Something New Has Come

Open Your Bible

Colossians 1:15-20, John 1:1-4, John 1:14, Matthew 1:18-23, John 14:1-11, Philippians 2:5-11

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

God came from His domain into ours in the incarnation. Jesus, in both divinity and humanity, brought heaven to earth in coming to us Himself.

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about the reality that Jesus has come to us. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

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84 thoughts on "Something New Has Come"

  1. Katherine Herrington says:

    I love the idea that he’s preparing a space for us to be with him forever!

  2. Dori Brown says:


  3. Hallie Waters says:

    Philippians 2:7 “..assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity”, a beautiful reminder starting this week to live in accordance with the attitude and actions of Christ the best that we can ❤️

  4. Holly Pratt says:

    Such a beautiful passage today. Loved the first verses of all that Jesus is and all he has done and forever will be. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When he takes us home, what an honor it will be to stand in front of the almighty who has sacrificed so much for us and our forgiveness of sins.

  5. Grecia Alarcon says:

    i just stepped into a position of leadership and i was needing a reminder of a true leader. Philippians 2:5-11 just blew me away. True leadership is servanthood, even dying so that God can be the one to exalt you. I was exhausted after my day at work, letting people “walk all over me” and “bending backwards” for people who aren’t grateful. But the reading today has encouraged me that I am doing the correct thing because I’m following Jesus’ footsteps. They took advantage of Him, betrayed Him and ridiculed Him, yet He remained faithful and still served his people. Let’s be more like Jesus.

  6. Alexandra says:

    Jesus spoke “I am in the Father, and the Father is in me” stood out to me today. What Jesus has spoken during his ministry is God’s breath.

  7. Elizabeth Diaz says:

    How do we know which way you are going? I am the way…

  8. Laryssa Hiller says:


  9. Mary says:

    Mercy- Thank you for sharing all of your thoughts! Very thought provoking and convicting. I appreciate them!
    Rachel Glass- Wow. I am going to write that down in my journal. Thank you for sharing.

    I was looking for the “something new” and I noticed the verses right before today’s reading, in Colossians 1:13. “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred is us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

    Things already made new (v.13-14):
    -Our deliverance from darkness
    -Transfer into the kingdom of the Son
    -Redemption, forgiveness
    Restoration work ongoing (v.20):
    -Reconcile to Himself all things
    -Making peace by the blood of His cross
    Praise the Lord!

  10. Bee Miller says:


  11. Mercy says:

    The scriptures today overwhelmed me with so many reminders. I struggled with organizing my thoughts and how to articulate them. I thank the Holy Spirit who is the spirit of truth and wisdom that reveals all things, knowing just what to give us. I just love the scriptures and the many facets God poses for us in various times of reading. A few points that really struck me today:

    1. Luke 4:24-27: The Lord Jesus greatly offended the spirit of religion in the synagogue. Offence. Offence. Jesus was not political correct. Wrath came upon the Pharisees so bad that they wanted to push him off the cliff, aka murder him ruthlessly. Heavenly Father, give us grace to recognize the spirit of religion in us, in areas where we might be offended with truth. Let us not be driven from anger to wrath, to be “murderers” silently or openly towards truth and even those who speak truth. Anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Give us eyes to recognize, grace to repent and be tender hearted and humble enough to receive truth, and be set free.

    2. A prophet (mouthpiece of God) is rejected in his own family, clan, circle, city… even get attempted to be murdered by the spirit of religion. Do not lose heart in the face of rejection. To some of us who are called to be the mouthpiece of God, may we be encouraged through this “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you”- Matthew 5:12.

    3. Identify whom we are sent to.
    “But in truth, I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were shut up three years and six months, and a great famine came over all the land, and Elijah was sent to none of them but only to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.” (Luke 4:25). Elijah was sent to the one widow of Zarephath only.
    This is very interesting. There are rampant needs everywhere, but we are sent to a specific audience only. Otherwise, burn out by catering to mass audience is a sure pit fall. Delay and burn out takes recovery. May we know who we are sent to… to not engage in needless battles and delay.

