Root of Jesse, Come

Open Your Bible

Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 57:2-3, Romans 15:4-13, Revelation 5:5

O Root of Jesse, standing as a sign among the peoples;
before you kings will shut their mouths,
to you the nations will make their prayer:
Come and deliver us, and delay no longer.

A long time ago, God sent a promise: a forever King would come from the house of Jesse. In a day of spiritual darkness, the prophet’s ears tingled with the news: “Fill your horn with oil and go. I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem because I have selected for myself a king from his sons” (1Samuel 16:1). 

That son, of course, was David, the one who slayed giants and pursued the heart of God. Among the many kings of Israel, David stands apart. So much so that God doubled down on His promise, “But my faithful love will never leave him as it did when I removed it from Saul, whom I removed from before you. Your house and kingdom will endure before me forever, and your throne will be established forever” (2Samuel 7:15–16). A never-ending throne and an ever-enduring kingdom: that sure sounds nice. But David’s bones are buried just like the kings before and after him. His throne room has been toppled. His kingdom lies in ruins. 

Ah, but that’s just the start of the story. God’s promises go far beyond the rule of a single human king. For Jesse’s family tree to endure, it needed more than one, sturdy branch. Look deeper. 

“ ‘Look, the days are coming’—this is the LORD’s declaration—
‘when I will raise up a Righteous Branch for David. 
He will reign wisely as king
and administer justice and righteousness in the land.” 
—Jeremiah 23:5

God always keeps His promises. Though David was a great king, he was not the Promised One. He is merely a foreshadowing of the King who was to come. 

That king, of course, is Jesus, born in the line of David. There He is, right there in the pages of your Bible, an eternal King on a forever throne:

An account of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David…
—Matthew 1:1 

This season reverberates with glad tidings of the greatest joy. Our King arrived in a stable, and His throne alone will endure. For now, other kings will come and go. Other kingdoms will rise and fall. Ah, but that’s just the start of the story. There’s a grander story still at work. 

He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will have no end. 
—Luke 1:33

This Christmas and for always, all hail our forever King.

(55) Comments

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55 thoughts on "Root of Jesse, Come"

  1. Karen Breaux says:

  2. Aimee D-R says:


  3. Rachel says:

    Isaiah 11:10 KJV “which shall be an ensign for the people”. The dictionary says an ensign is a. A flag flown as the symbol of nationality b. A badge of office, rank or power. Jesus stands as our ensign. My ensign. Who I am. My identity. He stands in my place and is my representative. Oh what a Savior!

  4. Wanda Woehlert says:

    This Christmas and for always, all hail our forever King!

  5. Lakechia Smith says:

    All hail our forever King, Jesus.❤️

  6. Kathryn Wright says:


  7. Andrea P says:

    God sends his faithful love and truth- Psalm 57:3

  8. Hannah Carroll says:

    Thank you Jesus, we praise your name❤️

  9. Katie Langer says:

    All Hail King Jesus, the Savior of the World!

  10. Aja Palmer says:

    Thank you Jesus for sprouting up with all power! Thank you for being our Divine Vine that bears fruit!!

  11. Claire B says:


  12. Candace Hulsizer says:

    I learn so much from your comments. Thank you, and God bless you all!

  13. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that we serve a God who keeps his promises. He has a grand story that we all get to be a part of. I’m so glad that we have hope in Jesus that doesn’t disappoint. I pray that this Christmas I could really become who God has called me to be.

  14. Mercy says:

    “I will cry unto God most high, unto God that performeth all things for me” (Psalm 57:2 KJV). This verse got me to immediately pray, Lord, may You perform all things for me (plumbing, health issues, chores, visions, etc.). There are so many I long for but cannot perform in a millions years. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. BUT GOD…He will perform! Hallelujah! Psalms are the prayers of generations past, that were approved and answered, for generations in the future (us) to look to, and re-pray, re-engage in warfares and struggles and drawing close. Victories are re-made. His Name and glory gets re-praised. May the Lord perform for you dear she’s all things, all things as this Psalms declare… as we cry and pray to Him. Thank you she’s for your prayers. My eye is feeling smooth, there is an inner stye on my eyelid that rubs, I am praying that would go away. The kids are on the mend and will be going to their Xmas school concert to sing their songs tonight, I am so thankful for them not to cough hysterically (ugh). Thank you she’s for your prayers and your thoughts of me/us. What a turnaround that has made. Praise God for prayers and His answers. Our Christmas baking is also mostly done. I loved turning on the Christmas music and bake with the kids, though there were fights and arguments of who get to put the M&M on which cookies, they needed to re-learn to take turn every year lol, and each got their treats at the end for their help, and all were well. I am thankful to spend time with them to build memories. I make chocolate crinkle cookies every year( I love the icing sugar that looks like snow) and the kids can stick the Christmas color M&M at the end when the cookies are out of the oven for the final touch/garnish. They love love doing this. They look forward to this glorious task every year. We sent the cookies in treat boxes to their dear teachers with Starbucks gift cards and they enjoyed decorating for their teachers, practicing the gift of giving. Lifting you she’s up in prayers ( I am behind so I will go back and pray along our dear prayer warrior she’s who are so faithful in being there for us). I love you she’s. Be blessed and rejoice in the Lord.

