renewed day by day

Good morning, ladies!

Welcome to Monday and a fresh week full of opportunities to serve and seek Him!

Isn’t it great – the more we are in the word each day, the more we want to bring glory to our Maker.

our Comforter
our Provider
our Savior

He is softening our hearts, adjusting our focus, and calling us to communion with Him.

And I don’t think I’m alone in this, but the change that is taking place in my heart through Him is starting to become noticeable to the people around me! My husband has noticed. My kids have noticed. Something is different about the way I do life and it’s good.

I hope it won’t stop there.

I want this work to continue – I want to be His new creation! Renewed day by day!

Oh, I still have so far to go in my calling to be like Christ.

So. Far.

But He just keeps calling me – calling you. To seek Him. To honor Him. The Potter is moulding and a form is just beginning to take shape. Just beginning!

Ladies, if I can encourage you in one thing this week, it is to be praying

If your appetite is whetted by the single scripture verses each day, keep reading!

If the Holy Spirit is convicting you, if worry is plaguing you, if Satan is distracting or discouraging you, keep seeking.

In the Flesh

I have loved watching little communities forming in the comments section of each daily post, watching y’all lift one another up in prayer on Twitter, and beautiful images of Bibles open and prayers written on Y’all are building each other up and praying for one another and it excites me every time I see it!

So, I want to know: How is the Gospel fleshing out in your daily relationships?  Have you found someone in your circle who will pray with you and for you specifically? Who can you sit down with over coffee and discuss what you are learning and what God is doing?

I have found personally that I tend to compartmentalize my life online and my life in my church and community. My blog isn’t my alter-ego, but I don’t use hashtags in everyday conversations (very often) :) or talk WordPress themes or sewing tutorials with the moms at the preschool Book Fair. Most of them don’t even know I have a blog. The crossover is rare.

But, y’all. This is different. This is the area where crossover should happen!

Because we’re talking about our lives. We’re talking about relationships. And we’re talking about being the hands and feet of Jesus to each other within the communities that God has placed us.

This online community spurs one another to seek the Lord, we share quite a lot with one another. But then, we send each other out! We are forming Truth-centered relationships in real life! He wants us to be the same person to our neighbor that we are to the women we love so well on Facebook and Twitter.

We hope this for you – for ourselves! As our community grows larger, we hope to see many mini-communities forming – with HIM as the founder of each one. We would love to hear how this is happening! And please, let us know if there’s any way we can help – we are open to ideas!


Some matters of housekeeping from the #SheReadsTruth team:

1. We are going to begin posting each new week’s memory verse on Tuesdays. This will be accompanied with a lock screen image for your phones, as well as a helpful mini-tutorial on how to capture that image and set it up on your phone.

2. In addition to the lock screen graphics, we are happy to begin providing background wallpaper graphics for computer desktops if there is interest. Interested? Let us know in the comments!

3. Journals: Many of you have seen the pretty little #shereadstruth journals that have been floating around the last couple of weeks. We understand that many of y’all would love to have one, too. Can I just tell you how badly we just want to mail one to each and every one of you?! Nothing would make us happier! Of course, that’s not realistic. We are considering making these journals available for purchase if there is enough interest beginning in a couple of weeks. We’ll keep you posted as we know more.

4. Please pray for the four of us this week! We are four fallen, flawed women with a very exciting but BIG task set before us. We want to serve and love you all well. We want to make wise decisions for this beautiful community. We want to point the world to Christ with whatever resources the Lord gives us. We need wisdom and we covet y’all’s prayers as we seek to make much of God.


Love to you all as you seek Him and are renewed day by day this week!

– Raechel for the #SheReadsTruth Team

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60 thoughts on "renewed day by day"

  1. Shannon says:

    I would also LOVE a journal and the desktop screen savers. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the iphone ones, they are a constant reminder for me to stay focused. What a blessing you all are, please keep up the good work!!

  2. Rachel says:

    I am so in love with #shereadstruth! The transformation and renewal this community is bringing is awesome.

    I definitely want a journal. PLEASE make them available for purchase!


  3. Ellie says:

    Wowwww how amazing is it to find a community of like minded women who are seeking to be godly and pure in His eyes?!!! :D Let us run this race with victory as we lead others into His arms of Grace~<3 I'll make sure to check back on Tuesdays

  4. Monique says:

    What a blessing this is. Thank you. A tangible way to eat His word. At times it presents inedible, intangible and awkward. Hard to open and mull over and yet the simple act of starting deepens the hunger. The fullness never quite realised. Thank you for reminder me of this. I have began eating his word daily. Journalling again and ever so slowly began dancing in his freedom.

    I have had the bible app for some time started plans but never fully committed. Yet knowing others are doing it also (even if they are on the other side of the world) is encouraging.

    From an australian girl that stumbled upon this site.

  5. elizabethfstewart says:

    Ok, so I feel dumb. Started your reading plan just a couple days ago and started on day one. I thought she reads truth was a place to share anything special we've been reading in the Word, so have just posted photos of scriptures that stand out as I read the Word in general. Do you want the she reads truth hashtag only used for something specifically from that days scripture reading on the plan?

  6. Rebekah says:

    I really like having the Bible verse on my computer desktop background because I am not able to put it on my phone. I use my laptop quite a bit, so it is nice to have that verse as a constant reminder for me. Thank you ladies for the time and hard work you are putting into investing in our lives.

  7. Raewyn (My Spare Oom) says:

    I am loving #SheReadsTruth! Found out about it through Jenna (EatLiveRun) and Mama Pea (Peas and Thank You) and joined on Day 15 of Soul Detox. I've always wanted – but never actually comitted – to reading the Bible daily. I woke up each morning looking forward to my quiet time with God. :) And I love the new plan even more. It's definitely Providential – each new verse/reflection/action step/challenge each day is something I need to work on. God's moving my heart, big-time. :)

    Thank you, fabulous ladies for starting this! So blessed by this community!