
Open Your Bible

Romans 2:17-24, Romans 3:9-26, Romans 5:1-11, Psalm 14:1-3, Isaiah 59:14-20

This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we move from the Gospels and Acts into the Pauline Epistles.

What Is Romans? Romans is a letter written by Paul to Jewish and Gentile Christians in Rome. In it, Paul offers clarity on the source of salvation and righteousness, and he encourages unity among Christians from all backgrounds.

How Romans Fits Into the Story: The book of Romans highlights the effect of sin on all of creation. Romans includes a detailed explanation, unlike any other in the Bible, for why righteousness can only come through grace by faith in Jesus Christ. It also emphasizes the power of the cross and how it changes us—from sinners worthy of God’s punishment to His beloved children—and calls us to live in eager anticipation of Jesus’s return.

Reflection Questions: 
1. After reading today’s passages, how would you describe the difference between unrighteousness and God’s righteousness? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

(57) Comments

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57 thoughts on "Romans"

  1. Bridget Vaschak says:

    Does anyone else struggle with Paul’s writings? Not the content, but his style and long sentences/sentence structure? For some reason, I do and always have. Sometimes, I read and think “what did he just say?” It’s Thoughts?
    Also, wishing you all a wonderful start to your week.

    1. Victoria E says:

      @Bridget Vaschak sometimes! I find the NIV or NLT translations a bit more coherent to read in that case.

    2. Sarah Greer says:

      Yes! If I don’t understand then I’ll look at different versions. Personally, I love the NLT!

  2. Angela White says:

    I love how clear and direct Romans is about the law, salvation, righteousness and unrighteousness. I love how clearly it is stated that if we are going to teach and share we must remember that we are just as sinful and broken without Christ. Romans 5:1-11 really stood out to me… this is what I got out of it:

    – This is all the result of salvation. This is what we gain through faith and relationship with Christ. Peace, Grace, Ability to Endure, Character, Hope, Shameless, Love, and The Holy Spirit. And additionally we receive reconciliation with God – our creator whom we have denied. All this is through Christ – His son.

    That’s quite a deal.

  3. Jane K says:

    Praying for you, Foster Mama. May God go before you this morning and prepare the hearts and minds of those at the meeting.

  4. CeeGee says:

    Good morning! What a blessing you ladies are! I don’t usually answer the questions in comments but felt led to do so today. Even though I am not following the true definition of righteousness/unrighteousness, my heart sees the difference as: unrighteousness – never-ending selfish depravity.
    RIGHTEOUSNESS – God’s never-ending unselfish GRACE. To God be the glory forever!
    Joining in the prayers listed. TAYLOR, thank you for sharing the joy of ministry and may God move in a mighty way!
    ANGIE, thank you for sharing that diagram!

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      Great analogy CeeGee❤

  5. Laurie Crary says:

    Praying for you, Foster Mama.

  6. Maura says:

    Foster Mama, praying you know that He is right beside you this morning. And, as His daughter that He sees all and is holding you in these moments. Have grace with yourself that you would have for anyone else that might be in and has gone through what you have and speak what He gives you to speak boldly. May you feel the Holy Spirit’s power this morning guiding you in this conversation and praying peace for you. Mari V also praying for you, hoping you know He has you in His hands as always. Hugs. Taylor, such joy in what you shared. God gives so much to us in the opportunities we have to give to others daily. What joy.

    1. Claire B says:

      Missed you. Hope you had a restful vacation

  7. Bridgette Alvarez says:

    I woke up this morning praying for vengeance. That God would take away all of the wickedness in this world. Then I read today’s reading and was reminded that none of us are righteous, not even me. We are all under God’s Grace. God sees everything that is going on in this world and He knows every heart. That’s more than enough. FOSTER MAMA I’m praying for you today. May God go before you and make your path straight. May God prepare everyone’s heart so that the love of Christ is evident in the meeting. May God give you favor. In Jesus name. Amen

  8. Maura says:

    Good Morning Ladies, I am still away on vacation and it has been a little overwhelming which is why I have missed so many days of the New Testament. I went over the comments of the weekend including Friday and prayed for your requests yesterday. Praying you all know He is with you in all you are facing And as scripture reveals He is so faithful, even to die for us sinners, we can have faith that this love He has for us is always fighting for, teaching us even in our sufferings as He reveals to us and as we look to Him we are called to be thankful for our suffering because in it we are held and learn and we can bring God glory. So very good. Dear ERB, I have been praying for you and your brother. I still have more comments to catch up on and all of the readings. My time with my parents was good, my Dad really has forgotten most of his life as a father, but God is graceful and he is still in the present and not angry, or fearful in the present. We went bowling several times and I see that he is holding on to life by that which he is familiar with in his daily routines and God’s grace. He does get a bit demanding at times and I think it is much harder on my Mom than she lets on. But, she handles it with love and grace. So thankful for all of this and for my brother who doesn’t live far away and SIL who watch out for them. I am now at my daughter’s and having some time with my Baby Granddaughter, she is not feeling well, but so very sweet, even in her tired and fussy times. Again thankful, for while I was with my parents, the judge ordered some things to help my older granddaughters and my daughter move toward reunification. So again He is working, He is faithful and He is moving mountains. So thankful for the time ERB, love you Sis, grateful and that you knew I would need it. I need a little more and ask again your grace as I hope to respond back soon but I have much to catch up with when I get back so if we could keep our Isaiah time to resume next week, that would help me. I head home early tomorrow, so might not be able to be back until Wednesday, God willing. So enjoyed today’s reading and the comments. Look forward to catching up when I can. Hugs to you all my Sisters. His joy, His Word, His love over you all, for it is more than enough and oh so good.