Samuel’s Final Speech

Open Your Bible

1 Samuel 11:1-15, 1 Samuel 12:1-25, Isaiah 5:8-12, Micah 6:1-5

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 11:1-15, 1 Samuel 12:1-25, Isaiah 5:8-12, Micah 6:1-5

I still vividly recall my third year of law school, when graduation neared and I had no offer of employment. The plan had been to work at a Washington, D.C., law firm during the second summer and, by the end of my time there, secure a permanent offer to return upon graduation. But the firm suffered a financial downturn and could extend only two offers. (Another firm I’d turned down extended more than twenty.) Stressed out and covered in hives, I was sure I’d be forever unemployed.

Please, let me get this position. My heart uttered those words with every resume sent, every interview secured. Still, the rejections piled up. Then, one week before graduation, my resume found its way to the desk of a federal judge in Madison, Wisconsin. She conducted a phone interview, flew me out for a face-to-face, and offered a clerkship on the spot. It was one of the best jobs I could’ve gotten. And oh, how I celebrated, calling it as a blessing.

A month later, my fiancé and I ventured to Madison to begin our careers. We rented an apartment and moved in together. I didn’t know the Lord at the time. I wanted His blessings, but I didn’t want Him as Lord and King over my life.

Such was the state of affairs in Israel during the latter part of Samuel’s time as judge. The people asked for a king to reign over them “like all the nations” (1 Samuel 8:5), thus rejecting God as King. They got what they asked for. God chose Saul to be their king, and, empowered by His Spirit, Saul led the people to a great victory against the Ammonites. And oh, how they celebrated. They had their king! They had victory over the enemy!

With such immense blessings, they surely felt all was well. Don’t we tend to think the same?  When we’re being blessed—especially if we’ve received the very thing we asked for—we don’t see “warning” flags. To the contrary, we feel good about ourselves and our situation, perhaps even about our relationship with God. After all, we must be doing something right in order for God to bless us, right?

But blessings have more to do with God than with us. They reflect His amazing grace and His long-suffering character. They flow from His lovingkindness and goodness. “For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:45).

In the midst of great blessing, our hearts can still be far from God. And apart from Him, blessings are merely temporal and empty.

God was gracious in pointing this out to the people of Israel. Through the prophet Samuel, He interrupted their revelry to remind them that they had rejected Him and to point to where true prosperity lay.

“If you fear the Lord, worship and obey him, and if you don’t rebel against the Lord’s command, then both you and the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God.”
– 1 Samuel 12:14

Madison ended up being the place where I met the Lord, where He drew me to Himself and saved me. That was the true blessing—the greatest blessing. Now, when I think of that time, I’m reminded that no matter what is happening outwardly in our lives, whether hardships or joy, the true measure of our well-being is in the posture of our hearts before God. The ultimate blessing is in following Him and allowing Him to reign as King over our lives.


Kim Cash Tate is the author of several books, including Though I Stumble (2016) and Cling: Choosing a Lifestyle of Intimacy with God (2017). A former practicing attorney, she has a passion for studying and teaching the Word of God. Kim lives in St. Louis with her husband and their two young adult children.

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75 thoughts on "Samuel’s Final Speech"

  1. Laura says:

    Loved today’s reading and all the reminders about following the Lord and seeing the ways He leads us. Anyone have thoughts on verse 23, “Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you.” I sometimes struggle with prayer being a part of my day. I know there’s so much to pray about but I haven’t learned to be disciplined in prayer.

    1. Nads says:

      …especially hard to pray for “hopeless cases”. That verse IS truly convicting.

