Day 20

Open Your Bible

Psalm 34:1-22

While the world teaches us to detox our bodies, sometimes we need to detox our soul.

Join us in reading the You Version plan here and share your thoughts in the comments!

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20 thoughts on "Day 20"

  1. lesliefairman says:

    I love verse 4 that says " and their faces I love verse 4 that says " and their faces will never be ashamed"

    How many of us are afraid of shame? and because of that we continually live in fears. #guilty

    > We have to acknowledge/face our fears so that we can work through them with the strength given by the LORD.
    > We have to know why we fear so we can figure out the sins/idols in our lives that keep us in bondage instead of accepting our freedom in Christ.
    > We have to break free from the bondage of shame if we want end the control [bad] fear has over us.

    How different could our life then be?
    We would be free.… never be ashamed"

  2. Keta says:

    Today was a day for me that I was not dwelling in God’s peace and the enemy took full advantage of that.
    I’m thankful for grace, for new mercies and for the accountability of this community.
    I love being a part of this group and being intentional about getting into the Word. It’s such a joy b/c I get to read what God is showing everyone. So many of your posts have been a huge encouragement to me, so thank you!

  3. Olivia says:'s scripture blew me off my feet(well,in my mind.) wow. It was so powerful+thought-filled! It makes me want to obey;fear;and believe at every moment! But we all have sin nature built in us,and sometimes Satan just destroys and starts to take over..but that cannot stop us! we have to fight it and as it said have peace+fear the Lord. I want that.And if I want Him;If I truly have Him;I can have that strive.

  4. jimmie lee says:

    I love this plan and this community. I have always wanted to get more in the Word and never really found anything to keep there. These reading plans are so easy and at the same time deep and thought provoking. I wake up not being able to see what next :)
    Thank you for starting She Reads Truth!

  5. Joanie says:

    If we keep Jesus in our hearts he will protect our inner peace from the outer chaos!

    1. Jacquelyn says:

      I read a tweet from Joyce Meyer today that said:

      "When you stay in peace, the devil doesn't know what to do with you."

    2. Jen says:

      This is just what I need to remember! Thanks, Joanie!

  6. Victoria says:

    So, I have been reading aboit this project since it started. It wasn't until this morning thst I had time to figure out how to actually be a part of it! I started by reading a post about what adjective I should be more of at gussysews….The adjective I chose was confident which would lead me to live by faith. Then, I go to the days reading and it addresses that very thing. She reads truth is already at work. I am excited to see what more Bible does in my life!

  7. I love the verse "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you." I did a bit of a study on the mind last month for a project I'm doing called "The Righteousness Project". You can see a bit here of what I found about that idea:

    1. Kacia says:

      I can't wait to go read it, Jess!

    2. Jacquelyn says:

      That was good! so good!

      this really struck me:

      "Through discipline we can change our thought patterns, but we need to be able to identify what is good, what is noble, what is pure in the first place."

      I think that this is why She Reads Truth is having such a big impact on so many lives. Through community, ease of use, and accountability we are disciplining ourselves to get into the Word daily, learning His truths and thought patterns are being changed.

      1. Thanks! I haven't really spent any time promoting the blog so it's cool to hear that it was helpful!

    3. jimmie lee says:

      I love this and can't wait to start reading the righteousness project. I have been mediating on holiness and Have been thinking about doing some research for a blog series on my own small blog.

      1. I hope it's helpful! That's the main reason why I wanted to publicly record what I was finding, even if it's a bit scary to talk theology online when there are so many trolls!

  8. Erin says:

    Psalm 34: Seek peace.

    I'm focusing on these words today, because so often I fail to translate the word of the Lord into action in my day to day life, between two kids, a job, laundry, husband, dinner, life, and and and and and…. So today, in this reflection of what's truly important, I'm trying to remember to seek peace. Whenever, wherever. Seek peace means letting it go… being slow to anger… taking a deep breath… turning to Him as often as possible, as He is peace.

    I'd love to hear more about what struck you ladies today… and how you are making it relevant to your life.

    Also– the piece about exalting his name TOGETHER really made me thankful to be a part of this community. Thank you.

    1. Kacia says:

      oh yes – isn't it so easy to just "know" the truth, but not live it out? I know for me, having access to see tweets and photos and comments is keeping His truth in the forefront of my brain. I want it to be in my ACTIONS!

      1. Jacquelyn says:

        YES!!! I struggle the most in this area when it comes to being content and joyful. There are days when I allow worry, fear, anxiety, and disappointment determine my mood. I am determined to live in His joy finding the positive in and through everything. And when that seems impossible, seeking God to find it. To me, that is blessing Him. Not allowing my flesh to rule but FULLY trusting Him for every single one of my needs.

        Today, I am asking myself this:

        Is HE where I choose to seek comfort from or am I, like an adulteress, giving my heart, feelings, and needs away to someone or something else? What does HE deserve from me?

    2. tonners62 says:

      You are telling my story, Erin! I have recently transitioned into work-at-home motherhood (after more than eleven years in the workforce after college) and while I'm loving the extra time with my family without the added stress of my previous job, I'm struggling to find contentment and joy in my daily routine … I can relate to so much of what you've shared here, but I also think that part of my problem has been not surrendering my doubts/fears/insecurities to the Lord (v 4). I am eager to know the peace that only He can provide!

      1. ERin says:

        This post was really helpful to me: