Restorer of Life, Come

Open Your Bible

Numbers 21:4-9, John 3:1-15, 1 Peter 2:22-24

My house is full of pictures of people I love. Frames litter nearly every available surface, and everywhere I look, I see the people and places that remind me who I am and where I’m from. 

When I’m anxious, when my nervous system starts to bubble like boiling water on a hot stove and I feel my heart race, I look at a picture. Sometimes it’s of the lake where I grew up or the top of a mountain I climbed or the day of my wedding or my children as babies. These pictures, symbols of moments of great joy, bring my nervous system back into regulation, calm my sprinting heart, and remind me of what is true and good. 

When the Israelites physically wandered the desert, their minds and hearts wandered too. Was God really good? Was He really trustworthy? Did He want the best for them? 

These are all questions that dash through my mind too. 

When the people suffer greatly from snake bites, they cry out to the God they had doubted days before, pleading for mercy. God told Moses to mount a bronze snake on a pole and whoever looked at the snake would be healed. 

God’s answer to their fears? Look to Him. To their sin? Look to Him. Healing and peace—two eternal aches—were found when they lifted their eyes to the God who created and sustained and loved them. 

When Jesus repeated this story hundreds of years later, He replaced the image of the snake with the visual of himself, the Son of Man. “So the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life” (John 3:14–15). When we are heavy with guilt, doubt, suffering, and anger like the Israelites, we remember Jesus, the One who was lifted up.

The old hymn “Come Ye Souls by Sin Afflicted” by Joseph Swain, an eighteenth century minister, includes the lyrics: “Come ye souls by, sin afflicted / …by the broken, law convicted / through the cross, behold the crown / Look to Jesus; Look to Jesus; Look to Jesus / Mercy flows through Him alone.” All we need to do is look to Jesus to find the mercy, healing, and restoration our hearts are needing.

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75 thoughts on "Restorer of Life, Come"

  1. Karen Breaux says:

  2. Wanda Woehlert says:

    All we need to do is look to Jesus to find the mercy, healing, and restoration our hearts are needing.

  3. Regina Price says:


  4. Christy Moye says:


  5. Alayna P. says:

    I need to look to Jesus, He will restore me. ❤️

  6. steph Gutmann says:

    After everything, I need Jesus to restore my life and revive my hope for the future.

  7. Lauren Beddingfield says:

    Jesus thank you for giving me something to look at and be saved ✝️

  8. Lakechia Smith says:

    Look to Him the restorer of life.❤️

  9. Leigh Garrison says:

    I need to look to Jesus. We are in the midst of a trying season as a family. Even though everything is ok, I’m tired and weary as a mom of two young daughters and as the wife of a husband who has to be fully into work right now. I’m weary, dealing with anger, and feeling so guilty for it while carrying the entire weight of our home with little help. I need restoration from the one who knows what’s best for us. I pray for His will on our lives.

    1. Desirae Endres says:

      Leigh I could have written this same post. Just know you’re not alone in your struggle ❤️

    2. Rachel LeeBenton says:

      I feel the same. I have four boys and my husband works in a steel mill. I don’t get much help either. It’s exhausting.

  10. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Jesus became sin so we could become the righteousness of God! We must look to Him for our every need, always focus on Him!

  11. Sarah Scheaf says:

    Look to Him. Point others to Him. Can’t go wrong!

  12. Ashley White says:

    I need to keep this in mind, when I worry, lol to Him. I need to train myself to do this. This devotion was great and he helped me. Merry Christmas everyone ❤️❤️❤️

  13. Claire B says:


  14. Aja Palmer says:

    Gayle, I am standing in the gap for you! I believe the report of the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth! No infirmity, sickness or disease dwells in Him! We will come into agreement with the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe the report of the Lord. Lord God, there’s nothing too hard for You and there’s no problem that You cannot solve! When the doctors says this is impossible to man, we declare that We know a Man who can!!

  15. Aja Palmer says:

    1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

    2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

    3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

    4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

    5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

    6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

    7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

    8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

  16. Tami C says:

    Gayle, those are the words of man! But God! My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer almost 4 years ago and his prognosis was not good. But God!!! We started a 40 day prayer for healing for him and God has healed him. Just recently his oncologist told him he was a “masterpiece” and that he has never had a patient like him. Through this miracle many on my family have come to faith! I pray this encourages you.

  17. Rhonda J. says:

    Welcome Michelle H! You have found the perfect place to learn and grow your relationship with Christ and learning how beautiful the bible is by being in these great SRT studies! Hopefully you have a church as well, I highly suggest stepping out in faith by joining a small group or serve team!

    I can’t even remember if I commented this morning! But it was a really good reading. We are doing advent at jail ministry as well, and today being on the 2nd candle of peace. Hard to believe we could actually obtain peace in such times in the world and in our smaller lives of so much always happening. Seems like there are always obstacles and struggles and so on (including Satan), BUT GOD, it will provide peace if you ask for it. You may have to ask every morning or every hour. And of course for our friends there in jail, this is not what they hoped for at Christmas time. But we know God can meet them anywhere! We talked of how Joseph submitted to the angel telling him to marry Mary, even though he knew she was pregnant and wasn’t his. Can you imagine?! That’s trust. When we can’t see, we must trust.

  18. Krystle Scott says:

    Welcome to the family, Michelle H! I praise God for your freedom and new life in Christ! ❤️

  19. Michelle H says:

    I accepted Christ on Oct. 28th of this year. My testimony is that God freed me from the chains of my anxiety disorder. He restored my life in that moment and in all of my future moments.

  20. Alisabeth Jordan says:


  21. Gayle Craik says:

    Wow, I so needed to hear this. Look to God. That is all I need to do in this time. My oncologist told me I have 13 months yesterday. I am looking to God to give me peace and confidence that he has healed me already. 

  22. Dianna McFarland says:

    I hate snakes! I would have hated seeing the snakes and being anywhere near them. I hate when I sin. I would have hated looking at a bronze serpent. But I would want to be saved, just like now. Because everytime it draws me closer to Jesus. His grace, His comfort—both after having a humble repentant heart, feel warm and peaceful. I love that He wants me looking at Him first, seeking Him in every situation and circumstance and that He is the one who is always willing to guide me through the wicked crazy chaotic wilderness of life here in earth.

  23. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love how Melanie described what God was calling the Israelites to do and what he calls us to do; look to him. When we feel anxious, overwhelmed and scared; look to him. This time of year can be so overwhelming, many times with good things. I pray that I can look to you Jesus in all the hard moments of life.

  24. Kendal Ragland says:

    I think it’s so cool how the New Testament and Old Testament work into one huge story! I’ve heard the story that Moses told everyone to look to the pole to be healed (have life), but I never connected it to John 3. It’s always so cool for learn how the OT foreshadows to the NT! Now we look to Jesus for our life, which is now eternal

  25. Heidi says:

    TERESA DONLEY – praying for you. I hope you can take in information as you need it and pray that God provides others to surround you with His wisdom in how to move forward – emotionally, spiritually, and medically. May His peace rule in your heart AND in your mind… may you take every thought of fear captive and demolish it in the light of God’s goodness. I don’t know if you’ll even see this today – so I will post again tomorrow – may I encourage you to do one thing? Sounds silly. Memorize scripture. Start with Psalms – or favorite bible “stories”… Paul’s letters… whatever you drift towards. It strengthens you mentally and emotionally. It stays with you. Write it, speak it, learn it… word for word. The Holy Spirit brings it to you in every moment you need it. The more you rehearse it and speak it, it becomes part of your automatic memory (like counting, ABC’S, etc) – something that stays with you forever. You are so loved and so prayed for and no diagnosis can change the amount of impact you still stand to have on this world. I pray in the midst of all that is unknown right now, your mind stays alert to His grace and mercy over you… ❤️

  26. Teresa Donley says:

    As I read about the Israelites once again asking Moses why he had led them out of Egypt into the desert, I was hit by just how often they asked “why?” And I was reminded of often I as “why?” Lately, it’s been nearly every day. I truly don’t understand “why” I have Alzheimer’s. But I know the answer to that is “Why not me?” Then I looked to the title of today’s study, “Restorer of Life, Come.” And I thought about all my prayers in recent days that God will grant me a miracle, if that is in His will. And I’m asking Him so often to delay the progress of the disease so I will have more time to spend with my family. I am truly scared of this disease. I don’t want to have it! But, if that is the cross I’m going to have to bear, I’m thankful that the Restorer of Life is my Savior and constant companion. And that the day is coming when the Restorer of Life will truly restore my life, for all eternity.

    I have read all your comments, which have been so inspiring, as always. I’m so glad to have each of you She’s in my life – I love learning from you. I’ve also prayed for each prayer request as I read it.
    Be blessed, and look to Jesus today, dear She’s.

  27. Katherine Barlow says:

    What resonates with me from todays reading is how they prayed for the Lord to take the serpents away but he didn’t. Instead of directly answering their prayer He provided a way in which they could live with the very thing they feared and be healed. When im angry or upset or fearful i need to remember that while my prayer may not be answered in a direct blindingly obvious way it doesnt mean that He hasnt answered it. doesnt He is still providing me with the healing and care i need.

  28. Allison Bentley says:

    “We speak what we know and we testy what we have seen, but you do not accept our testimony.” John 3:11 I have seen God work miracles and I have heard the testimony of many yet I still doubt God sometimes? I definitely still complain and grumble about circumstances-Lord help me to look to You in ALL things, teach me to let only Your light guide my path! Restore me Lord so that Your truth is written all over my life! Amen

  29. Jessica Smith says:

    My heart goes out to you @Krista Chodykin! My husband and I struggled through 5 years of infertility before our prayers were answered and I remember well the sting of the holidays while going through that season. It is not easy to hold both sorrow and joy in your heart at the same time, but I am praying that the Lord is gracious and gentle to you through the holidays and you find his nearness a comfort in the midst of your suffering. <3

  30. Kris says:

    There is a picture of all the cross references in the bible on Etsy… you can order a print of it. It’s just amazing…. google it, it’s sort of like a rainbow… there are 63,779 cross references in the bible.

  31. Cee Gee says:

    “… ‘Look to Jesus / Mercy flows through Him alone.’ All we need to do is look to Jesus to find the mercy, healing, and restoration our hearts are needing.” Thank You, Jesus, for restoration!

    KRIS, your comment reminded me of an antique dresser a neighbor once gave me. It had been in a barn for years and was painted an ugly brown. I excitedly applied the stripper and anxiously waited until I could start scraping. When I made the first pass with the scraper, I was astonished to see the most beautiful oak finish! I hurried next door to have the neighbor come see and offered to give it back to her. She wanted me to keep it, but was thrilled to see it restored.

    Am I thrilled about Christ restoring me or do I just feel like it’s my due and take it for granted? Sometimes the fact that Jesus came, Jesus died for ALL people makes me forget the personal aspect. Heavy pondering for my heart.

    MARI V – ❤ celebrating your daughter’s success with you! I remember those days of pushing, pulling, encouraging, and when the work or test is done, the release of the pent-up stress! Praying for help with the med!

    SEARCHING – Your words and presence always bless my heart. So thankful for you and every sister SHE! ❤

    ADRIENNE – Praying with others that little Ronnie finds his way home soon. ❤

    Praying with all of you in your need. May God send peace, healing, comfort, and strength to meet your circumstance. He sees, He knows, and He hears our heart cries.

  32. Krista Chodykin says:

    My husband and I have been navigating through infertility and the Christmas season has felt like our suffering is amplified… Praise God for the way His Son bore all of the world’s sin and suffering. It may not take the pain away, but I am reminded that I have a Savior who is good enough to bare my burdens.

  33. Teri Specht says:

    Why is something so simple so hard to do?

  34. Traci Gendron says:

    Good morning! So many connections from the old testament to the new that I haven’t noticed before.

    Praying over all the requests.

  35. Keli Miles says:

    Amen! ❤️

  36. Gail F says:

    And when we stray He is the Restorer of life! Thank God!