  2. ~ B ~ says:

    Too many times we find ourselves negotiating our hearts for immediate needs or wants without realizing that we are conniving with an enemy. It’s no coincidence that the name “Nahash” means snake. We know who his heart is for and it certainly isn’t for the good of Israel. His intent was to embarrass them, to bring shame upon them. The reality is that Israel knew they needed saving and they were looking to the wrong person for that salvation … haggling with an enemy in plain view. Don’t we do this daily, to some affect, turn in our gifted Grace for our wantings. In a continued season of joblessness, I know my husband and I have had our moments … “Deliver this job or that job and ….” We might mistakenly agree to have our right eyes gouged out while awaiting rescue but ultimately, God is quick to remind us that He has already done the rescuing. In this season, we are called to War but also equally called to wait. It is natural to find positions that are the easy way out, to accept opportunities that aren’t in line with God because they provide what we need immediately but by doing that we are only setting ourselves up … just like Nahash, those dangling carrots have nothing good in mind for us. Nahash knew that by gouging out their right eyes, they’d never be of any value on the battlefield, they’d suffer humiliation and they’d be lost … our enemy desires the same exact things for us …. be quick to take this job and I’ll be off your back but just like Nahash, his intent is to blind us, to humiliate us, to destroy. Remembering this is essential so that it is easy, in times of uncertainty, to turn our eyes fully on God, knowing that while our enemies taunt us, He remains and His intent is only ever for Good. Our need for salvation was met, we don’t need to negotiate, God paid the ultimate price for our hearts. Prayerful that my heart, even when concerned, remains on Christ. That we easily lift our eyes to God and that we know clearly His voices above all others. That just like Saul, God will equip us daily to overcome what is in front of us. So grateful for a Father, whose sole desire is FOR us!

    1. Tochi Heredia says:

      Wow B, so many powerful truths! Thank you for sharing your notes with us :)

    2. Aimeejoy says:

      B., Such great insight! The connection you made between the enemy and Nahash really made sense to me. Thank you for sharing!

    3. Gina Glennon says:

      What a strong blessing your post was to me. Interesting that Nahash means snake. That insight surely shows his character clearly. Thank you for your excellent thoughts!

  3. Kimberlee says:

    1 Samuel 12:20-22 really stood out to me this morning. It seems for the past month, it has been drilled into me that God takes you as you are and where you are. We don’t have to be better for God to want to pursue us and for us to follow and chase after him. I have no idea why I keep getting told this message over and over, but I realize that it is God speaking to me directly. It has happened too often for it not to be.

    I’m going through a lot with my family right now. And I am not just saying that, I truly mean it. Really deep and dark stuff for the past year. All I know right now is to continue to pray for this promise and hope that it changes the hearts and minds that are involved in this entire situation.

    1. Susan says:

      God is pursuing you right now where you are for His purposes. He has chosen you for a specific task and this repetition is how He gets His message across to us. This is exactly how He speaks to me. I pray for whatever the devil is throwing at your family and the dark valley that you are experiencing. Remember, your Almighty King Eternal is with you and will never leave you. Stand firm on His promises and He will restore your soul! I read Psalm 23 everyday to remind myself that I do have a faithful Shepherd and so do you!

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Kimberlee, this is Abby from the SRT Team. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with the SRT community. When we are listening closely for His voice, it is amazing all the different ways that God will use to get a message across to us! We will definitely be lifting you and your family situation up in prayer. – Abby

  4. SB says:

    I could really use your prayers today. I am finally quitting tobacco it’s been a year since I knew I really wanted/needed to and I stop and start I’m not sure why. I’m in school now. And get very anxious I have used it as an excuse over and over to relax me. That I’d just do it once. And then I feel guilt and do it 500 times. I know it’s no good for me. I know God wants me to stop. I know my daughter wants me to stop. Today is the day, I ask for your prayers and encouragement for me today!

    1. Mary Joseph says:

      Praying for deliverance. I know it’s not easy, but always remember you’re not doing it on your own!

    2. PursuedByHim says:

      Father, give KB the strength she needs to stop. Help her focus on her studies as only the Holy Spirit can. Than you for KB.

    3. JB says:

      I pray God will help you want to quit more than you want to smoke. I quit a pack a day habit, Marlboro no less, 32 years ago. Give each craving to God, one at a time. Quitting is one of the best things God has helped me do. Bless you!

    4. Emily says:

      Father, I lift up SB this morning. I pray that is able to quit smoking and that she knows how near You are to her, especially in times of trials and hardships. I pray for deliverance from this habit.

      Thank you for sharing your heart!

    5. Jenny says:

      Praying for you SB! You can do it! Do you know why? Because you have asked for the Lord’s help and the prayers of others to get you there! Just focus on one moment at a time, one day at a time, one week at a time, and soon enough you will realize how the months have flown by and that you conquered your vice! It won’t be easy, but it is possible!

