Swing Wide Open the Doors

Open Your Bible

Luke 14:7-24

Text: Luke 14:7-24

But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.
– Luke 14:13-14a, ESV

“You become like the people you hang around.”

Oh man, I cannot tell you how many times I heard my parents caution me as a kid: Make wise choices. Be a leader. You will become like the people you hang around.

Y’all, I have spent the better part of my life being very purposeful about hanging around the right people. I have literally stepped back and asked myself, “Who do I want to become like?” and then positioned myself as closely to them as possible. Seriously, for better or worse, I chose smart, disciplined friends in high school and college. When my husband and I moved to Nashville, we picked a church congregation that we saw loved God and each other well. And, I have intentionally made friends with women who are great wives and mothers because I want to be those things, too.

It’s not a bad plan. It’s kind of a great plan—and I bet I’m not the only one whose parents trained her to live life with intention. If we’re honest, it’s likely saved us a ton of heartache along the way, right? But are we missing out on something if we only ever try to protect and improve ourselves? If we are constantly endeavoring to become something good, are we making our lives about us and missing out on something great?

You know who didn’t take my parents’ advice? Jesus.

Take a look at Christ’s social game plan in His own words from Luke 14:

“But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place.”

“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.”

“When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid.”

“Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame.”

“Go out to the highways and hedges and compel the people to come in, that my house may be filled.”

Jesus spent a good bit of time with the people we tend to avoid. He hung out with Judgy McJudgerson, Cheatsy McStealsyoursilver and Glutton McGlutterpants. (Yep, Glutterpants.) He sat down with the people who weren’t like Him and with those who had little to offer. In short, He broke all the rules. It’s not that He wasn’t intentional, it’s just that He had different intentions.

There’s a bigger picture here. Bigger than our “plan your days” and “organize your life” selves remember to consider sometimes. We can get very caught up in “who should I invite to my fall party?” because “I hope they invite me to their Christmas party!” and we fail to remember the enormous opportunity—and calling!—we have been given to look up from our contact lists and reciprocal relationships and simply ask: Who can I love today who may have nothing to offer me in return?

If all my friends are just like me, then when I look at them I’m only seeing a reflection myself. But when I find company in people who are not like me—those outside my inner circle (a circle I love and need)—I may see less of myself in them, but I’ll also have clearer eyes for spotting Christ.

If Jesus threw a dinner party, those with nothing to repay Him would be at the top of His guest list. He would not only invite Mrs. McGlutterpants, she would be the first to receive an invitation! We know this because He does the same for us—poor, needy sinners that we are—when He welcomes us to the Great Banquet and exalts us to the seat of honor.

Isn’t it just like Jesus to make us squirm? Isn’t it just like the Kingdom of Heaven to flip-flop our paradigms—changing the game while giving us new eyes for the heart of God Himself?

Girls, let’s go to the Father now and ask Him to soften our hearts to Christ’s teaching. Then let’s model the Great Inviter, match our intentions with His, and swing wide open the doors of our hearts and homes to those who are like us and those who aren’t. This is the way of the Kingdom. This is hospitality.



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143 thoughts on "Swing Wide Open the Doors"

  1. ed sheeran x album says:

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  2. coco gavenwood says:

    giving when we cannot get something back. it’s so funny that the older I get, its easier to mask selfishness, insecurity, and neediness in “hospitality”. being nice to only people who look good, seem better, and are in the “right” clique isn’t want I was called to do. instead loving those who need it, reaching out to the lonely, the outcast, that’s the call. and in doing so not only do I get to reflect Christ’s love, but I also draw closer to him and understand more deeply how he did that for me.

    1. Aisha says:

      Wow.. It’s true. I feel so convicted by your words.

  3. cilla says:

    this hit me….. ” Girls, let’s go to the Father now and ask Him to soften our hearts to Christ’s teaching. Then let’s model the Great Inviter, match our intentions with His, and swing wide open the doors of our hearts and homes to those who are like us and those who aren’t. This is the way of the Kingdom. This is hospitality.”

  4. Jessica says:

    This devotional series is really hitting home with me..
    Every time I read it, I can only think about my sister. She and I have gone through the same pattern our entire lives..Not speaking, good friends, argument, not speaking… She has Borderline Personality Disorder, is a very devout Atheist (even runs a podcast with a friend to mock Christians and “prove Christ wrong”), and is now part of a “burlesque” dance group, which to me and my husband looks a lot more like stripping (I wish I were kidding…). I have nothing in common with her anymore since I found Christ and all of my old habits and hobbies have gone away. It’s so hard to talk to her because we have nothing to talk about. I don’t want to hear about her podcast or her “dancing” because I don’t agree with either of them and I know it will only cause an argument.
    During my childhood, she would frequently physically beat me and harrass me, and this continued up through my preteen years, when her BPD was nearly uncontrollable. I’ve since forgiven her and tried to move on from that, but I have never gotten an apology or any form of admittance that she was wrong from her. Instead, she laughs whenever it’s brought up. We currently are going through the “not speaking” stage of the cycle I mentioned earlier because I just can’t take it anymore.. I cant take the refusal to apologize, the numerous comments and jokes against my Faith and who I am, what I believe, etc. I can’t take her constantly being absolutely cruel to me, making fun of my weight or hair or outfit or whatever she deems less than perfect at that time. I can’t take seeing pictures of her on a stage in nothing but pasties and a thong and have her say it’s a good thing. But I also cant take my mom constantly harassing me to try and make amends with her, forgive her and “just move on and let it go because she’s my sister.”
    So yet, when I read this, I always find myself praying and asking Jesus what He would want me to do in this situation…Would He want me to endure the treatment and negativity from her in order to be a source of light for God in her life? Or would He want me to surround myself with positive people and disconnect from her? He Himself surrounded Himself with EVERYONE, including those who were the gravest of all sinners. My sister does not surround herself with any Christians. Does He want me to be the one that she does?

    If you’ve taken the time to read this I really appreciate it.. Please pray that God is able to speak clearly to me about what He wants me to do and where He wants me to be..I really dont know. God bless all of you x

    1. Heather says:

      I will pray for you. All of us have complicated relationships in our lives. Someone told me one time “people are messy”. It’s true. I will pray that God will give you guidance then courage to obey.