  37. Heidi says:

    This concept hit me- from Numbers reading, “[Moses,] Intercede with the Lord so that he will take the snakes away from us.”

    THANK.YOU.GOD. that I do not need to panic and find someone worthy enough to talk to you on my behalf. Thank You that I have the right and privilege and gift of having a direct relationship with you; I get to converse and share and listen and ask and praise and relate with you -PERSONALLY. YOU and ME. What an unbelievable gift…

  38. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Look to Jesus; Look to Jesus; Look to Jesus” reminds me of Hebrews 12:1-2 – …”let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” Look to Jesus – when we feel weighted down by the cares of the world, look to Jesus when we are tempted to sin, look to Jesus as we run this race because He will finish what He has begun in us. It also reminds me of the account in Matthew 14:22-33 when Peter gets out of the boat and walks on water, BUT – the moment he takes his eyes off of Jesus, he begins to sink…Look to Jesus, look to Jesus; look to Jesus – never stop.

    @Mary Ann Graves – prayers that you will have the strength to overcome the temptation to drink. Look to Jesus. ❤️

    @Sarah D. – praying that your “friend” will come and Lord willing – he will take it a step further and ask you out! Praying God’s will be done…It so reminds me of how the dating relationship began with me and my (now) husband. I called him to invite him and his roommates to join me at a volleyball event. They weren’t able to make it, but soon after Jeff called me and asked me out, that was over 39 years ago – we are coming up on our 38th wedding anniversary! ❤️

    Blessings dear sisters – have a wonderful day, and keep looking up!

  39. Sarah Anderson says:

    For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.

    Psalm 26:3 ESV

  40. Kris says:

    What a beautiful picture of God’s mercy and grace – The Restorer of Life. Oh, how I need that almost every day. I think if some of the pieces of furniture I have in my house. Found at a garage sale or on Market place – somebody’s junk, being thrown out, useless, unwanted. But I see potential, I see a little work made into a beautiful piece. Jesus sees us like that. We can feel unloved and unwanted, but Jesus comes along, knowing that with just a little work (Him working in us, us yielding to Him) we can be a beautiful creation. Thank you, Jesus!!! We love You for the work you do in us, restoring us to a beautiful, useful creature.

  41. Terri Baldwin says:

    Numbers 21 takes the reader on an intense journey with the Israelites, who continue their sojourn through the wilderness. They face challenges, doubts, and direct confrontations with their enemies, only to find God’s miraculous intervention at every turn. It is an intriguing chapter that speaks of the Israelites’ growing pains, their battles, the divine punishment of fiery serpents, and the miraculous bronze serpent that brought healing to the people.

    Nicodemus, intrigued by Jesus’ teachings and miracles, visits Him at night. Jesus tells him about the necessity of being born again—of water and the Spirit—to see the Kingdom of God. He further uses the analogy of the wind and the bronze serpent to explain spiritual rebirth and salvation.

    power of faith in Jesus Christ and the overwhelming depth of God’s love for humanity. It serves as a call to spiritual rebirth, to step out of darkness into God’s marvelous light.

    ”For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.“
    ‭‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  42. Jessica Timperio says:

    He truly does heal, and looking to Him in a moment of panic gives full peace. I pray that everyone in this community is able to look to Him when they are feeling, not only negative emotions but positive ones too. Turn to Him when the negatives are too much. And praise Him when positive emotions are there too. He wants to hear from you in all your feelings.

  43. Kebrina Vinglas says:

    Eyes on Jesus! Isn’t it so true that when our eyes are elsewhere our focus is, as well? May I keep my eyes on Jesus – the source of my peace, the Source of my strength, the One who holds my hope. Thank you, Jesus for being the Restorer of my Life.

  44. Cheryl Blow says:

    Worry and fear are crippling. But looking to Jesus brings healing and peace! I love how today’s lesson speaks to this! We have to keep our eyes on Him!

  45. Mari V says:

    @Kelly (Neo), Searching, Michelle Patire, Cee Gee, and all of you sweet sweet She’s. THANK you for faithfully praying for me (us) and mentioning us by name.

