Song of Songs

Open Your Bible

Song of Songs 7:1-13, Song of Songs 8:5-7, Genesis 2:24-25, Isaiah 62:5, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

We’re halfway through This Is the Old Testament, our thematic overview of the Old Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish our look at the books of Wisdom Literature and begin the last sections of the Old Testament, the Major and Minor Prophets.

What Is Song of Songs? Song of Songs is a collection of poetry written by King Solomon, or someone writing from his point of view, that celebrates the goodness and beauty of human love and intimacy.

How Song of Songs Fits Into the Story: Songs of Songs inspires a pursuit of the love it so beautifully describes: one of emotional intimacy and desire. The book illustrates respect, integrity, and security; devotion through bleak seasons of winter; and renewal in new seasons of spring. It reflects God’s desire to form pure and devoted love within us. It also shows there is potential bliss in married love, reflective of the greater love the Church experiences as the bride of Christ. Song of Songs helps us anticipate the fullness of our relationship with Christ when He returns for His bride.

Reflection Questions: 
1. What does the delight the man and woman express for one another in Song of Songs teach you about God’s affection for His people?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

(64) Comments

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64 thoughts on "Song of Songs"

  1. Kristen says:

    @SaraJoy Thank you! When I read what you wrote, it reminded me of a sermon I just heard a teaching by Tim Keller. This is about the Incarnation. There is so much in this sermon that is good! However around the 30 minute mark he talks about the love of God in there and uses a quote from C.S. Lewis to compare and describe His love. I get having a hard time grasping His love. Maybe this teaching will help if anyone wants to listen. Here is a link:

  2. Holly Cavender says:

    Sarah Joy thank you so much for adding these verses! I have never read Song of Songs and now I feel like I have so much more understanding of it and a greater picture of the meaning too!! You sharing your application of it to your life helped me to grasp onto the application not just for a husband and wife but for my relationship with Jesus! That He desires me and loves me deeply and truly wants me!!

  3. Lawanda Hunt says:

    This is a man that truly desires his woman by the way he describes her in detail

  4. Dorothy says:

    Tina you gave me a good laugh (which I needed) and I have to fully agree with what you said. Love hearing from you again. Love from across the pond.
    Miri Am totally and fully loved and agree with what you wrote.
    Bronwen Rogers your explanation is fantastic, I loved it. I wouldn’t have thought of those verses that way. WOW. Thanks for giving me a new view on them.
    Kelly liked what you commented on about how we should approach God, thanks for the insight.
    Taylor your insight is so refreshing. Don’t be in too big of a hurry to get married wait for the man.
    Angie your explanation and understanding of today’s reading have been a great help to me.
    SarahJoy your perception and description of today’s Scripture has help me to understand it even better.
    Carleigh Bright your words have helped me to understand today’s verses so much better.
    Mari V. your will find Midwest weather to be so much different than the West Coast. We have a saying in the Midwest “if you don’t like the weather stick around in about 5 or 10 minutes it will change.”
    Mary Desandro love what you said.
    Sarah H. I went back and read your comment from Ecclesiastes and now I’m wondering to how they must’ve felt. You have a very good point.
    Jennifer Anapol you are right.

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    This is a reminder that God created desire and passion. Those emotions aren’t bad, if shown in the right contexts. I want to cultivate those emotions more in my marriage. I know that when life gets busy, we can become complacent.

    1. Mary Ann Girgis says:

      So true. Complacency can be dangerous.

  6. Adelynn Campbell says:

    I have been absent lately from the comments but have enjoyed reading everyone’s thought. I love this group so much and I’m praying for everyone.

  7. PamC says:

    Bronwen sorry that autocorrect struck again

  8. PamC says:

    Today’s reading reminded me of the Jesus Culture song You Won’t Relent. It’s been running through my head since I read verse 6. I had to go look it up because I can rarely remember song names &/or artists.
    Tina, thank you so much for the laugh. At 67 I have to reach back a long way to remember how everything used to work. So many beautiful comments today. Sarah Joy, Carleigh Bright, Angie, Kelly, and Bronson Rogers in particular our words spoke to my heart. Thank you for sharing. Rhonda J I do follow SRT on both Facebook & Instagram but I rarely see any comments. If you see someone comment with a purple teddy bear as their profile picture that’s me.