    2. Mindy says:

      Jessica, I think the Lord is so honored that you want to serve him better and are taking these devotions to heart. Sometimes we have to set boundaries with people that we love to protect our hearts and other times God is calling us to be that light to them. It doesn’t sound to me like you’re quite in the place where you can be that person for her. But that doesn’t mean you never will be. One thing that I have learned about forgiveness is that it’s not always necessarily the other person asking for forgiveness but often times it’s us making the choice even if it’s daily, to forgive them. And in forgiving them we’re not saying that what they’ve done to us is right, but we’re saying that we want
      to let that go so that God can continue the work he’s doing in our own hearts. sometimes it helps to remember the cross. If Jesus was willing to die for you and her then we really can’t hold grudges or unforgiveness towards her. I know it’s got to be so tough. I will keep you in my prayers. But I believe God really wants to set you free from that burden of of wanting on forgiveness from her. Often times it’s when we surrender it that God will honor us with that forgiveness. ❤️

    3. coco says:

      it is so hard when the ones we love are the ones who hurt us the most. I will def pray that God finds a way to restore your relationships, if anyone can do it, HE can!

  5. Alise says:

    Sometimes when I read the gospels I’m overwhelmed with how much emphasis there is on relationships, both the ‘right’ ones (in our worldly eyes) and the ones with those who our parents may not have approved of. It is overwhelming because when I look at my life, no matter how much room I’ve been to this point for relationships and throwing the doors of my heart and home open, I still see so much busyness and stuff holding onto me, keeping my head and heart form truly embracing these commands. But the kingdom of God has never had anything to do with stuff, big houses, smart clothes, allllllll the things! It’s always been about relationships, first with Chrisf and then with alllllll the people. Ugh! I’m so humbled and convicted by this thought.

  6. Emily says:

    I also encourage us in doing this to also keep a proper perspective that these people are people and not projects..

  7. Katie Carl says:

    I always wrestle with the balance of life-giving relationships vs reaching out to the needy. While I think this is so important, I have to check my heart for what I can handle. When God gives me the energy, I reach out. Otherwise I maintain boundaries with people that are toxic or drain me. I trust that God can use someone other than me and will bring along a person that has a better capacity to love that individual. Just some of my thoughts.

    I love the idea of reaching out and especially surrounding yourselves with people that are different than you. This is so important for numerous reasons. I’m just also reminded of the boundaries necessary and that any pressure/guilt I put on myself is not from the Lord.

  8. Lea says:

    Really makes me think about my actions…

  9. Nikki says:

    Judgy McJudgerson, Cheatsy Mcstealyoursilver, and Glutton McGlutterson. Haha that gave me a laugh!

  10. Momwife says:

    These scriptures really challenge us to get out our comfort zones! This is what being a disciple for the Kingdom is all about- teaching and showing love to those who are deemed undeserving, and / or who are different from us.

  11. Tiah says:

    Wow. So I was really struck by verses beginning at 16. I’ve read them before but never with the meaning I took today. Jesus has prepared this beautiful bountiful amazing feast for us! But how many times have I said, sorry can’t spend time with you today, I’m busy with the kids, with the house, with my own plans. Too busy to spend time with today, Lord, sorry. In the meantime he’s inviting all these others to feast with Him and I could very easily be one of the ones saying, excuse me, I just bought a new house I need to tend to. He has invited us to feast with him everyday, through His word, through prayer, through fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I need to make Him the first priority above all others…yes to Jesus…everything else, I’ll get to you right after I’ve had my cup of coffee with the king.

  12. Debbie Gonzalez says:

    Amen!!!!! love this, we must truly stop focusing on our own selfish gain and focus on Jesus’s own model to life!!!! “Who can I love today who may have nothing to offer me in return? “

    1. Thanks for joining us today, Debbie! We love having you in our community!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  13. hair fiber says:

    Thanks for sharing this great and very informative blogs…

  14. Ashley Branch says:

    This ties in so well with Thanksgiving. We may be hosting or attending but this is such a monumental truth that we are to be open ourselves and homes up to all of Gods people

  15. Leah says:

    This is perfect timing, we are talking about neighboring at out church right now!

    1. Yay, Leah! I love it when that happens. We are so happy to have you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  16. Katie Sikkema says:

    I love what I’m learning about hospitality… In it’s very word is the word hospital which speaks to those Jesus is talking about, the sick. I think of those plagued with addictions since my family has struggled with this. As a wife and mother of 3 young kids, I can’t help but think opening my home to some of those described is unsafe. How to we overcome this feeling? How do we convince our families that there won’t be harm? Things to think on I guess

  17. Mandy V says:

    I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Hospitality and branding beyond my inner circle.

  18. Kate Noelle says:

    What convicting, yet refreshingly realigning words to read this morning. I’m guilty of being the one who wants to sit in the place of honor…. As I think most of us feel entitled to as some point or another. But I’m thankful the Lord is gentle in his reproach and even more graceful in the way he lovingly redirects my focus. So thankful for His grace.

  19. Hilary says:

    Ask The Lord to show you! In this season of your life it may be a lonely mom or child. People whose hearts are crippled by loneliness, kids who feel homeless because their parents are away or in attentive for example.

  20. I think my biggest question with this is who is the lame, homeless, etc. who are those people I’m suppose to reach. I’m a stay at home mom and all my kids are at home and I don’t encounter these types of people daily. I’m not against encountering them we just don’t. Who am I suppose to reach too?

    1. Christina says:

      I had the same question as I finished this reading. I think If we ask God, He will show us and place people in our lives if we keep our eyes open!

  21. Grandmeow says:

    God is laying some names on my heart for Thanksgiving!

  22. Katie says:

    Allison, I’m a homeschooling mom and I feel the exact same way. I want The Lord to change my paradigm but I don’t even know who to begin to reach out to. Praying for open eyes this morning!

  23. Wow, I can feel the tears starting to come. Growing up, my family would invite the “strays” over for the holidays. I don’t know why we stopped but it’s high time we started again.