    4. “And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.” How did Naaman receive healing while others didn’t? Isn’t God love? What did Naaman do differently? Sometimes healing is such a mystery because not everyone receives it. This story gives a glimpse into such mystery. Naaman seeked out the prophet with great efforts, and obeyed the seemingly ridiculous instructions (to dip himself seven times in the dirty river of Jordan) for the reverence of God and faith in His prophet. God truly uses the foolish things to confound the wise to test the heart of men.

    5. Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting … ” (John 18:36). Our Kingdom is not of this world either, why is there still fighting? “What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you?” (James 4:1).
    We are citizens of Heaven (Philippians 3:20), just passing by. Don’t have evil desires toward the things of the flesh, or the things of this world.
    Is our desire Jesus? Is that desire consuming us? I weep at this question when asking myself. Forgive my vain desires Lord. By His grace, may we love HIM more than we love the ministry we are called to do, may we long for the Healer more than the healings, love the Lord more than the platform on which we stand to preach Him, or the title(s) we are introduced.
    May He alone be enough. Knowing Him is a never-ending process, the knowledge about Him is endless. We see in part, but to the little knowledge that we are entrusted to have, may we be in awe, in praise and thanksgiving! If you make it this far, thank you for reading. I hope you have a great weekend :))
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  12. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I just really wanna walk and then do identity of who God has called me to be. Sometimes I see glimpses of this person, but I just want to be more of the person God wants me to be.  I want to love God those around me and myself the way that he has called me too.

  13. rachel glass says:

    A note I added to this verse Colossians 1:17
    “& in Him all things hold together” so if it feels like my world is falling apart, maybe He isn’t at the forefront of it. Because with Him things won’t fall apart ♡

    1. Brielle Hebert says:


    2. Haylee Schroeder says:

      Yes! Amen. I highlighted that verse as well. I love how you worded that- really makes me reflect on what I’m putting in the forefront instead of God when I’m feeling anxious and like my world is falling apart.

  14. Sophia Ayres says:

    Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to a thousand generations while as your wrath only last for 3-4. Thank you for loving me with strength and gentleness. Amen

  15. Nikki Nielsen says:

    May I have the mind of Christ. May I have the attitude of a servant. May I be humble.

  16. Dawn Brisson says:

    Just having Jesus in my life with God the father and the holy spirit is a blessing.

  17. Sarah Scheaf says:

    It’s hard to grasp this but these collection of verses are like salve to my soul. HE IS ENOUGH!

  18. kayla waldron says:

    In the beginning we were called to rule over the earth and subdue it, to harvest its potential, make things that are new and good. I feel so inspired that that is still true today! Alongside God, we can take broken things and make something new and very good! Let us not grow weary in doing good!

  19. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    Jesus is preeminent over all, everything we can see and all unseen realms. I always think on how his incarnation is more mysterious and wonderful than we know.

  20. Jane Butler says:

    I pray restoration for families and broken hearts. Make them new to follow after your design.

    1. Stephanie Reazin says:


  21. Ada McCloud says:

    If you know Jesus you know His Father. As I sit here not really wanting to start my day and go to work, I’m thinking about how blessed I am to have the job I do. I also am thankful that knowing Jesus is allowed in the place I live. I am free to know Jesus. Like Phillip I wonder

  22. Aimee D-R says:

    Apart from Him I can do nothing

  23. Julie says:

    I love Phil. 2:5-11. A former pastor of mine preached on it and said, “You can either choose to bow now or bow later, but understand there will come a day when every knee WILL BOW before God the Father. Do you know him?”
    There’s so much hope for believers in that passage. However, there’s also an urgency to preach the Gospel to those who do not know Jesus. Please pray the Lord would give me the boldness to preach the Gospel to those around me and be unashamed. Thank you Jesus for your finished work on the cross. Thank you that one day You WILL return and every knee will bow down in reverence and worship you.

