This is the last week of This Is the New Testament! Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we will finish reading the General Epistles and move on to Apocalyptic Literature.
What Is Revelation? The apostle John wrote the book of Revelation in exile on Patmos after receiving a vision from the Holy Spirit. The book of Revelation gives readers a picture of Jesus as the King who will one day return to usher in the fullness of His kingdom. Revelation offers important details about the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, eternity in the presence of God, future judgment against sin, and the reality of the spiritual realm.
How Revelation Fits Into the Story: The book of Revelation provides a theological overview of many topics central to Christian belief, including events surrounding the end times and the glorified Son of Man. It also stresses the practical choices that all people must make in light of eternity. Revelation provides a holistic view of Jesus as the victorious King of kings, one who is coming back for His bride. It also emphasizes the hope all believers share in His future return.
Reflection Questions:
1. What do you find most hopeful about the description of the new Jerusalem in Revelation 21?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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61 thoughts on "Revelation"
You are alpha and Omega we worship lord our lord !
What an incredibly valuable study! Thank you ladies for your comments as we went through all of the books of the Bible, I must admit I hadn’t even looked into some of the lesser talked about Old and New testament books of the Bible– I feel very accomplished, in the best way. I am struck by the depth of (my) the redemption plan that has been there all a long. On Monday of this week I had a quick thought of “I am so sorry this is going to be over” but I know we now have the overview and next we get to dive deeper into specific books. What a beautiful gift SRT has given me by making the Word so doable and gathering such thoughtful women to discuss it. I am beyond grateful for you all. Thank you Jesus.
I just started listening to that as well! It is a great series so far, very comprehensible!
Hi Everyone! I too was afraid of Revelation. This was scary to me. Now I see that God is Holy and just. Nothing can stop His amazing plan. God will make all things right and new!
Thanks ERB and also thank you for reposting the verses, I went back to reread the verses. In reading Revelation 21:5-7 I went to look at the notes in my Bible. The notes say that: God is the Creator. The Bible begins with the majestic story of His creation of the universe, and concludes with His creation of a new Heaven and a new earth. They also wrote that this is tremendous hope and encouragement for the believer. The notes for verse 21:6 say that just as God finished the work of creation( Genesis 2:1-3) and Jesus finished the work of redemption (John 19:30), so the Trinity will finish the entire plan of salvation by inviting the redeemed into a new creation! Another note said; The water of life is a symbol of eternal life. This pictures the fullness of life with God and the eternal blessings that come when we believe in Him and allow Him to satisfy our spiritual thirst! What amazing hope. For verse 21:7 I noticed that only good things and those whose names are written in the Lambs Book of Life will be there! I too pray others would be drawn, repent, and be saved! So many are blinded by the devil and darkness, the love of this world, pride, self sufficiency, and have the wrong idea of who God is. One coworker doesn’t like what God says about a certain topic in the Bible. She said that she can’t believe or follow a God like that. Let’s keep crying out to God on their behalf! Amen!
…and all you other wonderful ladies!! ;)
Each of you made me smile with your comments and your excitement about the meanings I posted… I obviously get excited about that stuff too!! But, I also started to get concerned… I am NOT an expert, so don’t take my “quick little search” as anything other than it was.. God, please let Your voice be heard above all else, and if anything that I posted wasn’t from You please let it be wiped from our memory banks! Thank You Jesus. Amen!!
As an FYI: if you want to look things up for yourself, which I encourage you to do!! Most of my research came from a site called God’sChemestrySet. I also googled the history of each stone, paying particular attention to what they meant in biblical times, and took that into account as well.
So glad to have EACH of you ladies in my life and that we are all such a blessing to each other!!! Truly appreciate every single one of YOU, whether you comment or not!!! Much Love to all!! Here’s to a Holy Spirit filled weekend!!! Xoxo
I can’t wait for God’s return. I find it comforting that there will be no pain or grief and the Lord will meet our needs before we tell him. Praise his name!