  15. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Later today because I had to shovel the driveway to be able to go to work this morning:->

    Again from HRT today: “[Stumps] aren’t productive. They just take up space until they deteriorate or someone pays to have them ground up. They aren’t inspirational or hopeful. They’re just stumps. . . . But unlike the stump in my yard, [the stump of Jesse] would produce life. The stump of Jesse would become the “root of Jesse” (v.10). That root, in turn, would change the world forever.”

    Thank You Lord for the long game. Your plans moving through history to bring forth the possibility of restoration to the dead stump.

    TRACI GENDRON – sorry for your sorrow today and for you step-son’s heartbreak

    SEARCHING – praising God the transplant surgery is over. Praying for a sure and steady recovery.

    BRENDA – I can relate to your company’s loss. One of my best team members will fly out the door as soon as an offer comes. She is so grossly underpaid for what she brings to the team.

    AG – I’m sure your situation is frustrating. Praying God shows you where to go from here.

  16. Keli Miles says:

    I thank You Lord, my Savior! ❤️

  17. Jessica Timperio says:

    Praise God, for He always keeps His promises!!

  18. Tricia C says:

    I was just talking to my cousin this morning about how important the Old Testament is to the New Testament. There are so many people who do not want to read the Old Testament. They say it’s not relevant. It is so relevant and I am so grateful to be able to look to His word, both the Old and New Testament, and see His truth shine through. 
    Praise be to Your Name, Lord Jesus!

  19. Dianna McFarland says:

    God You are the Promise-Keeper and You have the perfect plan with perfect timing. Continue to ready us, create a desperate need for You in our hearts and minds so that we turn to You, glorify You and live with Jesus in our heart. Come, Lord Jesus, come. As Christmas comes, as the new year comes, we look for You.

    1. Keli Miles says:

      Amen! ❤️

  20. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s! Great Scripture combinations, and great comments that expand on the meaning! The glorious meaning! That we have hope in a Saviour that was prophesied and hoped for! THAT truly does bring Joy and Peace!! Even though it’s still hard…thinking of you Traci, I am so sorry you are having a hard morning. And GramsieSue, and others, Gayle. And I also have a friend that got a terminal cancer diagnosis. It’s so hard. Even the things that just don’t make sense, and hurt. So thankful for this group and advent study. I am going to keep my eyes to the hope. That God has the master plan, and all the little details are all working together for GOOD, for those (US),(ME!), that love HIM. (thinking of you Mercy! hugs and love!)

    The last of my family has left this morning. I have been here everyday, but not much time to comment. I do feel like I kept my focus on Jesus, and even tried to share/talk the importance of Him so it might rest on def ears. You just never know the seeds you are planting. I had a friend text me this morning that she brought a “searching for spirituality” to church, after years of trying to plant seeds, and she accepted Jesus when the pastor made the call! Hallelujah! And now her husband is going to come this Sunday!! God is working and moving! Keep fighting the good fight! Have a good Tuesday! And remember, don’t stress this final week in the things that shall pass, the holiday will come and go, BUT GOD- He remains! Joy, Hope, & Peace!!

  21. Alisabeth Jordan says:

    Good morning. Have a blessed and joyous day

  22. Allison Bentley says:

    Isaiah 11:6-9 portrays a glimpse of the original plan- the garden before blood was shed; then I was reminded that Gods plan ALWAYS prevails including His son coming the save us! Amen and Amen!!!! Happy Tuesday She’s! Praising God for all of you ladies and lifting up your requests!

  23. Sherree Hunsberger says:

    “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

    Oh how I love this verse that we read today!!

    1. Cynthia Johnston says:

      Me, too! This is my life verse. As I dealt with depression most of my adult life, God gave me this verse and I have hung onto it for years.

  24. Traci Gendron says:

    And His resting place will be glorious. I’ve had a morning full of tears. I miss my son so much…

  25. Shamra Hicks says:

    Thank you for the gift of Jesus! It was a gift we did not deserve but you loved us enough to send us your son. I am so thankful for the love Jesus gives us!