  24. Kendra N says:

    Grateful that I can receive the gift of Gods love through from Jesus obedience and sacrifice.
    I am learning so much about how walk in my faith and be more like Jesus through this app.

  25. K C says:

    “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe in me also. In my Fathers house there are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself that where I am you may be also.” This passage is one of my favorites. It was recently read at my mamaw’s funeral and brings such hope and peace. The brokenness of this world becomes more clear and apparent everyday. My hope is truly in you, Lord.

    1. Susan Magaw says:


  26. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Thank you Lord for your love and salvation

  27. Wanda Woehlert says:

    I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.

  28. Karen Breaux says:

  29. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    Fully God and fully man. Mind-blowing truth to sit with.

  30. Megan Weyandt says:

    “I am the way, the truth, and the light” ♥️

  31. Alicia Boyd says:


  32. Lindsey Bradley says:

    Jesus humbling himself and being obedient to the father even to death on the cross. What a beautiful and convicting picture! Reminds me of the powerful quote, “To know Him is to love Him, to love Him is to obey Him.”

  33. Jennifer zoulek says:

    The words about Jesus living the life of a servant willingly is what gets me. I long to live that way and am working towards being of service in my home and outside of my home.

  34. Laurel Candelario says:

    “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God and believe in me”

    Heavenly Father, I believe in You and your Son! I believe you have prepared rooms for me and all that I worry about is fulfilled in You!

  35. Tricia C says:

    Lord, I am in agreement with KRIS for LAURA DIANNE. Amen. Let it be so.

  36. Tricia C says:

    SHARON- I was thinking the same thing. Colossians 15:17 stuck out to me. “He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” Where would we be without him holding us together. Thank you Jesus!

  37. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Even though everyday my flesh is wasting away, inside I am being renewed everyday.

  38. Annie says:

    Jesus is the way to the Father and the Father is in Jesus. Admittedly difficult to grasp with my human brain. But I am thankful for the one true God I cannot completely understand.

    I am back in the office from maternity leave. Prayers are appreciated as I make this transition as a working mom of 2. I am concerned about juggling everything appropriately…I know the Lord is with me.

    Love to all!

  39. Annie says:

    @Aleida Praying for Victor.

  40. Aleida says:

    Good morning She’s. I’m a day behind and have now caught up with my reading. Yesterday’s reading Intro really resonated with me because many times I get disheartened when I don’t see any improvements in our son’s life. He’s back in CA in sober living and still looking for a job that he can do along with continuing the program. When he was here for Christmas he told us he had a relapse 4 months ago that we didn’t know about. Only the Lord knows how he’s doing really, and I need to keep trusting in Him for Victor’s protection and transformation. My prayer this morning hadn’t changed. I’m asking that you please lift him up as well. That he would surrender fully to the Lord. That Jesus would find him the right job and a safe place to live outside of sober living. That he would not relapse ever again. That our Jehová Jireh would continue to provide for him. We know that even though it’s very expensive to live in SoCal, the weather there compared to here (Oregon) is very beneficial for his mental health. So we ask that the Lord could keep him there safely and that he would thrive and not barely survive which is what’s happening now. Thank you so much in Jesus’ name!❤️

  41. maddie moore says:

    Jesus came to us, he didn’t ask us to come first. He made the first move and put the effort in first before he asked that of us.

