Today I felt nostalgic for my sophomore year of college. It was during this year that God used a friend to draw me to the book of Deuteronomy in a fresh way.
That year, I met a friend (coincidentally named Amen) who had a deeper prayer life than mine. I longed to grow in intimacy with God through prayer like I saw present in her life. While Amen experienced prayer in a way that I wanted to understand, I had grown up in a faith tradition that focused more on Scripture. We quickly noticed that we both had a lot we could learn from each other, and as a result we started meeting every Tuesday and Thursday morning to pray and open God’s Word. The book we chose to start with was Deuteronomy.
As I was learning with Amen and growing deeper in my prayer life, I also experienced Scripture in an entirely new way. Reading the book of Deuteronomy made me want to live a life of obedience. Seeing how much God cared for His people, and observing His intentional provision and gracious patience, created within me an urgency to offer my entire life to Him in worship. Deuteronomy also taught me the importance of remembrance.
In today’s reading, we see Moses delivering an argument for why future obedience matters. Moses reminds his audience of the provision and care of God in their lifetime (Deuteronomy 8:2–3), while also warning them that it is easy to forget His faithfulness (v.14). He also cautions them to be careful of what they expose themselves to (Deuteronomy 7:16,25–26). Additionally, he draws their attention to what they have to hope for in the promised land (Deuteronomy 8:7–10).
Interestingly enough, the blessings of the promised land could possibly distract and lead its recipients into complacency and ungratefulness. Moses warned the Israelites to guard themselves from amnesia—one that forgets that God is the only reason you are at the moment, time, or place that you are. Moses communicates a profound truth here: to remember is to obey, and to forget is to disobey. Moses urges God’s people to understand the possible consequences of forgetfulness (vv.19–20).
Many years later, Jesus uses some of the words from today’s reading in Deuteronomy to withstand Satan’s temptations while in a vulnerable state of hunger (Matthew 4:2–4). Jesus demonstrates for us that remembrance of God’s Word brings victory over Satan’s attacks.
I needed today’s readings. I needed to remember why future obedience matters. And why remembrance is a key player in the effort to obey. May you and I cement in our minds today to remember and “don’t forget the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 8:11).
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84 thoughts on "Remember the Lord"
Thank you lord for your promises and discipline.
I love how God still provides for all their needs throughout the disciplining process. He does all things for our good, I must remember that.
To remember His good leads to obedience. We receive because He is good.
Thank you lord for your healing lord we ask for covering in Jesus name you are good and we love you lord for all that you have done lord healing is his portion lord and covering of the blood we receive in Jesus name you are good and your mercy is everlasting lord we thank you and shout in victory for it is so lord. We thank you. I’m Jesus name it is so and it is done. Hallelujah!
Munchkin, The Lord delivered me from debilitating anxiety. I am SO grateful. My anxiety is always close, but not in control. I will pray for you.
Munchkin, The Lord delivered me from debilitating anxiety. I am SO grateful
I loved the line “guard yourself from amnesia- forgetting that god is the ONLY reason you are at the moment, time, or place that you are”
Thank you God
Thank you God !!
Praying for you and your family, Jane K. ❤️
“To remember is to obey. To forget is to disobey” I’m a forgetful person so I think this is an important concept for me.
Praying for you, Changed Life!!
Thank you @ Searching for reposting this Scripture: 11 “Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today, 12 lest—when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; 13 and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied; 14 when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; 15 who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water; who brought water for you out of the flinty rock; 16 who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do you good in the end— 17 then you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.’
I never really thought about what was being said here. God is telling them that after they have eaten and have houses, flocks, and other riches, to not forget. Of course, God knows we are prone to forget, but how loving to just lay it out. How often do I take the many blessings and provisions of God for granted? I may say thank you before eating and then complain, feel discontent, get anxious, worry, or long for something else in my life right after I just received a blessing.