  26. Kris says:

    ***it’s suppose to say “We need not wait any longer…..”

  27. Kris says:

    The thing I’m beginning to sense is that the long awaited time is coming to an end. All the prophesies, all the signs, all the preparation is finally coming to fruition. There truly is a time coming SOON when all is accomplished, when the peace and rest we all long for is finally here. All the anticipation, all the planning, all the waiting and watching…. it’s all done now. Jesus Christ has come, He has made the sacrifice, He has accomplished all He set out to do. And we just get to live in that victory, we get to live in the aftermath of His work. We just don’t even realize how blessed we are that we live in this era when the price for our sins has been paid and we get to live in victory over everything, we get to live in the blessings of what He did for us. We need to wait any longer to live in victory, live in faith of His goodness and faithfulness. We can have it now, today. The waiting is over. He is here now to fulfill all His promises. That’s how I want to live.

  28. Michelle Patire says:

    I just spent some time reading Revelation 19-22… How can you not when thinking about Jesus as our returning King? Is there a better way to start the day than remembering that Jesus is coming back to rule the earth for a millennium.. and then create a new heaven and earth?
    I know I will never grow tired of reading what is ahead. I look forward to seeing the bear and cow’s young ones together. This is such hope !!! This is the peace the world longs for.
    I thought world peace was unattainable, until I knew the story of Jesus. He is our peace.
    Thank you, Lord ❤️

    Thank you @Foster Mama – ❤️

    Thinking of you @Gramsiesue this morning. How is Steve? How are you doing? May God bless you and keep you still in His presence. May you hold onto Him in your pain and desperation. May He be Your light and salvation all your days. May He bless you with peace and comfort, knowing He loves you and is with your family. May you see Him in the storm. ❤️ Blessings to you. ✝️

  29. Gayle Craik says:


  30. Cee Gee says:

    * How Many Kings by DOWNHERE. *
    Apologies for that typo!

  31. Cee Gee says:

    Romans 5:10b- Rejoice, you Gentiles, with his people!
    11 And again, Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles; let all the peoples praise him!
    12 And again, Isaiah says, The root of Jesse will appear, the one who rises to rule the Gentiles; the Gentiles will HOPE in him.
    13 Now may the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit. (HOPE emphasis added)

    Where is my HOPE? Not in some earthly ruler; that’s for sure! “My HOPE is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness!” Our eternal King who humbly took on flesh to meet us where we are. I immediately thought of another song as I read this morning. I don’t know the group and only hear this song on the radio at Christmas, but I love it!

    How Many Kings by Downwhere:

    Follow the star to a place unexpected
    Would you believe after all we’ve projected
    A child in a manger?
    Lowly and small, the weakest of all
    Unlikeliest hero, wrapped in his mother’s shawl
    Just a child, is this who we’ve waited for?
    ‘Cause how many kings stepped down from their thrones?
    How many lords have abandoned their homes?
    How many greats have become the least for me?
    And how many gods have poured out their hearts
    To romance a world that has torn all apart?
    How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
    Bringing our gifts for the newborn Savior
    All that we have, whether costly or meek
    Because we believe
    Gold for His honor and frankincense for His pleasure
    And myrrh for the cross He’ll suffer
    Do you believe? Is this who we’ve waited for?
    (Is this who we’ve waited for?)
    How many kings stepped down from their thrones?
    How many lords have abandoned their homes?
    How many greats have become the least for me?
    And how many gods have poured out their hearts
    To romance a world that has torn all apart?
    How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
    Only one did that for me
    All for me, oh-oh-oh
    Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
    All for me (all for me)
    All for you (all for you)
    All for me (all for me)
    All for you
    All for me, all for you
    All for me (all for me)
    All for you
    How many kings stepped down from their thrones?
    How many lords have abandoned their homes?
    How many greats have become the least?
    How many gods have poured out their hearts
    To romance a world that has torn all apart?
    How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
    Only one did that for me
    All for me, all for you
    Songwriters: Marc A. Martel, Jason Ronald William Germain.


    Praying for all SHES and adding my amen to prayers other Shes so beautifully posted. ❤

  32. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    All hail King Jesus! The greatest gift God could ever give to mankind – didn’t come wrapped in pretty Christmas wrapping paper with a big bow under a Christmas tree. It came in the person of Jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes – laying in a manger, under a brightly shinning star!! Thank you God for sending Your son – to take away my sin and to fulfill Your purpose for me. (Psalm 57:2) God will complete the work He has started in us. (Philippians 1:6)

    I read this today on Desiring God website: “God never gets it wrong. He doesn’t swing and miss. Every detail of our days comes through the blueprints of his meticulous care for us. And even when all hope seems lost, remember he is the one “who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist” (Romans 4:17) — and he will do that for you…Be revived, encouraged, comforted, God is fulfilling his purpose for you.”