  24. Kim says:

    Ever so guilty of living among the PLUs…People Like Us. I am praying for change as I explore the idea of Jesus's hospitality!

  25. Maxine says:

    New to SheReadsTruth & I am excited to have joined on time for this, it is my first study here and it is something I believe I needed, currently enduring a very difficult separation, I began to think selfishly, I had a "what about me? I need to take care of me" mindset but I feel God tugging at my heart this week, I need to focus on Him always praising him, loving him and being grateful that He can still use me to be his hands and feet to people that need it most, people that I can perhaps now look at with more empathy and understanding.

  26. Mrs. Gray says:

    I needed to hear this. We have been in a new town for a while with very few local friends or opportunities to get plugged in or pour in to a church or ministry. This helped me reframe what’s happening and think more about our next move.

  27. Savannah says:

    I love this. I pray that God will teach me to love those that seem unlovable. I think something that I’ve been learning the past couple years is that God doesn’t call us to be “safe” Christians. We’re called to be out there in the trenches, loving and serving his people. Yes, its scary. Yes, we can be hurt emotionally and maybe even physically. But our God is one who sees and knows all. We are His instruments and I believe He wants us to put all of our life on the altar and live for Him. I am so far from this, but I pray that day by day I will become more like Jesus and less of myself.

    I enjoy reading all of the comments, you are all some wise and encouraging women! :)

  28. Cari Spaulding says:

    I really loved how Rachel Myers put it. “If we are constantly endeavoring to become something good, we are making our lives about us and missing out on something great.” This is one of those confusing things that you thought you had together, but really you don’t at all. Ha ha, trying to be something good is a high desire for me. It’s something I feel like I naturally want to do. It’s good, so it has to be right, right?
    Not necessarily. I totally see what Myers is saying. It’s so easy to become wrapped up in perfecting ourselves that we unintentionally miss opportunities that come by us on a daily basis. Let us try to seek out these opportunities more.

  29. kcoons1 says:

    I pray to God to help me to be humble–not for the sake of being exalted, not with that even in mind–but for the truth that lives in humility, because I want my life to be true. How can we make it a habit to speak truth, emit love and warmth, compliment others and build them up rather than tear them down. Tearing down is a defense mechanism but if we are humble, if we are true, there is nothing to fear, nothing to defend from, and nothing to worry about exposing. In this humility, I ask for help to be gracious and accept what is given (help, love, etc.) and then be able to turn it around, give it again, pay it forward because we are all connected as God's children. And I love being connected here :)

  30. Kasey Levinthol says:

    They weren't kidding when they described this series as a "sucker punch". I am blown away each day. And I am finding out things about myself that I am not to proud of. But I am also realizing the things that i'm doing right. I pray that I can continue to grow in living a life more like Jesus himself would live. I need to stop asking "what do I get out of it?", and start asking "how can I help?" instead.

  31. Kendall_S says:

    the exalted will be humbled

    the humble will be exalted

    praying over the conviction this scripture brings and what the Holy Spirit is prompting me to do about it

    struggling and wrestling to honor Him well above all else

  32. Nae says:

    "Who can I love today who may have nothing to offer me in return?"

    While reading this, I was struck by the thought that while it could mean the literal poor, I had an entire different idea pop into my mind. What about the emotionally poor? I was specifically thinking about my own mom who is constantly negative, very hurtful, etc and thinking about the fact that emotionally, she really doesn't have anything to offer me right now. How many times do I come into contact with people like her– self-absorbed, selfish, negative, nothing ever seems to go right in their lives— yet to these people I can be a light and an example. Jesus, guard my feelings and open my heart. May all that she sees be You.

    1. Nichole says:

      Nae, I had the same feelings about a family member. This is actually something I’ve been working on. Whenever this person comes over its usually at an inconvenient time. He is often negative or complaining. I’m ashamed to admit this but it had gotten to the point where I would purposely shut the blinds on our front window hoping to deter him from stopping over as he drives past our house multiple times per day. Hoping if it looked like we weren’t here or weren’t up for company he wouldn’t stop. I know this is wrong and I’m praying to see this person as God sees him. Not just him, but any person or situation that I feel is inconvenient or bothersome to me and my schedule / comfort.

  33. CinnamonGirl says:

    I’m loving this new series! I’m brand new to She Reads Truth, and in fact, only went to church for the first time last week. There’s so much I don’t know yet, so I’m very happy to have this site right at my fingertips! :-) Hi ladies!

    1. Jessica Pickett says:

      Welcome! :) <3

    2. Shannon Roe says:


  34. Nicole says:

    I used to look at homeless people as a bother in my city and just annoying and people who were just lazy and useless. But a couple years ago my husband and I got involved in a group with our church that served a free lunch to the homeless every Sunday and I felt called to help, even though I really didn't want to. So we did it and I loved it. I loved talking with the people and seeing that we were no better of people than they were. It totally humbled me and made me get off my high horse of thinking we were better than them.
    We all need to humble ourselves and stop judging everyone else who is "different" than us and stop thinking that we are better than them.

  35. Summer says:

    Wow. This really moved me. But I don’t know how to go about what you’re suggesting. I’ve always had a heart for the homeless and the suffering. I’ve always felt the urge to stop and pick up hitch hikers or offer a shower and a warm meal to a homeless person. But I always immediately dismiss my thoughts as crazy and dangerous. In this world we live in, it’s very hard to know how to personally reach out to people without fearing for your safety and the safety of your family. Can you offer specific suggestions for how we can live more like Jesus in this way?

    1. shereadstruth says:

      Oh Summer, I hear you! And I have the same questions! I'm probably not the person to ask for answers to some of those specific questions, but I know that sometimes we want to jump headfirst into giant steps because the smaller steps feel too obvious or too… small? – but what about the woman in your church who is new or talks too much? Maybe there's somebody at work or a mom at your kids' school who you aren't seeing the way Jesus talks about seeing them in Luke 14? It's a small start, but it's something I am yet to do as well as Jesus did it! Praying for you ask you respond to God's Word today, friend. You're asking good, important questions!! xo-Raechel

    2. Jessica Pickett says:

      I like Raechel’s ideas and would also encourage you to get involved with a ministry who is making those situations (meals, showers) practical and possible!