Also, I have read or heard for years about them traveling through the wilderness, but the verses above hit me in a new way. He led them out of bondage just like He can lead us out of the bondage of sin, unforgiveness, jealousy, envy, addictions, depression, hopelessness, and more. There were harsh conditions there! (in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water) I guess I didn’t really think of all He protected them from and how amazing His provision was and is for us still today! God please forgive me and change me. Help me to be mindful, live a life of remembrance, and obey, and live with gratitude. You are Holy, all Powerful, and Sovereign, but yet You are mindful of us. May we praise and honor You and with the help of the Holy Spirit live lives that are worthy of Your calling. ThankYou, Giod!!Amen!
I’m happy to hear the good news and praying for you all!
ERB ❤️, nice that I can be an encouragement to YOU too!!
CHANGED LIFE, you AND He have got this!! I pray you are also reaching out to other resources that support your sobriety and know a ton about what works best (but individualized to you)!
Praying for you, Changed Life. God is your helper and strength. You have a hopeful future. I’m believing it for you!!!!
Lord, help us not forget to keep your commands and stay faithful to you. Teach us obedience Father!
First week of Deuteronomy has been amazing and I have already learned so much (both from the study and you sweet sisters). I’ve never read this book before, so the Lord is really speaking to me with fresh scripture and instruction. Excited for next week!
Praying for everyone’s requests – have a blessed weekend, She’s! xx
First week of Deuteronomy has been amazing and I have already learned so much (both from the study and you sweet sisters). I’ve never read this book before, so the Lord is really speaking to me with fresh scripture and instruction. Excited for next week!
Prayers for you and please go to AA or something similar or counseling.
CHANGED LIFE, God bless you and give you strength and continued conviction, despite strong temptation around you! Your sisters here love you and are praying alongside you…please know prayer will continue whether or not you comment again but, as you know, we support eachother for both the ups and downs. I also feel, whether directly or indirectly, my ladies here help keep me accountable and going!!
ADRIENNE, HUGE praise!!! Will continue to pray for recovery process.
Sisters, please continue to pray for me and our interactions with the kids / parents TOMORROW…I feel like I’m being not to walk an extremely thin tight wire while not “thinking about it too much”… oxymoron! Pray that hubby and I are on the same page rather than letting our respective stresses create negativity!
Satan, in the name of Jesus, stay out of our way! Each and every one of us!!
❤️ Have a truly blessed weekend my Darlings and thanks for the encouragement!❤️
CeeGee, Christina Fowlkes, Kathy A, Foster Mama, Nads, Tina, ERB, Brooke Parker, Bridget Vaschak, Kristina, Jody Lynn, and everyone who prayed for me (I am sure I am forgetting names ) thank you so much. Have a blessed weekend and continued prayers are much appreciated!
Adrienne praise God!! We give Him glory for this healing.
Changed Life, thank you for sharing your request! I will be praying for you. I am so happy that you have taken this step, praise God!
I’m late getting on here to day! Praying for you all.
Praying the Holy Spirit will be a constant encouragement to you. Keep choosing the best for yourself!! Hugs!
CHANGED LIFE, just wanted to say how much respect I have for you and how proud I am of you!!! Such a big step, 2 days is a big deal!! Keep making those hard but healthy choices!!! As I am typing this..God is prompting me to ask you if you have seen The Chosen, specifically episode 1 from season 1… it’s about Mary Magdalene and how the Lord came into her life in such a huge way, that she was never the same!! I feel like God wants to use this example in your life.. please, if you can, look this up and watch it!! …May your life never be the same again!! Blessings be upon you sister.
