Debbie Gonzalez says:

    Amen!!!!! love this, we must truly stop focusing on our own selfish gain and focus on Jesus’s own model to life!!!! “Who can I love today who may have nothing to offer me in return? “

    1. Thanks for joining us today, Debbie! We love having you in our community!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

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