Text: Luke 23:26, Mark 15:21, Matthew 16:24-25
I can’t begin to count how many times I’ve taken what feels like the weight of the world on my shoulders. I do this in every area of life, from trying to control a situation or set of circumstances—like the stress of household finances or my child’s grades and school performance—to taking on friends’ hardships, ministry burdens, work projects, even justice issues as problems for me to solve. But life doesn’t work that way, does it?
We were never meant to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. It cripples and disappoints, creating discouragement, sleepless nights, and emotional turmoil. Heaping this weight on ourselves bears anger, resentment, fear, anxiety, stress, comparison, and jealousy—and that awful feeling that we can’t be everything to everyone, even though we try and try and try. I am tired and worn out just writing this!
This kind of heavy living is not the way of our Lord. Jesus said this:
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
– Matthew 11:28-30, NASB
Jesus knew we would live under the daily weight of our idols of self-entitlement and our illusions of control, trying to play savior to ourselves and others. He knew the burdens of life would have crushing effects, so He taught and challenged His disciples to follow His lead, practicing the disciplines that keep us in relationship with God.
On that Friday after being beaten, judged, and sentenced to death, Jesus walked the dusty road to His crucifixion. Simon of Cyrene experienced a divine interruption when he was pulled from the crowd to carry the cross. Jesus walked in front of him, and Simon kept his eyes on Jesus. He was not taking Jesus’ place; he was simply following Him.
To follow Jesus is to relinquish our attempts to be god and savior to others. It is trusting that God is in control and we are not. It is believing that Christ alone saves, and we, despite our best efforts, do not. It is accepting—and expecting—Jesus to interrupt your day to bring your focus back to Him. Friend, this is far easier to write than to live because it requires complete dependence, humility, trust in God and His Word. To be a disciple means having a heart to follow, learn from, and love Jesus as He teaches, directs, and shapes our character and response to life circumstances.
When we fix our eyes on Jesus ….
The Bible becomes the sustaining nourishment for living life. (Psalm 1:1-2)
Interruptions become divine appointments. (John 4:1-26)
Confession turns to freedom. (Isaiah 1:18)
Quiet time restores the unsettled soul. (Psalm 46:10)
Loving one another is not fixing each other, but pointing to the Savior who heals, redeems, and forgives. (1 John 4:7-12, Hebrews 12:1-17)
The weight of life is transferred back to the only One who can bear the weight.
As we fix our eyes on Jesus, He will take on our heaviest burdens and use them to transform us to be more like Him, and others will see and witness His redemptive glory.
“For it is the grace of Christ, and not our own virtue, that gives us the power to overcome the flesh and the world.”
– Thomas a Kempis
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97 thoughts on "Simon of Cyrene"
Jesus has done everything that needed to be done to guarantee our salvation!! Thank you Lord! Such a reason to live with joy and praise!
Thank you Debbie for those beautiful words and for reminding of the Love that God has for us in Christ Jesus before me today.
I’ve been reading a week behind because in Romania we celebrate Easter on a different week. But this devo could not have be timed more perfectly. God has been pounding this idea into my head for the past week; the idea that we so often think we can save ourselves and how utterly wrong that idea is. We see this idea when people try to live with legalistic rules and trust the rules to save them more than they trust the Savior. We see this when servants of The Lord begin to think it is their burden to save others instead of the Lord’s work. We see it when pastors try to add burdens beyond what the Bible and our Lord require. All these things are ways of diminishing the cross and what Jesus completed. When Jesus said: “It is Finished.” He meant it! He wasn’t just being dramatic. It really, truly, fully was finished. It IS finished. And it always WILL BE finished! We cannot add or take away from the saving, forgiving work of Jesus on the cross. And God doesn’t NEED us, but He chooses to use us, in our brokenness to reach the wold with His love and forgiveness. Let’s be sure we share the true message. Let’s be sure we never add to the cross. Let’s live like it IS finished, like Jesus IS enough!
This devotion gives me such freedom in Christ. Knowing that only Christ can change hearts and fix situations takes the pressure off me to perform or be enough and gives me the freedom to witness and be a light to others. Even when I fail, it’s ok. God is in control and He is Lord, not me!!
This was right on time for me!! Thank you God!
Wonderful! A much needed reminder that Jesus is the one who carries us and fixes us and we simply must follow.
Thank you! I will read this prayer many times. It’s just what I needed right now…and always.
WOAH this is what I needed to hear!!!! And even though a day late, exactly when I needed to hear it! It is not ME who fixes, ME who changes, ME who redeems…CHRIST ALONE SAVES! As a first grade teacher who swoops in ‘to save the day’ all the time for little ones, I must realize that I am not all things to all people before I can ever hope to make any eternal impact. After a discouraging, exhausting Friday this was the best Saturday morning QT in awhile. Thank you Abba for being My everything.
Debbie, I need/ must read this piece everyday!! It is the daily battle but it can be overcome! Thank you soooo much. It’s like you are in my head and heart. Could never have said it better.
Thank you for this gentle nudge to get back to Jesus. Oh how I wish my eyes were always fixed on Christ! But I guess we must wait till Heaven for that and for now, see His glory revealed even when we come back to Him.
Another message right when I need it. Thank you!
Thank you, I needed this.
Amen! Right on the spot!
So on point for me
"When we fix our eyes on Jesus…. The Bible becomes the sustaining nourishment for living life. Interruptions become divine appointments. Confession turns to freedom. Quiet time restores the unsettled soul. Loving one another is not fixing each other, but pointing to the Savior who heals, redeems, and forgives." AMEN!!
There has been a certain issue that has been eating away at me & I made a conscious decision about a month ago that every time I start to think or dwell on this issue, instead I will stop and say a prayer. And since doing that & focusing my attention on God, I have experienced all of those above things! Such a wonderful, freeing feeling!
Wow. Just wow. God is so good and this devo was so timely. How often our pride gets in the way of Jesus’ glory. Thank you for being led and sharing this today.
“He knew the burdens of life would have crushing effects, so He taught and challenged His disciples to follow His lead, practicing the disciplines that keep us in relationship with God.”
I just really loved this! Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you!!
Boom!! You get it!! Lord Jesus help me get. It!!
I am soaking this up…comprehending what is written/said. Able to visualize what taking up the cross is supposed to be. Before it just seemed like a figure of speech that christians would say… I love the scripture when he meets the woman at the well. I think what I am feeling is growth, thank you for today’s words.
Wow. My soul so needed this.
Thank you so much for this Debbie. I needed this so much! This is where I have been all week. Trying to take his place, idolizing control, refusing to die to self, refusing to follow him. and I have been suffering because of it. The crazy part is my word for 2015 is Rest, just like it says Rest in Him. He is talking to me alright…lol…This challenge keeps rearing it's ugly head to me because I keep refusing to Trust Him, have faith in Him, to carry the cross. Praying I will begin to step out in faith and follow him completely. Loving because he loved us first.
Thank you! I really needed to read this. As for I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I loved this study today. I appreciate the reminder that “Loving one another is not fixing each other, but pointing to the Savior who heals, redeems, and forgives.” Amen! In my zest as an on fire christian in my 20’s I did not know that, but I have learned that with age and I feel like that has made a Huge difference in allowing God to work, and allowing me to love others with my actions & deeds. Thank you!!!
Thank you for this word, The Lord has ministered to me through this.
This devotion REALLY struck me. I’ve been struggling for a long time with the idea of giving all of myself to Jesus because I just want to retain that control. But this really stirred a desire in me that’s been building for some time now to give over that control and accept Jesus into my life.
Really good word. This has been the most life giving devotion to me so far.
One thing I noticed about Simon is that he didn't object to this divine interruption. He didn't worry about what the others said about him or mock Jesus as he walked behind him, all he did was follow and kept his eyes on Jesus. This is something I can surely learn from. My life is controlled by me but by God and when He sees His timing is right even though it might not be right for me, I need to shut my mouth, open my heart, and look to Jesus to follow Him.
Reminded me of a song we sing at church: “You’re amazing God, you can bear the weight of every heavy heart. You can heal the pain, you can clean the stain. You can turn out tears into songs of praise. you’re amazing God!”
Thankful that he can bear the weight of our heavy hearts, He is just waiting for us to come…
Ah, so awesome. It’s been a crazy week and when that happens I forgot the things that heal, a good run, shereadstruth, silence. Thank you.
Oh, what a beautiful and refreshing truth this morning– surrender, that it’s the key in the taking up of our crosses. I love the distinction between following Christ and attempting to take his place, and that to do the former we must release our burdens to the One who can shoulder them.
This is a perfect explanation for why God calls us not to fear repeatedly (365 times, right?), because if we truly trust and follow him, we would have no need to.
Amen, amen! Today’s devo was so spot on for me – keeping focus on Jesus, interruptions, being transformed – had to copy so much of it word for word in my journal! Thank you, Jesus, for today’s reminder!
Thank you for offering this to us Debbie. Blessings abound as we follow Him for sure. His truth is life.
This was exactly what I needed to read this morning. Being one who habitually stresses for others, I need to remember to turn my friends’ needs over to the Lord and not try to fix everything myself.
So, today, the Lord has laid another brick on the foundation of what He has been teaching me about walking in faith and trusting in Him. I don't have control over anything in this life. The only thing I can control is to keep my eyes fixed on Him and following Him. There are so many pictures of this that He's reminded me of lately….Peter fixing his eyes on Jesus instead of the waves. And now Simon of Cyrene. Thank you for this amazing devotional!
everything to everyone. I find myself in that position over and over without even trying. this is exactly what I needed to read this morning. I am so ready to just lay it down and follow Jesus.
I am Not Jesus! I am Not in control! As silly as it sounds…I should write those 1st four words all over my life! Thank you
Sometimes I'm so busy looking at my own burdens I forget to watch Him instead. Thank you for the reminder! I used to constantly remind myself that He would never give me more than I could handle and somehow along the way I've forgotten this Truth!! This has reminded me of it and to tell myself as much as I can.
I love the MSG version of Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 11:
28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
This has been my favorite Lenten devotion yet! My heart is heavy for someone I love dearly and I don’t feel like God is working, but this reminds me that He is! He wants to take my burdens from me and I have to trust Him at all times!! Thanks for this lovely reminder today of how following Jesus takes the weight off our own shoulders. Have a great weekend!
What a wonderful and helpful devotional!
"The weight of life is transferred back to the only One who can bear the weight.
As we fix our eyes on Jesus, He will take on our heaviest burdens and use them to transform us to be more like Him, and others will see and witness His redemptive glory."
This reminds me of a helpful analogy told to us years ago by a missionary: There was a woman slowly walking along the side of the road. She was quite bent over, for she carried a terribly heavy load on her back. The day was hot and she was so very tired, but onward she slowly plodded. Someone saw her difficulty, though, and with great kindness, gave her a donkey to ease her travels. The woman thanked the person, took the donkey and climbed up on its back. Off she rode, still hunched over terribly, as she hadn't taken off her backpack to put it on the donkey behind her, but had kept the heavy pack strapped to her back…
Aren't we all tempted to sometimes be like that woman? Christ has offered to take our heavy yoke upon Himself – which requires us to relinquish it. "Let go…let God."
Well I certainly did not expect tears when I read this. As my husband wakes up in CA this morning to warm temps, I wake to snow because we could only afford for one of us to go for his friends wedding (& a friend paid for his plane ticket). And I’m here with my mom rehabbing in a nursing home. Carrying the burdens of managing her life and my life and being mom to my girls. And going back and forth on whether I change my work schedule to go with her for a procedure next week because she wants someone with her. I cry because I’m so overwhelmed. And really mad about waking to snow. And jealous my husband gets time away. The whiney part of me says “I never get time away, especially now that my mom has been sick since January.” And the tears hit me as I read this. I am not fully giving the burdens to Jesus. He does not want me to feel so burdened. I need to give it to him and stop taking it back.
"i need to give it to him and stop taking it back" – that's the ticket!!
it's easier said than done!
praying for you today melisa – thank you for your comment!
Today reminded me of beautiful old hymn that says it so well…” Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full on his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”
Lyle, I loved your post! I would love to help you "fill your Easter eggs". If I can help in anyway, I will. Thank you SRT group for having this ministry. It keeps me close to Him.
“When we fix our eyes on Jesus …. The Bible becomes the sustaining nourishment for living life … Interruptions become divine appointments … Loving one another is not fixing each other, but pointing to the Savior who heals, redeems, and forgives … The weight of life is transferred back to the only One who can bear the weight”. Some really good reminders here. Sustained by God’s Word. Not desperately clinging to people and things. Clinging to God. Not frustrated because my “to-do list” is getting longer instead of shorter. Seeing those people as opportunities instead of frustrations. And being able to minister to people without the pressure of trying to fix them. I just have to point them to the One who can “forgive all … iniquity, & heal all diseases” (Ps 103).
I absolutely love what you wrote. I heap burdens on myself constantly, forgetting that Jesus' burden is light. I'm praying that I can fix my eyes more fully on Him today.
"Simon of Cyrene experienced a divine interruption when he was pulled from the crowd to carry the cross. Jesus walked in front of him, and Simon kept his eyes on Jesus."
Like many of you this line in the devotional jumped out at me today. I pray that today, I keep my eyes on him, and less on others and what is happening in and around me. He Loves Me, He Died for Me. May I not forget that for 1 second of this day.
Thank you so much for these reminders. It has been a tough week of my own making as I try to carry the weight of the world. Also printing this as a reminder to let Jesus carry my burdens and just look to Him.
Everything I’ve been reading this past week has been overwhelming to me. The love of Christ is overwhelming, in a raw, uncomfortable way. I haven’t done anything to deserve all this. I haven’t loved Jesus anywhere enough to be deserving of all this immense pain. I don’t know how to cope with this.
Lauren, I say you simply take it to God. Tell him quite honestly that you feel uncomfortable about it, that you don’t know how to accept it. He’ll help guide your humility and your reverence in the right directions. But remember that your discomfort doesn’t make it any less of a gift. None of us deserve it–and that’s the point. That’s why we praise him and live lives to honor him–because we have no other way to thank him. We’re like children, striving to please our daddy, whom we love and appreciate, but we don’t have the maturity to express it correctly. So we give him broken flowers, drawings that resemble nothing, and mud pies from our sandboxes. And you know what? He sees the truth in those gestures, and he understands. He accepts our gifts of thanks with utmost grace and love. And you just have to know that nothing you can do is really good enough but that your earnest heart and humility and thanksgiving and obedience are all you have to give. So you give them. I’ll be praying for you.
Lauren, praying for you, for guidance on how to cope. Talk and share with someone, if you feel you don't have someone write a letter to Jesus and tell him all about it, he will listen. Love you sister.
At this moment, a box filled with over 1,300 empty plastic Easter eggs sits in my garage. Yesterday, I called a local ministry that helps feed the hungry in our area. I wanted to serve…but sadly I realize I wanted to serve on my own terms. In an easy, comfortable way. Instead, when that huge box was loaded into my car with my four children excitedly watching, I looked at it as a burden. Something I now have to carry…to buy candy and fill eggs… I am ashamed to say that when I think of what Christ did for me, the impossibly crushing cross He bore so my burden would be light. “As we fix our eyes on Jesus, He will take on our burdens…” Fixing my eyes on Him today.
Love your honesty! Truly beautiful! Maybe get a bunch of kids to help fill the eggs while they snack on some of the candy you can tell them what you learned thru those eggs! Happy Easter!
Oh, I can relate! You're right: sometimes when we offer to help out – and because we truly want to! – we can be surprised to learn what that 'helping out' is going to look like. …It's wonderful that you're helping out the local ministry, Lyle, and the fact that you're meanwhile allowing your four children to help is absolutely fantastic! I truly believe this is going to become for you a family ministry project that your children (at least those older than, say, 3 years old) will fondly remember the rest of their lives! They're taking their cues from you…so continue to drum up your internal 'eggs-citement' [sorry!] and make it a work of love in honor of Christ, just as you fully intended from the start. ..Oh, and to think of the many, many children who will be blessed by your generosity come Easter morning!! Don't' you know that makes Jesus smile?!! Thank you for your honest post, and for the great reminder to fix our eyes on Christ as we seek to serve.
Great reminder this morning..because all of us mommas and wives especially take the world on our shoulders! We have to fix, help, mend and clean up everything from runny noses to broken hearts, from Making appointments on time and being at ball games or dance recitals. Then there are those nights of pillow talk and teen talk that always seems to happen on night we are most exhausted :) Thankfully Jesus doesn't see this as menial or mundane. He takes it as serious as we do, but He walks near us through it all…ups and downs, good and bad and sometimes ugly and very dirty…;) he takes on our issues without complain because eHe knows! He takes the burden if we let Him because He LOVES US! Amazing! And when we allow Him to carry the burden we can be free to be more than "honey" and "momma". We can be His Princess, his bride and their everything and do it better! Thank you Jesus!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Lord help me remember this!
Love this!
"To follow Jesus is to relinquish our attempts to be god and savior to others. It is trusting that God is in control and we are not. It is believing that Christ alone saves, and we, despite our best efforts, do not… it requires complete dependence, humility, trust in God and His Word. To be a disciple means having a heart to follow, learn from, and love Jesus as He teaches, directs, and shapes our character and response to life circumstances."
I have often disconnected the fact that God’s burden is light and that He asked us to pick up our cross. I have never thought about the fact that the cross I carry I carry with His power and walk right behind Him daily. A good readjustment to make in my mind. It’s hard to let go and trust that He will carry me through.
Hi Anna,
The word teaches us that he never leaves us nor forsakes us, and although it may seem difficult to let go, its even more difficult to rely on our strength.
i really like how you commented on the fact that 'the cross i carry i cary with his power'.Thats so true i know a lot of the time i try to figure eveything out on my own, but he is the one who enables us everyday.
:)Be Blessed!
I too was struggling with the truth of taking up my cross and that his burden is light…. the way you phrased it puts it in good perspective!
Anna, ..'the Cross I carry, I carry with His power…Amen and so beautifully said..I love it…Thank you…Blessings and Love..x
"Jesus walked in front of him, and Simon kept his eyes on Jesus. He was not taking Jesus’ place; he was simply following Him." This is the first time I have considered Simon's position on the path. I always pictured Jesus dragging behind with the soldiers prodding him while Simon championed the cross to Calvary. That reveals my arrogance and pride (or watching too many made-for-TV Bible movies?). The picture of Simon humbly following Jesus to the hill–that fits Jesus' character better. It convicts my heart, full of pride and independence. I am not the lead. I am not the savior. My position is behind Jesus. My assignment is to carry the cross.
Thanks for this Kelly! I had the same image and never realized it.
I think I am right with you, Kelly. This totally reframes it for me and makes total sense. Amazing how we get visuals of something and our thoughts go from that point. Prayers that we may all follow behind Jesus and pick up our assignments.
Kelly, I love that…My position is behind Jesus…My assignment is to carry the Cross…what TRUTH sweet sister…Thank you…hugs and Love..
The last few years I am more aware of the people who ” we’re in the right place at the right time” . Simon left his sons, do you think God did not have someone to look after them. The upper room that was already prepared., what woman prepared that? What would your response be if your husband said on top of all you have to do , add this? How many chance do I miss because I fail to be open , willing to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. Every year this weights on me, am I willing to be used in the small ways Jesus places in my day ?
Awesome insight!
Yes, Jan, you're right. To be available…to be discerning and open to our Lord's leading, even when it doesn't fit neatly into our preconceived idea of what our schedule – or day – should look like. Thank you for the reminder! And we can know we'll also blessed by our obedience to His calling.
I really needed this today! As a teacher I get so overwhelmed by the testing, reminders, resources, events, emails, interventions, etc and sometimes discouraged by the fact that it can stop me from actually teaching which is what God has gifted me to do for His glory. This was great to help me especially this week. I am not in control, my focus is on him and loving each one of those children as best as I can so they may know the true love of Jesus and recognize it one day!
As a fellow teacher I love this prayer to put our focus on Him in order to truly love our kids!!
I am a teacher too! Feeling frustrated by the amount of testing that I have to do and the time away from actually teaching. Did I mention it’s my first year? For me, taking up my cross is going back to work every day, even though I struggle with being there and wondering if I am doing a good job. Jesus wants me to rest in his approval instead, giving me the strength and joy to keep serving!
Yes! I hear you! I'm a school nurse and have been overwhelmed with the complex medical needs in our buildings and a number of crises situations that have been happening. We have a new kiddo starting soon who is just a sweetheart, but has a lot of "stuff" medically….and my youngest has been struggling with major respiratory issues (we have been in and out of the hospital and Dr. office more than I can count ….he has missed 3 of the 4 past weeks of 6th grade…and still not sure what next week will bring….) I have felt overwhelmed and exhausted. On the verge of tears continually. I have tried to turn to Jesus, but not fully handing everything over. I need to keep my eyes on Him and be yoked with Him. He has an amazing plan…and with Him the burden is light.
To follow Jesus is…. accepting—and expecting—Jesus to interrupt your day to bring your focus back to Him.
Boy, do I struggle in this area! I struggle with interruptions. I struggle to know where loving, dedicated work toward a cause bleeds into taking control of the outcome of that work. I struggle to remember that I'm showing forth Christ, not myself, if I'm working in His power for His glory. I struggle against forgetting to Whom the credit for earthly successes belongs.
I'd really appreciate your prayers today, ladies! I leave for my first big 10K race with a couple of friends, leaving my worship leader husband to care for the three kiddos while he's distracted over Sunday morning's Easter cantata. I made sure to check with him before registering for the race 6 months ago, to make sure he was good with me going. The cantata date was set some time after that because of choir member availability. Not only am I excited to run, but I also want the glory for the results to be His, Who has made my training and dedication possible. I want my husband to enjoy our kids, despite what all is going on in his head. I want the fellowship with my friends to be sweet and God-honoring. I want the choir and drama performance to be well attended and to touch and change lives, and for my husband to feel focused and prepared come Sunday morning. I want us to be a small example of enduring to the end. Happy Friday, ladies!
Praying for you and the fam!
Praying this will be a weekend to remember for all of you.
Super excited for you and your race! YOU WILL HAVE A BLAST! Prayers for you and your family <3
So fun! It will be such a great time for you! Good luck and prayerful over your and that of your family's! ~ B
Stinav, praying for you and yours and praying peace over all you have mentioned, your husband, the kiddos, the cantana, your run…May God our Father be in each situation…and may all have the presence of the Lord…never to be forgotten…Xx
Simon of Cyrene carried His cross – may I do the same. Help me to follow You, Lord – not try to be You.
amen joanne!
To be a disciple means having a heart to follow, learn from, and love Jesus as He teaches, directs, and shapes our character and response to life circumstances…..
Copying this, if I may, in triplicate…and pinning them where I need to see them….!!!!!
