Remember His Provision

Open Your Bible

Exodus 16:1-36, Exodus 34:21, Nehemiah 13:15-22, Matthew 6:19-34

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

Resting in Christ means that we can trust Him for ultimate provision, even when He calls us to cease from our physical work. He has all we need.

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70 thoughts on "Remember His Provision"

  1. Jeanna Vance says:

    You supply all my needs. Thank you Jesus.

  2. Susan Marie Hill says:

    Even when He calls us to cease physical work, we have all that we need. What a gem.

  3. Annkelly Myers says:

    With Christ I lack nothing. So thankful He gives us all that we need.

  4. Joy Hale says:

    He gives me everything I need!

  5. Chelsea W. says:

    I think my anxiety comes from not knowing if I’m doing the right thing, am I following his instructions and why do I feel like I can’t hear him. Reading the scriptures are starting to reveal a little to me though.

  6. Rachel says:

    I’ve been called out by God – my complaints have been endless, and I have only been focusing on the negative parts of my life, just sitting and wallowing in my anxiety and distress. But these complaints are against the Lord, and they show my lack of trust in Him and His provision and His ability to provide.

    I am guilty of throwing aside the Sabbath because of my prioritization of other things or other things that I deem as needing more of my time, but He has truly designed the the world so that we get rest. He will provide, so that we can get rest.

    Exodus 34:21 – you must even rest during plowing and harvesting times

    Nehemiah sets such an excellent example of keeping the Sabbath holy. He protects the Sabbath at all costs, demonstrating how much we should be doing the same. He follows this command that he is willing to use force and do everything in his power to keep it holy. The Sabbath is not optional – it’s a command.

    I have been guilty of serving both God and money. My worries about securing a summer job cannot co-exist with a praise and trust in God. The cure of anxiety section in Matthew has straight up CALLED ME OUT. Every day I find a new thing to worry about and yet I still do not bring these things to God, the one who provides ultimate peace. Our Heavenly Father KNOWS that we need these things, and if I truly believe that He is the provider, then I should live it out. He knows, He cares, and He listens.

    Needed this devo! <3

  7. Kelsey Hasse says:

    He has ALL that I need. Press they into our hearts Lord!

  8. Sarah Milbert says:

    Why is it so hard to just Him to provide. It’s a huge struggle for me to not be anxious about life.

  9. Ada McCloud says:

    We have what we need

  10. Tiffany Taylor says:

    Resting is active faith!

  11. v7thal Cristelle says:

    He is the best Father

  12. Amy Fokkens says:

    He will always provide, Jehovah Jireh! ❤️

  13. Andrea Ingersoll says:

    Holy Spirit, help me to rest and know that everything in my life belongs to the Father and that He always is my provider. Thank you Lord

  14. Erin Carr says:

    This brings me such peace. Thank you Jesus!

  15. Sharon Bamford says:

    Thank you! ❤️

  16. Terri Baldwin says:

    19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 31 and I provided for the wood offering at appointed times, and for the firstfruits. SEEK THE KINGDOM FIRST!

    Remember me, O my God, for good. – Matthew 6:5,19-21,31

  17. Melissa Mcronney says:


  18. Leonie Annor-Owiredu says:

    This verse especially hits deep, I’ve been out of work for some time now and resting on this word as true God knows what I need and is abundantly able

  19. Claire B says:


  20. Ashley England says:

    Therefore I tell you- do not worry about tomorrow. Today has enough troubles of its own. My heart needed that one. Having an anxiety disorder makes life hard sometimes, but learning to rest in Him…. That’s powerful.

    1. SusieMarie Howe says:

      My heart needs that too! I struggle with anxiety also.

  21. Mercy says:

    When all manners of burdens come to camp at your wall, resist the urge to open your gate and pick them up. KJV uses the word “burden” in Nehemiah passage. Don’t pick up the burden, ask God instead to remove them by force … Hence we must labour to enter to our rest. Aka Rest doesn’t automatically come. The enemies won’t let us rest. Resist all we can. Be blessed dear sisters.

    1. SusieMarie Howe says:

      Yes! Ask God to remove our burdens and anxiety!

