Spiritually speaking, we’re all olms.
Olms are salamanders that live deep in the caves of Croatia. Because their days are spent in total darkness, they have no need to see. After spending generations away from the light, their eyes have become covered by layers of pink skin, rendering the olms blind.
As we read the account of Resurrection Sunday, the people mentioned move into the background. Our minds want to focus on Jesus, our resurrected Savior. But for the reality of the resurrection to have its full effect on our hearts, we also need to consider the ones who were too blind to see that their risen Lord was standing right in front of them.
Take a second look at the apostles. Jesus Himself had told them He would not stay dead (John 2:18–22; Matthew 12:39–40; 16:21). And yet when they first heard that He had risen—just as He promised He would—the words of the women who’d reported the news to them “seemed like nonsense… and they did not believe the women” (Luke 24:11).
Then there are Cleopas and another unnamed disciple, who literally walked alongside the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus but “were prevented from recognizing him” (Luke 24:16). They’d dismissed the possibility of His resurrection, and even explained the events of His own death to Him. I imagine they sighed as they looked into the face of their risen Redeemer and told Him, “We were hoping that he was the one who was about to redeem Israel” (v.21). After they’d finished eating dinner with Jesus, “their eyes were opened and they recognized him,” and then He “disappeared from their sight” (v.31). And when Jesus again appeared to eleven of His closest friends, “They were startled and terrified and thought they were seeing a ghost” (v.37).
Cave salamanders—every single one of them.
Jesus appeared before them in His glorified body. He walked beside them on the road, stood in their midst face to face, and yet they simply could not see the truth about who He was. This is a picture of our true spiritual condition. Living with sin, generation after generation, has blinded us. On our own, we do not recognize our desperate need for the light of our Savior. Faith has become unnatural to us.
Yet, God has mercifully called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light (1Peter 2:9). He has given us eyes to see that the resurrection is not a fairy tale, and it is more than a historical event. God has gifted us the faith to believe that this is the moment that Jesus defeated death, so that we may be made alive in Him.
Jesus is real. He is risen. He is returning. Thank God! If you can peer into the empty tomb found in Scripture this Lenten season, and declare, “He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said” (Matthew 28:6), praise Jesus that He fulfills His promises. And then repeat the words of the blind man who was given sight, “One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I can see!” (John 9:25).
As you bask in the hope granted us on resurrection morning, consider anew the deep darkness Jesus saved you from, and celebrate the incomprehensible truth of what Christ’s resurrection really means for us: we have been remade, from salamanders to saints, and brought from darkness into His eternal light.

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49 thoughts on "Resurrection Sunday"
The last message was meant for my church friends, pardon the end of the message.
Happy Easter! What an amazing day it is to remember who Jesus is, how much He’s done for us, and how much He loves us! I’m so in awe with how much He loves us and that we get to love Him too. He’s alive!
It would be cool if we could schedule a time to pray together at some point in the next week or so, if y’all would want to do that.
Happy Easter to all – He is risen indeed!
I love the blind olm analogy. We are all blind to the truth without the Spirit to give us eyes to see!
Happy Easter everyone!
Happy Easter dear SRT sisters! He is Risen! We have resurrection power inside of us. We are free from our sins. Doubt had no place in our hearts. While I was worried about how today would be without my church family, without my extended family and friends… it was a wonderful day. We still dresses up. We drove to church and adorned the cross with flowers and took a family picture. The kids had their Easter egg hunt, and chocolate crosses in their baskets. We had a nice Easter supper. It was different, but it was wonderful all the same. We were all singing and dancing together during our church service. He is ALIVE!
Happy Resurrection Day. Continued Blessings to all who read this. God is Good!✨
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Happy Easter! I love how the disciples are walking with the risen Lord, and they don’t even realize it. I pray we all would be more aware of how God is showing up in our lives and trust that he will fulfill his promises. Have a blessed day!
Hey Donna, “Ain’t No Grave” is an awesome song!! Happy Easter!! Jesus is Lord!!