I don’t comment often, but I just wanted to say thank you SRT and all of you She’s for such an amazing summer study! This is the first time I’ve ever done one for the whole summer, and God has certainly moved in my life because of it. My faith has grown and my biblical knowledge has deepened. I’m also incredibly thankful for this group and all of the wonderful comments – each of you have made this study even more meaningful and have helped me understand what we were reading better. Blessed weekend to all, and onward to the next study! xx
I’m so looking forward to the time when we will see God face to face. There will be no sickness, sin or brokenness. This will be a time when everything will be as it should be. I know sometimes I yearn for these characteristics on this side of heaven, but i will only see them when Christ comes again. I pray that I wouldn’t put my hope in this world, but in Jesus and his everlasting dominion. Have a great weekend ladies!❤️
Thank you, ERB, for your insight! I love thinking about what each of the gems mean. What most appealed to me about this passage was the promise of one day having no more death or crying or pain. It’s been a few years of pain and crying in my life and it’s comforting to think that the Lord will redeem it all and there come a time where the hard things are no more. Thankful for this study and for you ladies!
This has been the most fabulous study this summer and I have loved sharing it with all of you. Like so many others, I too find illumination in your comments. I also find comfort & love here.
ERB, thank you for the information on the gemstones. I was going to look them up. I was particularly glad to see you had a source that was biblical. I too printed your comments.
I have a prayer request for Northern California again. Another fire, another town and air quality that is rotten. My sister in Reno (in Nevada) says their AQI has been in the 200’s. Between fires, earthquakes, war….Come Lord Jesus, come! Thanks y’all.
I used to think the book of Revelation was hard to understand but between SRT, several translations of the Bible and a couple of other resources I have been able to understand it better. I will have to continue to study it to fully understand it, if I ever do. Many of the comments you my sisters make also help.
Be blessed and have a great weekend sisters.
Have enjoyed these two series.
LEXI B, if you are here today, I responded to your post yesterday and I am keeping your work situation in my prayers!
VICTORIA E., Still praying for your anxious heart and for good health for your little one, and especially that you will feel JOY in the moments. I thought of you when I read Isaiah 65:23!
TAYLOR, hang in there!!! We are praying and encouraging you in your battles. God has your hand and won’t let go!!!
ERB, THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting your research!!! As soon as I read those verses I wanted to stop right there and look that up, but decided to finish my reading first. You saved the day!
I, too, feel very accomplished at finishing this study. I actually was excited this morning thinking we have passed another’mile marker’ in this race called life/relationship with God. So thankful for all of you and honored to pray along with other sisters!
The world so desperately needs its pain and suffering taken away, and only God can do that. We so look forward to the time when Jesus returns, and delivers everyone from their pain, depression, sickness, and sadness. Thats also the promise of Heaven. God is so great and amazing, I never want to stop worshipping Him.
Thank you ERB for your amazing post today – I too have printed it out! Thank you SRT for this wonderful summer study of the entire Bible! Blessings to all you for your commitment and your personal reflections that you shared each day.
Wonderful study and comments. I agree with what was said by a lot of she’s here- I used to be afraid of Revelation and that fear was leftover from childhood and my anxiety over somehow not being worthy of being saved. That lasted for a while, and I confess my view of eternity shrank over the years while my focus on what I could see with my physical eyes grew. Then my life was turned upside down around Christmas of last year when we received a scary diagnosis and even more a few months later when we experienced a miscarriage. Since then my idea of who God is and what His promises mean has completely changed. I yearn, sometimes it feels like too much, for the kingdom of God described here. Before I felt like it was so far off as to not affect me at all, now I know that if God says it will happen, it will happen! And that changes everything about how we live “down here”. Thank you all for your prayers for me and for sharing your prayer requests with the group. May God bless us all and continue to teach us more and more about Him!
What is most hopeful to me is:
3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.
@Melanie- I feel all the same things you posted about. Especially concern for family and friends who don’t know the Lord. I pray for courage, wisdom, and obedience to join in God’s saving work for the people I know and love.
God knows the beginning from the end! When he created us, his plans were already laid out, that death is certain on this earth but the hope of heaven and his eternal presence always existed! My cry is that those in my life and all of you would trust in Jesus.
Hope…I have too! However, The Village Church in Dallas did a fantastic overview of Revelation earlier this year that really made me see it as a book of, well, hope and encouragements.
