Scripture Reading: Isaiah 24:1-23, Isaiah 25:1-12, Psalm 30:1-12
You know that feeling when you are listening to someone share their suffering, but in some strange way, you’re positively affected by hearing it? Maybe you feel comforted by similar experiences, more seen in your own story, or less alone. That “I’m not the only one feeling this” feeling.
I’ve been walking through a season where I feel the weight of the curse of this world. My body has been weak, my feelings have been hurt, and some of my hopes have been dashed. Sometimes, it is easy to feel like I’m standing right in the middle of the picture of judgment in Isaiah 24. Some words and concepts from that chapter that stood out to me: stripped, plundered, mourning, withering, polluted, and cursed. Have you ever felt like that?
Have your “joyful tambourines” ceased (Isaiah 24:8)? Has “all joy [grown] dark” (v.11)?
I’ve suffered seasons like this before, seasons where life feels too painful, the curse weighs too heavy, and happiness is hard to come by. It happens. This world is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for those who only read chapter 24.
Thank Jesus for the next chapter. In Isaiah 25, we move past the calamity and are reminded of our salvation. Yes, the earth groans. Yes, God will judge. But He also loves. He loves us—me, you, the people of judgment. We are full of weakness while He is full of compassion, and He has already finished the work to save us and clean us and make us new. He’s already done what it takes to undo all those words in Isaiah 24. Yes, we were stripped, but He has clothed us in “a robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10). Yes, we mourn in this world, but blessed we are, for we will be comforted (Matthew 5:4). For the Christian, the truth is it is impossible to crush the hope of God’s children forever because we actually have forever. The drying of tears is always ahead. In these times, I’ve often found myself in Psalm 30, remembering that weeping may stay overnight (or over many nights) but there is joy in the morning (Psalm 30:5).
Maybe today, you feel like I feel—a little less flourishing and a little more withering. Let’s keep walking and keep reading, remember Isaiah 25:8 as it says, “When he has swallowed up death once and for all, the Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from every face and remove his people’s disgrace from the whole earth, for the LORD has spoken.”
How beautiful.
No matter what you’re doing or feeling or suffering with today, remember that the God who is worthy to judge us has come to hold us and help us and save us.
Written by Scarlet Hiltibidal
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78 thoughts on "Salvation and Judgment"
Whew! What a presence is felt not only in today’s scripture reading but in the devotional! What a beautiful Jesus we serve! He WILL save us.
Isaiah 25:8-10
When he has swallowed up death once and for all,
the Lord God will wipe away the tears
from every face and remove his people’s disgrace from the whole earth, for the Lord has spoken.
9 On that day it will be said,
“Look, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he has saved us.
This is the Lord; we have waited for him. Let’s rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”
10 For the Lord’s power will rest on this mountain.
1 Corinthians 15:54-55
54 Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die,this Scripture will be fulfilled:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”
I love this song and we sing it at church.
“Jesus We Love You (Official Lyric Video) – Paul McClure | We Will Not Be Shaken”.
Partial Lyrics:
“Old things have passed away
Your love has stayed the same
Your constant grace remains the cornerstone
Things that we thought were dead
Are breathing in life again
You cause your Son to shine on darkest nights
For all that You’ve done, we will pour out our love
This will be our anthem song
Jesus we love you
Oh how we love you
You are the one our, our hearts adore”
Thank You, Jesus, for being our Hope and thank You, God, for fulfilling Your promises! We worship You and honor You!
Thank you, SCARLET, for starting this week off with such a beautiful devo!
Love, hugs, and prayers, Shes! ❤
Good Morning, Friends… Danielle had her surgery scheduled for 7:30 this morning…l’m assuming it us completed by now… Please pray for restoration and recovery for her life. I don’t know her family, so not sure how I will hear updates… will forward when I know anything!
“Maybe today, you feel like I feel—a little less flourishing and a little more withering.” Yes indeed, Scarlet hit it right on the head!
The events of these past 10 days – my unsaved brother in law passing away, my son and his fiance breaking up and now the aftermath of dealing with it all.
Six days after moving into a very expensive apartment in Manhattan – an apartment that both of them signed a lease for and both incomes needed to pay for it – the wedding was called off. Now Jonathan is in an apartment that he can’t afford on his own. It was a big move. His first time to leave home, it was a lot of stuff to move into this place. And now he is there, alone.
He’s contemplating moving out, breaking the lease (which there would be a hefty penalty for). And then there’s a big move – all over again.
Our church ministry isn’t going great. For the past 5 years we have been trying to decipher God’s will for us and our ministry that we have been at for 31 years.
Our two sons have walked away from the faith they were raised in.
How did we get here? I am feeling the withering. Life is tough. I know that many of you are going through much more difficult times than I am. But for all of us it is the same solution – Trust that God is our refuge, He is a shelter in the storm, He is a shade from the heat. When I trust and not fear and only then, can I rejoice and be glad of His salvation. Praying for God’s presence to comfort me today and give me strength to trust Him and praise Him, even in the dark…Joy comes in the morning.
Praying for you all dear, sweet She’s. ❤️
Oh Sharon,
You are always so encouraging to all of us…and yet behind the scenes you have your own worries, anxieties, withering. Bless you sweet sister.
May God bring you comfort and shelter in your storm.
Hugs and prayers for you today. ❤️
Oh, Sharon, I am so sorry for all of this weight on your heart! I, too, pray that God will show up in Jonathan’s situation in a way that can’t be missed. Prayers also for your church ministry, that God will reveal next steps in the midst of this heart confusion. Hugs for your heart and Jeff’s, sweet sis! ❤
Sharon, Dear… I want you to know that you are Seen and loved by Jesus and your sisters! I and many others can identify with unbelieving children… It is a heavy burden that we carry. I need to remind myself frequently to, to lay the burden at Jesus feet. I am praying for you and your husband as you minister together, Asking Jesus for clarity as you move forward. I want to take this time to thank you for the inspiration you so often are in your posts. Lifting you to Jesus, and asking Him to hold you tightly and comfort your aching ♥️!
I think we all have our own version of Scarlet’s words in the story of our lives. The days we are given are up and down, happy and sad, joy and sorrow. Some of those days feel endless, relentless, crushing, excruciating and unfair and so, so hard. And others, less burdensome, easier, highlights, core memories, successes, happy, everyday moments, great joy, answered prayer. I think our lives can be reflective of the suffocating mire of Isa 24, but then Isa 25 brings hope, let’s us move again, lets us breath. In just 2 chapters, its a picture of the redemption story; of sin, brokeness and destruction but God doesn’t leave us there and has made a way. It’s the hope that we cling to and hold on to, His favor, His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness and we can rejoice that He is our Savior.
Thank you Lord ✝️
Amen. Thank you Wendy!
Yes and amen, Wendy!
Joy comes in the morning! What a beautiful reminder that no matter what we go through, if we look to the Lord, we can have joy in the morning! Praying for you, Scarlet and others who are going through difficult times.
All I can say is that God always comes true when I look to him!
Prayers for all, and for anyone affected by all the bad weather we’ve had!
What a great devotional this morning. It is more honest then the little feel good verses we might perhaps get used to in “daily devotional” apps where it takes one verse. No, as She’s we need to read the hard, the real, the deep. Life on this world is failing, dying, and not sunshine and butterflies. But as Christ-followers we do have a hope, that does give us the light that can overcome the dark, give us joy in the morning because we know how the story ends! Isn’t it such a blessing to know how hard it gets, at least we have a Savior, we have eternal life at some point? We have a hope to hang on to. We have a Great God that has made provision for us. In Jesus Christ! Oh thank you Lord.
I could name many, many songs because I have a “surrendered” play list and a ‘discouragement” one as well. But the song “Flowers” is a favorite right now. The thing is (Tina), WE have an everlasting promise to hang on to, he is doing something good in the valley, he is watering seeds, and even flowers will grow in the dark valley one day. Something good comes in the pain, and we may not even see it. It could be for the benefit of those that saw it.
Praying for your needs today She’s.
Yes, we do need to hard, the real, the deep….
Because life is hard, and real, and deep. Not sunshine and rainbows.
He IS doing something good in the valley, watering seeds, transforming our hearts.
And ultimately making us more like Jesus.
The pruning is painful.
But the result is priceless.
Hugs to you Rhonda! ❤️
Flowers was playing on the radio when we left life group last night and I immediately thought of you!
Great word… again! ❤
Years ago, over 30 years ago (maybe closer to 35 years ago hehe, in my mid 20’s, I remember Psalm 30:5. “Weeping may come by night but JOY will come in the morning!” AND it did. Maybe not overnight, but it did! Through the years there has been many tears during the night, but I remember this promise of “JOY will come in the morning,” and it does! God is and will always be GOOD!
Yes, glad the scripture was written on your heart and you knew it was truth. Bread for our day, promises when we need them, He is good!
The Isaiah readings provide such gloom and doom. It makes my heart heavy. I like the non-Isaiah readings that follow Isaiah, and I want to skip past Isaiah and read those that follow.
But I don’t.
I know how important it is to read and digest Isaiah.
Hide this one in your heart today, sweet sisters… Psalm 30:5” For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor, a lifetime.” Amen for that! ❤️
This was so good!
Hope ❤️ what a beautiful word. Thank You Jesus, all hope is found in you!
One of my Bestest words ever..❤️
The Lord never ceases to amaze me with His love for us.
“He’s already done what it takes to undo all those words in Isaiah 24.” I love the way Scarlet put this chapter into context. As I read it, I couldn’t help but think of how loving and merciful God is to forgive us and save us from the reality of what the world looks like apart from living in harmony with God. “ Earth’s rebellion weigh it down, and it falls, never to rise again.” (Isaiah 24:20) Oh how we can “rejoice and be glad in his salvation” (Isaiah 25:9)
Today is the first day of my new job, the one you all kindly prayed for during my interviews. I am excited to start this season and am praying that I will be a good servant and steward of the tasks God has entrusted me with in this appointed position. ❤️
❤️ Praise God for answered prayers. Praying for your first day.
❤️ Have a great day!
Have a good day, and may this job be a great blessing for you and to those you share your light with dear Christy!
Christy, I am so excited for you and pray God covers you with His peace and the confidence in knowing you are right where He placed you. Praying for a harmonious building of work relationships. ❤
“I couldn’t help but think of how loving and merciful God is to forgive us and save us from the reality of what the world looks like apart from living in harmony with God.” – This I had to write down!
Have a blessed first day at your new job! ❤️
Praying you feel God’s presence throughout your day❤️
Praise and hope, celebrating God’s victory over death, destruction, and oppression. The prophet Isaiah envisions a future where God’s judgment restores justice and righteousness, where our God will prepare a feast for all people, and where He will wipe away every tear. We see God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, comfort and assurance to us, His people that He will deliver us from our enemies and bring ultimate redemption.
Lord be my helper!
My husband has found a home he likes in the new area we are moving to. I’m on the fence about it. I see the potential but it will take a lot of work that I am not sure we can do. Would you pray that God would open our eyes to what we should do? That He would give us peace if this is the right choice, or shut the door tightly if it’s not? Thank you all!
Meagan C, I’m praying that God would lead with His peace and give you discernment for your decision. ❤️
Praying for wisdom and discernment and that God will make it so clear to both of you so your hearts are aligned with the decision.
Praying that God will give His clarity in decisions that need to be made to BOTH of you and grant you His peace. ❤️
Praying for y’all Meagan!
Praying God’s wisdom in this huge decision, that His will be done and you will have perfect peace in whatever you decide.
Meagan, this is a tough one! I pray God will work in each of your hearts to bring about resolution to this division. I know how hard it is (when you haven’t physically been to the home) to se your husband’s vision. May God bless you both with peace and a sound mind in this process! ❤
Praying you hear God’s voice clearly, Meagan. There has been times in my life that my husband has heard clearly from the Lord and I have not (and vise versa). Keeping you in my prayers
Thank you, Jesus, for bringing us hope. ❤️
❤️ I am holding on to the hope that though I walk through a dark valley, joy will come in the morning. This hard season is so long but God…
Praying for you Sarah
Praying for you Sarah ❤️
“Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff – they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4
Have prayed for you Sarah.
Psalm 23, the scripture and also, the song by Leanna Crawford ❤️
Continued prayers for you Sarah. ❤️
Thank You Father God!
“Look, this is our God;
we have waited for him, and he has saved us.
This is the Lord; we have waited for him.
Let’s rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”
May I keep my eyes focused on our Savior!
Thank you Lord for knowing how much we need you and making a way!!
Good morning! Would you pray for me as I go back to work after 10 years as a stay at home mom? I am excited and also a little bit worried about the pressure this will put on our family with Dad doing more meals and most of the school pick ups on top of his demanding job. I am also nervous about how I will hold up with the chronic illness that I have. Trusting that God has led me to a good place!
Praying today for you Grateful Believer that during the hard times you will remember this is where God has led your family today and in this season and that you will allow yourself to feel the moments of joy and accomplishments too without the “mom guilt” that too often steals that joy from us.
Praying for this new season with your family.
Praying for you during this new way of life Grateful Believer.
Praying for you mama! And for your husband! May this be a time of great joy for all of you!
How exciting! Praying that God would have His hand over you and your family as you return to work and that this season would be abundant and joyful. Praying that He would strengthen you each morning and provide a renewed spirit for the tasks He entrusted you to steward that day.
You’ve got this because He’s got you! Praying that you feel that strength as you embrace the adventures ahead.
That is very exciting and understandably a concern as your family makes a transition. Have prayed for you:)
Praying for you!
Praying for you Grateful Believer. It is quite an adjustment for your family – praying for your hubby and for your children as well as you as you all learn to navigate this new routine. ❤️
Praying God provides all your family needs, Grateful Believer.
Amen ❤️
Amen and again I say amen
Loved this line: “For the Christian, the truth is it is impossible to crush the hope of God’s children forever because we actually have forever.”
Have hope and be encouraged today, Ladies!
SCARLET HILTIBIDAL, covering you in much love, hugs and prayers for this season of overwhelming to come to an end and for the morning of joy to rise up, open armed, to meet you.. ❤❤
This was so beautiful. Thank you..❤
I think we can all say, we have seen and experienced those seasons mentioned in Isaiah 24, albeit in varying degrees, but none the less, we have ‘been there’ in some capacity or other.
Life is hard, and when you combine that with earthly troubles, man, you have a ‘bomb’ that will bring sorrow and chaos, heartache and pain, grief and sorrow, complexities in life we didn’t count on, disapproval, disappointment, disgrace, disharmony, discombobulated..
He never said life was going to be easy, but again, yolked to and looking to Him, compassion, grace, mercy and hope become our strength in Him.
He covers us, oh, how He covers us in a blanket of grace, comfort, and Hope.
He cares. Always has done.
For God, nothing has changed. For us, please God, we move towards Him in our trials and stories, joining with Him and making our story, His story of grace, favour, hope, love, salvation..
Reading Isaiah 25, I am reminded of a song by Michael W. Smith
Oh God, YOU are my God, and I will ever praise you..
I will seek you in the morning ( no matter the trials and tribulations),
And I will learn to walk in your ways ( your ways that guide and direct my life in the right way)
And step by step you’ll lead me ( because without your leading, I am lost, nothing)
And I will follow you all of my days (for with you, life will look a lot better, than without you, even in the overwhelming -ness of life)
Putting my trust in Him, knowing He is my joy bringer and he rescues me from my troubles, in His time!
Thank you Father God, that you never leave us, not forsake us in our trials of dark days, Thank you that you will the tears from our eyes and destroy death forever. That you will take away our disgrace and our disheartening suffered. Thank you that YOU LORD cover us in your grace, mercy hope and love..
Thank you dear Father God, for loving without bias as you do.
Thank you Father God, thank you..
Happy Monday my beautiful Shes, covered in warming love, prayers and hugs.. ❤❤❤❤
❤️ Great song reminder. It will be running through my head all day now :)
Good morning Tina – thank you for the reminder of the words to this “oldie but goodie” praise song – Step By Step. Step by step He will lead us. Amen. ❤️
Amen. Thank you for the reminder that even through all the challenges we go through we still have a father that loves and cares for us. The fact that the Father has a plan for our lives and all we need to do is be rooted in Him and the plans shall be fulfilled is amazing