Happy Easter! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Happy Easter!!!
A Blessed Easter to each of you sisters! Recommend watching utube video of ” Ain’t No Grave” song by Molly Skaggs. Thank you all.️
Happy Easter from the snowy foothills of Alberta. May we be the ones of the burning hearts,lit by the fire of His word blazing brightly in this dark world.
He is risen !!
Happy Easter SRT sisters!! Love you all so much! So thankful for this community and that we can be rooted in God’s word every day. Praying I would render my life back to Jesus, because he first gave his life for me. But…death could NOT hold him, and He is alive! He is Risen, He is Risen indeed! Praise God! <3
Thanks to you all, each & everyone, for this amazing study. May the Lord bless you greatly. He certainly blessed me through this study. And… Happy Easter! He is Risen! Hallelujah!
Happy Easter SRT sisters. He is risen! He is risen indeed! “One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I can see!” (John 9:25). I believe, I believe, I believe. Lord thank you for sending Your One and Only Son to die for me on the cross for my sins. My faith and beliefs can and will get me through anything. I know I will see my niece, my parents and my son again when I get to Heaven and I praise God for that. Now I have an angel on each shoulder, my son on one and my niece on the other, watching over me. Thank you my sisters for all your prayers, I am still having difficulty at times dealing with it but I remember that I will see her again one day and that she and my son have been reunited.
Thank you my Savior and Friend for washing the scales from my eyes on this “more of God hunt,” I have been on, and will continue. Praising You. Thanking You. Adoring you in this place, until one day I kneel before You face to face. May I kneel with a multitude of your children honoring our Savior and King. May the lost be found, even this day as we celebrate our risen King! Amen.
Happy Easter! He has Risen. His promises are true. The Promise Keeper has risen, He is alive and He is returning for us soon. Believe, strength your faith. Get to know him intimately. He loves you and He wants you to know Him. Trust in Him. Let Him take you on the best love affair ever. Happy Easter my dear sisters.
He is ALIVE! Happy Easter! Thank you for your comments and insights ladies!
Watched the Sunrise service with both my kids! Happy Resurrection dear sisters!
He is risen!!
I serve a risen Savior! He has Risen indeed! Praise God!
Jesus took the blinders from my eyes so I could see. Praise God He did because I could never do it on my own. Praise the Lord for the hope He has so freely given!
Though I grew up going to church hearing this story year after year, I was blind to the amazement and joy until I was in my thirties. In my youth there was actually an element of belief in Jesus’ death for our sins, but rejoicing in that was not truly in my heart. No true personal relationship was built. Then, he began to open my mind to the Scriptures when he used an overwhelming illness to expose the depth of my sin. Today, I know there is joy in my heart as I truly believe Jesus Christ has been resurrected from the dead! I do struggle to feel this joy fully as I continue to battle this illness of pain and fatigue that tends to mess with my emotions. So, today I ask the Lord in his sufficient grace by his power to stir up joy in me that overrides the physical weakness I feel. And I pray with hope because I know he is more than capable!
Amen! He is risen! ❤️
Thank you for this study.
This hasn’t been the easiest study to get through, but thank you for doing it with me. I always read your comments after and it was helpful :) Happy Easter!!
You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart!
He lives , dear sisters! He lives within our hearts!
All praise to the most high up. Happy Easter Sunday all!
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who commanded the Light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts , to give Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Thank God for letting me see the Light.
Thank God for His Son Jesus dying for me!
satan no longer have me blinded to the truth of the light of the glorious gospel.
Amen amen and amen!
Glory be to God. Thank you Heavenly Father, He is risen. Hallelujah. Happy Easter ❤️
He is risen!! I am profoundly struck by the fact that Jesus rose from the dead and chose to spend significant time with just two people following his resurrection. He could have gathered huge crowds and maximized his impact and reach to thousands of people to let them know that he was no longer in the grace, but he chose to walk and eat with just a few. What a sweet reminder that the Gospel is for each one of us individually. Jesus cares deeply about you and me, not just as numbers, but as people. Praise the Lord!
Happy Easter!
I am comforted by the doubt and blindness that the disciples and women displayed after Christ arose. Do we not all experience it at some point? Sin has blinded us. Thankful that Christ in his perfect love declares himself over and over. Thankful that this Sunday (and everyday) that I can serve and learn from a risen Savior. Jesus is the path of Life and fullness of joy. He’s alive!
Amen! It’s helpful to know there were people actually living alongside Him who also had doubts just like we often do. But He has indeed proven it to us that He loves us and grants us grace over and over again. He is risen!
Hallelujah HE IS RISEN! What a glorious day that first Easter morning. Oh Lord give us eyes to see, to know and to understand. I can’t even imagine what it would have been like walking with you and having you personally explain all the scriptures to me.
Lord in these days of distancing may we draw closer and closer to you.
Happy Easter beautiful sisters. May you today find the goodness of the Lord in the land of the livng.
He is Risen!!!! Happy Easter! Lord, give us the eyes to see you .
My heart rejoices it is full of hope, joy and peace. I was so excited to get up this morning to look out into the darkness and see the beautiful ray of light coming from the moon.
I have been waiting all week for today hallelujah Jesus is alive and I can feel that excitement throughout my body. Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes.
I am so happy to be able to say Happy Resurrection Day first to you my Sisters!
Amen!!! Christ if SISEN from the dead-He is alive!!!! Enjoy your celebration of the resurrection!
When I read the Gospel accounts of the Resurrection, I always stop at the words of Jesus to Mary Magdalen found in John 20:15. She is weeping outside the empty tomb because of the missing body of Jesus. She does not recognize Him when He appears before her. He asks her why she is weeping and whom she is seeking. Two profound post- Resurrection questions. Questions I think that are for all of us.
The first question seems to me to be for believers: why are we weeping? Though there is much suffering in this world, we also have the greatest hope. Believer, do not weep! Jesus has overcome sin and death. What can man do to us? We are overcomers because He overcame.
And the second question seems to me to be for unbelievers: whom are you seeking? Unbeliever, you search for fulfillment and acceptance but you will not find it in anyone or anything but Jesus. Seek no longer! The empty tomb is proof of Who He is. Look inside. He is gone! Yet He is as near to you as the breath you breathe. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He wants to be your Friend. Look and see, the proof you need is before you. It is not nonsense. He is alive! All His promises are true!
Jesus, I rejoice today with my brothers and sisters across the world who know Your Resurrection power and proclaim You as Lord of their life. You are the Hope of this world and we thank You for the ones who introduced us to You. They are our personal heroes of the faith. And I pray today for those who do not yet know You. I pray their hearts would be softened to the greatest non-fiction story ever told. And I pray their eyes would be opened to see You for Who You are. You can change the hardest and most stubborn heart. Pursue them, Lord. Stop them in their tracks. Pull them from the rat race and place them on the path that leads to the fullest life here on earth and eternal life one day in heaven. They will never be more loved than by You.
Amen, Jesus. So be it. Amen. Hallelujah!
Amen and Amen!
Beautifully said, Churchmouse! What a Savior!!! With you today as we pray. To God be the glory. ❤️
Yes, Amen! Open eyes and hearts today Lord.
Churchmouse, you have a way with words. Every day throughout this Lenton season bible study, I have scrolled through the comments to find what you have posted, because I knew those words would reflect what I feel and ring true in a wonderful, articulate way. Thank you, for your wonderful posts. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!!
I agree with Cassandra. Your words always touch me. Thank you! Happy Easter.
Peering into the tomb and declaring..
He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said” (Matthew 28:6), “One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I can see!” (John 9:25).
Hope filled anew today, Jesus is alive and nothing will stop me shouting..
All praise to God. Glory Hallelujah!
Happy Resurrection Sunday Sisters! He is alive, Hallelujah!