Saul’s Conversion

Open Your Bible

Acts 9:1-31, Jeremiah 31:32-33, Galatians 1:11-16

Physical affliction has a way of refocusing how we see life. Whether the consequence of sin or merely living in a fallen world, suffering produces the kind of clarity we might not have the capacity to receive any other way. Temporary loss of physical faculties can result in a permanent shift in spiritual perspective. But let’s be honest: affliction is rarely our chosen means of hard-won wisdom.

Saul, Pharisee and persecutor of Christians, needed a shift in perspective himself—a gross understatement, of course. He seethed with anger toward followers of the Way, “breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord” (Acts 9:1). Thoroughly committed to the imprisonment and suffering of Christians, he set about the land in a hunt for those who loved Jesus (v.2–3). That’s what put him on the road to Damascus, and that’s where he encountered the real target of his persecution: Jesus Christ.

The scene begins with an image that reminds me of something from an action film; a helicopter chase from the sky, spotlighting the criminal on the ground in active pursuit. At the flashing light and voice from heaven (vv.3–4), Saul was dumbfounded, falling to the ground as he heard, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” (v.4). Though he didn’t know who was confronting him, Saul understood the authority of the one speaking, so he answered, “Who are you, Lord?” an address signifying reverence.

“I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting,” he replied.
“But get up and go into the city, 
and you will be told what you must do” (Acts 9:5–6).

The irony is not lost on me. The hunter had become the hunted. Jesus blinds Saul for three days and tells him to finish his journey to Damascus (vv.6–9). By the time the scales fall from Saul’s eyes, sight restored and filled with the Holy Spirit, his fervor once set against Jesus Christ is now forever submitted to the will of the Lord (v.20). Extraordinary!

It’s a brilliant, strategic move, using Saul as an “instrument” to spread the gospel (vv.15–16). But this is also a story of unfathomable mercy and personal gospel transformation. Saul (also known as Paul) was physically humbled in order to receive the gospel revelation of Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:12). Blinding him was God’s chosen means through which Saul could finally see Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. 

Oh, that humanity wouldn’t need to suffer in order to truly see. Not all suffering is caused by our own short-sighted sin or by God, but all pain has the power to make us more like Jesus, the Suffering Servant who is our Savior (Isaiah 53). Empowered by the Holy Spirit, may we submit our will to His in all circumstances, drawn not to isolation, but into deeper communion with the one who has overcome the world (John 16:33).

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42 thoughts on "Saul’s Conversion"

  1. Marilyn Jones says:

    Jesus touch’s people He knew would be able to tell His story, and the people would believe.

  2. Leslie says:

    When I first came to Jesus I was ashamed…actually embarrassed. What will my friends and family think about me, a sinner, all of a sudden coming to Jesus. I was ridiculed and made fun of because I was now going to church and learning more about Jesus. I was slowly leaving my old life behind. For a few years I did try to live a double life, being one person with my christian friends and another with my non christian friends. But over the years that embarrassment has left me and now I’m known as the church going friend by all. Everyone who meets me knows just how much I love Jesus. He still has a lot of work to do within me as I continue to work on my relationship with Him.

  3. Adrianne Richardson says:

    Thanks so much Brooke P! Do you happen to read what is linked in the devotion? Thank you for your response I’m already feeling comfort. Have an amazing and blessed day!

  4. Lexi B says:

    I love this final verse in Acts 9:31- Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.

    I often struggle with fear and it’s fear of other things: how I appear to others, the thoughts of others, spiders, lol. But honestly, how much more peace I would have if I only feared God alone? The second half says encouraged by the Holy Spirit. I often forget this helper God has left us with.

    My prayer is this today: to live in the fear (awe, reverence, honor) of the Lord and allow myself to be encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

  5. Lynda Pontious says:

    So much for me to reflect on

  6. Elizabeth McGee says:

    So true! If Jesus can transform Saul, he can transform ANYONE

  7. Elizabeth McGee says:

    How many people did Paul’s conversion convince that maybe Jesus really is the son of God? God knew what He was doing. He picked a man who was literally murdering Christians – probably the last person on earth people would expect – to become a Christian and spread His message. Sometimes I am ashamed of my past before I became a believer, but hopefully it just shows to the world how powerful the transforming grace of Jesus really is.

  8. Lindsay says:

    Adrianne Richardson – Like Kelly said, I also just read the links at the top of the day’s study. I don’t read the links within the devotional. I have a CSB study Bible that references more scripture in the notes, and sometimes I will read more that way. I hope that helps you!