  46. Mari V says:

    “LOOK to Jesus” part of the hymn ( “Come ye souls by sin afflicted”) Melanie mentions today. I’ve never heard it and looked it up. BEAUTIFUL. I will play it in my car on my way to work. WE and I know I speak for all of us, WE are so hard on ourselves. ME included and sometimes I don’t like myself very much. Especially when I mess up or hurt someone especially when its been unintentional or unaware. I needed to read and hear this, this morning. I love you all my beautiful, beautiful She’s. I’m so glad to be a part of your lives. I can’t wait to meet you all someday. Also the word “LOOK” reminded me of someone VERY special to me as I’m sure to most of you here who have been here for many years. “LOOK” was a word that I remember CHURCHMOUSE mention as a her word for the New Year (a few years back). @Churchmouse, if you read this, WE miss you! Thank you for faithfully praying for all of us and sharing life experiences and godly wisdom. WE miss you!

  47. Michelle Patire says:

    @Searching – thank you ❤️ She went home yesterday and is already sharing her testimony online. Praying God gives her so much guidance in this time off from work. I believe this will be very good for her, despite the pain in her body.

    @Adrienne- It isn’t just a dog, we know it is part of your family. Dogs mean so much to us. They are so special. I pray God comfort you and help you as you figure this out. That is so sad. I saw a woman putting up a lost dog sign for her 7 year old dog and I prayed for her. I lost a dog suddenly this year and know it is not easy. But I know God can get you through this.

    @Tiffany L- praying you lean on your community around you and find a good mentor to work this out with. You can overcome this. It doesn’t have to be your life. By the power of the Holy Spirit, all things are possible. Have grace for yourself and believe that God can help you with your anxiety, step by step. It is a process and I know He can work this out in you. Praying peace over your heart!

    @Kim Z- thinking of you, this morning, and your family. Praying peace and comfort to you, in Jesus name.


    God bless you, Shes. May you see God’s goodness all around you.

  48. Adrienne says:

    Good morning to all. Ronnie has not shown up. (I feel peace from your prayers. Thank you.) Maybe we are, once again, a one-dog household? We’ll see how the day progresses.

    And MARIA BAER… the podcast touches on that too. (Idols and the snake.) I had never thought of it as an idol, just a parallel to looking upon Jesus, so that made me think…

    Look upon Him every day, sweet sisters!

  49. Samantha Hogwood says:

    Loved today’s reading.

  50. June Pimpo says:

    Jesus, may our gaze be to YOU and YOU ALONE. By your stripes we are healed. We cling to YOU.

  51. Aimee D-R says:

    Father help me to keep my eyes on You. I Jesus name, Amen

  52. Maria Baer says:

    Julie, I am so sorry to hear about your dad— both physically but also spiritually. Would you mind sharing his first name?

    1. Julie Ganucheau says:

      Thank you – it’s Bill

  53. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning everyone, praying we would see and remind ourselves of the goodness of the Lord…he fulfills every longing. There is joy in him. What an amazing gift we have been given through Jesus! May we live to praise him with our lives everyday for what he has done.
    Would love you prayers for me and the guy I’m interested in at my church. I am thinking of inviting him and his roommate to a game night my friend and I are having this weekend. I feel a bit scared, because this may show whether or not the feelings are mutual. But, I have been asking the Lord to show me…that if he would have us date, that the guy would ask me out. And if not, that we can continue to be friends and that my feelings are redirected. From everything I have seen though, he has met all the godly qualities in my list of what I am looking for. We will see. Would you love prayers!! Praying for you all.

    1. Tammy Stecker says:

      I will pray for your situation. I listen to the Bible Recap podcasts—they are short—she always ends by saying He is where the joy is!
      I love my Recap book too!

  54. Char Hight says:

    This was good. I need to remember to Look to Jesus when I am needing restoration. Everything else is only temporary and surface. Jesus is the only one who can restore our souls.