    3. Sherry says:

      Find a way to help out families involved in foster care: the children, their parents and their foster parents. Jesus shows up big in the craziest places.

    4. Sherry says:

      Yes! Find a way to help local foster families in your area-the children, their parents and their foster families are always welcome and hurting for more help and love. Jesus has showed up big time for us in that arena, and has blown my little world to pieces in the very best, most uncomfortable way.

    5. Summer L. says:

      Thank you for the ideas. I'll pray about it and look for opportunities to serve people I interact with every day, as well as the people in my community who I wouldn't normally cross paths with.

  36. Kristi says:

    Yesterday I mentioned the song The Wedding Banquet by Rain for Roots (Flo Paris specifically) – I should have waited till today! I love that their paraphrase is the master saying, "I want my house full!" Somehow that message is sometimes left out of people's idea of Christianity. Let's bring it back!

  37. Corrina says:

    I think another great challenge stemming from this, is the call to love our family members, our friends, our neighbors, our co-workers etc who may be unlovable, who may be broken and hurting and the love and hospitality we show will never be reciprocated. And because they are in "our circle" we feel like our love and grace should be recognized and returned. But that's not the way of Christ and not the way his call works. For some, loving the outcasts is easy, but loving their grumpy next door neighbor is the challenge. Whoever it is that you find it difficult to love–that's who God is calling you to love.

  38. Aloha says:

    I love the post today. It speaks to my heart. Thank you Raechel for sharing your insight. To God be the Glory!!

  39. Taime' says:

    Kay the thought occurs to me that Mr halfcupsmallchangemay not be there for you to minister to him, rather He has ministered to you! Your heart is changing as hearts always do in the discipline of prayer. In sharing this today, You & Mr halfcupsmallchange ministered to this congregation of women here at SRT!

  40. dana_d says:

    "It’s not that He wasn’t intentional, it’s just that He had different intentions." This sentence struck home for me. It feels like I am always trying so hard to be "intentional" in my every action, and berating myself when I slip, when something I do doesn't line up with my goals for myself as a wife and mother. But only now have I realized just how much my intentions don't perfectly line up with Jesus'. Yes, He wants me to be intentional in my friendships, in loving my family…but He wants so much more! Today I'm praying He opens my eyes and shows me how I could be loving those who may not fit into MY overall plan, but who fit perfectly into His.

  41. SheReadsTruth says:

    Praying that with you, friend! It can absolutely be challenging. I find grace in remembering that God has placed us in our specific spheres of influence for a reason, and know there is great purpose in your place! Excited to continue to dive into hospitality with you!

    xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  42. Ioneem says:

    Many of us want to be able to share our faith, but don't know where to start. There is a great devotional on You Version called "30 Ways in 30 Days". Now to put in to practice!

  43. Kami says:

    Wow. That is challenging. Give up everything that I find comfort into to reach out to people that will probably make me terribly uncomfortable. Learn to reach out, to take a a risk on those who can’t give me anything in return. It’s a complete change in thinking. But here goes. Today and tomorrow and forever. I accept the challenge to reach out.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Love that, Kami. Thank you for sharing encouraging words today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  44. Lisa Lewis says:

    Thank you for shining Light on the Truth; the invitation is to ALL not just those I’m comfortable with.

  45. Beckey says:

    Anyone rubbing thier spiritual toes after reading this?? SO VERY convicting!


  46. Sarah Martin says:

    Dude. All I can say is, "Good WORD." Now going to chew on it and allow God's Spirit to challenge me to turn my paradigms upside down and open the doors wide.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Hi Sarah! So glad you're with us today! I loved your prayer of turning paradigms upside down and opening the doors wide. Praying that with you, friend!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  47. mosmitherman says:

    Wow.. this has been the most powerful post from the Hospitality plan to me so far. Really really makes me think of how i've been in the past and how i want to be in the future. Thanks for sharing!

  48. Coy says:

    When I first heard that this study would be on hospitality, I knew that I would grow from it. I have never thought of myself as hospitable in the sense that I rarely invite anyone to my house, I don’t cook (yes, I can hear the gasps), and I don’t know the names of some. ofmy neighbors. It is interesting how one word can mean so much more than how it is defined in my mind. I narrowed it down to something so much smaller than it actually is. Thank you for showing me through God’s word and practical example that I am hospitable. Although I have room to grow in this spiritual gift, I am encouraged.

  49. Melody says:

    We are such a transactional society- I can do this for you, but can you do this for me? Praying today that I would have hospitality like Jesus and operate on His transactional model- I can do this for you. Period. No need to do anything in return. I do this because I love you.

  50. Valanne says:

    We recently invited acquaintances from the community to dinner and pumpkin carving. But I'm not sure this is good enough–just engaging them without any strategic sharing of Christ. We've done at least 4 other social outings with this couple.

    Them coming to dinner and waiting before we "dig in" because they assumed we'd say grace before we ate, isn't sharing Christ. I don't know where to go from here. I'm terrible about turning the conversation to kingdom centered conversation.

    Yes they are the lost being invited and they come readily because there is nothing threaten their beliefs, but if we began to "witness" to them would they begin to make excuses and no longer engage our company? It's such a fine line of walking the walk and being genuine vs never really paying the cost of discipleship. I think I'm failing miserably.

    1. It IS hard! My best friend will talk to the lady in the grocery line about Jesus and I marvel at her ability. I marvel at her ability and know that it isn’t enough to draw them in and allow that to be all. Christ invited them in AND then shared himself – and that doesn’t mean that we share just ourselves, but Him as well. If they haven’t heard the gospel, you need to share it! Start with your testimony and how you came to be saved, as you can’t argue with someone’s experience. I pray the Holy Spirit pours it out of you at the right time in His own words and not yours! I say this because I’m witness to it. I’ve watched the Holy Spirit use my own mouth to tell my story in a way I had not even seen myself! Some people won’t accept the gospel, and we’re told to shake the dust, but for those who are in need… It is meeting a need.

      1. Valanne says:

        Thank you Jenny. Oh I pray right along with you that the Holy Spirit uses me and that I continue to grow in this area.