    1. Meme Faye says:


  42. Donna Wolcott says:


  43. Mercy says:

    The things that stood out to me today are so similar with many of yours as well.
    1/ “He emptied himself by taking the form of a servant”, “He humbled himself by becoming obedient…” I listened to a teaching that mentions the difference between “emptying” and “depleting”. God empties us of self and flesh to fill us with Him, the devil depletes us (imagery of poking holes in a bucket, in many places, in different areas of life, even though small holes of damages, and the bucket is slowly drained). Lord, empty us of self, and patch the depletion from the devil and this world.
    2/ By Him all things hold together. Lord, let my marriage, my children, work, business, health, … be held together by You. Let this promise be fulfilled for our she’s.
    @SEARCHING: ❤️ thank you for the verse, 1 Corinthians 10:13 NKJV, a way of escape in each hardship and temptation is promised here.
    @KELLY (NEO): rejoicing with you that your back is better, prayers for K and safe c-sec, blessings on baby boy and good rest/recovery/ mental space.
    @LAURA DIANE: ❤️
    @TRACI: amen.
    @HOPE: prayers for healing of IBS. I encourage you to speak to the sickness (as if you speak to a person that trespasses), and command it to get out of your house (body). Healing is the children’s bread. And may God give you wisdom, solutions for treatment and food intake. My dad suffered with this for a long time, and he is healed, he is very careful and extremely disciplined with what he eats (fermented food, like kefir milk, kimchi, olives, yogurt are good for gut health, digestive system).
    @A WALTON: safe travels and recovery to good health for your family.
    Prayers for warm weather to return. Extreme cold weather is so very hard (utilities/ furnace give out, mental aspect, cold/flu as the result, class miss out for kids, stay off work to watch kids, extra time on roads, bumper to bumper, more shoveling and ick picking on sidewalk and driveway, back pain as a result of shoveling, headaches when air pressure changes). Some of us are not prepared. Lord have mercy.
    Be blessed and warm dear sisters (Love this Adrienne:))

  44. Kim U. says:

    A reminder to serve. If anyone had a right and deserved to sit back, relax, be totally served in every way here on Earth, it was Jesus. Yet, He came to serve! He was the servant of all…He assumed the form of a servant. That is so amazing! He gives me such an example…I have to look at my thought life and examine how many times I am getting frustrated or upset because “I am having to serve”…yet, serving is a gift from God! The reality is, I GET TO serve as a mom. I GET TO serve as a a homemaker, as a neighbor/ a friend/ a daughter. I get to ♥️ and I get to experience more of the very heart of God as I do. And I can receive the blessing, or I can reject it. I find myself resisting it when I forget what Jesus came to show- that a life serving is what Jesus came to show us. And in that, He has given us the very picture of what God looks like. I pray that I would receive that, and that throughout the day in the thick of serving in my roles, that I receive the blessing there and don’t reject the gift that is buried in that field. May my heart rejoice in the ways that I get to serve today. May I remember that I get serve alongside the God who is always serving me, and my family, and everyone around me. May I be ready and willing to partner with Him there and to fellowship with Him in the intimate way that serving alongside someone does. ♥️ Let’s do this today, Lord! ❤️ I want to serve alongside you! ♥️

  45. Adrianne says:

    The thing that stood out to me is that Jesus has been with us since the beginning. Even though Jesus was here on earth with us as a human, he is the Word and he has always been with humanity since the creation. He has always been encouraging us to be more compassionate and be better people as followers of God.

  46. Tay says:

    I am reading Matthew 1: 18-23
    And I noticed God gave one spouse information, and The Holy Spirit gave information to both spouses. I love this. It feels like there is unity within the marriage, along with communication. My prayer with this is that we, my husband and I have that listening ear for You together. I want this spiritual communication to be on point.

    DAD I see this beautiful painting of a Man crawling out of a place of royalty to the world in the form of a womb. The painting is really beautiful, there’s gold on the right and on the left the colors are like a dull gray, white and it’s honestly a night and day difference. The thing I am also paying attention to is the mission was not easy. I can’t imagine the amount of patience, suffering, and restrain it took for Jesus to be here on earth.

    Lord all I can say is thank You.

  47. Traci Gendron says:

    Philippians 2:5-11 !!

    Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus,

    Who, existing in the form of God,
    did not consider equality with God
    as something to be exploited.

    Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant,
    taking on the likeness of humanity.
    And when he had come as a man,
    he humbled himself by becoming obedient
    to the point of death-
    even to death on a cross.
    For this reason God highly exalted him
    and gave him the name
    that is above every name,
    so that at the name of Jesus
    every knee will bow-
    in heaven and on earth
    and under the earth-
    and every tongue will confess
    that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.

    I’ve been praying that God will change me. I want to adopt the same attitude as Christ Jesus. To be kinder, more understanding, gentler.

  48. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life. Jesus is the ONLY way! Amen!…What stood out to me in today’s readings was the word “all” in Colossians 2:17-20. “In Him all things hold together” Imagine for a moment if God took His hand off of creation for even a second – there would be complete and utter chaos! BUT GOD – He holds it all together, thank you, thank you Father! Through Jesus all things were reconciled to God. Peace was made through His blood, shed on the cross. Thank you, thank you Jesus for taking all our sin on your shoulders, suffering & dying for all of us. All glory and praise to you!

    There is a lot of brokenness in this world. Many of you have recently or are now experiencing some of it. My heart hurts to read the things that some of you have endured, and are still enduring. I lift you up to the One who can take you in His arms as a little lamb, may you feel His arms around you, carrying you and comforting you – our Abba, Father. ❤️

    Praying for you today @Kelly Neo, @Laura Dianne, @Hope, @A Walton, @Michelle Patire, @Traci Gendron, @Rhonda J, @Lynn from Alabama. ❤️

    Have a blessed Thursday – stay safe & warm!

  49. Cee Gee says:

    Such beautiful and encouraging Scriptures and comments today! God bless you, Shes! Amen, Rhonda J. I love this community!

    KELLY NEO – Praying for safe delivery/no complications for K and baby. Thankful your back is better!

    A WALTON – wow, praying for safe travels and restored health.

    SEARCHING – Same here! Thanks for sharing the BG verse and your prayer. ❤

  50. Valentina says:

    LAURA DIANNE, KRIS, and anyone else who might be hurting from their husbands sexual addictions- the book Happily Ever After by Dannah Gresh and the podcast (under the same name) she does with her husband, Bob might be good, encouraging resources for you.

  51. Rhonda J. says:

    @laura- Thank you for being here with your testimony through the years! You have such strong faith and it always shines through! Love ya! Always still praying for our wayward kids to come back close to the Lord!

    @Hope- Prayers that you get the right help from IBS. I have suffered with stomach issues most of my adult life, and even worse after my spine surgery. I had tremendous distention every time I ate that caused pain, but slowly over the years it is better, but not gone. So I know it is frustrating. Praying God heals it, or sends you to the right doctor or website that can shine light on the right eating plan.

    @Kelly- Praying for Kay’s delivery today.

  52. Valentina says:

    CAROLINE- I’m sorry the App hasn’t been working well for you. The online version both today and yesterday have been working just fine. I use the free, online version on my phone all the time, while sometimes the devotions are slow to appear here, they are usually up over at
    HOPE-Im so sorry you’ve been struggling with IBS for so long. Whether it is God’s will to heal your or not, His glory will be made known. I prayed for your endurance this morning.
    I’m praying for you other Shes as well.

    God didn’t have to send Jesus to this earth to save us. But He knew that through His Son, that was the ONLY way to save all of mankind, not just at the time Jesus was physically walking on the earth, but for all of us after his Ascension and before his birth. Thank you God for your incredibly, great love for us!
    Have a good Thursday everyone!

  53. Mari V says:

    Kelly (NEO) praying for “K” right now.

  54. Rhonda J. says:


    @AZ Walker- Prayers for a safe trip back home and for the kids to be better and mellow during the long flights!

    @Gayle-continued prayers

    @Lynn,GramsieSue,and others prayers for your situation and refreshing spirit today.