  22. Truth Seeker says:


    Beautifully put
    Love your insight

  23. Allison Bentley says:

    30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? – Matthew 6:30 LOVE THIS REMINDER!!!

  24. Adrianne says:

    It’s hard but I’m going to keep trying to trust in His provision. I’m going to keep seeking His provision. His word and wisdom. His love and the rest I can find in the love He shines on His people.

  25. Kacie Sharpe says:

    I would have gathered more manna
    Hoarded it like a scavenger
    Until my pockets were stuffed
    My purse filled to the brim
    Scared of what tomorrow would bring
    Regardless if Your promises.

    I would have smelled the rotten mess
    When I awoke

    My doubt, a stench that seeps into every crevice
    Oh ye of little faith

    I scoff at the Israelites stupidity
    And quickly realize
    How I hoard
    They sit stale around me
    Like maggoty bread

    You told them you are enough
    That what you give is enough
    You remind me time and again
    This world will not fulfill
    The emptiness inside
    Only You can do that.

    May this be as an Omer to me
    To store up treasures in heaven
    That moth or rust can never destroy.

  26. Rachele Johnson says:

    Lord, help me to seek the treasures to be stored up above. Change my heart Lord. Jo, thank you for reminding us of the words of Job. Let us not hold tight to this world, but store up treasures by the fruits of the Spirit.

  27. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I remember when I was in college, I never did any school work on Sunday. It made more work that I had to complete the rest of the week, but I always got everything done. I loved that time of sabbatical rest. I practiced the same sabbatical rest when I was working in the school district as a school psychologist.I didn’t complete any reports on Sunday. God always provided.

  28. Teresa Donley says:

    If God clothes the birds and the fields, He is most certainly providing all that I need. I pray that I can be thankful every day for God’s provision for that day.

  29. Regina Clinton says:

    My Heavenly Father, thank You for always providing, even when I don’t see a way. You are always on time! In Jesus Name, Amen

  30. Kelsea Terry says:

    This study really resonates with me! Resting in God, knowing He has got me!

  31. Kelsea Terry says:

    This study really resonates with me! Learning how to rest in God, knowing he has got me!

  32. Lexi B says:

    Today’s reading really resonated with me today. I am in a season where I really have to learn to trust God’s provision like never before. It is making me realize how much I trusted in myself before. I am much like the Israelites, forgetting all that God has provided for me…I am litterally sitting in a home that is a complete provision of God. This season I must learn not to strive but rest in Him, knowing that He’s taking care of it all.

    Lifting up all the prayers here!

  33. Dorothy says:

    “He has all we need.” That says it ALL. So while reading the first Exodus Scripture two things occurred to me — the first is that God sent the maggots to eat up the extra of those who stored it when it wasn’t the Sabbath. The second was something — even though I have read this Scripture multiple times I never caught it — was that GOD had the foresight to save back some manna for future generations to see and for them to put it in the Ark of the Covenant. GOD of the Past, Present and Future!!!!
    As I have mentioned previously, my Bible is a devotional Bible; it has a devotion to go along with the verses in Matthew — the main verse being Matthew 6:21 — and I would like to share from the “Reflection” section of the devotion: ” If you really want to know where your treasure is, take a personal inventory of your life. Look at your calendar. Where do you spend your time? Look at what you own. What do you spend your money on? What do you think about most often? When WE ALLOW GOD to show us what the desires of our hearts are, we know where we are storing up our treasure. ASK GOD to help you rearrange and change whatever He needs to so that your treasure will be STORED UP IN HEAVEN.” (The emphasis is mine.) I know I will be looking at my calendar and schedule, what about you, my sisters?
    Lord, help me to remember what said in Matthew 6:19-34 when I get concerned and/or worried about these things. Amen.
    Sisters be blessed and turn it ALL, and I mean ALL, over to the Lord.

  34. Tyler Rapke says:

    This was the exact message I got from today’s reading. Building trust that He will always provide, even and especially when he has asked us to step back from our work where we derive a sense of security. I loved this message.

  35. Cee Gee says:

    Love all the heartfelt comments as usual! LISA CHAPEK – outstanding insight especially about the gate!

