it is the story

Open Your Bible

Psalm 119:1-32, Isaiah 55:1-9, Matthew 5:17-18

Text: Psalm 119:1-32, Isaiah 55:1-9, Matthew 5:17-18

The Bible is The Story. God’s story.

It is not about us. It is about Him.

This Story – the true tale of the Kingdom of God and the revelation of Jesus Christ – is ongoing and everlasting, the beginning and the end. And we are in it, whether we are aware of it or not.

It is The Story of a God who created in love, who revealed Himself fully through Jesus, and who accomplishes His purposes and His glory through a relentless, magnificent outpouring of grace and mercy on the likes of us. It is a redemption story, and though it is our redemption story, it is still all about Him. It is for His glory.

(Do you hear the freedom in that today? The story does not have to be about you. You do not have to be the star. You are free from performing a flawless act, free from outlining the perfect plot, free from orchestrating impressive, camera-worthy moments. That’s all God’s job. This is His Story.)

So what kind of relationship do we have with The Story – this living, active Word of God? Are we engaging with God’s Word in our daily lives?

Sisters, that is why we’re here. She Reads Truth was founded (accidentally, but more on that another time) on the life-changing reality that God speaks to us through His Word. We are here to meet with Christ, to know Him as He is revealed in the Scriptures. To truly know Him, to live a life of abundance and grace and joy and meaning in relationship with Christ Jesus, we must listen to Him speak.

So. Will we listen? Will we awaken to The Story and become fully alive to our role in it? Will we come to the table of these pages daily, ready to receive the day’s meal, not simply to live but to thrive? Will we enter in, or will we window shop as it is convenient for us?

I pray we enter in. I pray we come like the Greeks to Philip in John 12:21, saying, “We want to see Jesus.” May the Holy Spirit meet us as we come, and may our souls dance with abandon in the pages of this beautiful Story we did not write. Amen.

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490 thoughts on "it is the story"

  1. DevenRenee says:

    It is such a relief that I am not the star! But that He is!

  2. Yaya says:

    Lord, please take control of my life! Forgive me for the times I try to do things on my own. I give you my heart, I give you my soul, I see who you are, I give you control!! Renew my strength Jesus! In Your name I pray, amen!

  3. Kate Craft says:

    Sometimes I know that I cry out to God because I want something, not because I actually need it. It’s so nice to know that David is no better than I. We all make mistakes that have terrible consequences. God is here for me and for you.

  4. Ashleigh Yates says:

    Was I the only one so deeply impacted by the fact that the scripture echoed my own heart-cry? It is so refreshing to know that David, who was called a man after God’s own heart, penned words that I myself have agonized and thought over many, many times. What a gift to know that scripture is still relevant and that I am no worse than one of God’s most-known children.

  5. Britini says:

    Sometimes I feel like a terrible person because I am often wanting (needing) to be in control of situations and know where my life is heading. It brings me comfort to have knowledge that God has a plan laid for me…but sometimes I have difficulty believing! Why would He put me through the trials I am currently suffering through? When will He lead me out of them? Why am I here in the first place? Haven’t I been a good and true person? Do I deserve to suffer? I struggle with my faith because of questions like this.

    1. Kaleigh says:

      Britini, I have the same struggles. After going through the single most excruciating experience in my life, I really struggle to find meaning in it all… Why was it necessary… Couldn’t God have stopped it? I’m trying to find rest in God and hope to soon feel pesce

  6. Kerrie says:

    It’s easier to breathe when I remind myself of this.

  7. Rachel Anne says:

    I struggle everyday to make sure I’m not trying to control my story, i need to begin reminding myself that it is His story and he hold the reigns. This really hit home today and I know I will come to it constantly to help with reminding myself of this.

  8. Bonnie Kim says:

    God is so wonderful! Freedom reigns!