Rest and Rejoice

Open Your Bible

Leviticus 25:1-22, Leviticus 25:35-38, Isaiah 61:1-11, Luke 4:16-21

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

Because of the person and work of Jesus, we get to rest and rejoice in the healing, freedom, and liberty He has purchased for us.

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44 thoughts on "Rest and Rejoice"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:


  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God has woven rest into the very fabric of our lives. Not just a weekly rest, but yearly rest. God even wants rest for livestock and plants too.

  3. Mercy says:

    @Rhonda J: praying for the newly embarked prison ministry, and chronic pain group. And less pain for your back and leg. I pray that God will give you so much grace to blossom in the places (very difficult and out of comfort zone) to glorify His name and win souls for His kingdom.

    @Michelle P: salvation and life transformation for your friend Tiffany, peace and joy for your family. More grace and strength for you in hard times.

    @Taylor: praying for patience and joy for you as you wait, dear girl. I used to be all or nothing too lol, funny how we think. But dang, God wanted me to be healed and completed in Him first, or else I would be a broken burden for any man. That wouldn’t be fair and merciful for that man. Though I did not think so at the time. Marriage is a sanctified union, definitely not to be motivated by fear of loneliness, but on the basis of sacrifice, daily living sacrifice in the midst of imperfections. I cried more in my marriage than in single days. And so many skills that God wanted me to have before getting into marriage, like controlling my own emotions, harnessing desires (of any indulgence that needs disciplines), living below my means to stay off debt while working 2 jobs and studying in the evening, funny how I got married to find out my husband had debt then I had to pay off that. God wanted me to grow into maturity, solve problems, and acquire many skills to run a household, bear burdens and many family obligations on both sides of his and mine, but had I not been trained through those days, I wouldn’t be able to bear it, or come out acting like Christ.

    Praying for all of us to have the grace to rest from our struggles and rejoice. Be the Mary part and balance out the Martha part in you. Praise and worship God. Lay down your burdens. God is worthy, worthy of our praise!

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  4. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    Thank you Jesus! ♥️

  5. Tricia Cavanaugh says:


  6. Mama4 K says:

    Love that Jesus is our Jubilee❤️

  7. Laurel says:

    TRACI GENDRON–I agree completely based on my similar experience. I wish, now, that I would have trusted the Lord to bring a loving Christian man into my life rather than force relationships in order to be paired with someone. Looking back, I realize that being in a relationship is not the end all/be all. Living, truly living, one’s authentic life based on faith is the key to a happy ending. Once you are content with yourself, you are open to a healthy, loving relationship with others.

  8. Ashlan Porter says:

    Let’s proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor in our lives. Great is His faithfulness