    For my dear sisters who are going through deep waters this Christmas season, may you be comforted and find peace in knowing that God in His providence is fulfilling His purpose in you.

    Much prayers and love to you all on this new Tuesday morning! Praying for each of your requests as I too recently started a prayer journal just for my SRT sisters requests. It’s a good way to remember the requests, but also to go back and highlight the ones that God has answered. ❤️

    @Tina – missed you this morning, you are usually the first one to post!

  33. Munchkin says:

    This morning I was hit with a wave of longing over my grandparents. They died a long time when I was a kid. I’m in my forties now. It made me think of time passing and people leaving our lives. I guess what I trying to say is I know holidays are hard on some people. They bring back memories that may be happy, but make us think of things that are no more. God sees you. He hears you. You’re not alone. And if you ever need to ask for prayers, always remember, you have this community.

  34. Jennifer Battisson says:

    The reading today–particularly the Isaiah 11 passage created DEEP longing for Christ to return. I cannot even put it into words…I just long for him to come and make it ALL right. I long for my WHOLE family to know him as King and Lord. I long for the brokenness of our world to be done away with a Word. Maranatha.

  35. Tami C says:

    Hail hail Lion of Judah, let the Lion roar. You alone are worthy to open up the scroll!

  36. Tina Wheeler says:

    Revelation 5:5 “….Do not weep. Look, the Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered….” Praise God for this reminder! He HAS conquered and that is the hope we have in Jesus. ❤️

  37. Melody Davis says:

    “There’s a grander story here at work!” ❤️

  38. Searching says:

    Yes, KRISTINE LOUGHMAN, I too was thinking about all the intricacies of God’s plan to ultimately provide a way for us. And me having faith to trust His plan, that it is perfect and countless times better than anything I can come up with.

    Praying for –
    BRENDA possible employee shakeup at company
    MISSY CSONKA – wisdom, guidance and clarity in the struggles and stresses
    AG – sorting out the venue issue
    TRACI GENDRON – healing of your husband’s son’s heartbreak
    SHAMRA HICKS – peace in the situation

    MARI V – praise for the financial provision!

    CEE GEE – love that song! ❤️

  39. Adrienne says:

    Isn’t it amazing how many She’s are studying the same passages at the very same instant? Thank you for curating our readings, SRT!

  40. Maria Baer says:

    Sisters, if you haven’t had a chance to listen to this week’s podcast— DO SO. I cannot tell you how amazing it was. Just so good. I feel that the hosts pointed out some great themes for this week for us to focus on as we enter this “Christmas week.” Just so good!

  41. Maria Baer says:

    I have a special place in my heart for Scriptures that prophecy the birth of Jesus. They always fill me with hope. No matter what happens throughout the year, I always feel Christmas is a reset to remind my human mind that there is hope, and just as Jesus came as a baby, He will come again one day. Come Lord, Jesus.

  42. June Pimpo says:

    God’s plan since the beginning of time. Thank you dear Heavenly Father for your glorious and complete plan.

  43. Adrienne says:

    Good morning? I got out of bed at 4:30 b/c I couldn’t sleep. I was, like, um… no! (4:30 should only be seen on a clock once in 24 hours… and in the afternoon!) At 5:00, I was still awake, so here I am. The fire is going in the wood stove, and the Christmas tree is glowing beautifully in the darkness.

    It’s glorious.

    Let Isaiah 11:10 comfort you today, sweet She’s.

    P.S.—- And you are right, KRISTINE LOUGHMAN, oh, the. cast of characters, determined YEARS ago, and an incredible plot twist… makes me think of a song by Mercy Me… “Flawless”. It’s. So. Good. We may be thinking, “It’s just too late.” But it really isn’t.

  44. Erica Chiarelli says:

    This is good tidings of great joy, for us and all people! Hallelujah and praise the Lord!!!

    1. Erin L. says:


  45. Anna Cyr says:


  46. Kristine Loughman says:

    I love the care God put into his story. He spent years (YEARS) foreshadowing the coming of the King, all the way back to the root of Jesse. The characters were carefully picked to maximize the drama – young girl, poor but from the right lineage, mysterious otherworldly visitor with a proclamation, danger, threat of death from an angry ruler, escape in the night…then massive plot twist as Jesus turns out to be for EVERYONE, not just the Chosen People. I mean, this is the stuff of a Hollywood blockbuster. And it’s a story written just for us. Amazing.

    1. Tricia C says:


  47. Mary Ann Graves says:

    All hail King Jesus

  48. Deanna Rasch says:

    So grateful for His faithfulness.

  49. Annie says:

    All praise to King Jesus!

  50. Clarene Radford says:
