renewed day by day

Good morning, ladies!

Welcome to Monday and a fresh week full of opportunities to serve and seek Him!

Isn’t it great – the more we are in the word each day, the more we want to bring glory to our Maker.

our Comforter
our Provider
our Savior

He is softening our hearts, adjusting our focus, and calling us to communion with Him.

And I don’t think I’m alone in this, but the change that is taking place in my heart through Him is starting to become noticeable to the people around me! My husband has noticed. My kids have noticed. Something is different about the way I do life and it’s good.

I hope it won’t stop there.

I want this work to continue – I want to be His new creation! Renewed day by day!

Oh, I still have so far to go in my calling to be like Christ.

So. Far.

But He just keeps calling me – calling you. To seek Him. To honor Him. The Potter is moulding and a form is just beginning to take shape. Just beginning!

Ladies, if I can encourage you in one thing this week, it is to be praying

If your appetite is whetted by the single scripture verses each day, keep reading!

If the Holy Spirit is convicting you, if worry is plaguing you, if Satan is distracting or discouraging you, keep seeking.

In the Flesh

I have loved watching little communities forming in the comments section of each daily post, watching y’all lift one another up in prayer on Twitter, and beautiful images of Bibles open and prayers written on Y’all are building each other up and praying for one another and it excites me every time I see it!

So, I want to know: How is the Gospel fleshing out in your daily relationships?  Have you found someone in your circle who will pray with you and for you specifically? Who can you sit down with over coffee and discuss what you are learning and what God is doing?

I have found personally that I tend to compartmentalize my life online and my life in my church and community. My blog isn’t my alter-ego, but I don’t use hashtags in everyday conversations (very often) :) or talk WordPress themes or sewing tutorials with the moms at the preschool Book Fair. Most of them don’t even know I have a blog. The crossover is rare.

But, y’all. This is different. This is the area where crossover should happen!

Because we’re talking about our lives. We’re talking about relationships. And we’re talking about being the hands and feet of Jesus to each other within the communities that God has placed us.

This online community spurs one another to seek the Lord, we share quite a lot with one another. But then, we send each other out! We are forming Truth-centered relationships in real life! He wants us to be the same person to our neighbor that we are to the women we love so well on Facebook and Twitter.

We hope this for you – for ourselves! As our community grows larger, we hope to see many mini-communities forming – with HIM as the founder of each one. We would love to hear how this is happening! And please, let us know if there’s any way we can help – we are open to ideas!


Some matters of housekeeping from the #SheReadsTruth team:

1. We are going to begin posting each new week’s memory verse on Tuesdays. This will be accompanied with a lock screen image for your phones, as well as a helpful mini-tutorial on how to capture that image and set it up on your phone.

2. In addition to the lock screen graphics, we are happy to begin providing background wallpaper graphics for computer desktops if there is interest. Interested? Let us know in the comments!

3. Journals: Many of you have seen the pretty little #shereadstruth journals that have been floating around the last couple of weeks. We understand that many of y’all would love to have one, too. Can I just tell you how badly we just want to mail one to each and every one of you?! Nothing would make us happier! Of course, that’s not realistic. We are considering making these journals available for purchase if there is enough interest beginning in a couple of weeks. We’ll keep you posted as we know more.

4. Please pray for the four of us this week! We are four fallen, flawed women with a very exciting but BIG task set before us. We want to serve and love you all well. We want to make wise decisions for this beautiful community. We want to point the world to Christ with whatever resources the Lord gives us. We need wisdom and we covet y’all’s prayers as we seek to make much of God.


Love to you all as you seek Him and are renewed day by day this week!

– Raechel for the #SheReadsTruth Team

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60 thoughts on "renewed day by day"

  1. Shannon says:

    I would also LOVE a journal and the desktop screen savers. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the iphone ones, they are a constant reminder for me to stay focused. What a blessing you all are, please keep up the good work!!

  2. Rachel says:

    I am so in love with #shereadstruth! The transformation and renewal this community is bringing is awesome.

    I definitely want a journal. PLEASE make them available for purchase!


  3. Ellie says:

    Wowwww how amazing is it to find a community of like minded women who are seeking to be godly and pure in His eyes?!!! :D Let us run this race with victory as we lead others into His arms of Grace~<3 I'll make sure to check back on Tuesdays

  4. Monique says:

    What a blessing this is. Thank you. A tangible way to eat His word. At times it presents inedible, intangible and awkward. Hard to open and mull over and yet the simple act of starting deepens the hunger. The fullness never quite realised. Thank you for reminder me of this. I have began eating his word daily. Journalling again and ever so slowly began dancing in his freedom.

    I have had the bible app for some time started plans but never fully committed. Yet knowing others are doing it also (even if they are on the other side of the world) is encouraging.

    From an australian girl that stumbled upon this site.

  5. elizabethfstewart says:

    Ok, so I feel dumb. Started your reading plan just a couple days ago and started on day one. I thought she reads truth was a place to share anything special we've been reading in the Word, so have just posted photos of scriptures that stand out as I read the Word in general. Do you want the she reads truth hashtag only used for something specifically from that days scripture reading on the plan?

  6. Rebekah says:

    I really like having the Bible verse on my computer desktop background because I am not able to put it on my phone. I use my laptop quite a bit, so it is nice to have that verse as a constant reminder for me. Thank you ladies for the time and hard work you are putting into investing in our lives.

  7. Raewyn (My Spare Oom) says:

    I am loving #SheReadsTruth! Found out about it through Jenna (EatLiveRun) and Mama Pea (Peas and Thank You) and joined on Day 15 of Soul Detox. I've always wanted – but never actually comitted – to reading the Bible daily. I woke up each morning looking forward to my quiet time with God. :) And I love the new plan even more. It's definitely Providential – each new verse/reflection/action step/challenge each day is something I need to work on. God's moving my heart, big-time. :)

    Thank you, fabulous ladies for starting this! So blessed by this community!

  8. Trina says:

    I am so glad I have found this online community. I joined a couple weeks ago and have been reading since. I had saw the instagram photo with a journal and thought I would give it a try and have written something I think everyday, which is an accomplishment for me since I do not like to write. I am very grateful that the group of ladies started this and that I found it.

  9. elle says:

    Would totally love to purchase one of these beauty’s.

  10. Laura says:

    I recently (as in several minutes ago kind of recent) discovered this blog via a tweet with the hash tag shereadstruth. How exciting this is for me! These past couple of months have been so difficult for me. It just seems like no matter what happens, I am so far from Jesus. What a struggle this has been. Someone above me said that they just dread the day in the morning. That is starting to happen to me now. But I know our God is good and provides what we need. Maybe this is a little (or rather big) blessing from God. I will definitely be reading this blog and participating in conversation daily. God bless you all!

  11. ksluiter says:

    those journals are the whip! i would totally buy one!

  12. The Crafting Coop says:

    I'm loving this community :D I've been wanting to be in the Word a lot more in the last couple of months, and I know the timing of me finding this was all God! How awesome is that?! Having this community is definitely keeping me reading daily, or at least to play catch up when I get behind ;) I'm so for the journals too

  13. skye says:

    Yes yes yes for the journals!! :)

  14. Miranda Kuykendall says:

    Thank you for following the Lord and for pouring out into people you don't even know! This has been a blessing. My small group leader says, "Live in the Word like a fish lives in water." This is our goal, and it's neat to see it happen with so many women. Be blessed this week!

    1. Raechel says:

      Love that quote! Drinking deeply this week with you!

  15. Stacey says:

    Thank you so much for this site! I love having a plan and purpose for my daily quiet time… it helps keep me in the word but to have a group to help keep me accountable is wonderful. I have struggled with finding a small group that is all on the same schedule. I know this doesn't replace face to face fellowship but it sure is great when the other isn't working out as well.

    I love the journals as well. I'm a sucker for a journal. I also love seeing the pictures of everyones journals. I like to be creative and writing things down helps me to remember. Seeing how others journal is such a treat!

  16. Lauren says:

    Hi ladies – I'm super new here, very, very green and trying to figure this project out, but I like what I'm seeing and reading. I've been very recently reminded to hit my knees and pray for the first time in many, many years…something is changing in me as well. I know it was no accident that I came across this in so many of the blogs that I've stumbled across these last few weeks. I'm excited to join in and start reading, praying, writing, learning…thank you for sharing.

  17. Bobbi says:

    oh did someone make you all the journal??? Love it!

    1. Raechel says:

      Kacia and her husband make the journals – that's how we have them. But so many of y'all have asked for journals for yourselves we're trying to figure out a good way to make that happen :)

  18. I love the lockscreens.

    I was baptized last Tuesday night and last week's verse was part of one of my baptism. I love looking a the lockscreen and thinking about that night.

    1. Raechel says:

      Nancy, that's awesome!!! Congratulations and so glad you're with us!


  19. Monica says:

    Just want to say thank you. I love reading along and learning each day. So nice to know there are so many of you out there!! I love the ideas of journals count me in!!

  20. Amanda says:

    Definitely interested in journal!

  21. Those journals are quite lovely! & with a busy weekend/Monday, I haven't done my Surrendered Life devotions yet…but I'm choosing to walk in grace for a new day instead of beating myself up for not getting it done. :)

    1. Raechel says:

      Good girl! Grace abounds!

      Jump in right where you left off – you're sure to be one of many on that day! Or, catch up with the group if you like. The point is to KEEP GOING!

      Glad you're reading with us!


  22. ginaree says:

    Thank you for taking the time to lead us! I am loving this community. :)
    Count me in for desktop backgrounds and journals!!

  23. ValerieH says:

    Definitely a vote for journals and the desktop! And if you do monthly desktops, please offer ones without the calendar? I love to have the beautiful photography and verses on my desktop but I find the calendar distracting.

    Thank you for this lovely ladies!

    Random question, I just started (inCourage) and from what I’ve seen on Twitter I’m behind on Living the Surrendered Life, how do I know what day you’re on and how do I catch up?

    1. Raechel says:

      Hi Valerie! And Welcome!
      There are a couple of ways to know what day we're on:
      1. follow "shereadstruth" on instagram. We post an image with the number every day so you'll know.
      2. Subscribe to this site (scroll to the top of the page, second column from the right, just enter your email address). Every day a "post" will be published with the number day we're on, so you can get a reminder in your inbox to read that day.
      3. At the top of this page, click on "Daily Truth" to see all the daily posts with plan day numbers. So, even if you're behind, go to that day and join in the conversation for that day!
      4. On the YouVersion website you have the option to have your plans delivered to your email every day.

      As for catching up, just go at your own pace! If you want to do a few a day to catch up, that's fine! You'll just have to keep track of what day you're on (the YouVersion app lets you mark the days you've completed).

      So glad you've joined us, Valerie! Please let us know if there's anything else we can do. Our community wants you!


  24. Melissa says:

    Count this as a vote for the journals!

  25. eatpraytri says:

    I can't tell you how much I enjoy this community. I can't even really describe how great it is to be a part of "something" even though the majority of it is done independently, between me and Him. Reading what others get out of the daily studies really helps as well!
    I would love a computer desktop background as well as a journal if they become available!

  26. Nicole says:

    such lovely thoughts! I love the idea of a coffee chat :) The desktop wallpaper is a wonderful idea :)

    1. Rachel Anne says:

      Fill in this form and I'll get you details this week so we can start ASAP!

      I look forward to meeting you!

  27. Rachel Anne says:

    I'm am loving and feel so blessed by this online community. I would really like to take it to a local level. I've been praying on starting an online small group/bible study/coffee chat, because while I know face-to-physical face is important, not everyone can get out and away but perhaps they can get in front of their computer for 30 minutes while the babies nap or the coffee brews and "meet up"

    I'm on Central time and in the Joliet, Chicagoland area and would love to talk more "face-to-face" with all of you!

