The intersection of God making all things new and our right-now reality forms the heart of the Christian life. In a broken world, we long for the certainty and restoration of eternity. As believers, we are called to thoughtfully reflect the resurrection to the world, joining in His work of restoration. Yet even in our best intentions to join Him, we can be easily overwhelmed by the places where we want to experience restoration right now.
In this second part of our reading plan, we encourage you to pause after each day’s reading to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these areas shape your prayers today.
In today’s Scripture reading, we’ll read about the kingdom of God and Jesus’s instructions that we should seek to see God’s ways carried out on earth as they are in heaven.
After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about God’s kingdom coming to earth as it is in heaven. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.
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45 thoughts on "INTRODUCTION: On Earth As It Is in Heaven"
Jeremiah 33:3 ♥️
I sometimes feel the struggle to look forward to eternity with Christ. It’s easy to hold onto the things and people I love here, but in reading these passages, I’m reminded that it’s built into us to long for heaven. We long for true justice and for brokenness to be made right. I’m both encouraged and convicted by this. What a good reminder that what we truly do long for is found in Christ and will be be made perfect when he comes again. And what a good reminder that this world is not our true home and the things I cling to are passing.
In Shameless boldness he asked for bread from a friend. In shameless boldness I will ask my God to enter into his kingdom. Let my faith be the doorbell
Its so hard for me to imagine what life would be like with earth like heaven. Imagining no sadness or suffering… I try to imagine my life without worrying about finances or wondering if I’m doing the right thing. I’m constantly turning these feelings over to God in prayer and practicing gratitude for what I have but imagining not having these worries or feelings at all is something so different.
Im very thankful I started this daily reading. I really want this year to be about reconnecting with God. I’ve spent every morning reading my bible and in prayer. I was thinking yesterday how I use to never talk to God.
By seeking God and his kingdom, we will receive more than we could ever ask for. 
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find. Seek and you will find, Knock, and the door will be opened to you.
Hello Shes. The landscape today is littered in vast areas by conflict & chaos. Israel & Palestine. Russia & Ukraine. The disarray & discord among social, economic & cultural factions & classes in this country. The hurting, hungry & unhoused in our communities. The upsets & heartbreaks found within families & other close relationships be it church or the workplace. It can become overwhelming. Driving a sense of hopelessness. And sometimes gut wrenching fear. How shall we as mere humans help form that more perfect union. Between God & ourselves. The longed for return to Eden. Heaven & Earth rejoined. Our prayers can ever envelope the promises & purpose of God. But there is no claim day by day that is easy or even looks productive. We try & fail often & flatly. But like the Israelites waited 400 years from the Prophet Malachi to the coming of the Messiah. We must cling to the “beauty, goodness & truth” of His Word & the One who came as embodiment of perfect love. And strive to follow where as God may shine a light on life-affirming acts & practices we might undertake. With His attitude of forgiveness. His humility. His fearlessness. Right here. Right now. Not a far off dream. A present reality. Amen & Amen.
“shameless boldness” Luke 11:8b we can approach the throne of God. We can ask, seek, and knock and we will always receive, find, and the door will be opened. It may not be the answer we would have liked, or the “right” door that was opened, but we receive with an open hand and God has answered. Wow!
On earth as it is in heaven.
Ask for the kingdom of heaven on earth. Search for the kingdom of heaven.
Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find it. If I know how to give good gifts to my children how much MORE will God give to those who ask? I’m so guilty of making things so much more difficult than it should be. Renew my thinking Jesus, you want to give us these things now! Give me eyes to see and a heart that searches for heaven like the treasure it is!
I posted for today on yesterday’s page by mistake. Wishing you all a good evening. Lifting up dear she’s prayers. Be blessed dear sister.✨✨✨❤️
CHERYL BLOW, yes, it sure can be a struggle at times. Sometimes I just want to give it up. But then I get cheered on by my Sisters here and also after I’ve read The Word, things start to get back into perspective. ❤️
I am in agreement with many of you. It does get frustrating constantly praying for your loved ones and feeling like nothing is happening. But God, as TINA says.
