Day 22

Renewing the Covenant

from the Deuteronomy reading plan

Deuteronomy 29:1-29, Psalm 79:8-9, 1 Corinthians 2:9-12

BY Melanie Rainer

I competed in parliamentary debate in college, and I loved it. I loved learning how to build up and break down arguments, be pithy yet persuasive, and nothing felt as good as nailing a final argument and knowing exactly how the judges would vote (in my favor, I’d hope). In debate, there were six speeches; each side got an opening argument, a constructive argument in the middle, and a rebuttal. The same person gave both the opening and the rebuttal, the latter being the last word and the chance to tie up all loose ends. We often took our opponents’ arguments point by point, letting the judges know exactly what their vote would mean if they voted for them or for us. 

In the last chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses makes his rebuttal. If the proposition before the Israelites was “follow the Lord and renew the covenant with him,” then Moses was using his last breaths to remind them why. “Here is what is at stake if you don’t,” Moses essentially proclaims in Deuteronomy 29. The next chapters illustrate the blessings of being God’s people, but chapters 28 and 29 show the destruction that awaits them if they turn away. 

Chapter 29 has three movements. First, Moses gives them a historical review of the covenant and Israel’s relationship with Yahweh. Then Moses asks the assembly in verses 9–14 to enter into the covenant with their God by observing “the words of this covenant…that he may establish you today as his people and he may be your God as he promised you” (vv.9,13). 

Lastly, Moses outlines in detail in verses 16–29 what will happen if they do not obey the covenant. He isn’t landing the plane yet, but he’s creating tension as he approaches the runway (which he’ll do in the next two chapters). The tension is this: follow God, and the riches of the covenant promises are yours. Don’t follow God, and the soil of the land of Israel will “be a burning waste of sulfur and salt, unsown, producing nothing, with no plant growing on it” (v.23). 

As modern readers, we know what happens after they enter the promised land. The Israelites enter into a destructive cycle: turning away from the Lord, suffering greatly, then turning back to Him for healing and peace. This happens over and over again until God sends Jesus, who pays the price for their (and our) broken covenant once and for all. 

I am so thankful this speech is in the Bible, that its words were passed down, written on papyrus, translated, and printed—making it all the way into my hands today. Because it is the story of my life too: the story of the promises of God, my own willful disobedience, and the true consequences of both my sin and His love. 

Post Comments (48)

48 thoughts on "Renewing the Covenant"

  1. Mari V says:

    Agreeing in prayer with you Sarah Layson.

  2. Mari V says:

    Thankful for a lovely and compassionate God even when we don’t deserve it.

  3. GramsieSue . says:

    Moses reviewed he past, called the people to obey God’s law, and warned them what would happen if they disobeyed. The secret of prosperity was the blessing of God, and the secret of receiving that blessing was obedience to God’s law. God could not truly be God to them if they refused to accept and obey His law. And this is a big one to me: Moses began with the leaders of the nation, for if leaders don’t set the example as spiritual people, there’s not much hope for the followers. So important! So critical! And so lacking in our country! Praying for our country. Praying for you ladies. My husband Steve is doing well, still running a fever but body aches gone and very little coughing. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are doing their work! Hugs to all ❤️ oh, I wanted to share a song by Big Daddy Weave called Alive. Several times they sing “but God”. It made me think of Tina ❤️

  4. CeeGee says:

    1 Corinthians 2:12 – Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who comes from God, so that we may understand what has been freely given to us by God.

    I meant to add that to my previous post!

  5. Victoria E says:

    Kelly, Taylor, ERB, Searching, Jane K, Kathy A, Maura, and all who are praying for me thank you! Our appointment is at 915 PST. What a great discussion here today. I am so glad we have the Holy Spirit and I pray the Holy Spirit enables me to follow God’s way and not my own always. Jessie thank God the boy is ok and ERB praise God for answered prayer! You are such a light I can literally see rays coming off my screen from your posts!

  6. CeeGee says:

    ERB, AWESOME praise with which to start the week!!!! Thank you for allowing us to join you in that prayer need. I’m glad it was a good day for all! Your words BLESSED my heart as always! Hugs!

    What this reading reminded me today is that we were created to worship a living God, the One who BREATHED LIFE into us, not a statue, hobby, or anything else.

    I, too, will meditate on these words. Praying for your ultrasound today, VICTORIA E., and all other needs. God knows and hears.

  7. Suzie McRae says:


  8. Mary Macdonald says:

    He loves us so much and yet we choose the things of this world over him. I pray my heart always longs for you Lord and that I will continually seek you out each day.

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