Psalm 1

This week, as a community, we’d like to pause between plans and refresh the way rhythms we use to read God’s Word. Join us as we dig into some familiar (or not so familiar) pieces of scripture and seek our Father together by reading and processing this truth.

Today’s passage is Psalm 1

First, let’s pray. Ask the Lord to open your heart and your mind and to help you focus on Him. Confess the things that might be keeping you from really truly experiencing His presence and submit your time to His will.

Second, let’s read Truth! Take your time and see what catches your attention. Make notes of what impresses you and moves you. Try to see the whole picture of what the passage is conveying. What does it say about God?

Next, reflect on what He’s saying. What does this passage mean for you and for the body of Christ? Is there anything you feel like He is personally communicating to you for your exact season, situation, or circumstance?

Lastly, let’s respond. Prayerfully and humbly, see what’s next. What do you need to do in light of what you’ve read? How will it affect your day, your life, and your walk with the Lord?

And as always, feel free to share with us in the comments below!
It is our joy to read Truth with you all.

(36) Comments

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36 thoughts on "Psalm 1"

  1. Ebube says:

    I am so glad and blessed to be part of SRT community. It has really helped my study of the word. Thanks to y’all and the comments opens my eyes to new insights in scripture. I am 2days behind schedule but will finish in time to catch up with the new devotional.

    God bleSs U all

    1. eradical84 (EllenMR) says:

      Glad you are here! Blessings to you, and look forward to the new study with you! :)

  2. Jennifer says:

    I am really touched by this passage. It has shown me the work I still have left. I have tended not to be more righteous but more wicked and am trying to change that. I now see where I need to grow with the word of our lord and how I need to study and meditate more on his word. I need to start being more of the growing tree with its roots by a stream of water. This study is helping me see where I need to go and more of Gods love for me.