    SARAH D and TAYLOR – I will continue to pray for you and your desire for a mate. As I often remind our son , God will bring that about in His timing. When I met the man I married I was not seeking a mate. In fact I was fresh out of a 2 year relationship that didn’t work out and I had vowed that I was never getting married! We met in November, got married the following April, and have been married 47 years! Like manna and every other need, GOD WILL PROVIDE! TRUST and BELIEVE.

  36. Natalie H says:

    What does Sabbath look like for you as a daily practice? On Monday, I was listening to the podcast with Beth Moore and heard God saying, “Be still, be quiet, be present.” He directed me to turn off the podcasts and music I typically listen to during the day as I get my work done and practice resting my mind on him. That spurred a lot of anxiety in me especially as I prepared for a 4 mile run with just the sound of my breathe and feet hitting the ground. As I was running, the meditation of my heart was “Less of me, Lord, more of you, Lord.” For now, I am practicing Sabbath rest daily, in turning off all the things for a few hours each day, doing my work quietly, listening for God’s voice, and being present with him.

  37. Mari V says:

    @Michelle Patire. Thank YOU! That’s so sweet!

  38. Donna Wolcott says:

    Rhonda, I served in a men’s prison ministry in medium security for almost 3 years. Wednesday night bible study and Sunday morning services. I found it to be a blessing and humbling. My wish for you is the same. I will lift you in prayer as they so wanted to believe God has forgiven, this they struggle with deeply. God less you.

  39. Traci Gendron says:

    Exodus 16:28 The Lord said, “How long will you refuse to keep my commands and instructions?” I can read His word and study it, then turn around and do my own thing. When will I be willing to completely live for Him? And what does that look like?

    There is so much that is good in Matthew. God and possessions – I like my things. I enjoy decorating and then I wonder how Godly is that? I like fashion and it shows. I have more than enough, but turn around and go buy something else. I try to share what I have been given. I give my clothes away to the young girls that used to work for us. They are so appreciative and it makes my heart happy.

    I learned not to look too far ahead in life. I knew Tanner would not be with me in the future. It kept me in the moment. Now I wonder if I need to look ahead a bit. I’m older and life will be near the end before I know it. I don’t want to waste any precious time God has for me.

  40. Holly Shelton says:

    He provides! We do not have to live in worry but can be free from all anxiety.

  41. Kathleen Englebert says:

    That last passage in Matthew from today really resonated. I am on maternity leave now, and decided to step down from my current job where I was working for the past seven years. Knowing I need to find new work by summer, I started spinning out in all directions to look for what’s available. Reading the passage today was a helpful reminder that God has just the right job for me when the time comes. One that will bring him glory.

  42. Jennifer Hays says:

    My study Bible said: “the provision of manna on 6 days only but none on the 7th was a WEEKLY lesson on the nature of the Sabbath as a different day. It taught the people to keep the Sabbath properly, and acted as a CHALLENGE to obey God’s commands.”

  43. Elizabeth McGee says:

    I think I understand now that the Sabbath command is not just about rest or “self-care,” it’s about TRUST. Trusting God and not our own efforts. Reminding ourselves that He is our security and not work.

  44. lisa chapek says:

    Right off the bat, I find it comforting that God provided for Israel’s need even when they grumbled against Him. At the same time, I’m convicted that every time I complain, it’s not against people or circumstances, it’s really against God who is my only Source. The other thing that hit me is that just like Nehemiah had to post guards at the gate to keep out the merchants on Sabbath, I have to intentionally post guard on my heart and mind to keep Sabbath. The cares of this world will try to camp outside my gate and I have to be fierce with them as Nehemiah was with the merchants. They are trying to rob me of my relationship with God and others by taking His rightful priority in my life.

  45. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Mari – praying God gives you the wisdom to make the right decision in purchasing a vehicle and in everything you need to decide as a single mom. I imagine that it can be very overwhelming at times, please take comfort in knowing others are praying for you.

  46. Rebecca W says:

    Good morning Shes! I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better Michelle Patire and I agree that so much anxiety is exacerbated in your younger generation because of social media. Like anything, it can be used for God’s glory, but when hours of scrolling, even Christian sites, takes the place of living, then something needs to change. It’s a fine line for sure.
    I am getting some good rest and fun as I spend a week with my three sisters in Florida! A time of sharing, laughing, praying, and just having fun! So grateful to my Jesus!
    Lifting my She sisters in prayer this day! And @Rhonda, praying your prison ministry will be a blessing today and your small pain group as well. ❤️

  47. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Rest is so important. God continuously mentions Sabbath rest, He deemed it necessary and so should I. God wanted one day of the week to be set apart and different from all the others. In doing so – the focus can be on Him, His provision, His presence. My prayer is that I will be more intentional about resting, stopping, taking time out to meditate on the One who is my Jehovah-Jireh, (The LORD will provide) my provider. (Genesis 22:14) When I remember who He is, it leaves no room for worry!

    @Taylor and @Sarah D – praying for you both – I have been since you both shared your struggles with singleness and will continue to pray. May God direct your hearts on how to move forward, may He give you peace in the waiting, and may His will be done…Whether you meet your special someone or not, God has a special plan for both of you. Continue what you are doing – searching, praying and waiting and living each day for His glory.

    A blessed Wednesday to all my SRT sisters!

  48. Michelle Patire says:

    Mari, I was just thinking of you last night when I logged on here. Will pray!!

  49. Mari says:

    HE has all we need! Just what I needed to hear this morning. Since leaving a very emotionally and abusive marriage, my God, my Jesus, Jehovah Jireh has been providing for my kids and I. I may not have everything, but I have what I need. God is so good! Lately, I’ve been praying for direction, and wisdom that I may know which vehicle my God has for me. This is major for me and I want to make sure I make the right decision. Dear She’s please join me in prayer for direction. As single parent, I need to make sure I make a wise decision.

  50. Michelle Patire says:

    Matthew 6:19-21 says basically “live for heavenly income, not earthly incomd.” Noted. I

    thank you for praying for me. I am trying to trust God and keep my mind focused on heavenly things, today. I wonder if scrolling on social media is creating any anxiety. I do a fast twice a year for 30-40 days bc it is such a distraction to my spirit. I just finished one end of January.
    My goal is to learn to have a healthy relationship with social media. I would love to learn that sooner rather than later. I want to stay connected and help reach this younger generation with the tools of tech they have. I know I’m not the only one struggling. I don’t want to settle and be a slave to win when Christ has freed me. You know? We DO have authority in our lives to say no to scrolling. May the Lord help us as we live for His kingdom and not our own.

  51. Rhonda J. says:

    @Sarah D- Much wisdom there about singleness! It is so hard in the wait when you desire a spouse and family, but I can tell you I made many bad moves when I was single, in the wait with a 2 year old, for 5 years before my husband. (If only I could erase those mistakes). Then when God sent my spouse, I knew he was “right.” The others were my bad choices out of loneliness and pushing for it myself. :/ Also love that you pointed out once you are married…you still find yourself wishing for the greener grass sometimes. SO we must put all our hope in the Lord, his guidance, his wisdom….his timing.

    Have a good day She’s! I have an exciting day to go join the prison ministry today!! We had the orientation yesterday, and today I go in with the leader to minister to (with) the female prisoners! It was a bit overwhelming learning the do’s and don’ts of being around the prisoners…but I know the God will bring good from it. Also I have my 2nd small group on Chronic Pain this morning, I pray it will be a comfort and blessing for all of us as we lean into God, and know that he has healing for us, and will lay his Spirit among us as we share with each other our afflictions. Prayers appreciate for this day, and these ministries. It is really hard for me to be busy like this because of my back and leg pain, but it is a blessing!!

  52. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  53. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning everyone! Praying I would remember God’s sovereignty, and that even in impossible situations, the Lord will use the hardship to demonstrate his glory.

    @Kimberly Z, have so much fun in England, that sounds so awesome!!
    @Taylor, praying for you too!! Funny that you mentioned dating apps…I recently went back on one and then downloaded another one! I’m trying to be really prayerful about it and ask the Lord to guard my heart. One of the apps I downloaded is called Holy, which is a Christian app. It seems to be nice so far, not as many people in my area but I like how it is Christian owned and based. I think for me, there is a balancing between trusting God and living my life, and also putting myself out there to meet people and pray for a future spouse. I think it comes down to our motives and our heart behind it…are we looking for someone else to fulfill us, or are we understanding that only Christ can satisfy us? Marriage also has hard parts just like singleness does. It’s not wrong to desire marriage, but I think it can be harmful if we make it ultimate and place it above God. There’s an episode on the Becoming Something podcast they did this week on singleness which was really good!! Also a Youtuber I like named Kaci Nicole did a video called “Waiting on God, or Taking Initiative”, which I thought was helpful too…definitely recommend checking those out! Praying for you!

