#SheSharesTruth | Titus 2:1-5

Open Your Bible

Titus 2:1-5

Welcome to #SheSharesTruth, Titus edition!

We have LOVED reading through this book with you and learning more about what it looks like to receive and apply the Gospel of Jesus to our lives and relationships and within the Church itself. We’ve especially been blessed by digging into the concept of the common bond and “common reality” (see Day 2) that is ours in Christ.

In Day 4, we discussed what this unity looks like in our relationships with other women in the body of believers—our spiritual mothers, sisters and daughters.

Today’s #SheSharesTruth assignment is this:

How is spiritual mothering already taking place in your community? Has a godly woman influenced you in your growth in the Gospel, or has mentoring a young believer impacted your life? How would you like to see Titus 2 shape your relationships moving forward?

We want to hear your story!

She Shares Truth

Here’s the scoop on how to participate:

  • Write your devotional/reflections/response to the above questions on your personal blog, OR on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtags #SheSharesTruth and #SheReadsTruth. (Feel free to use the image below!) You can even write your response in the comments section below!
  • Link to this page in your post so your readers can read and participate in #SheSharesTruth, too.
  • Share the link to your post (or Facebook post, Instagram, etc) in the LinkyTool below—just click it and follow the instructions!
  • Visit each other’s links, starting with the person or two who linked up before you. Leave a comment there—tell them you see and hear them!

**Please share our heart, Sisters. Our desire is not for this to be a time of comparison or sizing up writing abilities or spiritual maturity. Eloquence and insight are lovely, but we know that is not the thing our God calls us to. So, let’s not call each other to that either! If you feel ill-equipped—GOOD! If you feel like you have so much to learn—GREAT. SO DO WE! Every single time we sit down to write. And if we don’t, are hearts are not in the right place. Let this be a safe place to learn and share and love each other WELL.

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72 thoughts on "#SheSharesTruth | Titus 2:1-5"

  1. Rachel Petty says:

    Me and my good friend Andrea did this study together & it has been so eye opening and good for me. I just recently got out of a 3 1/2 year long relationship. He left me and it was really hard. God used this study to teach me alot of things about myself, steps moving forward and just about being at peace and turning to Him for everything. One of my favorite notes that I wrote down was that “A true love for the Gospel should be the driving force behind every single thing that I do.” I love you ladies so much. ❤ love that we can have community through social media!

  2. Stephanie says:

    My mentor’s name is Judy. She is seriously a God send! I was almost two years into leading a lifegroup with my church and feeling like I was drained and not equipped or filled. I was going to church regularly and studying regularly but didn’t have anyone pouring into me. After meeting with my friend, she forced me to find a way to fill myself so I could continue to pour into these girls in my group. I didn’t want to admit that I needed help or that I was feeling exhausted but it turned out to be that moment of vulnerability which brought Judy into my life. She offered to meet with me over Taco Bell, and I knew it was going to be a good thing (ha!). More than her just sitting through listening to my problems, she has been gracious, telling me stories about herself and how she grew closer to Christ through them. The lunches have become a favorite part of my schedule the last couple of months.

    If I can share anything from this experience, it is this. Please don’t feel like you have to be a certain level of our together to be in the church. It breaks my heart to hear people say that, and I tell others that often but never bothered to listen to my own advice. Seek Christ- through scripture, prayer and wise council! He will provide for us and equip us to do good works for his kingdom, and it is no longer something I “have to” do but something I am excited and privileged to do!

  3. Molly says:

    A mom of 6 from Texas (Lisa) is the cofounder of this
    Amazing ministry called Crazy8. She was discipled by
    This lady named Kate for over 20yrs. Lisa came all the way to Cincinnati to minister to tons of people here in my home town and through getting to know her she sent me to Kate who lives all the way in Chicago! She sent me to Kate because we have very similar personalities. So it’s just a crazy story that God totally orchestrated Himself- and now every week I get the chance to be mentored by Kate. It’s only on the phone, so we don’t get to be in each other’s homes and me doing what she’s doing, but on our calls she listens to the Holy Spirit and helps bring my relationship with Jesus to much deeper levels than before and for that I’m forever grateful. I was so excited to read Titus since learning more about how discipleship works. It’s so biblical yet I don’t have a church that speaks on it and our community doesn’t have a lot or any Kate’s running around passionately wanting to disciple us young moms. Praying for this older generation of moms to step up and help be more of the spiritual backbone in our community that God called them to be. Kate also wrote a book on this called Silver Threads that I just started and it’s so good. She has a blog called Teaching What Is Good- all from Titus 2!!!! I highly recommend it!

  4. Kacy says:

    My mentor’s name is Sharon. She’s been a friend of my family’s for a long time, since before I was born! We bonded over our shared love of theatre and acting, and since high school, she has shown me what a Godly woman looks and behaves like. She’s given me sound, biblical advice, even when I didn’t really want to hear it. She’s faithful to God and His Word, and I trust her completely. Over the years, she’s been a family friend, a drama director, and a mentor to me, and now that I’m out of college and becoming an adult, I consider her my friend. :) I’m so thankful for her and her guidance!

  5. Nannette says:

    being through titus , mentoring kids at church has helped me even one of the past last year devotion has influenced me others are now seeing christ in me through Christian humility I’ve shown it and that devotion actually convicted as i haven’t had Christian humility but thats all changed and others are realizing that its shaped my actions

  6. Julie says:

    Mom. Grandma Barb, aunt Beth, Sue, Rosie, Kathlyn, Becky, Annie, Kim, Betsy. Through these ladies, God has shown his abundant care for me all over the world and through different seasons in life. Thank you Father for nurturing me and many others with care from these women. They have shown me what it is to love and take care in every detail of life. These women pray and laugh and cry and talk to him in fits of laughter and tears too, and take every opportunity to live well and have taught me to never give up, and always know the selfless love God has given us, so that in joy we may delight together in the abundant life He has given and call others to this same delight aswell.