    Thank you Lord, for coming down for us to be a part of your great plan of newness and restoration. If nothing else goes right in my life, I am grateful that I am saved and have eternal life in you! This life on earth is such a quick little speck compared to eternity. With you, our Lord, I am a new creation with the power of the Holy Spirit in me! What a great and thrilling claim and assurance we have. But we do need our sisters in Christ to come alongside to lift us up, strengthen and encourage us! That is a gift. It would be hard to do it on our own. I am thankful for that. Thank you for sharing each day your insights and wisdom.

  55. Kristy says:

    God came from His domain (Heaven) into ours (Earth). On earth as it is in heaven! Jesus in both divinity and humanity brought heaven to earth in coming to us Himself. Christ Jesus is alive. He is present in us and in our lives, now! Jesus is among us. Jesus is over us. Jesus is in us. Jesus became flesh and dwelt in us. I sat in the word dwelt a bit.. dwelt means to live IN. Emmanuel – God with us. Because He sent His son He is with us, closer than I could imagine. Closer and more intimate to me than I am to myself. Believe in God, believe also in me. To know Jesus is to know The Father. Adopt the same attitude as Christ Jesus… empty myself, take the form of a servant, and humble myself by becoming obedient. Ahhh so much goodness. Heaven is not just for one day, it is for now!! I just keep asking God to renew my mind and my way of thinking, asking Him to undo my 38 years of thinking and just get back to the TRUTH! Thank you God that you came!! Thank you for bringing heaven to earth when you sent Jesus. Thank you for coming TO US!

  56. Mari V says:

    My Father’s house has many rooms (yes we read that right, “many”). He’s preparing it for us. One of those rooms is “mine” and one of those rooms is “yours” and I can’t wait! She’s….He’s coming back for us (unless we’re called HOME sooner). I believe this promise! Happy Thursday sweet She’s.

  57. Kris says:

    LAURA DIANNE: your post broke my heart. I am familiar with husbands having affairs, children going awry. And it’s too easy right now to respond with all the good “Christianese”. I don’t want to do that. You are broken, you are hurting, circumstances are terrible, so much pain. It’s all real, and it does you no good to try to pretend that it isn’t. Your posture now is to be at the feet of Jesus as much as you can. Read the Word. Listen to worship music. Pray often. Keep living your life the way you know how. You aren’t the “Fixer” of everything. Release yourself from thinking you have to figure this all out. Climb up on Jesus’s lap and let Him hold you. Rest in His loving arms. Talk to Him about how you are feeling. Listen for His response. Take care of you. Eat well, get enough sleep, exercise (just move, whether its just walking, or vacuuming the house, etc). He will carry you through, it won’t be fun, but it won’t kill you, either. You’ll experience joy again, you’ll look back and see the hand of God in your life, you’ll see where you grew to trust Him more. I will be praying for you. I’m putting your name on a sticky note at work and will keep it there and remember to pray for you. I pray now, Father, that You will make Yourself more real to Laura Dianne than ever before. As she reaches out to You, please let Yourself be found. Guide her thoughts, guide her to passages of scripture that will bring comfort to her. Let her know You are still God, and will take care of her. Sit with her in her pain, let her know You see her and are close by to hold her as she weeps. Let her see glimpses of joy each day. Let her see how You are working in her heart even now. Help her to release all of this to Your hands to deal with. Help her to get through each day victoriously, not weak as someone with no hope, but strong because You are holding her up. Father, we love You. We depend on You for everything. I praise You now for what You are doing in Laura Dianne’s heart.

  58. Melissa says:

    When reading John 14:6, I had to stop each time I said who Jesus is! The WAY, the TRUTH & the LIFE. Something in pausing at each of these caused a shift in my heart. I have read this scripture for years, but something about reading this truth out loud this morning deeply moved my heart. Like so many of us, I have entered into a new season. Often times we look for what the next thing is in a new season, and as I read these words out loud, I just felt like the Holy Spirit said, I am the new thing in this season of your life. I just feel like I heard him say I am your way, your truth, and your life this is all you need.