Wow!!! I appreciate you looking this up and sharing with us!!! How deep, how wide, how great is His love for us
What I find most hopeful in The New Jerusalem is that there will be no more death, sorrow or pain. All will be made new!
Today’s reading makes me want to listen to Hymn of Heaven by Phil Wickham.
“And every prayer we prayed in desperation
The songs of faith we sang through doubt and fear
In the end, we’ll see that it was worth it
When He returns to wipe away our tears” ❤️
What I find most hopeful about the new Jerusalem is that “God himself shall be with them, and be their God” and that ” God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain” and that “Behold, I make all things new”. In the new Jerusalem, God promises us that there will be no more pain, that he will make all things new, that he will be with us, that those who overcome shall be His son, and that He will give the fountain of the water of life to all that are thirsty. God’s love is everywhere in the new Jerusalem!
Bible Study Fellowship does a marvelous Revelation study. Next time around, join them. (BSF). They are doing Mathew this year. Wonderful in-depth studies!!
I think LINDA K is right… a whole new group of she’s when I read in the evening. Think my new approach is to read in the am then ruminate on it all day before putting pen to paper to answer questions. Then read “she” comments at the end of the day as well.
I don’t often comment but want I to say how much I truly enjoyed this brief study of the Bible. I’ve never done a cover to cover read but now I really want to and, thanks to the study guides I purchased, I feel like I have a really good foundation to work with. I also want to thank every one of you beautiful sisters in Christ for all of your comments and prayers. I pray for all of your hardships and concerns, all your tears and joy and wonderful remembrances. I thank God for every one of you dear SRT sisters (those who comment and those who don’t)! God bless each and every one of you and thank you, God, for leading me to SRT.
I find the most hopeful thing to be that not only will there be no more pain and suffering, but God will removed the pain and suffering from within us. The old order of things is gone! He will wipe every tear from our eye!
@ERB, thanks for all the stone research…YOU are a true gem ;)
I find most helpful that God will be with His people. Wherever God is, I wanna be!
….no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the crying of distress.
I love all your comments this morning, ladies! I too long for Jesus to return and for there to be no more tears and pain. With what’s happening in Afghanistan and our fellow Christians, I long more for Christ’s return! Please Lord, have mercy on your church and come quickly. Praying Joshua 1:9 over you, Taylor and will keep you in my prayers. Happy Friday, sisters.
As I sit here drinking my coffee, I can feel the crispness of fall creeping in, I feel extremely accomplished that we made it through this entire study this summer. I have enjoyed it so much and the comments are just as important to me as the readings because it helps me get a better understanding. So thank u ladies for all your comments. As much as I enjoyed this study, I am really looking forward to doing an actual more in depth study next week on Deuteronomy!!! I crave to spend time and dissect an entire chapter. Have a wonderful Friday! ❤️
My exact thoughts!! Thank you ladies.
WOW!!! I was blown away by the precise measurements and the almost incomprehensible BEAUTY that was described in Revelation 21:16-21
I learned that Stadia is a telescopic surveying rod. And that a Stade is a Greek unit of measurement equaling 600ft!!! I also learned that these words are where the word “stadium” comes from. Pretty Cool!!!
I also wanted to look up what all the stones meant…so I did a quick search…
The stones described and their meanings:
Pure Gold, ‘clear as glass’ (the city) Gold is precious and is of GREAT value (especially in those days) the ‘clear as glass’ statement symbolizes the Master craftsmanship of God. The city is transparent so that everyone in it will bask in the light of the glory of God.
Jasper (the walls & 1st foundation) symbolizes the glory of God; His splendor, brightness, magnificence and beauty.
Sapphire (2nd foundation) a symbol of devotion to God. It stands for truth, faithfulness and sincerity. Sapphire is also associated with divine favor.
Chalcedony (3rd foundation) represents faithful service to the Lord and encourages reflection and meditation on the Divine. Its light blue color represents heaven and communication with the Spirit of God.
Emerald (4th foundation) this stone is associated with rainbows in scripture. Both in Genesis and Revelation. It is was found on the High Priest’s (Jesus) throne. And as we all know, rainbows signify promises. In this case I would say promises fulfilled.
Sardonyx (5th foundation) often referred to as the Gem of Courage or the Gem of Virtue, the Sard signifying the martyrs shedding their blood for Christ, and the white their heavenly Robes.
Carnelian or Sardis (6th foundation) This stone signifies the Scepter of God and the Power and Glory of God that comes forth in His purified people. It is God in His company of Saints. Those who walk in the Spirit and Power of Elohim without measure. It embodies the glory of God in judgment.
Chrysolite 7th foundation) represents God’s Spirit – His Counsel. When we receive God’s Counsel we are receiving His purpose and plan for our lives.
Beryl (8th foundation) imitating the colors of the sea and sky (aquamarine) reflects God’s power as the giver of life eternal. It is associated with “clarity of vision.” The word beryllus, in Latin, means a magnifying glass.
Topaz (9th foundation) Fiery like the sun this stone is known as “The Stone of Strength,” and it is described as the most valuable of stones having a predominate tint of orange. Topaz signifies seeking and finding and is also a symbol of truth and forgiveness and is known as a “stone of true love”
Chrysoprase (10th foundation) “God cherishes us above all Others We are the Apple of His Eye” This stone helps to make conscious what was unconscious. It encourages hope and joy, symbolizes spiritual protection and increases grace and equilibrium. Chrysoprase is demonstrated in the work of the righteous and their reward. It portrays unity and is the perfect charity of which no ferocity can defeat. It signifies those who spend their life in hardships, labor and suffering, yet always remaining in love.
Jacinth or Garnet (11th foundation) “The Light of God Is reflected in His Creation” This stone symbolizes fire, faith, courage, truth, grace, compassion, constancy and fidelity.
Amethyst (12th foundation) “The Royal Stone” it is a symbol of the Spirit of God in the official robes of the High Priest of the Jews. As the last foundation of the New Jerusalem, it is only proper that this stone symbolize the ROYAL nature of the King that will rule and reign forever!
All of the stones listed here are incredibly precious and are in some way TRANSLUCENT. They are intended to serve as protection against the enemy and as a symbol of beauty and splendor.
Pretty INCREDIBLE right?!!
Other scriptures that stood out to me:
Revelation 21:1
Revelation 21:5-7
Revelation 21:8 talks about fire and sulfur… and I was reminded about volcanoes!! Volcanoes produce sulfur and when heated (we’re talking super hot) it burns BLUE flames!! When they “explode” they destroy everything in their path… this definitely made me think about things on a deep level…pretty amazing nature/natural example of what’s to come.. very relevant for right now.
Revelation 21:22-27 gave me goosebumps!!! Come Lord Jesus Come!!!
Ezekiel 37:27 YES Lord!!!
Thanks for letting me go on and on… I Hope all of you wonderful ladies have a really blessed day!!
Wow! Printing this and putting in my Bible.
I’m printing this thank you for going in to detail it helped alot
This is so cool ERB! Thank you for sharing !
Oh, there is that verse again!!
“Even before they call, I will answer;while they are still speaking, I will hear.”
Thank you so much ERB and Maura for taking us all along for your journey through Isaiah!!
To SRT, the 2-part study was AMAZING!! Really helped us see God’s love for His children and his desire to have us in His arms, redeemed!!
I’ve struggled to read Revelation in the past. It’s difficult. Maybe partly because I personally felt unworthy or my heart was filled with doubt. But there is so much HOPE! We get to be in the presence of God and Jesus! No curtain. No inner sanctuary only accessible to one priest. We can walk and talk with God as it was in the beginning. Oh thank you Father for your goodness! Revelation 21:3 “God’s dwelling is with humanity, and he will live with them. They will be his peoples,and God himself will be with them and will be their God.”
Given all the recent events, reading Revelation 21:4 makes me want to shout HALLELUJAH and whisper amen. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more,because the previous things have passed away.”
Today’s reading sets my eyes on the hope and promises we have in the name of Jesus, even and especially in a time such as this. This world is passing away, but behold He is making all things new. Amen
Amen hope. I have felt the exact same way in the past- I remember being scared of Revelations as a child and that feeling never went away until recently.
What do you find most hopeful about the description of the New Jerusalem in the Revelation? The actual physicality of it. It has dimensions, a foundation, gates, walls! It is lit by the glory of God and the Lamb as it’s lamp. It is not a ethereal place but a very real place!
I was struck by the precision and detail in the description of the City of God, too!
What a breath of hope after this week. “Nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those written in the Lamb’s book of life.”
He is all goodness & truth. He will keep us safe. No one comes to the Father except through Him. May many believe & join us!
Amen to the joy of this series. I love this “22 I did not see a temple in it, because the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, because the glory of God illuminates it, and its lamp is the Lamb.” He will be the Temple. We know the mercy, love, forgiveness of the King of Kings there is nothing we need to fear dear Sisters. Peace that surpasses understanding. It will be made clear. He is faithful and trustworthy. Taylor praying for you. I just heard some words on strongholds and how God can destroy them. His Word and the Holy Spirit helps us break our strongholds. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 good words. I am being brought to in my life. It is a battle to take our thoughts captive. With everything the world throws at us sometimes it can be a struggle, But God, we know He is faithful and able. And we can fix our eyes on Him. Hugs to you Taylor. Kelly Indeed and Amen.
I’m most looking forward to no more suffering. There have been so many burdens in our world and there is so many hurting people. I know it comes from the sin of the world and choices we all make and for some sadly, friends and family included, will not be in the New Jerusalem. While I hope for their redemption, I long for the place where there is no more pain and the heaviness that comes from a sin filled world.
Lord, we wait for You. Amen!
My father is 96, and he is so tired now. Reading the passage “the one who dies at a hundred years old will be mourned as a young man” just really filled me with joy today. I picture my father renewed, full of energy, a young man, looking around and just soaking in the beauty of Heaven. Heaven has always been so esoteric to me. “A mansion just over the hilltop” and all that weird glitzy stuff — hallways of gold, all those jewels. Those are not images that appeal to me. But the promise of new life, of no pain or sorrow… Lord, let it be so! I believe, Lord. Help my unbelief.
What an amazing 2-part series through the ENTIRE BIBLE!!! Anyone else feel super accomplished? :) I echo what others have said here of being afraid of the book of Revelation, but SRT’s in-depth study through Revelation really helped changed my perspective from being afraid to longing for this day to come when we get to spend eternity with Jesus and there will be no more pain, suffering, or tears!
I also like what this devotion says about making choices in light of eternity. I feel the pull of my flesh to return to some old sin habits pretty strongly the last few days so praying for Jesus’s strength to resist and stand firm! Have a lovely weekend everyone <3 Do we start Deuteronomy on Monday?
Come Lord Jesus. Come. Amen.
I too am realizing I am afraid of the book of Revelation. Maybe because it is yet to come and we don’t have a clear picture. But maybe, after this full dive into the Bible, some things will be more clear. I am going to read it through and see what else may stand out that I didn’t know before. I loved this series so much!!
I cling to this promise in Rev. 21:4 – “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
For many years I never read the book of Revelation because it scared me but I remember reading it for the first time and thinking wow this actually gives us HOPE. I am thankful for Revelation because it shows us God wins in the end.
Revelation is always a hard book for me. I have read it so many times quiet honestly there are so many things that upset me and I know if shouldn’t be. I have a human mind and capabilities. Eternity seems so long. Again I’m human. Than I think of my unsaved loved ones and my children, friends and family. I know it says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. But is that enough?? I wrestle with this all the time. I long for wisdom and direction. I cannot wait for peace and no pain. For
Joy unspeakable. May we have it here on earth as it is in heaven
Of all the studies I have done over the years the ones on Revelation just jumble me up.
God will dwell with us. We will be His people and He will be our God. We will see Him face to face! There will be no more tears, no more grief, no more pain. He will make all things new.
Woo-hoo, we made it! Fantastic journey through the Bible!
1. “And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” – Revelation 21:5
I can only begin to imagine all things made new-especially the new world-but it will happen “for these words are trustworthy and true.”
2. When the last of God’s promises are fulfilled, I will have an eternity to get to know God!
I long for the Peace that is promised. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.