Day 11

Open Your Bible

James 3:1-18

Join us for Day 11 of Soul Detox and then join us for discussion and community in the comments below!


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44 thoughts on "Day 11"

  1. Crystal says:

    I've struggled with some toxic words today so this passage came at a great time and as a great reminder. I think for me I tend to speak toxic words when I'm frustrated, upset or hurt about something. I work in IT and for the most part that's the "it's broke and I need you to fix it department" we get all the complaints about this computer not working or that printer is junk. Sometimes at the end of the day, or first thing in the morning, I want to yell at someone out of frustration. Mostly I vent it to co-workers but it's still toxic. And if someone that I was venting about ever heard me I'd be so ashamed. I never would intentionally hurt someones feelings. In those times it is hard to find the good in the situation, like I"m lucky to have a job. Finding a better way to deal with frustrations for me is a way to curb my toxic talk. Reflecting back on the scripture is a better way.

    1. jesusgirl71 says:

      Crystal, I wish I could contact you personally. You can e-mail me if you are willing at [email protected]. I so get what you're saying here. See, I work in tech support, which is somewhat similar. I work for a company, as I am totally blind, that makes products for blind people, used to read the computer screen with speech, etc. so that's what I get all day. people having issues with their computers or the programs we develop. Half the time, it's not our programs but they think it is. I think in the high-tech field we work in, it is rare for a woman to work in this field, and so the comraderie would be wonderful, not to mention a Christian sister as well. i work in an office full of men. there are 2 other women that work with me, but they work out in the field, from their homes, not in the office like I do. sometimes, also, I feel insecure if I don't have a ready solution to the problem someone is calling about too and then I get down on myself–more toxic thoughts. Again, I would so love to talk to you more on these things! I hope you are willing. if not, I understand.

  2. Sue says:

    Ladies, you all are so right! Whydo I allow toxic words to flow from my mouth? Because on some deeper level I (wrongly) feel that I’m on a higher level than the other — judgemental! And Lord, please forgive me on this.

    This brought to mind an incident in my life. I wanted to start a woman’s prayer group, and even went online to see if there was any useful info. At one site, it was highly emphasized not to allow it to become a Women’s Judgement and gossip group! I had to laugh out loud, because I could see how this could happen. We, under the guise of Christianity, so often become “holier and mightier”than our neighbor, and what kind of testimony is that?!

    Ladies, my prayet is for the true character of Christ be reflected in everything we do. Amen.

    1. Rachel says:

      Sue, that's why I think I often speak toxic words about others. I somehow think that I'm better than them. I'm not, and thank the Lord for his grace, mercy and forgiveness!

      Verse 9 really popped out at me today. Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in his image. (NLT). It really convicted me. How on earth do I think it's ok to being singing his praises on minute, and complaining or gossiping about someone he created the next? Why would I think that a loving God would be ok with that?

  3. jesusgirl71 says:

    these two verses really spoke to me today:
    17 "but the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
    18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness." (NIV)

    this is what I want to strive for.
    to answer the question posed in the devotional, I think we tend to say toxic words more often because these thoughts enter our minds and we just let them spew out of our mouths before thinking. I know I have done that.

  4. Christie says:

    I have found this passage humbling for me. It, like a mirror, shows me that I have got some pride issues to work on in my heart. I think I am quick to say toxic words because I want to be better than others. I want to "defend" myself. And I want to, essentially, cut the other person down before they have a chance to do it to me! (I sound like a really nice person right now.) Perhaps I use my toxic words to show I am someone not to be reckoned with. Clearly this is not the way God wants me to do it.

    In the NIV version of the last part of the passage I noticed the word 'submissive.' I have generally hated that word because it makes me think of weakness and being controlled. But, perhaps submittingyou toxic thoughts and words to God is really an act of strength…

  5. M.G. says:

    I think often we speak toxic words as a defense mechanism. I'm praying that all of my words are from God today especially as I go into a difficult situation.

    1. Christie says:

      Absolutely! I was thinking the same thing! It is like I am trying to shift negativity onto someone else – deflect it from myself. It sounds like, though, the better way to deflect that negativity is to humble myself and speak words that are life-giving.

  6. Stephanie Olah says:

    Girls, I encourage you to listen to Toby Mac´s words in his song ´Speak Life´. I think they match perfectly with our current plan.
    I leave you a part of the song which I love: Lift your head a little higher, spread the love like fire. Hope will fall like rain when you speak life with the words you say.

    1. Christie says:

      I am listening to the song now. Great song!

  7. Ellen MR says:

    Oops! Hit publish before I could say Thank you for all your posts ladies! It truly makes me happy to be in fellowship with all of you! Every single one of you has something important to say, and all of us respond to each other in different ways. You never know who you may touch…
    Have a blessed day Sisters! :)

  8. Ellen MR says:

    Words. So simple, so complex. So easy to wound with words! Why, oh WHY would I also wound or hurt someone with my words, when I have been on the receiving end of such hurt?? I’d like to think I would be more aware of not doing so after years of learning the pain words can inflict but as we all know, our best intentions often fall short. I think I DON’T THINK when I say something toxic- it just comes blurting out! That quick, snap judgement I’m thinking in my head will fly out in some shrewish cynical comment that I’d gladly stuff back down my throat if I could!! Because I REALLY do not like being hurtful. Especially now that I’ve broken the bonds of such verbal abuse, why would I want to inflict that on someone else??
    I know that I need God’s help. To use His word to use my words as He intended! To soak myself in His word. Because His word makes me feel better. And when I feel better, I am lighter and happier, more joyful and I want those around me to be joyful too! That old saying “what goes around, comes around” is good way to put it for me-
    and what goes around can be either positive or negative. If all you’re hearing is negative, you’ll be negative to others. If what you’re hearing is positive, you’ll be positive! You want to build up those around you- not tear them down.
    For such a little part, the tongue sure can cause BIG problems!! Lies, toxic gossip, and like verse 10: “out of the same mouth come praise and cursing”. Cursing. Whether cursing as in swearing or cursing as in generational curses inflicted on families, none of it amounts to any good!
    I know that with God’s help, and stopping to count a few seconds BEFORE I blurt out (intentionally or not, some toxic comment will help me to be more aware of what I’m saying.