  59. Jacquie says:

    I see in several of these passages of scripture a theme of identity. I believe if we want to experience the new things that Christ brings we need to know who Jesus is and who we are because of him. Jesus’ identity was rooted in the Father, so our identity must be rooted in Jesus. This is my prayer today, that the Lord would continue to bring healing in my life so I can throw off the lies I’ve believed about myself and about God and be firmly planted in his truth!

  60. GretchenS says:

    HOPE, I just read your comment and so connected because my daughter is struggling so much with Crohn’s. She is only 19 and after be diagnosed the year and a half ago and having a colon resection surgery we still cannot get it into remission. We’re going to see a specialist out of state soon. she is away at college, and can hardly eat anything. I kept this quote and hope it encourages you. John MacArthur said that joy is having deep down faith that God is in control, and is working things for our good and for his glory, and because of that all is well with our souls, despite the circumstances. Sorry you are walking such a hard road, but knowing that God is going to use this.

  61. Adrienne says:

    So very many good thoughts this morning. I will sit in them all day. I echo these thoughts and offer prayers as I go.

    Two days of preschool in a row. Whaaaat? Thank you for your prayers for my “annual visit” with my state lady yesterday. We had two violations, which I knew we would have, as neither my sanitation person, nor our fire Marshall have come for their visits. I was told they were all running behind. But we had no other “bad marks”.

    Be blessed and warm, sweet She’s!

  62. Hope says:

    To be honest, I have struggled with this reading plan as I think about what I long to be made new. I struggle with IBS and I am tired of the pain in brings to my life every day. I long for healing, but God has not granted it. I know that He doesn’t promised physical health, but I don’t know how to look at this trial with joy.

  63. A Walton says:

    Powerful verses in today’s reading. Seeing the person of Jesus- fully God and fully man. Loved it.

    Today is the day my family flies back over to home. Our plane takes off tonight. Sickness has stayed with us, but has improved. Would appreciate prayers for my husband and I and our 5 little ones. It will be a long two days.

  64. caroline says:

    Another morning on my laptop because the app is now 2 days behind. I have no words today.

  65. Erica R Chiarelli says:

    Jesus revealed Himself to His friends, His disciples, and they still didn’t see it yet or understand.
    After the resurrection they gave their lives for what finally made sense to them. His resurrection, the newness of life, changed everything.
    May it change everything in me!

  66. Erica R Chiarelli says:

    Jesus revealed Himself to His friends, His disciples, and they still didn’t see it yet or understand.
    After the resurrection they gave their lives for what finally made sense to them. His resurrection, the newness of life, changed everything.
    May it change everything in me!

  67. Taylor says:

    I echo what others have said that Colossians 1:17 brings me so much comfort. I also agree with so much evil and brokenness in the world, it’s easy for me to think that God is “letting things get worse” before He makes them better. I pray that God will open my eyes to see ways that He is making all things new even here, even now. He is present with us and He loves us more than we could ever imagine. Praying that we all feel His love today <3

  68. Laura Dianne says:

    I also have held onto this verse: “He is before all things, and by him all things hold together.” It was such a comfort when everything around me was seemingly falling apart in my life. My husband had just confessed his affair and resigned from his prominent position in a Christian ministry, my youngest daughter was completely going off the rails (shop lifting, selling drugs) and I just felt like crawling in a hole and never coming out again. But this verse, this verse…it was just the anchor I needed to remind myself that nothing surprises God, He was with me through the chaos, and He was holding everything together. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

    1. Megan Hadley says:


  69. Theresa says:

    I was challenged by the readings today to pay attention to the work God is doing now to bring heaven to earth. It’s tempting to see him making all things new as an event in the future, but Jesus has already come and walked among us and the Holy Spirit moves around us today. God is in the restoration business and even as I look around and see so much brokenness in the world, he is working to mend it. I’m so thankful that we don’t have to wait for some later time to experience God and see him working. He is here now and he wants to continue his restoration to completion.