I am trusting in the Lord, and that he will hear. I will not stop. I may not know this side of heaven that my prayers have been answered, but I will keep praying.
MICHELLE PATIRE and LAURA DIANNE and any others, just keep on keeping on. Keep storming those gates. I am doing the same.
Yes AIMEE! I am praying this with you today.
We will be delivered. And while we wait to be redeemed and restored, we should live as best as we can in our faith and love in the Lord and our compassion, understanding, and love of our neighbors. Doing better tomorrow than we did today. Keeping one foot in front of the other on our path to redemption. Redirecting or renewing our connection to our Lord through faith, knowledge, and understanding.
Psalm 90:15 NKJV **
@Laura Dianne- I was thinking of you as I was reading these Scriptures today. I struggled through them and had the same response you did. I was thinking, “I wonder if Laura feels the way I do about these wandering loved ones… So discouraged that all we can do is keep asking and asking and asking..”
I told the Lord I didn’t like that what He was saying to me this morning through these Scriptures was to keep praying. I told Him thank you, but I don’t like that response… I want the relief. I am tired of praying.
But what did I do after that?
I stormed the gates of heaven in prayer, again, seeking deliverance for those who choose to not seek God for themselves.
It is so frustrating!!!!
I am pleading with God for some relief. I think it is really hard because I live with my family. I can’t escape the situation. It is surely refining me … I know that is God’s intention… But dang, Lord, does this hurt. To see the pain up close. To not have my car right now and be forced to be around my family watching them do rebellious things and having to remain silent and prayerful. It is not easy. I am pleading Psalm 90:14 NKJV, that “God would make us glad according to the days in which He afflicted us, the years in which we have seen evil.”
Laura, you are not alone. We are here struggling together. May God see us through and help us be strengthened so we do not lose heart in prayer. ♥️♥️♥️
@Kristina- praying the same for you, that you would not lose heart in these awful trials. May God continue to bless you and your kids as you live obediently to Him. ♥️
@Thebestisyettocome- I repeat my prayer for you. Be strengthened by the Lord and the power of His might, may He heal your body as well as your dad. May He see you through this one day at a time. May you keep faithful and prayer and see your diligence rewarded.
God help us all.
Thank you for those who continue in prayer for me. ♥️ Be blessed each one of you that is here.
I am thankful that as I grow older I see things differently. I remember using that prayer “keep on asking…” for earthly things I wanted. Now I realize that God’s will on earth as it is in heaven is much more simple than the “stuff” we often ask for here. His will on earth is to have a relationship with every person. If every person had a relationship with Him, there would be no shortage of anything we needed to live on this earth. We’d all love one another, we’d all be generous givers, we’d all respect human life and dignity, we’d all watch out for the good of each other. Isn’t that what we really want?, lives lived in harmony with one another? lives lived in harmony with God? To pray for God’s will on earth as it is in heaven is to pray for the salvation of every single person. And for us to keep on asking, never give up asking. We would give everything to have our households, our loved ones, our communities, our countries all saved, wouldn’t we?
The boldness and shamelessness of the neighbor stands out to me. He boldly asks and he receives. This is the example of how we approach the Father.
I see the pearl as me. I am the pearl of great price and God gave everything, his only son, to be in relationship with me/us. Sisters, you are priceless and deeply loved. Praying I /we can rest in the truth of who I am in Christ and what resources He makes available to me as I move through today. Peace of the Lord be with you.
The Lord’s Prayer is something I recite each night before going to sleep. I try to slow down as I say it so it isn’t just rote. My church says that prayer every Sunday as does the church I attend out of state, I learned this as a very young child. One thing I have noticed is a lot of newer younger churches I have visited don’t use it in their service. I often wonder do they teach it to their children and do they know it themselves. Praying that the Holy Spirit uses me today to further the kingdom or make a difference in some small way in a troubling world. Praying and lifting each of you, sisters.
I’m trying to catch up today. We have had guests and I am very behind.
