Day 2

Open Your Bible

2 Corinthians 1-:1-6; Ephesians 6:10-20

Join us for Day 2 of Soul Detox and then join us for discussion and community in the comments below!

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81 thoughts on "Day 2"

  1. Danielle says:

    It's so hard to actually admit the causes to these thoughts…
    I feel sometimes that these thoughts, could feel like they are the best things in our life.
    I need to realize, these are temptations, temptations that do not bring me closer to the one I want to be closest with!
    To be closer to Him, I need to identify and withdraw those toxic thoughts, and the toxic causes that bring upon these thoughts.
    I will be strong, and I will call upon God to do this. I know he will be right beside me in doing so. "But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high." Psalms 3:3

    Lord I pray that you allow me to live FEARLESSLY in your name!

  2. Ibukun says:

    "What are some of the causes of toxic thoughts in your life?"

    I believe the major cause of toxic thoughts in my life is worry. I worry about everything! And these past few weeks God has been dealing with me on that. I believe that God wants me to come to that point of total trust IN Him. It's amazing how God pointed me to Ephesians 6:10-20 just a day before I began this devo. And it just so happens that I started writing a book on putting on new spiritual clothing in November last year. This can only be the hand of God (aka the Holy Spirit) God has been speaking to me in my spirit concerning the right spiritual wardrobe. God wants His children to be as conscious of their spiritual clothing as they are of their physical clothing! We cannot leave our homes without clothes. God doesn't want us to leave His Presence without our armor either! I pray that God will reveal Himself to us in new ways as we study His Word together. And I pray that putting on our spiritual clothing will be just as REAL to us as putting on our physical clothing. I'm thankful for all you women and the opportunity to discover treasures in God's Word!

  3. Ali says:

    Just started the plan today so I am trying to catch up. I wrote "Causes of toxic thoughts:" and just let the words flow from my heart. The things I wrote were: insecurities, comparison to others, doubt, fear, bitterness and resentment. I believe those things came straight from my heart, and when I think about each thing I can see how it is toxic to my thoughts and life. For example, I have been struggling for the past three years to find a new job. Many coworkers with even less education and experience than me have come and gone onto new positions, while I remain stuck and bitter. I am comparing my situation and myself to them, I am doubting that I will ever find a better job, and I am bitter and resentful when others are able to make the changes I so desperately want to make. But I see that all these negative thoughts are toxic to me, so today I will try harder to thank God for his master plan for me, even though I don't know what it is…and to thank him for blessing my friends and coworkers as well!

  4. Ellen MR says:

    Thank you! Will try your suggestions :)

  5. Nance says:

    You know when you feel like you are in a bad dream? Well the enemy has been tellin me things that are not true! For a few days I believed them! Yes I am human and I make mistakes and have faults and admit them, but wow what's happening at my work has been wild. I am glad Jesus loves me no matter how far away we feel from Him!

  6. Ashley says:

    At first I thought these readings didn't really apply to me. I am well armed against the devil. The devil for me is this horrible thing that lives in the shadows who I hardly ever see.

    I realized that the devil is chipping at me in a bunch of little ways (death my a thousand cuts) that I have labeled as not being a 'big deal.' Things like swearing (as long as I don't do it a ton), fast food (I abuse my body with), gossip, judgmental thoughts. These are the things I need to arm myself against. That is what I am praying for tonight. REALIZATION and protection from the 'little things.'

  7. Deanne says:

    Today's reading brought back memories of when I was younger. In Sunday School Class when we would have the dress up armor that was labeled with the armor of the Lord references. Or the Armor of the Lord song. :) And then I realized, how easy is it as we grow up and become more independent that we often forget the simple truths such as the armor of the Lord. I know I have. I often run at things with out my "armor" on and then feel as if I have lost my battle because I ran before putting on my "armor" & trusting God to handle the big things and lead my path. At that point I often need to recalculate my thoughts, sallow my pride, and ask God for his guidance & help. I pray as I continue the soul detox devotion that I will loosen my pride & learn to let go and let God.

  8. Joanna says:

    I am so thankful for the armor of God. Some day I just need to remember to put it on.