  70. Searching says:

    Something New Has Come …I would say, Someone new has come but that’s not quite right either since Christ has been with God the Father from the beginning. My thoughts are all over the place with today’s verses. I’m reminded of the rousing hymn, Since Jesus Into My Heart.
    Lord, may my life show that You are here with me.

    Verse of the day on BG – 1 Corinthians 10:13 NKJV
    No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

    Lord, may I always look to You to find the way to escape and resist temptation.

    MERCY ❤️ great reminder yesterday of forgiveness, and your words on true friends – they are hard to find and broken trust by those who aren’t true is difficult to mend.

    KRISTINA – praying for restoration, salvation, protection and healing for family and ex

    KELLY (NEO) praying for K and her baby’s arrival – that they are both healthy, the c-section uneventful, and recovery smooth. Thankful your back is feeling normal!

    GAYLE CRAIK – praying for you and husband

    CEE GEE ❤️

  71. Aimee D says:

    Believe my word or the works you’ve seen. That is hitting hard today.

  72. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Jesus’ sacrifice began from the moment of His conception. For Him to taken on flesh, began when the first cell in Mary’s womb divided and the zygote called Jesus came into being. The Eternal Son stepping into time was also a sacrifice, as He willingly took on the limitations of “now.” The Almighty Creator became wholly dependent on His creation.

    O the wonder! O what lengths were gone to in order that humanity would have a chance to be restored to God before the Son’s blood was even shed.

    THEBESTISYETTOCOME – thankful your dad’s blood clot was discovered. Praying for a quick recovery.

    GAYLE CRAIK – sorry about the COVID, but happy to hear you turned a corner in the recovery.

    TINA ❤️

    My back feels normal today :-). Going to go to work without heating pad and ibuprofen and see what happens.

    Could I ask you ladies to pray for a friend, K, who will be having a c-section today? Her entire pregnancy has been a struggle with high blood pressure, blood clots in her lungs and major anxiety. Praying for an uneventful delivery and a healthy baby boy by this afternoon. Thanks

  73. Kristine Loughman says:

    “…in Him, all things hold together.” That verse has brought so much comfort to me, someone who is prone to anxieties. He holds it together! He formed this earth, set us in motion, but then didn’t just walk away. God isn’t up there in Heaven, glaring at our life choices or face-palming when we mess up. He is holding us together. His master hand is on his creation, still forming and guiding.

    1. Amy Smith says:

  74. Tina says:

    Genesis tells us we were created in God’s image!(Genesis 1:27b). Before that, in the verse preceding, Genesis 1:26, says, Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. ”

    Definitely a SELAH moment, right there..

    I was reminded of this verse as I read the allocated verses, God was not alone in the creation! He was telling ‘another’ of His intentions to make humans!

    Colossians 1:15, says, ‘He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation, JESUS, was here from day one!

    Another SELAH moment!

    I love that in the BOLD it says that.. (He)
    brought heaven to earth in coming to us Himself.
    We get a taste of Heaven, even in our broken world, in our brokenness… Not always easy to see..

    BUT GOD..

    He made us in His imagine, giving us all the tools, most importantly, giving us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, born of the virgin Mary, in tough times. He lived among us, humbling himself, and going to ‘Our’ death, resurrecting and sending us the Holy Spirit to help us through this journey home, called life.

    Lord God, my prayer is that today and the days ahead that I, Tina, adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus, emptying, and humbling myself, in obedience to You, Lord God, may I always confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to your glory, Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.. Thank you Lord God, Thank you ..


    Much warming love and hugs wrapped in prayers, requested or otherwise.. Stay warm folks..❤