LAURA DIANNE – I understand what you are saying. I too felt like I prayed for years for healing for my son. When we finally had a stem cell transplant trial, Tanner was too far advanced in his disease to be in the trial. The Lord took him home 11/13/21. I try to find the flip side in all this. That it is a blessing because life became hard for Tanner. It scares me because I start to doubt some of what the Bible tells us. That is not something I want to do. It’s like I have to constantly tell myself to flip my thoughts around. Lots of work being in my own head…lol
Today speaks to me about being persistent in my prayer life. To keep praying those prayers when I don’t feel like it or am making a difference. I believe there are times where it is easy to pray but other times it’s hard. We must persevere in our walk with God, keep praying, keep asking God to search our hearts, keep praising God no matter how we feel. Just like the person coming to the judge. Knock and He will answer, seek and you will find! Keep going! Our relationship with God is worth selling all we have for it, the pearl of great price!!
The first thing that came to mind when reading Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord’s Prayer) was Celebrate Recovery as we would recite this together after every meeting in our small group. Also this is a prayer we would recite often when I was a child and part of the Catholic faith. CR was huge for me as a co-dependent. FIRST and foremost I’m here today as recovering co-dependent because of MY JESUS! Then of course the support of my family, friends and sponsor who believed in me. God is good! It’s an every day remembrance and my dependence ONLY comes from Jesus giving me the ability to do what I do today. My Jesus gets ALL the glory! I can’t and cannot imagine life without Him. And I don’t ever want to. He is my everything! Happy Wednesday sweet She’s.
Restore my mind to choose God, to find peace in Him. In turn I will become fruitful with joy, love, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To release, forgive, even if those that hurt me are not sorry.
Continue to restore my relationship with my parents. No more passive aggression.
Restore my ex husband. For him to leave the life of homosexuality and find Christ.
Restore my kids from the pain that a divorced family may cause. Thank God they find joy at church and want to read the Bible with me. Continue to protect them from the schemes of the devil.
“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Yes Lord. Amen.
@Deanna Rasch – congratulations on your new grandson. Will be praying you have many opportunities to minister to these very young, brand new parents!
@Taylor – praying for your work situation, and that God will take away all your anxieties.
@Michelle Patire – continued prayers for your family situations.
@thebestisyetocome – Prayers for your knee to heal, your dad – praise the Lord the blood clot was found! And for you as you parent these little ones who have been entrusted to your care.
Blessings my sweet sisters – enjoy your day!
“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
I needed to be reminded that all I have to do is seek the Lord in prayer. We all need to seek the Lord in prayer, asking for knowledge and understanding, for our eyes to be opened to see him and spend time with him. I pray that my actions reflect the time I spend with him, that I may go out to help restore faith in him.
Two years ago I experienced an impossible situation similar to THEBESTISYETTOCOME. Painful foot surgery, sudden illness and death of my dad, and other trying responsibilities and relationship breakdowns. I pray I will never walk a path like that again. Some things broken during that time have not been restored (this side of heaven) BUT GOD. He was with me and has restored other broken things in my life. Now that I’ve tasted that goodness, I feel like the man who found the buried treasure and the man who found the precious pearl. It means everything to me and I gladly give up what I thought was precious to me in order to live this new reality.
Today is one of those mornings where I have no choice but to use my laptop because the current day doesn’t exist on the app.
Unfortunately not connecting with this study. I feel like he has left me to my own devices.
Oh, Lord… help me and my sweet sisters to always be as bold as that friend in the middle of the night and let us be as committed and joyful as that merchant. You have given us the greatest. gift. ever. Let us always remember that and share it with others.
School today… yippee! It is very cold this morning, though!
And my state lady comes at 10 am (not 10:30… I read my datebook wrong). I would appreciate your continued prayers for that. Thank you!
The Lord’s prayer will be my prayer as I go out into the cold to serve my patients. Asking for prayer that God’s will be done as there was a situation at my job that is giving me anxiety.
Lifting up all the prayer requests <3 I hope everyone stays warm today!
