
Open Your Bible

Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11, Psalm 92:1-15, Isaiah 58:13-14, Mark 2:23-28, Hebrews 4:1-11

In my early twenties, I cooked at several restaurants on St. Simons Island, GA. I would sometimes work double shifts in order to make ends meet. On one occasion, I worked three weeks of double shifts without a day off. Resilient though I thought myself to be at that age, I almost put myself in the hospital. 

Most will admit, there is something built into the fabric of our being to remind us of our need for rest. We are image-bearers of God, called to emulate the pattern He established for us at creation: to live within a rhythm of work and rest. He set aside the Sabbath day for our bodies to be refreshed and renewed. The rest our bodies require reminds us that we need spiritual rest as well. And so the Sabbath is a time to remember our limits.

The Sabbath teaches us that we need God and the rest He freely provides in Jesus. It almost seems as though Jesus reserved many of His healing miracles for the Sabbath. And by healing physical maladies on the holy day of rest, He was showing that He had the power to heal the deeper malady of a sinful soul. 

Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28). He is the one who rested in the grave on the old covenant Sabbath—after He labored for our redemption, providing ultimate rest through His atoning death and resurrection. He ushered in a new creation, saying, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest… for your souls” (Matthew 11:28–29). And to those who attempted to pervert the meaning of the Sabbath day with legalistic rules and regulations, Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27). 

Coming expectantly into the first day of the week, I often wake my sons up and ask them, “What day is it today?” One of them inevitably shouts from under his covers, “The best day of the week!” Our family worships at church and sets the whole day aside to rest. Together, we read Scripture, devotionals, or other spiritually edifying books, and allow time and space in our home for Christian fellowship. We may even take a much-needed nap. 

These are a few of the ways our family has learned to keep the Sabbath, setting aside a day to focus on worship, the Word, prayers, and fellowship. Whatever practices you can build into the rhythms of work and rest in your life, for the physical and spiritual refreshment of your body and soul, make them staples of your devotion to God on a weekly basis. He knows the benefit and blessing of rest, and that is why He asks us to keep the Sabbath.

Written by Nick Batzig

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104 thoughts on "Sabbath"

  1. Caitlyn says:

    The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.
    The Sabbath was made for me, and not me for the Sabbath.
    The Sabbath was made for Caitlyn, and not Caitlyn for the Sabbath.

  2. Mercy says:

    Amen to the reminder of the Holy rest day. We all need rest. In a busy world, we can easily get carried away to fulfilling all the checklists (aka. the worries of Life). And the Bible says the worries of life come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful (Mark 4:19 NIV). We can also be workaholic and make our career or our job a goal (an idol). And idolatry is spiritual adultery to the Lord.

    He asks us to spare one day out of seven days of the week to rest and plug in to Him to be recharged, as He is the source. I am guilty of forgetting this Holy Rest Day every now and then, and forget the fact that my Father needs a date with me on the weekend, with my full attention and a restful mind. How sweet is God that He desires our fellowship. When we believe, we enter in to the place of Rest, knowing that ALL works were finished from the foundation of the world (Hebrews 4:3 KJV). Thank you Father for your kindness every morning and faithfulness every night. Thank you that you are the Rock and you are the Life. Thank you for sanctifying the Sabbath Day to grant my soul with rest in you.

  3. Kelly says:

    Thank you, that does help!

  4. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love Sunday’s! It is sometimes the only day of the week when my husband doesn’t work. We go to church as a family and while my daughter naps, we discuss the church service. We also have been trying to have date nights on sundays to give us some time for just the two of us.

  5. Laurie Martin says:

    What a great reminder for rest.

  6. Rachael Collins says:

    My husband and i run the worship team at church so sundays is our war day – lots of coordination with our small kids. However, its not work to worship God. I usually stop all my usual cleaning as a stay at home mum. I let the floors get dirty, clothes pile up, windows are gross, dishes pile up. Monday is what i call my reset day where i catch up on the weekends chores. But its so so great to rest and spend quality time with my husband too.

  7. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Delight in the Lord on the Sabbath! I love worshipping the Lord and just resting from all my work on that day. Naps are cool too!

  8. Sarah Liu says:

    Wow what a great way to put it!