  28. brooke says:

    I've been encouraged by this site and have a specific friend in mind that I can't wait to share it with.
    Desktop wallpaper would be awesome (I don't have a smartphone) and the journal would also be awesome.
    Thanks for this blog!

  29. Brittany says:

    I'm here from (in)courage and I'm really excited to join this community that I've seen around twitter and instagram!

  30. Samantha says:

    Through SheReadsTruth, I've discovered two of the most wonderful ladies that I am so blessed to call my friends. (As well as many other lovely women) It's amazing how God works to bring us together in friendship and to enable us to lift each other up!

    I feel as though Satan has been sitting on my back trying to pull me away during this plan though, certain issues have come up in my life and I have the distinct feeling that Satan is trying to pull me away. I would so appreciate prayers for the strength to wrestle on as I have been. Keeping up with the daily readings and seeking the Lord.

    1. Nancy says:

      Samantha; Nancy here. I will be praying for you specifically today. May God bless you and seek his face. Seek his strength to fill you up and put on the armor of God. Read his word and pray to start. Satan hasn't a leg to stand on and pray in "Jesus name" He will flee. Trust knowing that He will renew your trust and faith. Hugs……Nancy

      1. Samantha says:

        Nancy, thank you do much. I’m tearing up at the beautiful kindness that the Lord has led me too. I appreciate your prayers immensely!

  31. Kim B. says:

    What a GREAT way to start my day! This really hit home for me: if worry is plaguing you, if Satan is distracting or discouraging you, keep seeking. YES! I need to keep seeking! I HATE that I awake dreading my day,when instead I need to awake knowing God will give me everything I need to get through my day.

  32. All the above is amazing!
    I would love to have a notebook, desktop wallpapers I could put on my personal computer and at work and lock screen images (I have android, so I have no clue how to put it on my phone) and I will be praying for all of you! This is amazing what you have set up in past couple of weeks. I've been following along almost since the beginning and this is amazing! God is amazing to have worked this out through you all!

  33. Hannah says:

    Thank you for you hard work! I love all the creative ideas! It has been so wonderful finally finding an online community! I need to comment more and be more interactive. We are trying to find a new church as our old one has gotten too big. We both really value community and genuine relationships.

    It’s hard to find people who are willing to hear different viewpoints, as we all come to faith through our own journeys. Sometimes with other believers they are quick to judge or not listen to another perspective.

    Well I’m just glad to be in the word each day! I hope to journal more!

  34. Would definitely be interested in a journal, for myself and to gift.

  35. Kristen says:

    Love this community! Thank you so much for offering beautiful, insightful words and encouragement. I, too, have started many reading plans, only to fall off the wagon less than a week in… not this time! There is something about this "doing it together" mentality that makes me keep reading (oh, and it's probably something to do with God teaching me self-control and discipline too!). So, thanks. Will be praying for you this week!

    Definitely interested in computer backgrounds and that awesome journal! I'm thinking of starting a women's group in our church and using #shereadstruth as the starting point. Would love to get one for each lady in the group!


  36. motherjulie says:

    I am so excited to be here! I have been praying for this kind of a community as I continue seeking God's will for my life.

  37. Makena says:

    Thanks so much for everything! This whole community has been such an encouragement to me. I love the lock screen idea! That would definitely be a big help for me to memorize scripture. I also love the journal idea! I would love to get them for my bible study. A perfect gift. Thanks again and keep it up!

    Moments of Eternity

  38. sandym24 says:

    Thank you for…everything! I'm not very techy or savvy. God must have used you to send this to me..because I don't know what key, switch, button or etc. I used to get it. God works in mysterious ways!! _Again, thanks. I'll now try to see how I can get the She Speaks Truth journal.

  39. Emily says:

    I am so glad to have stumbled upon this site and community. Summer is a hard time to be consistent in my reading. I have been searching for a community to help keep me accountable and am greatful to discover this one. Keep on chasing after Him!