  55. Searching says:

    Numbers 21:5 “…. our soul loathes this worthless bread.” NKJV
    Oh, how they whine! Oh, how ungrateful they are! Not just the children of Israel but myself as well :( May I always be thankful for what Christ has done for me, the Bread of Life. Reminded of another small sign I have, mostly forgotten unless I see it when dusting (not often enough!), “when in doubt, look up.” Lord, when I have doubts, anxiety, fear, questions, uncertainty, joy and plenty – may I always remember to look up.

    Praying –
    TIFFANY LANNING – for your healing from anxieties
    ADRIENNE – that the little dog made it home safely. And I’m always hopeful DOROTHY and so many others will join us again
    MADELEINE ❤️ – that your mind will be filled with Scriptures of God’s love and faithfulness, reminding that He is always near.

    CEE GEE ❤️

  56. Kristine Loughman says:

    Im reminded of the old song (that somehow I have been singing my whole life)

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus
    Look full in his wonderful face
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of his glory and grace

    How precious it is to have this reorienting time each morning, to look at our Savior, before diving back into the hustle and bustle.

    1. Teresa Donley says:

      KRISTINE LOUGHMAN- thank you for the reminder of that song. I’m singing it I my mind now. A wonderful song to help me keep my eyes on Him.

  57. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Keeping my eyes on Him is helping me defeat my wine addiction. Thank you Lord

    1. Leslie May says:

      My prayers and love are with you, Mary Ann. After many years of the same addiction, I gave it up 4 years ago when I asked my God’s help. You can do this with our Lord’s love! Amen!

  58. Annie says:

    Looking to Jesus is the answer for the issues of humanity and in my own heart.

    Striving to look to Jesus during this season…and always.

    Have a blessed day fellow Shes!

  59. WENDY WILLIAMS says:

    Anxiety and Stress; worry and fear; anger and sadness – Jesus is the only one who can lift these words from our broken bones. He is the reason that we must be strong and speak His name. I am praying for all families who are inflicted with pain and sadness, distraught and anger. I pray for the ones that are scared and alone. My prayer is that they can find the crown and see that no matter what Jesus loves them, that they are the works of art that He created and He wants the best for all. May God bless each of you today and forever.

    1. Deanna Rasch says:


  60. Kelly (NEO) says:

    AIMEE D-R – how’s your mom?

    ALYSSA SELBY – praying your power has been restored. And your husband is able to quickly find work.

    KIMBERLY Z – so sorry about the loss of your uncle.

    MADELEINE – praying the Lord calms your racing mind and brings you peace

    PAM – so sorry that you are going through issues with your church family.

    ADRIENNE – trusting the little dog will return safe and sound to you today

  61. Michelle Smith says:

    What is meant for evil can be turned around and used for good. The snake starts off killing and tormenting the people but through God the snake image is mounted on a pole and used to heal. Look and see the power of God in our lives

  62. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Thank you Melanie Rainer. Well said.

    TIFFANY LANNING, NICOLE BURKE, HEIDI (Kin), VICTORIA E, MANDI (son), ALEIDA POLANCO (Victor), MIRIAM T, STACY BARBEAU, MISSY CSONKA – praying today’s devo gives you the courage to lean into Jesus during your times of anxiety.

    CHRISTINA SCHMIDT – has your husband returned from his deployment?

    HL, MARGO (boyfriend), CASSANDRA ROSE, MARI V (brother & S-I-L), JEN B, BEBE ROGERS, ANGELA – praying for the Lord to provide you with new jobs.

  63. Venus Glass says:

    This was a very vivid picture of Jesus’s mercy for us when we look to him. Thank you Jesus. I have to remember to keep my eyes on you.

  64. Tina says:

    MADELINE, TIFFANY, Praying for you in this time of anxiousness. Praying God stand with you and speak His command to it, “BE GONE” for we know that when He speaks, the earth trembles and seas are quietened..
    Lean on Him,hold His hand, trust His word, for HE will see you through.
    BUT GOD, my dears, BUT GOD.. He is near..
    Sending prayer covered hugs..❤️

    ADRIENNE.. As a dog owner, I get it! Prayers for the little guy, and hopeful all is well with him..hugs..❤️