  54. Libby K says:

    My prayer for myself as well, Aimee.

  55. Searching says:

    Trust and obey … this hymn, written I believe in the 1800’s, came to mind this morning. The children of Israel did neither, over and over. Many times I do neither, Lord please forgive me. Praying for wisdom and guidance for me and each of us, healing and comfort for the many that are in need.

    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying you are feeling better, and praying for your family overall ❤️

  56. Sydney Smith says:

    Ohhhhh Matthew 6:25-34 TRULLY the cure for anxiety. How I have needed these verses soooo much this first year of motherhood. Thank you God for your constant provision. Continue to heal me from this anxiety.

  57. Annie says:

    The Lord has the provision that I truly need.

    Lord help me not to falsely rely on money. I know it is easy to do so unconsciously. I trust You, Lord for ALL my needs.

  58. Danielle B says:

    What a great reminder today of where our provision comes from.

  59. Penny W says:

    Exodus‬ ‭34‬:‭21‬ really struck me today. “You are to labor six days but you must rest on the seventh day; you must even rest during plowing and harvesting times.” No matter how important or urgent the work seems, God still commands the people to take a day off and rest. A good lesson for me today.

  60. Charlie says:

    The Matthew passage sent me down memory lane in a sweet way. When I was a very little girl, one of my much older brothers was a huge Phil Keaggy fan. The song “A Time and a Place” from what is probably his first album follows the Matthew verses. Very sweet.

  61. Brandi says:

    Father forgive me for the many, many times I have been and am so hard headed and I doubt what You what You say! Even standing right there in the middle of Your Miracle, Your Victory, Your Deliverance- I’m either looking around for what You’ve already provided or gathering up things that are going to rot. . .
    Instead I should be and I want to be in my space You’ve blessed me with resting and praising and celebrating and finding my comfort in You. I want to immediately be mindful that when You say it-it’s already done. I want to be mindful that each day I walk into Your Provision and answered prayer for THAT day! Out of my tent and start gathering Your manna! ❤️ I love You Yeshua! In Your Mighty Name I pray!

  62. Taylor says:

    @Michelle Patire praying for you that you feel better! @Kimberly Z love hearing you share about your travels in England :) I got to explore London, Oxford, and the Cotswolds in August and I loved every second of it! @Sarah D praying for you <3

    Feeling convicted to "Remember His Provision" for my love life. I got back on a dating app and already I'm feeling like I shouldn't be on here. I'm feeling convicted to trust God's timing and to not take matters into my own hands. Praying I can trust and obey instead of acting out of fear and control. I hope everyone has a blessed day <3

  63. Elaine Morgan says:

    I’m so grateful for our Heavenly Father who provides all that we need if only we will trust Him. I will rest in this promise today.

  64. Aimee D-R says:

    Father forgive me for when I don’t trust enough in Your provision. In Jesus name, Amen

  65. Diana Davis says:

    God alone deserves to be my Master…He promises to provide and always has.

  66. Debbie -Pursued by Him says:

    “ Matthew 6:20–21 (CSB): But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

    Lord, help me to focus on you as I go through my day, in every conversation, in every action, in every reaction, in every thought. Lord, I want you to be my treasure! In the name of Jesus, Amen!

  67. Jo says:

    We can truly rest when we know who we are in Him. There is no need to strive because we have the confidence that can only be found in the knowledge that He has everything we need. I love Job’s words
    “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord” Job 1:21
    Job’s worship..oh wow…they are not just words.
    And the writer to the Hebrews who said
    “Be content with what you have, for God has said ‘never will I leave you, never will I forsake you ‘”.
    That is sufficient for me …

  68. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Look on me with compassion according to the abundance of your faithful love.”

    The Sabbath is a gift of compassion from God. A day to restore our souls and bodies so that we may serve Him better the other six days.

    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying you feel better today