    6. Leenda324 says:

      Not going to say much except I, too, had a pretty fierce smoking habit for a number of years. God had delivered me from some deep and dark stuff but smoking? It’s was off again, on again for about four years after returning to the Lord. The Lord spoke to me one night and I remember completely surrendering it to him. The desire nearly vanished; I felt free. Not to say I didn’t have occasional temptations for some time. I know he can do the same for you. ❤️

    7. Genesis says:

      Jesus, I pray over SB, that you give her the strength through out the day. Lord that when she feel like giving in you remind her that you are greater than her desire. AMEN.


    8. Aimeejoy says:

      Praying! There are two days of the week that we shouldn’t live in. Those two days are Yesterday and Tomorrow. But there is one day of the week that we should be present in, and that day is Today. “Don’t put off for Tomorrow what you can do Today”. By Surrendering and leaning into the true Identity of hope that you have in Jesus, you can quit tobacco. Breathe, and rest in Jesus. May the Peace of the Lord, which transcends all understanding be with you!

    9. Gerry says:

      Very valid, pithy, sutniccc, and on point. WD.

  5. JessMC says:

    1 Samuel 12:24 “Above all, fear the Lord and worship him faithfully with all your heart; consider the great things he has done for you.”

    Yesterday in church we heard how the fear of the Lord is obedience. Fear of the Lord (obedience) produces blessing in your work, family, community, etc. Reading this passage from Samuel today paired with yesterday’s sermon reminds me how important it is to walk in obedience to the one who gives all things.

    Verse 21-“don’t turn away to follow worthless things that can’t profit or rescue you; they are worthless.” Thank you Lord for the greatest blessing I have received, your gift of salvation through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. This is more precious than anything temporary in our broken world!

    1. Jenny says:

      Amen Jess! Every day I tell myself to walk in obedience!

    2. Christina says:

      Now we know who the senilbse one is here. Great post!

  6. Caitie says:

    I had a pretty “easy” life growing up, and I think I have tended to credit some of that to being a “good Christian” and following the rules. But all of it comes from God. And when I draw near to him, I know his presence a better blessing than any other blessing I’ve been gifted in this life. I love how today’s devotional connected Israel’s struggle to connect with God to our modern-day struggles. It makes these passages so much more meaningful to me.

    1. Micheal says:

      Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my quu.oitns..sentil now.

  7. Kathy says:

    “No matter what is happening outwardly in our lives, whether hardships or joy, the true measure of our well-being is in the posture of our hearts before God.” This smacked me right in the face! I have so many requests that I have laid before God – jobs for my children, my husband, aging parents, health issues for people I care for – the list goes on. I have the opposite problem from the Israelites. God hasn’t answered these requests the way I want Him to, when I want Him to. My heart has been doubting His goodness, mercy, and love for me. Where is my heart? It’s been all over the place. What a wake-up call to examine the posture of my heart. Thank you, Kim, for these timely words.
    Papa God, thank You for the reminder that you are such a gracious and timely God. I pray that the posture of my heart before You will be one of gratitude, humility, and trust. Forgive me for doubting Your goodness and Your mercy. I want all of this stuff to be better, but more than that I want it all to count for Your kingdom. And if it’s not going to count for Your kingdom, then don’t make it better. I love you, Papa God.
    Have a blessed day, sisters.

    1. Emily says:

      “I want it all to count for Your kingdom.” Yes. I forgot that often. Thank you for the reminder.

    2. anne says:

      Kathy -I saved your prayer to use myself…..this is so what I have been doing so recently. Thank you for blessing us with your comment.

    3. Mary says:

      And if it’s not going to count for Your kingdom, then don’t make it better. ❤️

    4. Emily B. says:

      It’s so hard to pray for God to not make something better if it isn’t going to count for the Kingdom, but that’s the attitude we should have. Very thought-provoking.

  8. Penny says:

    “The true measure of our well being is the posture of our heart before God” what wonderful statement. Let me not forget that my posture should always be that of a servant on my knees to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

      1. Janelle says:

        Please keep thwirong these posts up they help tons.