CEEGEE, I love you too dear sister and am so glad you got the connections like I did, it means a lot!! ❤️
NADS, you make me smile sweet sister!! Today you held me accountable as well encouraged me today, I needed an extra push and you gave it to me! Thank you!! I am commenting now! Better late than never! ;)
Today I highlighted
Deuteronomy 7:20-26 …I found it interesting how it mentioned hornets!! And it probably seems ridiculous but my first thought was of the “murder hornets” of 2020. …we have seen and experienced some pretty crazy things these last few years, haven’t we?! But how comforting is this next line.. “DON’T be terrified of them, for the Lord your God, a GREAT and AWESOME God, is AMONG you.” Wow!! SO Awesome to be reminded about that and to have that truth declared and that comfort given in such times as these!!! When we are living FOR God there is no place we can go without His presence being with us..He is ALL and is in all!! ❤️
Deuteronomy 8:1-3 really spoke to me!! “…so that He might humble you and test you to know what was in your heart… so that you might learn that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”
Chapter 8 then finishes with this strong and much needed reminder: “19 If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods to serve them and bow in worship to them, I testify against you today that you will certainly perish. 20 Like the nations the Lord is about to destroy before you, you will perish if you do not obey the Lord your God.”
SO. Much. TRUTH. and conviction right here!!! Awesome. Awesome. Stuff!! And definitely a lot to reflect on… God, You are so good to us!!! ❤️
I am praying for (and rejoicing with) ALL of you wonderful ladies, and your prayer requests (spoken & unspoken) and have deep respect for each of you!! Be Blessed my dear sisters!!! And here’s to an extra-ordinary weekend where God makes Himself KNOWN to each of us in His own unique & personal way!!! xoxo
We need Gods word to fight off Satan. Praise the Lord for this weapon
ADRIENNE, I missed adding your name as I suspected, but Jon has been in my prayers along with you and your husband as the surgery progresses and recovery begins!
Often times when God brings blessings in our lives it can bring distraction and lead to being complacent and ungrateful.
My message cut off! He was able to walk pretty normally and not have to brace himself to hold himself upright while riding in the car.
Surgery was successful, sisters. Thank you for praying. From Jon earlier… “
I like how Beth says, “…remembrance of God’s Word brings victory over Satan’s attacks.” I so often need the word of God to fight off Satan. It seems so even more lately than ever before. The Lord’s words are what guide my life and I need to remember this.
Be blessed sisters and have a wonderful weekend.
Hello everyone. I have followed SRT for several years and this is my first post. I have a prayer request for you lovely ladies. I have recently been convicted of having a drinking problem. I have been a slave to it for many years. I have prayed that God would strengthen me to walk away from it forever. Thanks be to God, I have been sober for two days. I ask you to pray for God to continue strengthening me in my sobriety. My husband will continue to drink, so the temptation is strong.
God bless you beautiful ladies. I pray for you all in your praises and prayer requests. Know that many women read your comments and replies and get encouragement from you. You are truly a blessing!
MARGARET W, sending you a big hug.
“Love is never wasted.” ❤️ Thank you for those words of encouragement that I need so much to hear today! I have loved many who have turned on me, and I need to remember that my love, and my obedience to God in one particular instance, is never wasted.
“….God is the only reason you are at the moment, time, or place that you are.” Powerful thought to dwell on today. Praying that God will remind me of it often.
“He humbled you, causing you to hunger” (v. 3). I am so aware of how I have forgotten the faithfulness of God over the past few years- I allowed myself to live in fear and disobeyed His commands. And truly one day I was so empty and stuck, I knew something had to change. I was not prioritizing my relationship with God but was prioritizing my wants and desires- making idols of them. God’s love is a fatherly love and I’m just so thankful for the desire within us to seek Him. Yet, sometimes He humbles us in order to get our attention. He humbled me through an autoimmune diagnosis and the pandemic, helping me to slow down enough to really listen to and obey Him. It’s amazing the ways in which God gets our attention! May we always remember!
Foster Mama what a caring and beautiful heart you have! I pray for you and all involved in the situation and this meeting tomorrow. God hears your prayers and knows your heart ❤️. Thank you for celebrating with me and for praying for me!
GRAMSIESUE…such wonderful pearls of wisdom and truth!
“Obeying the Lord means doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason. The three essentials… listening to God‘s word, remembering it, and obeying it. They are still the essentials for a successful and satisfying Christian life today…When God allows a difficult circumstance to test us, we will either trust him and become more mature, …relying on the Lord to care for us and bring us through for his glory and our good… “What’s down in the well comes up in the bucket“. It was my way of telling them what they fill them with their heart with is what will show in their lives.”
“Remembrance is the key to obedience. Trials have purpose, God’s love is steadfast. God himself is leading & testing us to know our hearts .
Munchkin I relate so much to what you have said. God has done the same for me with my anxiety and I also still struggle with unavoidable triggers. I pray for both of us, all of us here really, that we never forget all the good God has done for us. It is easy to do, some people believe we are “wired” to focus on potential threats by focusing on the bad and scary things that happen to us. I believe that quirk of our minds came from when sin entered the world, and we can rise above our “programming” by obeying God’s commands to remember His goodness and faithfulness and to focus on giving thanks and praying.
Adrienne continuing to pray for your son!
Amen Mari V!
Thank you KathyA
Thank you Christina Fowlkes!
Jane K I am sorry it has been such a difficult week. I will pray for you and your family
Dear Jane, that’s a lot on your plate. Lifting you all up in prayer .
“Remembrance is the key to obedience.” Great thoughts in today’s devotional.
What a read!!! This week I have learned and been reminded of so much good stuff!
Dear ERB, I read your post with the song, but didn’t read the second one detailing your thoughts about foreshadowing, etc. (I’m glad you included the reference from John as I didn’t do that. Thank you!) Reading your comment and then going back and reading the post made my heart dance, too! Love you! It was so disruptive here while I was ‘studying’ – haha – but we got our new ducts in for the a/c and I’m thankful for that! It truly blesses my heart to see that we had similar thoughts on those passages!!! Praying you are well today and I missed your ‘seeing’ you. Love from the upstate of SC embracing you right now, sister!
TINA – my dear, friend, your ‘remember’ testimony is similar to mine and this morning I clung to the remembrance of the day God’s grace turned things around for me. That is the day I most remember as well and it is so sweet, humbling, and loving. Hugs to you (wrapped in love as yours are) and gratitude for the blessing you are to us!!!!
In Chapter 7:v 13-15, I again thought of a foreshadowing of heaven as I read the description of the land promised to them. I Chapter 8:1-20, I counted 6 times that remembrance was mentioned and then v. 20b stood out: ‘you will perish if you don not obey the LORD your God.”
Chapter 9:1-6 says, ‘Listen…Understand…Understand.”!!!
I love these quotes from the devotional: Profound truth: “to remember is to obey, and to forget is to disobey. Moses urges God’s people to understand the possible consequences of forgetfulness (vv.19–20). and “…remembrance is a key player in the effort to obey. May you and I cement in our minds today to remember and “don’t forget the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 8:11).”
Continued prayers for TINA, VICTORIA E., FOSTER MAMA, JANE K., MARTHA HIX, for whatever needs each of you face this day and in the days ahead. My apologies if I missed naming anyone as I do pray God’s blessings on each of you!
Reminded today that even when they were walking through the wilderness (consequences/punishment) God took care of the Israelites. “Your clothing did not wear out, your feet did not swell…”When we or those we love are in a time of disobedience God is drawing us back to Him AND caring for us.
Obviously I am not a tech savvy person… I’m not sure why I have so many posts on here. But I wanted to say further, that how we respond to the tests of life reveals what’s really in our hearts. When God allows a difficult circumstance to test us, we will either trust him and become more mature, or tempt him and become more miserable. The difference is believing the promises of God and relying on the Lord to care for us and bring us through for his glory and our good.
I am reminded of some thing I used to tell my children when they were growing up and now find myself telling my grandchildren… “What’s down in the well comes up in the bucket“. It was my way of telling them what they fill them with their heart with is what will show in their lives.
Obviously I am not a tech savvy person… I’m not sure why I have so many posts on here. But I wanted to say further, that how we respond to the tests of life reveals what’s really in our hearts. When God allows a difficult circumstance to test us, we will either trust him and become more mature, or tempt him and become more miserable. The difference is believing the promises of God and relying on the Lord to care for us and bring us through for his glory and our good.
Praying for all of you! Munchkin, Jane, Adrienne, Victoria E, Foster Mama, all of you
My goodness! There was just so much in today’s reading.
Israel was God’s chosen people and treasured possession and their separation from idolatry in Canaan was important to the nations spiritual health. Their responsibility was to obey God’s commands, for then he could bless them as he had promised.
Obeying the Lord means doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason. The three essentials for Israel’s conquest and enjoyment of the promised land were: listening to God‘s word, remembering it, and obeying it. They are still the essentials for a successful and satisfying Christian life today.
How we respond to the tests of life reveals what’s really in our hearts. When God allows a difficult circumstance to test us, we will either trust him and become more mature, or tempt him and become more miserable. The difference is believing the promises of God and relying on the Lord to care for us and bring us through for his glory and our good. I am reminded of what I used to tell my children and now I’m telling my grandchildren:
My goodness! There was just so much in today’s reading.
Israel was God’s chosen people and treasured possession and their separation from idolatry in Canaan was important to the nations spiritual health. Their responsibility was to obey God’s commands, for then he could bless them as he had promised.
Obeying the Lord means doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason. The three essentials for Israel’s conquest and enjoyment of the promised land were: listening to God‘s word, remembering it, and obeying it. They are still the essentials for a successful and satisfying Christian life today.
My goodness! There was just so much in today’s reading.
Israel was God’s chosen people and treasured possession and their separation from idolatry in Canaan was important to the nations spiritual health. Their responsibility was to obey God’s commands, for then he could bless them as he had promised.
My goodness! There was just so much in today’s reading.
JANE K – OH LOVE!!❤️ Praying, praying!
Thank you for reaching out.❤️
MARTINA AHLBRANDT – Thank you, Darling! I’ve been told a form of this before but, it is so crucial to hear/read/remember it! A thousand times, God bless you ❤️ (Any chance you remember the name of the podcast?)
JANE K- Oh my! Will be praying
The verse that stood out to me most was Deuteronomy 8:2 ” and thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldst keep his commandments, or no.” Are we in a time of ‘proving’ now? Have we been leaving God out of the equation long enough that He is seeing who will be faithful? Just a few thoughts…
My daughter will have another ultrasound today to check on the health of her baby. She has been spotting, and they are concerned for the baby’s life. Would you please pray for protection for this new life? I also need prayer for my sister, Julie, and her husband, Chuck. Their 36-year-old son died this week, possibly from a seizure. They are suffering and not allowing anyone to be around them. It’s been a tough week. My husband was diagnosed with COVID and my daughter and I are waiting for our appointments to get tested today.
Thank you Lord for growing the sweet little one in VictoriaE and that we can all remember your blessings and mighty works as prayers are offered and answered here. Prayers for Jon’s surgery, and peace for you and your husband Adrienne as you wait. Arina, I loved what you said in your response, the remembering and repetition stood out to me as well. Lord God help me to remember, to continuously choose you and only serve you.Thank you friends for your comments on my question (VictoriaE, CeeGee and Catherine!) yesterday! Always a gift in your words Tina!
God is the only reason why I have made it this far. I give all of my failures and victories to Him, always. I hope people never forget how far God has brought them and how far God will continue to bring them. Have a blessed day sisters
Munchkin, praying for you.
Haha, KELLY!! I needed that “From above devotional…”. Really :)
(I’m more of an ‘auditory learner’)
God bless you!
Awaiting your comment, Miss ERB!
Thank you TINA, as always…keep that beauty coming!!
Still missing CHURCHMOUSE!
SEARCHING – Yes! The reading also reminded me of what God said to Gideon re: victory with so few men “or Israel would boast against me, ‘My own strength has saved me.’ ”
MUNCHKIN – Praising God for your testimony… praying that all darkness will be far, far away from you.
