Day 6

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 3:1-6

Join us for Day 6 of Soul Detox and then join us for discussion and community in the comments below!

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37 thoughts on "Day 6"

  1. Crystal says:

    It's so funny how each day with the devotional it feels like I was just talking to someone about something relating, or was just thinking about something relating. I was in my bathroom last night brushing my teeth, I love words and have them all over my home. In the bathroom I have "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken" and I thought after reading that…HE made us unique. Uniquely you! We are all from Him but each and every one of us is different. What Leelee was saying about Him making the snowflakes and putting as much detail into us made me remember my thought from last night. Also makes me think of line 4 from the reading today…"for every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God."

  2. LeahTvt says:

    Oh dear! Just found that we read the very scripture (that I was referencing in my previous post) just 4 days ago! Ha-my memory is short! ;) Definitely committing this one to memory! 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

  3. Bryn says:

    "I lift my empty hands…Have your way my King!
    I lift my eyes my King…Cause you are all I need!
    Whatever your will can you help me find it?"

    Lord, I exchange my negativity, fear, hurt, and discontentment for eyes fixed upon you. You will never leave me or abandon me. I am never alone with you and you will never fail me Lord Jesus. You are the Builder, the architect of my life and I want to turn my gaze away from the things of this world and worship you Lord! Worship the beauty of your creation, worship you for your great sacrifice so that I might have eternal life, and worship you for you have a great plan for my life. I want to intimately know you Lord. Remove my toxic thoughts that cloud me from worshiping you, cloud me from listening to you Lord.

    Lord RENEW my spirit daily and TRANSFORM my sinful condition and toxic thoughts so that my life can be a reflection of You!

  4. Meredith says:

    I really love the idea of this new devotion…a soul detox, but today's reading left me a little discouraged. I don't want to make anyone feel the same way, but maybe someone can help me understand. When I read that to toxicities can come from relationships, I realized I have close relationships with people who create toxic thoughts in me. The devotion says to block out and remove these influences, but how could I sever a relationship with someone who is a Christian but is a new Christian and still holds onto many misconceptions and lies of the world? Or what do you do when the relationship is family? I just felt this under addressed the issue, but maybe we're going to talk about it more later.

    1. Crystal says:

      I think that we are all forced in some situations to be around people we feel may be toxic. Be it in a work situation, or what have you. I know I am forced from time to time to be around someone that brings out the worst in me (these situations are unavoidable), and I am learning to look to God for help in those times. Let the good overpower the evil. Now I'm not saying it's easy, I struggle hard with this, but I have to remember who I am, what I want to show to the world and that is the light of the Lord.

    2. rocknitat55 says:

      Meredith I know how you are feeling. Often times its the people who are the closeth to us that generete toxics in our life. Unfortunately we can’t go around announcing that we are ridding the area. That would be hurtful, rude and not Godly. However if we continue to pray and meditate on Gods word and trust him to work things out those relationship will either begin to change or disappear. Doors will begin to close on those people. Of course life will always find us in situations with people save or unsaved. I’ve finally come to learn that its not about them but me. God wants to know if he can trust me to manage these relationships using his word. U can’t control anyone else. Sometimes as a christian we are forced to make some pretty hard choices.
      If thou right hand/eye offend thee pluck it out…. Abraham was told to leave everything that he new for the promises of God. The word of God tells us that for all who turn their back on the world and follow Christ he will restore/repay 100 fold.
      Don’t worry it was a fair question. God will be your guide. Peace and blessings to U.

    3. rocknitat55 says:

      Meredith I know how you are feeling. Often times its the people who are the closeth to us that generete toxics in our life. Unfortunately we can’t go around announcing that we are ridding the area. That would be hurtful, rude and not Godly. However if we continue to pray and meditate on Gods word and trust him to work things out those relationship will either begin to change or disappear. Doors will begin to close on those people. Of course life will always find us in situations with people save or unsaved. I’ve finally come to learn that its not about them but me. God wants to know if he can trust me to manage these relationships using his word. U can’t control anyone else. Sometimes as a christianwe are forced to make some pretty hard choice
      If thou right hand/eye offend thee pluck it out…. Abraham was told to leave everything that he new for the promises of God. The word of God tells us that for all who turn their back on the world and
      follow Christ he will restore/repay 100 fold.
      Don’t worry it was a fair question. God will be your guide. Peace and blessings to U.

  5. LeahTvt says:

    When I focus my thoughts on what is good and true rather than toxic things, I have peace. It can be such a struge to do, though. I've been learning–with Holy Spirit's help–to NOT just accept every thought that falls into my head. I've been practicing casting out and rejecting the toxic thoughts…bringing all thoughts under the obedience of Christ. I know there is a verse somewhere in I or II Corinthians about this but I can't remember where/can't find it this a.m. Just more confirmation for me that I NEED to memorize more of the Word! :)

  6. Ingrid says:

    Oh God help me to keep my eyes, my thoughts and my mind focus on you, and not to be polluted by this world, am weak, but you said when i am weak you are strong. I need your strength each day that i can make it to the end.

  7. LindaG says:

    Oh Amie you are so right. I remind myself of the dog in the movie “Up”… It’s like I have spiritual ADD: “SQUIRREL!” and then off I go focused on 10 different things.

  8. GC1994 says:

    I read today's devotion and couldn't help but smile since God has proven to me once more on how faithful he is when it comes to answering prayers. I keep asking God for wisdom. I am currently 18 years old and I have realized how much change I still have to do. 4 years ago, I was a completely different person than I am today and I am wise enough to understand that 4 years from now, the same will happen. However, even though I am young and still have a lot of sprouting to do, I want to be a Godly woman today and seek His truth. God has already blessed me with some much wisdom today, but I am hungry for more. Due to the fact that God gave me wisdom, when I was younger, I thought I had my whole life figured out most especially in my romantic relationship. After being obedient to God, I realized how foolish I was to think this and that the one that has my "whole life figured out" is no other than our Lord. This makes me happy because I no longer worry like I used to. Yes, I do worry, but God is always my comfort and support. Let's celebrate his faithfulness and greatness! We love you Jesus!!!

    1. Meredith says:

      Thank you for your post. Your faith is empowering and refreshing. I am almost twenty and I felt the same way you did when I entered college. I must admit, I struggled at first, being around so many new influences and "toxicities " but I'm finding a renewed strength through this devotion. I hope we can continue to learn from each other and every woman at every level of faith.