  40. Cat says:

    Oops for to add – I love the idea of the desktop background and the journal.!!!

  41. Cat says:

    I am so excited to part of this community!! What a Godsend!!


  42. Lauren says:

    My church has provided countless reading plans but I could never fully commit. I would fall off maybe on the 3rd or 4th day. I started last Monday and I have been in the word every day since, not just on Sundays. I feel something moving, something changing and something softening me. I want to bring more glory to Him and not myself. I do not want to worry or fear what may come because I have the Lord on my side. I want to be lost in Him. I feel this is leading me down a path. A great one and I cannot help but feel excitement and love. I am on the surrendered life and although I read every day I do not write every day (I've missed 2) but still I am reading and I am learning!!

    I cannot express words how appreciative I am of you ladies. I will pray for you and thank Him every day for you and learning about this community. I would love all these resources you've listed. The computer background, the lock screen, and THE JOURNAL! I have my own journal and may spruce it up to be a strictly "She Reads Truth" Journal.

    Like you said I am a fallen, flawed woman but am very excited as well with what this will turn into. Thank you all!

  43. Casey says:

    Finding this blog and learning about the devotionals on my Bible app have been life changing for me! I stumbled upon your blog after i saw a tweet about #shereadstruth. It has been so refreshing to be in the Word everyday. I love to journal but have gotten out of the habit lately. When i started my Soul Detox plan i was reminded just how much i love to journal. It has been so encouraging and theraputic to get my thoughts and prayers out! I already have the #shereadstruth wallpaper on my iphone so having a weekly Bible verse would be awesome! I also like the journals that y'all have. They are so cute.

    I will be praying for you lovely ladies as you continue to embark on this wonderful journey.

  44. Megan says:

    I love the idea of a computer desktop verse! I use my iPhone verse screen constantly! I would love it if there was an iPad screen too… Currently I use the iPhone screen on my iPad, but it's a bit pixelated.

    I have posted recently on my own blog about #shereadstruth and I had a friend I hadn't talked to in a while tank me for sharing this community with her! It was fun knowing I am reading God's word with a friend who is hundreds of miles away!

    This community has changed my relationship with others as well. Mostly in the patience I have with my son and husband. I can't wait to see how else God will change and use me!

    1. Kacia says:

      Megan, that is awesome!! I love when God uses our online "life" in ways like that!!

  45. Anne says:

    I think the journal idea is amazing! I kept seeing them on instagram and kept thinking what a great gift they would make for others in my life to encourage them to join this community or participate in their own devotionals.

    This community has been such a blessing for me, and the encouragement of daily bible study has brought such peace of mind to me. I still have a long way to go, like so many others, but I pray that we all continue following this wonderful journey in each others life’s!

    1. Kacia says:

      Anne, that is an amazing idea!!

      We are so happy you are here – this community is a blessing to me as well. So that means YOU are a blessing – THANK YOU!

  46. Mary says:

    I would love a journal! The desktop image sounds incredible, and especially loving the phone image, b/c i constantly see that! Praying for you ladies, thank you for listening to God when He called you to this task.

    My heart is changing daily. Agree completely with taking this offline and into our homes and communities. We need face-to-face conversations with other ladies and we need to be spurring the on in Christ daily. I pray that God will provide us ALL with new friendships and will continue spurring us on in our friendships currently. MAY WE ALL LOVE EACH OTHER WELL!!

    1. Kacia says:

      We cannot wait to share the desktop image with y'all tomorrow!!

      We ALSO cannot wait to get these journals to y'all!!

  47. Chick Flick Diva says:

    First of all I want to say thank you for such a warm welcome. I have really enjoyed visiting your blog. I have signed up for the new series. And plan to stay in touch. Found you via Sharefest. What a blessing this has been for me. Thank you for being a vessel!

    1. Kacia says:

      We are so happy you are here!! Please let us know if you have questions – and join in the daily discussions! You can use the "Daily Devo" button to find those posts!