Thank you, my Jesus, for remembrance….you have always, ALWAYS been abundantly faithful to me. Still Lord, I come to you as a dumb sheep, unable to forgive myself for my own faults and asking You to step in miraculously. Bless all my sisters, with our prayers, whether we see them as great or small requests. Please meet us where we are at.
Tina, you are such a blessing. Thank you for your post.
I haven’t read the Devo yet but, wanted to get in early to
hold hands with ADRIENNE,
celebrate with VICTORIA E,
encourage all those in a season of waiting,
and pray for EACH of us in our joys, revelations, struggles, relationships and hurts.
I imagine things are a bit quieter now, MARTHA HIX, and I pray for you and your family as navigate through this time, praying for you. And for GRAMSIESUE and family.
Very humbly (?sheepishly) I ask for prayer for potential difficult meeting today (and WISDOM re: what to address and what to wait on), for favour from all involved and peace to accept what’s being presented to me. I pray that there will be a very meaningful, peaceful, joyous meeting tomorrow!!
Also, my husband’s heart hasn’t “softened” towards those involved and there are some things (e.g. olive branch) that I can’t do without him; I think some of it is wise on his part so I will hold his hand.
MOST OF ALL,I pray for the kids involved who, without full understanding of the situation may feel hurt / rejected / betrayed by me…this has threatened to break me since, from childhood, God has put me here to be a joy, an abundantly loving…healer. I need to be reminded that He holds it all in His hands but,I…but I just…I just CAN’T be the source of someone’s sadness!! (I was laughing with a friend yesterday how badly I feel when I make a movie recommendation and they don’t like it, that I’ve wasted their time…let alone having the children I love most in the world be unsure, due to circumstances, if they were loved / loveable at all).
Forgive me, my beloved Sisters, I’m rambling and likely not fully coherent… please just pray God works in everyone’s hearts, minds, spirits and that God’s truth will shine through and the devils will be far, far away.
Lord Jesus, turn my “but I” into “But, God”
I genuinely love you all❤️ (Forgive me for length)
We used to be foster parents so I have some perspective there. One thing that popped in my mind while I was reading your request was from a podcast I used to listen to about fostering that often reminded listeners, “Love is never wasted.” Even if circumstances change, God will use everything you’ve poured in and will grow it and multiply it. Praying for wisdom for today’s meeting and for God’s protection and direction for you all.
It can be easy to read about the Israelites and wonder why do they so quickly forget or seek their own way. Then I reflect on my own life and see the many times I needed the prompting and prodding to live in God’s will for my life. If I practice remembering regularly, I may need less redirection and could naturally be more drawn to praising God for what he has already done. God is faithful!
As I read these verses I am reminded of the slavery of depression that God has delivered me from. This is not to say I no longer have it or that I don’t have to take medicine for it, or that I never deal with it, but he delivered from the pit of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. Yet, as I enter a new job and all my old triggers are there again,I feel myself spiraling.
But God,
I just have to keep my eyes on him. Please pray for me my sisters that the devil not get his way and I don’t let the dark consume me.
Munchkin, Offering up prayers for you for protection and strength as you enter this new position.
ADRIENNE – Praying for the hands and minds involved in this surgery; praying also for those who need to wait patiently for the hours that surgery takes…may God fill them with peace for you. (Oh, just read your comment…and fun preschoolers!)
VICTORIA E – I feel so honoured and happy to be on this journey with you — literally knitting you booties in my mind :)
BROOKE PARKER – Honoured to be on this journey with you (and a few other She’s) too! Praying you feel Jesus by your side every moment.
Good morning sisters! Continued prayers for our son, Jon, please. Surgery will be soon. (Check-in and the trip down went well… thanks God! Only one person could go with, so I’m getting info from hubby. I have to teach at preschool anyway.) Thanks for your prayers, and have a blessed day!
Verses that especially stood out to me today –
7:26 Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing. (NKJV)
A reminder to be careful about what I bring into my “house” – not only my physical house but my heart, mind, eyes, phone & tablet screens, TV, …
And 8:11 – 20
11 “Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today, 12 lest—when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; 13 and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied; 14 when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; 15 who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water; who brought water for you out of the flinty rock; 16 who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do you good in the end— 17 then you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.’
18 “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. 19 Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish. 20 As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God.
Especially 17 & 18 – wealth & success are powerful distractions and these verses brought to my mind the saying – give credit where credit is due.
Remember to remember …
Praying for needs mentioned each day, rejoicing with VICTORIA E and praying for MARTHA HIX. Prayer please for a family member approaching an anniversary of similar loss.
Prayer request for my extended family – one day everyone is getting along and the next thing you know, the family is being torn apart with no recognizable trigger. Especially praying for those involved who don’t know the Lord.
Thank you TINA for your testimony – you are a blessing to us!
Hope all my sisters here have a good Friday and weekend.
From above devotional “God is the only reason you are at the moment, time, or place that you are.” May I rest in His goodness and wisdom in placing me here and now, knowing full well that like the Israelites it is not because of my inherent righteousness, but because of God’s righteous plans. REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER
I needed these verses today, we are made to need to be reminded. So easily we get off track not just some of us, all of us do in some way, shape or form, God knows that, He created us in His own image He not only created our exterior but our interior, so thankfully He gets us.
It seems like those first chapters of Deuteronomy just keep repeating the same message. Keep the commands the Lord has given you. Remember. Don’t forget. Remember what God has done. How He loved you, provided for you in the wilderness, remained faithful. Remember and trust Him that He will do the same in the future. Be humble and love Him. Don’t serve other gods. Don’t forget what He has done and keep His commands, so that you will prosper. These same themes over and over. Moses knew that hearing it once was not enough for the Israelites. Time and time again, we need to remember. Daily we need to look back and see how God has been faithful in our lives. Remember what He has done for me by sending His own Son. Not because of my righteousness or integrity but because of His love and faithfulness. Don’t forget, so that we will obey and glorify Him.
I remember you all in my prayers.
VICTORIA E. My heart sings!❤
ERB, holding you close as I lift you up in prayer..❤
TRACI GENDRON, sending love, hugs and prayers your way, in hope that they reach you, Tanner, and your husband …❤
ADRIENNE, praying for your sons surgery to go well, led by the Great Physician Himself.❤
KELLY, I am re- membering dear sister, absolutely remembering!❤
DOROTHY You are held tightly in my prayers. Hope you are well❤
SHARON JERSEY GIRL, He surely does love you..❤
PENCE SPAN, He sees you. He gets you. The fear of the Lord is YOUR strength..❤
CHURCHMOUSE, I miss you friend.❤
SARAH JOY, EMMA K, CEE GEE, CLAIRE B, AND TO ALL HERE.. I thank God for you every day..
Be blessed!❤
I have spent each day of the last 17 years remembering!
I remember the year that led up to. The weeks that held us, as a family, confused and captive.
I remember the day.
The day my world fell apart, the day dreams were shattered, and life was never to be the same.. oh boy do I remember!
But God..
I also remember THAT day, sitting with my tear stained face, exhausted from the weeks of ranting and raving at God, and His gentleness and mercy so lovingly wrapped in grace, filling my heart with hope, of a ‘one day that will come in His time..
THAT day has sustained me.. THAT day of hope bringing and giving, has been my solace when I have forgotten His goodness and mercy, when I lose my way and go off track, THAT day has been my route home to the One who shows me grace, love, mercy…so very, and absolutely covered in hope..
I remember.
I remember.
I remember.
But God..
Thank you God, thank you for always being the Light that guides me and my way home to you.
Thank you.
Sending, as always love and hugs across the pond, wrapped in prayers for a peacefilled and God blessed weekend..❤
I need to be more obedient to God’s commands.
Remember the sabbath to keep it holy