      2. Katie says:

        Thanks for your honesty in sharing this! I do think by opening your homes and lives you are witnessing and providing a testimony. Walk alongside this family and I am sure who you and your husband are will come through. As I type, I realize I am really preaching and encouraging myself here, too!

    2. emilymueller143 says:

      Valanne, I so feel you! It is so hard. Someone who was training me for ministry told me something that really struck me – "We worry about the 1% chance that someone will be offended, and squander the 99% chance that they'll be grateful and encouraged." It's so true!

      Maybe you could start slow, simply by asking them about themselves (everyone loves to talk about themselves!) You could say something like "So, I'm just curious, what's your spiritual background?" And continue to engage them by asking them questions about their spiritual upbringings and beliefs. I've had so many great conversations started by just that one question.

      And if you're looking for even more help, maybe you and your husband (I'm assuming that's the "we", forgive me if that's not true!) could go through a series called "CoJourners". I went through it last year with a small group, and it was seriously the most practical guide I've ever had to talking to others about Christ. http://cojourners.campuscrusadeforchrist.com/

      1. Valanne says:

        You assumed correctly Emily, yes my husband :) It's a constant dying to self–I live my life for Christ there should be no fear. Thank you for the corrected link, I will take a look.

    3. emilymueller143 says:

      Oops, I posted a link to the hardcopy you have to buy. If you want the free, online version, you can find most of it here. http://crupressgreen.com/cojourners/

  51. Colleen says:

    Needed to read this today!

  52. Connie says:

    These words spoke to me today. I am praying for an open heart, a brave heart.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Praying with you, friend! Grateful to study this together!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  53. Lindsay says:

    Man, Luke is convicting me so much lately! This hospitality devo is really speaking to me lately as I continue to pray for humility and a servant's heart. A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon these verses in Luke:

    “Jesus said, “There was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed in purple and fine linen and who lived each day in luxury. At his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus who was covered in sores. As Lazarus lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his sores. Finally, the poor man died and was carried by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried, and his soul went to the place of the dead. There, in torment, he saw Abraham in the far distance with Lazarus at his side. The rich man shouted, “Father Abraham, have some pity! Send Lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, I am in anguish in these flames.” But Abraham said to him, “Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted and you are in anguish.”

    – Luke 16:19-25

    Quite sad, but could not be more clear. We get so caught up in the wrong things, "you had everything you wanted." The last shall be first and the first shall be last in the Kingdom of Heaven. May we continue to chase after what God's heart is after, serving the lost, last, forsaken and forgotten! Love this devo. Thanks for the encouraging word!

  54. stinav96 says:

    Good morning! Not really sure why these things came to mind this morning, but they did, and just as I am seeking to listen to the Spirit at work in my heart through this study, I sense that these observations will make better sense as He makes His calling clearer.

    I guess one thing that comes to mind is how Jesus never had to attain goodness. He never had to strive to become better than He was. In fact, the only people He *could* invite to Himself were people wholly unlike Him. There was no one else who could reflect Him sufficiently to Himself. Now, I absolutely do not say this with the dismissive hand of "well, then, what is said here does not apply to me. I'm not Jesus." I hesitated to even share because I felt like those observations would come across that way. I do NOT in any way offer this as an excuse from obeying the command of Christ here. I, too, was taught caution in how I surround myself with people. And it seems like within His command, Jesus expects that we *have* cultivated friendships to form a supportive inner circle. My fault has generally been to make that inner circle the end result, not the encouragement to go out and draw in those who are not like me. Maybe the point is that, especially since I'm not Jesus, even more so do I need that inner circle as a base from which to go out. And what about the Holy Spirit! I have Him. I'm not Jesus, but I have the Holy Spirit! To guide and protect and direct and convict and draw back and draw toward and…. well, hopefully you see what I mean. I'm not Jesus, but I'm called to act like Him. God has provided a way for me to act like Him (inviting those who are not like me into my life) by the Holy Spirit, first and foremost, and by that inner circle of close friends who are more like me. P.S…. even Jesus, perfect in all His being, needed His inner circle. He's simply the only man to ever live who could only invite those not like Him to Himself and make them His inner circle.

    Forgive me for rambling, but I have misplaced my journal, so I'm kind of journaling what the Lord is speaking to me back to you all. Thanks for reading!

    1. Casey says:

      I'm so glad you shared this point of view! Excellent point!

    2. Taime' says:

      Stinav96 , I’m following you completely! Good word! Continuing with with your thinking, as we become more like Christ (sanctification) we become more aware of how perverted, blind, poor and crippled we are spiritually! As we become more like Him our spiritual eyes are open and we see a exponentially increasing number of folks who need him as they are spiritually poor, needy, crippled and blind.
      As you said, Christ’s perfection was not the exclusive but inclusive invitation to his hospitality table.

  55. Jennifer says:

    Great read for this Thursday morning. Although I’d like to think I don’t have ill intentions, I know that I do because I’m human. Today I want to see who I can help who won’t be able to repay me later.

  56. Jessica says:

    Great reminders. Thought provoking.
    Those who influence us ought to be those we desire to be like, our inner circle. Right? Yet, they are not the only ones whose lives we touch or touch us! Our circle of those we seek to bless (our acquaintances) ought to include those who can do nothing for us in return.

  57. Christen says:

    I'm just now joining from the Allume conference and have loved the devotional today. I have an event coming up at church about hospitality and this is a gentle reminder for me to invite people that aren't necessarily church members. Thank you so much!

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Wonderful, Christen! We are so glad you're joining us, friend!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  58. Doreen says:

    Wow! That's pretty on-point there! Thank you! I welcome this kind of reminder and encouragement each day! God Bless you Raechel for sharing truth! :)

  59. Kimone says:

    Good morning. This devotional continues to move me each morning and teach me something new. Really grateful that I'm able to hear God. Keep up the awesome work guys. God bless you al. Enjoy ur day!

