Day 10

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 4:1-27


Join us for Day 10 of Soul Detox and then join us for discussion and community in the comments below!




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39 thoughts on "Day 10"

  1. krystina_lolli says:

    Love proverbs 4:18 :)

  2. Ibukun says:

    Sometimes I come on here to just read comments and see what y’all have to say. But today, I have something to say that I think will encourage you guys. I was reading Beth Moore’s So Long, Insecurity and there was a portion that Beth was talking about not being offended by what others say to us. She gave an instance where when someone says something hurtful to us, we can say out loud or in our hearts something like “What you just called me is not who I am. I will not let you have my joy or my security. It is mine and you cannot have it.” Or “your words may have hurt me deeply but I refuse to be insecure and hurt. My security and happiness is mine. You cannot have it.” I believe that this will be helpful to us ladies and we start or end our day today.

  3. Cynthia says:

    @Sue…my theory has always been that it is God’s way of redeeming woman’s reputation. Every since the Garden women have been blamed for a lot of stuff.

    God seems to give women a prominent place throughout Scripture…Sarah, Hannah, Deborah, Ruth, Rahab, Esther, Elizabeth, Mary…just to name a few!

  4. jesusgirl71 says:

    How do I guard my heart from toxic words spoken to me? that' a tough one. what comes to mind, of course, si Scripture, but easier said than done. I am drained today from work, so by the time I got to this, my mind is fried, so maybe I didn't get as much today out of it as normal, but am going to read other comments and see what more I can glean.

  5. Sue says:

    Praying that God will continue showering you with Love, Lawsey OO. XXX

  6. Lawsey00 says:

    Currently going thru counselling to cope with my past and the toxic thoughts, feelings and words my step family continue to pile on me.
    I need to believe that with God and his army of angels surrounding me I am an independent, strong, capable woman with the ability to cope with nothing the devil wants to throw at me.
    Words can not make me a lesser person, they can not beat my soul and spirit.
    MY GOD is bigger than any hurt or toxins.
    Prayer, faith, worship, fellowship and biblical knowledge will protect my heart :)

  7. Linda says:

    I loved the verse about keeping my path streight as well. Also the first part Prov 4:6 Don't abandon wisdom, and she will watch over you; love her, and she will guard you. wisdom is supreme– so get wisdom.

    Often for me the people who hurt me the most are people whom I hold in high regard as wise and etc. I need wisdom of discernment and any other wisdom Gid can give me. We need to be wise as to who is the ultimate leader of our lives. Hide his words in our heart and remember who first loved us.

  8. Alyssa says:

    These Soul Detoxing Scriptures continue to convict me, day after day. :) I especially liked The Message reading of verses 23-27… "Guard your heart, don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; don't gossip or tell white lies. Keep your eyes straight ahead [on Jesus]. Don't get distracted by evil" (my paraphrase).

    Great words to remember HOW to guard my heart. :)