I pray every day that my loved ones who have rebelled against the Lord will return to Him. And I pray daily that my daughter will reach out and desire to have contact with her family again. When I have read the Luke passage in the past, I often felt confused as to why God says to ask anything and it will be given, yet I have been asking (pleading) for these requests, and it doesn’t seem like the situation is getting any better. Today I read the passage differently. It felt like a reminder to me that this is true, that if we know how to give good gifts to our friends and family, how much more does God give good gifts to his children? So because my prayers are not being answered YET, it doesn’t mean that God isn’t giving me (or them) a good gift. But His timing is not my timing. And He knows the best time, the right time, the right posture, the right circumstance, the right heart, for this gift to be given. So once again (sigh) I read these passages and tell myself…wait on the Lord.
Today’s Scriptures were so familiar and so comforting – why don’t I read them more often? Priceless gift of Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation and the gift of Holy Spirit’s teaching and guidance – thank you, Lord. On earth as it is in heaven – Lord, may others see You in my actions and words. Praying for the lost.
I’m still pondering the effects of the defiance and disobedience in yesterday’s study. So many good comments. thank you, sisters.
CEE GEE ❤️ “How often do we magnify people for doing something ‘great’ (according to our world’s standards) instead of magnifying the Lord?” – this really got my attention, especially with attention on the recent & upcoming award shows and ongoing sporting events.
ADRIENNE – praying for school to resume, cabin fever and today’s meeting with state lady.
DEANNA WARKENTIN – so sorry for your loss
TRICIA C – praying for salvation of your loved ones
GAYLE CRAIK – praying for you, your husband and medical team
DEANNA RASCH – thankful for arrival of healthy grandson
THEBESTISYETTOCOME – good to see you and praying for your dad’s recovery and blood clot resolution, your knee recovery and especially for your foster children as you guide and care for them. Praying the Lord will multiply your wisdom in managing your overflowing plate.
Yesterday, my dad was taken from the surgery center to the hospital in an ambulance as they found a blood clot in his lungs. Praise the Lord they found it, they kept him overnight for observation. In the last 60 days I had knee surgery, my dad fell and tore his quad and rotator cuff and I am a foster mom and I had a failed reunification. The baby I had for 10 months was returned to me along with this four year-old brother who has behavioral issues, it has been an insane couple months, would love prayers. God has been so faithful with support from friends and family.
I love this community, and I don’t comment often enough, but I read your comments. I praise the Lord for each and everyone of you! God is good and gives us just what we need, when we need it. Praying for us, as we seek Him on what area of our life He wants to make new again!
Lord helps us to get back to showing love to others. May we see that it is your love that drew people in and they were restored, so that we can join you in people feeling loved and restored. Thank you for loving me.
Father let me have boldness to seek You and ask for restoration and my and loved ones needs. Let me never give up. And fill me with the Holy Spirit to be bold in my faith. In Jesus name, Amen
Long for the day when the Lord’s name will be regarded as holy by everyone. Lord, let me not become too familiar with Your holiness as to be disrespectful to it. Thank You for calling me to be holy as You are holy.
DEANNA RASCH – happy to hear all went well with your grandson’s arrival.
DEANNA WARKENTIN – sorry for your loss. Praying the Lord brings you His peace in your grieving.
@ALYSSA MURDOCK MARTINEZ, Amen! I come into agreement with your prayer. May we all examine our lives this way today and say in unity, “May Your Kingdom come. May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!”
Lord, even on the really hard & difficult days may you give me the strength to forgive those who sin against me, help me let go of resentment towards them. Help me let go of fear and uncertainty and remind me of your compassion and generosity so I can show it to someone in need. Father, give me the courage to keep on sharing Your goodness with others. I have experienced Your almighty sovereign power in my life when You rescued me from the enemy’s grip. I have seen firsthand the ways I have been made new in Christ, so give me the confidence to share Your glory, power, & beloved Son’s Good News to those around me, so they too can experience being made new in Christ & join in our work to undo all that the enemy tries so hard to keep broken. May Your Kingdom come, May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! ✝️❤️