  60. ~ B ~ says:

    These passages are speaking to the very way God made me. The first times I read them, as if light bulbs went on and God was showing me the recipe He used in creating me. Answers to my heart about, who I was, what my purpose was. I am an underdog favored type of personality. I'm naturally drawn to people that are down on their luck, grumpy, sad, etc…. I first noticed this tendency when I was young. Every character that was my favorite fell into that category; eeyore, Oscar the grouch, Darth Vader, Grumpy Care bear, you name it. If I felt the character/person was misunderstood or needed love, I was bent on being there for them. It became a running joke in my family, I'd show up with stray animals, take food from events out to someone on the curb, I'd give away my lunch money. If I pass someone on the street, my daughter or husband will immediately look at me and say, "Do you want to go back, should we stop?" They get me. I especially lean this way with men, I've always felt if they turned things around, families could be saved, lives would change. They just needed to feel love, they need to know Jesus. I will tell you this isn't an easy way to be. It often leaves me feeling lonely and hurt. It can allow people into my lives who take advantage of my heart and complicate things, BUT God always rights the wrongs and provides a way to move on. It has provided a plethora of miracles I otherwise wouldn't have had the pleasure of witnessing; including that of God turning my grumpy, wayward husband inside out and wrestling with Him like Jacob…..allowing me to see that very change I leaned towards for others in my own life. Jesus is the reward in this living. Every time I reach out to someone "different", *I* receive more of Christ. It's not just for them, it's for me too. ~ B

    1. Candacejo says:

      Oh my! This was so beautiful. so thankful for your compassionate heart and God's miracle in your lives ♥

      1. Onfaith says:

        Thank you N! Your kind words always speak to me. Your love of God is so evident! ~ B

    2. tina says:

      B, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!' God must truly have a party every time you go out…..and the fact that your family 'get you' and even encourage you…whoa,! If hospitality from the heart had a logo/front woman…it would be you…God Bless you soooo..
      Love you friend…xxx

      1. Onfaith says:

        Tina, you are so kind to me. My heart is all God, what I do, is only because He drives me to it. Your words bring tears to me because they are, without fail, so encouraging and loving. We may be parted by miles, and the web, but I feel known by you and that gives me true joy. Thank you so much for your words and your love of me. ~ B

    3. Lindsay T. says:

      I am this heart too, God used it last night after church to pull me out of thinking of myself. I was trying to figure out what to do on my way home after church. I was home and thinking about what I was going to eat. then I saw a homeless man limping down the street. I pulled into a fast food restaurant drive through. ordered my favorite meal. and tracked him down. he was trying to get money out of an atm. no idea I was there. I left the food by his back pack with him never knowing I was there. it changed my jumbled raging thoughts of what I needed too do next in lIfe to calm focus. a good friend of mine that I was dating at the time asked me to go with him do deliver some food to a homeless person he had seen. I cried. it is hard, your heart does get renched, you do get taken advantage of. but God reminds me that I am only responsible for my actions not how others choose to receive them. thank you for sharing, all you ladies are bring my heart hope. especially that your husband, the grump has been transformed. gives me hope in abundance!

    4. Jennifer Snyder says:

      I really liked what you said about how it is hard subgenres when people take advantage of your heart. I relate to that… thank you for sharing!! In Him, J

  61. tina says:

    Psalm 23: says …YOU prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies….YOU anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows….

    YOU prepare a table for me….me… this unworthy person, this undeserved of anything, for all I am, have done and continue to do and yet….and yet, YOU Lord God prepare a table for me…..how can I explain a love like that? How can I not respond by doing for others as you have done for me…? You bless me…. , you anoint my confused head with scruffy unkempt hair, with oil….to overflowing….you so bless me….how can I not go out and bless….

    My heart broke a couple of years ago, when we arranged a special birthday party for my mothers 70th….we, all 7 children, went to town, making sure her friends were there, all the grandchildren, her favourite foods and cakes, bunting, balloons…pictures… the works …..you name it we were going to make this a very special day for her…..
    The plan was, that my younger sister would take her to the hairdressers, bring her home to get changed and meet the family at a restaurant….not quite TRUTH…but…so when she arrived at the venue, overwhelmed by the familiar faces, and all the decorations , food etc, she burst into tears, unconsolable tears….when she was composed enough she said…. '..All my life, I have wanted a party like this…..' THEN the most heart breaking words …..I have never had a party before in all my life….and this was how I always imagined it would be like.. ..' She thanked us…she who had thrown parties for each of her children(7), over the years….and had never had a party before.. thanked us…thanked us! How can anyone reach 70, and not have had one party in their lives…..we vowed that day, that she would have a party every year from then on….
    I must explain that having 7 children, and we having between 3 -5 children each….total roughly, if we throw in great grandchildren, number around 30 ish, a small party….when we gather….which we do for most birthdays, but especially mums, so although we gather together, to celebrate, to mum this was not a party.. …
    Why I tell this, I know it's not about throwing parties, or entertaining in any great way….it is about acknowledging…even those we love ( to the moon and back) , our hearts being open to those around us …. so open that the overflow of God's goodness to us, flows right to them…to their feet….to their hearts….into their lives…
    We are here by God's Grace, we are where we are …by God's amazing Grace…we have what we have…by the Grace of God….Grace afforded us…should never be wasted….
    The Great Maya Angelou, put it this way….'.When you get…give…when you learn…teach…' It is in living this life of hospitality, that others will grow to know the love of Jesus….that for sure must not be wasted…..ever!

    I would have said a few days ago that I knew about this kind of hospitality….from the heart….as Jesus did….way back when and even now…..but boy am I getting it now….Thank you so very much SRT….

    Lord God, with every fibre of my being…Thank you for this study, that you put on the SRT teams heart, .for the works that are going on within me, for the reminder that you Lord are the lead from which we can learn, grow and be….Lord I pray that I can be a blessing to all I meet, through my hospitality, no matter their journey, their road, their choices….let me be YOU to them….Amen..

    Dear Sisters, blessings, blessings, blessings abundant being prayed for you this cold and wet day….with love to you all…xxx

  62. jenadams87 says:

    "If Jesus threw a dinner party, those with nothing to repay Him would be at the top of His guest list"

    Praying for a heart like Jesus.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Yes! Praying with you, friend.

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  63. smithwendy62 says:

    I don't know why but the saying Bloom where you are planted comes to mind….as parents we try to shelter our kids from the "others" who may not be the influence we want them to be but growing up I had such a diverse group of friends that allowed me to see people for who they were.

  64. sweetdes2014 says:

    I thank God for this reminder to watch my surroundings. You never know who needs a kind word or just a smile. I pray that I become more sensitive to the needs of others. I pray that I can become a safe place for those in need of a resting place full of love. God so loved the world…. Oh I want to see from God's vantage point…beyond the external…I want to see others as He does and love them as He does.

    …..Who's on my guest list? What a challenging question.

    1. Cari Spaulding says:

      I think that is a great prayer…to become more sensitive to the needs of others. Thanks for your thought!

  65. joanne says:

    Boy, does this post – and all the comments – convict me. This is so contrary to my usual -but I know it shouldn’t be. Lord, help me to have the right heart – and to open it wide to those like AND unlike me

  66. Leenda324 says:

    The upside-down kingdom of God. :)

  67. Angelina S. Y. says:

    I feel like there are many times when I think to myself, “well I WANT to be hospitable to strangers but I have no opportunities to do so. There’s no strangers AROUND for me to be hospitable to!” And then I read a passage like this and BAM, it’s right there in Jesus’ words. Go to the streets and the lanes and the highways and the hedges seeking these people! In a world of being close to the same people all and every day, it’s my job to seek it out, and that can be a very scary thing. I pray to God for bravery!

    1. emilymueller143 says:


  68. Debbie says:

    All because I am on Jesus' guest list.

    1. Such an amazing place to be.

    2. SheReadsTruth says:

      LOVE that, Debbie! Thanks for sharing!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  69. Jessica says:

    "But are we missing out on something if we only ever try to protect and improve ourselves? If we are constantly endeavoring to become something good, are we making our lives about us and missing out on something great?"

    Wow this one really hit home with me. I was just asking God for some more friends. A vast majority of mine have moved away and my church has gotten new people, but they "weren't like me" so I never tried to get to know them more than the average "hi, how are ya! Good? Okay." I was even talking to my fiancé the other night and admitted to him that I have trouble witnessing to others. But God is showing me that I (and every other sister in Christ) have the awesome privilege, responsibility, and to a certain degree, gifting to hospitality. I always thought hospitality was just letting people into your home who have a need, to fill that need. But its so much more than that; it is a welcoming attitude.

    God has answered both of my concerns with this hospitality study. To welcome others with open arms and with thoughtful abandon of self frees you to be yourself while sharing the Good News with others. You can then get to know people who are like you and not like you. As an introvert this is a challenge, but one that I am willing to take up. I have been so focused on finding "friends like me" to "refine myself" that I'm missing those who's friendship I need and vice versa who are not like me and who I can witness to. I don't currently live in my own home but I'm quickly viewing hospitality as an attitude of the heart.

    May God bless you all on this journey, sisters! xo

  70. Julia says:

    There is an elderly man that comes into my cafe daily. He usually comes in when it's not too busy. He & I have this little "agreement".. he has coffee. Never a full cup. And leaves a bit of change on the counter to cover what he figures is the right amount of coin for the amount of coffee he drank. Sometimes it's a .35 or .76, or 1.10.. The first time he did this, I tried to tell him regular price was $2., but he just shuffled out the door. I thought to myself,"Oh well, no harm done". But he returns. Daily. With the same routine. Somedays I try to engage him in conversation, but he mumbles an awful lot and is difficult to understand. It frustrates me. I see him in our town, and wave & give a big goofy "Hello!". At times when I see him coming towards the front door, my heart sinks a little, and I feel annoyed. Other times, I feel encouraged when I see him, and think to myself.. today! Today will be the day we have a real conversation. I pray that JESUS will soften my heart, and help me to fling the doors WIDE open for this cute little man, and all others who come in behind & before him.

    1. Onfaith says:

      That's beautiful. I'll be prayerful that God will provide the right words and right moment for you to connect. That "He'll soften your heart and fling the doors wide open".~ B

    2. Candacejo says:

      This was so precious! Praying for you and your friend…open the door, Lord! ♥

    3. Catherine_K_L says:

      What a lovely story, I can vision what you shared as if i'm there seeing it all play out, day after day. It makes me think about another Jesus-like element I see in that you're meeting this quirky little man right where he is, every day. Jesus doesn't require that we be a certain way for us to come to Him and he meets us where ever we are. I know that you will be blessed for what you do, I pray that you feel it, also. Thank you for sharing your story….it warmed my heart this morning and reminded me that little things can make huge differences in the lives of others and all we need to do is have a willing and obedient heart to be the Lord's servant.

    4. tina says:

      Julia, praying today will be the day…..you have got to be doing something for the gentleman to keep returning….God bless you…x

    5. ann says:

      This story you share reminds me of when the Bible says "what ever you do for the least of these, you do unto me"…even if you give "a cup of water"…in your case, coffee.
      So I would encourage you to keep welcoming this man…you never know….since the Bible also says..we sometimes entertain angels without knowing it. :)

  71. BrookeAHarris says:

    I've recently started being trained to volunteer at a homeless youth drop in shelter, and I've been really excited. I felt like this study on Jesus' example of hospitality. There is this temptation for me to have a savior-complex and want to come in and change everyone's life. But, the Lord is so sweetly reminding me that what He seeks for me in this scenario (and always) is a posture of the heart that is inclusive, seeks to genuinely know and love those I'll encounter, and to value these individuals and the imago dei they posses. Timely reminders. Thank you for the prayers you ladies offer up. I join you!

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      That is wonderful, Brooke! So great to hear what God is teaching you through your experiences! Grateful to study hospitality together!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  72. Steph_Lilac says:

    "…We fail to remember the enormous opportunity—and calling!—we have been given to look up from our contact lists and reciprocal relationships and simply ask: Who can I love today who may have nothing to offer me in return?" Wow! WOW! Lord help!! The society we live in is purely give so you can get! What am I gaining if my friends and I are just recycling our hospitality amongst ourselves? Lord help!! I want to be more welcoming, accepting, and a selfless giver. I pray the Lord strengthen our hospitality, so wet can truly tough the hurt, broken, and the lost as He did. Have a great Thursday my Sisters growing and flowing in His grace!

    1. tina says:

      Steph, recycling hospitality….that is such a great sentence… and sadly quite true…in many lives…praying the Lord's strength for both of us Sister….Blessings and Love..x

    2. Jessica says:

      Are we just “recycling our hospitality among ourselves”? Great phrase and probing thought.

  73. cricketbutler says:

    God has really been giving me a lesson in selflessness recently. Raised as part of the "Me" generation, He is calling me to stop focusing on my plan and my needs and my wants and my family and my…… I really enjoyed today's scripture & devotional because it was one more whisper to my heart that I need to be intentional in showing Christ's love through selfless actions. I love the question for today: who can I love today who may have nothing to offer me in return? This is at the heart of being intentional in our actions and seeking to be more like Christ- the ultimate giver of the ultimate selfless act… Giving Himself on the cross. I pray that God reveals to me one person today that I can love selflessly. Happy Thursday, friends.

    1. stinav96 says:

      I'm praying that prayer along with you! Lord, guide us!

    2. D.Simpson says:

      Lately I have been all consumed with what MY plan is. What God wants for ME. What I should be doing! I recently failed a test and I have been really focused on trying to find out what my calling is. Your comment is a reminder that I can help my son complete his goals of basketball, school, and family fun as well as assisting my partner in his goals of graduate school and still find fulfillment in my life! It isn't always about what the plan is for me but how God can use me as a tool for part of another person's plan!

  74. Candacejo says:

    Love this!! The first part reminded me of a story a few years back when one of my sons was younger. He befriended someone that might not have had the best reputation, got in trouble some, had a bit of a rebellious attitude, and was seemingly nothing like my "church-going, good boy, played-by-the-rules son) Naturally, my son was far from perfect but he was known as "the good kid" and got quite a bit of flack from church-going friends for being a good friend to this other boy.

    As they got older, their friendship remained in their teens and we were concerned about his "reputation". I am embarrassed, Sisters, to admit that we talked to him about what others might "think" of him being such good friends. In his wise 14 years then, with tears in his eyes he said something that obviously I have never forgotten…"Mom, I'm the only real friend he has and I am trying to influence him, not the other way around. How can I not be there for him and show him I am not a hypocrite? He needs me."

    I cried then, I cry now thinking of how he was showing Jesus and we were concerned with what others thought. They are still good friends all these years later and his friend is faithfully and actively serving God today. It isn't due to my son, God is the Merciful One, but I am grateful for the lesson I have always tried to remember when it comes to those that others might pass by.

    "If all of my friends are just like me, then when I look at them I'm only seeing a reflection of myself."

    Be blessed, Sisters!! ♥

    1. Lindsey says:

      Candacejo, your son's response and attitude….precious and beautiful. Thanks for sharing that. That really blessed my heart today. I'm so happy that they continue to be friends and that his friend lives for Jesus now.

    2. Steph_Lilac says:

      Wow, what a beautiful wise lesson your son taught at such a young age. Awesome!

    3. BrookeAHarris says:

      This is a beautiful reminder. I think sometimes I've been taught to be concerned about protecting my "witness" but I think that that feels more like not offending a Christian brother or sister rather than thinking about, like your son did, how worthwhile taking that step outside the norm towards the unloved is!

    4. Tammy says:

      I remember a time when my daughter was in high school and was seeking permission to attend some events and hang out with some people that we "thought" would harm her reputation and place her in a position to have to make difficult life choices. In her wisdom as a child of God she said to us "I love God, and he has equipped me to be in the world without being of the world. How will my friends know Him if I don't hang out with them?" Um. Child teaching parent moment duly noted!!!

    5. Onfaith says:

      That is a tribute to the way you raised him, not your words in that season. What a beautiful representation of Christ's love. ~ B

      1. tina says:

        Amen B, you speak TRUTH here! Candacejo…your son is and was being whom he has been brought up to believe he is, secure, safe and a great representative of Jesus.. AMEN…

        God continue to bless and encourage this young man with a beautiful heart…. xxx

        Blessings….and love friend…..xxx

    6. jerrahlee says:

      Wow :) That's something you never forget. Thanks for sharing!

    7. Lala says:

      Thank you so much for sharing this story. It filled my heart with love and inspiration. <3

    8. TESS says:

      Thank you for sharing…… I often find myself trying to sway my children into "groups", I want to see them in.

    9. Beckie says:

      That is just beautiful. My 16-year old daughter has said the same to me about a friend of hers who doesn't always make good choices. Credit goes to you, mama, and of course God, for teaching them.

    10. cilla says:

      teary eyed. ..that’s awesome. Thanks for sharing.

    11. AnastasiaRose says:

      so blessed by this! thanks so much for sharing!
      we find friends in the unlikeliest of places! and who knows what they’re capable of if someone sees past the mess

    12. Cheryl says:

      Thank you for sharing your story. It’s so encouraging.

  75. ay.d says:

    this is harder than it sounds but with Gods mighty help, its doable.

  76. This really hit home as I live in a main European city where I walk by homeless, drug addicts and prostitutes everyday.

    1. BrookeAHarris says:

      It can be really tough to understand what our role is for entering into that type of space, but I feel encouraged to seek God for that answer. Taking on a sense of responsibility to love those folks too. Thanks for sharing!

      1. shelbylclarke says:

        I understand it maybe tough to see our role in this situation. Why not buy coffee or bagels and offer them to these people. An act of kindness is a step in showing them that people care. You don't have to preach the gospel to them or even hand them a verse but offer up kindness. Knowing they are seen and loved is exactly what Jesus would do.

        1. Great ideas! I often buy some extra food when I walk to the shop and give it to them with a smile. Many don’t speak English or the local language but I believe a smile goes a long way. Even if I don’t have something to give them, looking them in the eye, smiling, acknowledging them I think in someway speaks to them. Still praying for more open doors to really share Hope with them.

          1. Lydia says:

            reading your comment put a smile on my face. I’m sure you acknowledging them and treating them with love has really impacted them. I’ll be praying for you that you get more chances to reach out to them.