Day 19

Solomon’s Request for Wisdom

2 Chronicles 1:1-17, 2 Chronicles 2:1-18, John 15:4-7

BY Jasmine Holmes

My dad is a pastor whose name a lot of people know. 

Not just my church growing up but countless homeschool conferences, Baptist churches, and miscellaneous people on the internet know his name. One of the main things my dad preached about back in the day was how to raise godly children. So, when I stand before some people, they don’t see me—they see my dad. To some of them, I am not a fully formed person with my own relationship with God and day-to-day priorities; I am a walking billboard for all their hopes of raising perfect children. 

No pressure, right? 

But my dad is “just” a pastor and itinerate preacher. 

What if he was—I don’t know—the king of Israel? 

When Solomon took the throne, he had big shoes to fill. Everyone looked to him to rule as well as his father had. Asaph wrote of David, “He shepherded them with a pure heart and guided them with his skillful hands” (Psalm 78:72). 

Jesus was born ten centuries after David and was known as the Son of David. No pressure, right? 

Shortly after Solomon became king, the Lord told him to ask for anything. Anything at all. 

He did not ask for his name to overtake David’s so much that the coming Messiah and Savior of the world would be called “Son of Solomon.” He didn’t ask for a permanent place outside his father’s shadow. He didn’t ask for fame, riches, or glory. 

Instead, he acknowledged that David was a great ruler because of God’s kindness. He asked that God bring about all the things he promised David under his own rule. He confirmed that God was already fulfilling his promise to Abraham by making the Israelites as numerous as the dust of the earth. And he prayed for wisdom to continue to shepherd God’s people well (2Chronicles 1:8–10). 

Solomon understood that the throne was bigger than his name or even David’s name: it represented the name above all names. Is it possible he understood that no matter how far his father’s shadow was cast, it was still minuscule compared to the shadow cast by an almighty God? 

David had a heart for many things—one of which was to build a temple for this almighty God. He died without ever seeing this dream realized. When Solomon took up the mantle, though, he wasn’t building the temple for David’s glory, or to live up to David before him, or even to revel in having accomplished something that his father never did. 

He was building the temple because he understood that the legacy he was walking in was so much bigger than King David’s. 

And whether people see you coming first or your parents or your older siblings, know that even if their sight is limited, yours need not be. Ask for wisdom to see beyond the temporal, to the eternal legacy you’re a part of. It’s so much more.

Post Comments (54)

54 thoughts on "Solomon’s Request for Wisdom"

  1. Tiffany Farrar says:

    I just sent you a message. I can’t send you a friend request. Tiffany Lynn Farrar

  2. Mercy says:

    Happy Saturday dear she’s❤️
    I hope you all are doing well by God’s grace. The Lord is kind, and yet in His kindness, I found myself terrified and cornered. A few days ago, we had the same verse that urged our willingness to be the living sacrifice, it came back today. And I told God I was afraid to be killed, I was afraid to be slaughtered, and I ran and hid and cried. And God said, in His mysterious tone and tender way, “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it” …and Jesus said, “Anyone who leaves his home behind and chooses Me over their family, mom, dad, children, house, car, all kinds of possessions… for the gospel sake, it will come back IN THIS LIFETIME- along with PERSECUTIONS” (Matthew 19:29). As I am on my way to be “slaughtered”, I will look past the pain though I don’t know how to, courage and boldness surely is necessary to do the work (1Chronicles 28:20), and I must keep my eyes fixed to the truth that I will get my life back… somehow someway, by His mercy and promise.

    @MARGARET W: praying for Angel and her situation. Praying for you as you are the light to her in a time like this.
    @KERRY ROWLEY: for your brother in law’s family and everyone connected with them in this difficult time. I am so sorry. My condolences.
    @Kimberly Z: safe flight back for you as you left Mexico. Praise God for refreshment.
    @ALL SHE’s: for God’s grace and power to touch and transform you and your families wherever you are, whatever you might face, may your lives be the testimonies of God’s deliverance, mercy and undeniable power. For we know His Name, He will set us on high, for we love Him, He will deliver us/our families (Psalm 91:14).
    @Searching: ❤️❤️❤️

    Be blessed dear sisters. Hugs and blessings to you all my beautiful she’s!

  3. Nads says:

    Oops!! Jasmine “L” Holmes

  4. Nads says:

    @ JASMINE C HOLMES…. WHAT a beautifully written meditation
    .. thank you!!

  5. Shelley Lambert says:

    Oh my word, Lisa. You have just confirmed a stirring I have in heart heart my daughter is not following the lord and of course her boyfriend and two roommates are not. I have been praying for all four of them to be saved. I had just commented to a friend the other day wouldn’t it be something if the lord saved all four of them and what an impact that would be for his kingdom.

  6. Tami C says:

    Lord let me seek a relationship with you above all else. Bring me closer and deeper Lord. Keep me humble and forgive me Lord for falling short. Remove any beaches in me that do not bear fruit but please be gentle:) I am willing Lord. Thank you for bringing me as far as you have. For redeeming my past. For calling me home. I’m not where I want to be but I’m not where I was praise God. Amen

  7. Kylee says:

    Hi everyone! I just started reading your letters and they are amazing, God bless you all.

  8. Mercy says:

    Reading today’s passages, I realized that good leadership requires godliness, a pure and generous heart, a wise and sound mind. The reserve funds of many countries are stored for times of calamity, for helping other countries in times of war, fixing roads/infrastructure, building schools and hospitals but probably none set apart for maintenance of churches/ the House of God. What a contrast. The amount of sacrifice in terms of construction materials, gold/silver on top, countless hours of high skilled builders, developers and architects and craftsmanship that were planned to put in the House of God in Solomon’s time were very serious, and they could not do this without genuine love for the Lord. It saddens me that the very masterpiece was destroyed in Jerusalem. BUT GOD…He built His temple in each of us (Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 1 Corinthians 6:19). May we adorn ourselves, with the sacrifice of our best like what David and Solomon did (my utmost for his highest)(Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight, 1 Peter 3:3-4). May we be the temple that shines the glory of God night and day.

    @Searching: I love you. Praying over you dear precious sister and your family. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayers.
    @Mari: for your son’s heartache from ending relationship, for God’s strength/protection over you for future court date.
    @Sarah D: for your upcoming date and God’s hand to lead and to bless you both.
    @Taylor: full recovery and grace for new work position.
    @Sharon Jones: for wise assignment of leadership at your work place.
    @Traci: wonderful wisdom you shared on humility.

    Happy Friday dear she’s. I pray you all have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones.

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