She Is Me

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 13

Text: 1 Corinthians 13

She is me.
She is you.
She wants faith, hope, and love.
She wants help and healing.
She wants to hear and be heard, to see and be seen.
She wants things set right.

She wants to know what is true—not partly true, or sometimes true, or almost true. She wants to see Truth itself, face to face.

But here, now, these things are all cloudy. Hope is tinged with hurt. Faith is shaded by doubt. Lesser, broken things masquerade as love.

Real love is the God who became flesh—a living, feeling human being. He is God with us, rescuing the dying, calling the sinners, and embracing those who are wasting away. Real hope is the God who came to set things right. He came to set the cloudy mirror aside for good so we can see Him, face to face. Real Truth is the Word that created the world, the truth that never ceases to be true. Counterfeits no longer interest her; she is looking for the realest thing. This is why she reads.

She reads Truth to find Jesus.

And He is there, on every page, greater than her triumphs and shame, vaster than her needs and her pain. Those are real, to be certain. But they are the partial, the passing away. Jesus—and Jesus alone—is the Perfect, the Permanent.

The Truth does not magically erase her suffering or cure her disappointment. It does not negate her struggle or invalidate her sorrow. It does something even better—it leads her into relationship with the One who made her and makes her new, the One who is greater than all of these. The Truth brings her face to face with the God who has never stopped loving His children, who has never failed to do what He says He will do. The Truth is love in black and white—a love that does not change, even when her Bible is closed.

One day the cloudy mirror will be gone. One day face-to-face is the only way she will see.

Until then, she reads Truth—not just for answers or equations, help or how-tos. She reads Truth to find the perfect and permanent One. She reads Truth because she needs Jesus.

The above is an excerpt from the introduction of the book She Reads Truth: Holding Tight to Permanent in a World That’s Passing Away, written by Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams. Find She Reads Truth, the book, on Amazon or anywhere books are sold.


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1,127 thoughts on "She Is Me"

  1. Sarah Scheaf says:

    Love love this reminder so much! TRUTH is permanent.

  2. Angela Tadiosa says:

    i seek truth because Jesus is my life

  3. Jess Springer says:

    That was my favorite part.

  4. Anna Lowe says:

    I sit here in the quiet of my living room before my three small children wake. Before I force myself to get dressed to go to a job that I’m starting to resent for the time that it eats up in my life and the stress that it causes. In all of this, I acknowledge that Truth is the rock I have to cling to. He is the only One who knows my heart fully and carries me in my darkest days.

  5. Aimee Holcombe says:

    Yes! This poem is on point!!!

  6. Meaghan Hopper says:

    I read truth because I need Jesus ❤️

  7. raquel felix says:

    Going through a very difficult time right now and these words just spoke to my heart

  8. Destiny Russell says:

    This is inspiring me not to give up on my journey with God ♡