I want to be a disciple, with a heart to follow, a heart to learn from…
Lord, Jesus, Help me to carry my cross, behind You, in its many fragments of life circumstances, all stuck together, and causing the heaviness I have come to call my burdens… Lord Jesus, as I follow You, and as close as I can to you Lord, being almost as close to your garment, and my eyes fixed on you, may I know that rest, that peace you promise…, and in knowing that peace Lord Jesus, May I also learn from you, to be humble and gentle of heart….in the knowledge that walking with you, whilst you lead and I follow, You are my friend, my companion, my Saviour, my Redeemer, my Refuge…you are my God, in whom I can trust…in whom I can find peace, in whom my soul ….my soul finds rest…Thank you Lord Jesus for everything…Thank you…x
Just wanted to share…an update really..and I pray, an encouragement ….A while ago, I shared about a young lady who come to the soup kitchens where I work and demands, as if her right…, I had no patience or time for her arrogance and rudeness, to the point where I would ask my colleague to deal with her when she came in…well, I was convicted one day during one of our studies on loving our neighbour, the disadvantaged, the marginalised…so decided when next she was in, I would actually look at her when I said hello…she responded…eventually…but where we are at now is that she comes in, makes straight for me, says hello with a smile, chats a while, then off to talk to friends…a total 360°, I would have been happy with that..BUT GOD, ah, but God, he had and has other plans, the other day, she hugged me saying…and this is the heart melter…"you are my Angel, you are…."
Praising God for His goodness, His timing and most importantly, that we none of us are lost to Him that follow Him..Amen..x
A very Happy Friday with abundant Blessings dear sister's….xxx
Amen and Amen, Tina. To the prayer, you echoed my heart to our Father. & Thank you for sharing how a “but God” moment showed how ‘none of us are lost to Him’ when we remain in Him. So encouraged, challenged and blessed. I’m giving “thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures FOREVER”
Thank you for sharing the story of the young lady. We all need to be loved! Sometimes people put up a wall out of fear, thinking it's for their own protection. What a great reminder that Jesus can tear down those walls!
I've been weepy the last few days, and I tell you, I'm reading the last sentence and it gets me every time! "She hugged me saying, 'you are my angel, you are…'"
Wow Tina. I'm always reading but almost never comment. I DO remember that prayer from weeks ago!! I am so encouraged by this "but God" moment … situation. She and you are changed by it because of Him! He never gives up on us does He? I need to know that today. Thank you. So proud of and consistently encouraged by your awesome HUMILITY, raw honesty and prayers daily. Love and prayers from "across the pond" in Atlanta GA :) from a sister today.
Amen and amen. I have a friend going through the hard of life right now. I am praying many times a day on his behalf because he is not. While praying the prayer for myself, I stopped and prayed this prayer inserting his name. Thank you for the words I could not find this morning.
Thank you too, Tina, for responding and allowing God to work so beautifully.
I do remember this Tina. Wow, that is such a wonderful praise. God moving on you and on her. I love that she has someone like you in her life to help reveal God to her and that you are here to help reveal God with us! Love you T! ~ B
“When we fix our eyes on Jesus…” I love what you wrote, Debbie! I want to take that list and post it next to my bed, on my bathroom mirror, on the inside of our front door. What a great reminder of what happens when we fix our eyes on Jesus!! I needed that encouragement today. Thank you.
Simon of Cyrene experienced a divine interruption when he was pulled from the crowd to carry the cross. Jesus walked in front of him, and Simon kept his eyes on Jesus. He was not taking Jesus’ place; he was simply following Him.
how awesome.great perspective for me
“As we fix our eyes on Jesus, He will take on our heaviest burdens and use them to transform us to be more like Him, and others will see and witness His redemptive glory.” As a new mommy, this is my heaviest burden at this time in my life. I have never surrendered to God so much on a daily, heck sometimes hourly basis in my life. As I sit in the midst of motherhood I pray this is truly shaping me to be more like Him and less like me.
Katie, I'm a new mommy myself and wholeheartedly agree! May we lay hourly, sometimes multiple times in that hour, our deepest burdens, fears, anxieties and find rest in Him! Praying for you right now dear sister!
Lord, all that I am and have is from you. You alone are the source of all that is good in my life. Father, cultivate a steadfast heart and mind that is secure in you and your grace. Lord, save me from myself. Jesus be the center of my life.