Samson’s Defeat and Death

Open Your Bible

Judges 16:1-31, Jeremiah 15:15-16, Hebrews 11:32-38

When we start to talk about Samson’s story, it can be easy to say what he should have done and how he should have reacted. Why would you give your secret away to this woman who is so obviously trying to trap you? But I’m learning that when we take a few steps back and ask the Lord for perspective, things can start to shift. 

When in my own life have I gone against what is right and true to blend in and be accepted? How often have I chosen comfort or the shiny new thing that I wanted instead of submitting and waiting for God’s timing and God’s way?

Maybe Samson’s story is in some ways a warning to all of us. It’s a reminder of what happens when we choose sin and the things of this world over the strength and mighty purpose of God. And isn’t it just like God to still accomplish His will, even in the middle of the mess that Samson made?

Like the prophet Jeremiah—“You know, LORD; remember me and take note of me” (Jeremiah 15:15)—at the end of Samson’s life, we see him ask God to still bring vengeance and justice despite the situation he got himself in. There at the end of his life, when he had been mocked, embarrassed, and rejected, Samson asked the Lord to give him strength again. Despite the absolute mess that Samson made and the dark end that it came to, God still made His power and glory known to the Philistines (Judges 16:28–30).

It’s easy to think that all the men and women God used throughout the Bible were perfectly spiritual, without blemish or fault. But nothing could be further than the truth. All throughout the Bible, God used broken, imperfect people whose lives were tainted by mistakes to accomplish His will and point others back to Him (Hebrews 11:32–34). How often I need this reminder that God’s power is beyond our understanding—and so are His ways.

While we wrestle with stories like Samson’s and so many others throughout Judges, I’m grateful that we serve a God who stays the same, today and forever. Yes, He is a God of judgment. He is a jealous God. But He also reveals His glory through imperfect people—and for that, I’m so grateful.

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35 thoughts on "Samson’s Defeat and Death"

  1. Restore love with Ex- through…. [[Dr.m a c]] ‘ ‘ y a ho o… co m, says:

    For real

  2. Terri Baldwin says:

    Judges 16 recounts the tragic story of Samson, a Nazirite set apart by God, known for his superhuman strength. This chapter focuses on his relationship with Delilah, her deceit, the loss of his divine strength, his capture by the Philistines, and his final act of faith and redemption.

  3. Terri Baldwin says:

    Judges 18 illustrates a poignant departure from God’s guidance, as exemplified by the Danites’ actions. Their theft, idolatry, and use of force demonstrate the repercussions of relying on our own understanding instead of seeking Divine direction. It’s a stark reminder that straying from God’s path can lead to moral relativism, with potentially catastrophic consequences.

  4. Sandra Myers says:

    Today’s devotion is my prayer, and I couldn’t have said it better: “I am grateful that we serve a God who stays the same, today and forever. Yes, He is a God of judgment. He is a jealous God. But He also reveals His glory through imperfect people — and for that, I’m so grateful.” Amen

  5. Mercy says:

    The story of Samson shed so much light on leadership nowadays and God’s choice of people. He chose imperfect people, people with temper issues, lust issues, lying issues and so on. No problem for God. And many times I felt in the trap of criticizing faulty leadership who are not perfect causing various damage, etc. My ways are not His ways. I repent. BUT GOD… their ongoing imperfections would not disqualify His choice. God loves them even though we might be struggling to love them. In these last days, people are so bold to come out declaring their “gods”. And if the imperfect leader worships the One True God (and His Son Jesus), God’s spirit and strength is with him/her.. despite their many shortcomings. May we give honor where honor is due. May we pray and cover them in prayers. May we render what God’s to God, and what of Caesar to Caesar, what belongs to leaders their due respect and compassion. Who can escape the trap of pride when you’re on the peak of your strength, when you’re the spotlight that thousands are talking about, if you go viral on the internet and the whole world knows about you and your special talent, strength, rare abilities (whatever it might be), when you’re invited to talk shows, who can escape the seduction of many lustful women/ men that will flood to you because of such “fame”, and then comes many manipulation techniques to find out the source of your strength/ success in order to rob you and kill you IN YOUR SLEEP! How? Unless it’s by God’s grace. What harsh truth. I came across this quote of CS Lewis on my daily feed, “The real test of being in the presence of God is, that you either forget about yourself altogether or see yourself as a small, dirty object”. I was thinking, is this too harsh? But truly, we are weaker than we think. Samson is weaker than we think. May we see ourselves in Samson’s shoes and walk a mile, then two miles, then 10 miles… and see how long more we can endure before we might crack and revert to self. Who chance can we stand unless it’s God who gives us grace? Lord we thank you for your strength and wisdom. We thank you for hindsight of Samson. Help us not to mistake our strength for Your strength in us, help us to discern people, those who tell us their heart is with us but lie, those of unequally yoked circles we open ourselves to, or those who are closest to us by blood relations, but are instruments of darkness to trick us and wear us down with manipulation day in and day out to vex our soul to death, in our peak of several victories which is where downfall is the easiest, help us to lean on You for eyes, for visions, so our eyes might not be gouged out that we turn blind by those whom we love and be ridiculed publicly. Give us grace to walk by faith and not by our own eyes that we stumble not by the devil’s many manipulations and deceptions. Help us to overcome the flesh, the judgment of the flesh, which leads to death, and be led by the Spirit which leads to peace and life. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  6. Mary henderson says:

    God’s Watson are not our ways! How much He has seen through the centuries. Praise You Lord for still loving us and being for us! ❤️

  7. Claire B says:


  8. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Friday! What a great reminder of Gods faith fullness. I too want things that I do not NEED but it’s easier to follow the crowd. I was thinking about this today even with gossiping. It’s so much easier to gossip then to not some times. When a coworker might mentioned something about somebody else it’s easy to just agree then to walk away. Praying for you all today!